《Otherworldly Teacher》Chapter Five


Note:"lllllllllllll" - for direct conversation

'lllllllllllll' - through indirect conversation

lllllllllllll - thoughts


Chapter Five: The Guardians

As Seigehart walked nonchalantly out of the deep scorched crater clouded in smoke screen made by two distinct powerful flames. His silhouette became more clearer. Two beings with frowned and serious atmosphere around them were patiently waiting for him to come out and Seigehart could perfectly perceived it through his divine sense unnoticeable.

This Two beings were the Labyrinth's inner Guardians. Two Variant Dragons with [Primordial rank bloodline] at initial stage of HighGod rank. One was the [Black Ice Dragon] while the other was the [White Glacier Dragon], Arco and Kovric. Waiting in their human form.

"Arco... " Kovric called with grim expression, as he was anxious.

Kovric was about to remind Arco to be cautious, but got interrupted when he saw Arco had the same expression as him.

"I know. I already used my Divine sense multiple times, yet I couldn't sense him. As if he didn't exis. If we engaged in fight with him. We'll die." Arco speaks out his thoughts.

"if you couldn't afford to go against the wave, go with its flow, huh... " Arco said, as he chuckled to himself, mocking himself. While Kovric couldn't do anything but sigh to their misfortune.

The moment Seigehart got out of the smoke cloud. He looked at the distance and immediately saw Arco and Kovric before him wearing a sell mocking expressions. He immediately understood what was on their mind.

'looks like, I don't need to fight now. I'm expecting it but... Nevermind. It's more convenient this way.' he shrugged, dusted off his clothes, then walk towards the Arco and Kovric.

When Seigehart arrived in front of them. Kovric carefully and politely asked. "Senior, pardon but could we know what's your purpose on conquering this labyrinth? Sorry for my impoliteness." Kovric said, bowed his head and waited for Seigehart's respond before looking at him, the same as Arco.

"hmm... You two were the inner guardians? " Seigehart asked nonchalantly while rubbing his chin. Then Arco replied politely. As he looked at Seigehart.

"ah, yes we are senior. It's our obligation to guard this place, for we were made for that one purpose. We live together to guard this labyrinth with our lives on the line." Arco replied, his voice darkened as he said the last several words, and bowed his head again.

"hahaha..." Seigehart chortled

As Kovric and Arco heard it, clenching their fist. They already prepared their self for the worse, for they know that the latter words have had indirectly offended Seigehart. As dragons they won't let themselves die without retaliation.

Kovric and Arco secretly circulated their energy inside their body, preparing their most deadly attack.

"I see... " Seigehart replied nonchalantly

Urgh! They almost fell with their faces on the ground when they heard it. Heaving in relief, that this person have a good temperate and not as too lofty as they thought.

Calming their selves, awaited Seigehart's reply.

"before that, tell me your names." Seigehart asked. Then Kovric and Arco straighten their selves.

"I'm called Arco. I'm a [Black Ice Dragon] and this one is Kovric a [White Glacier Dragon]. We are variants with [Primordial Rank Bloodline]." Arco said. As Seigehart nodded his head.


"are you two, one of the Ten Rulers?"

"no weren't one of them. We were secluded and only Wilhelm knows of our existence, for he is a Gate keeper. The only one left. "

The latter sentence intrigued Seigehart and speaks in an amused tone. "ohh~! So there's really four Gate keepers and you two were the real guardians of the the Labyrinth. But how come, I didn't saw a Gate keeper at Crystal Gate. Could you tell me why? Also if you're one of the Rulers, I wouldn't be surprised if you took control over the whole continent. You had the ability anyway."

Arco and Kovric looked at each other and nodded. Then Kovric explained what happened.

"it is because they were killed. When this labyrinth was exposed to the whole planet in the past. Many, no. All Immortal rank to God rank experts came and tried to conquered it and those three Gate keepers died in that onslaught. Actually, this labyrinth is the place where our master left all his treasures, as well as the place where he buried himself. In others words, this labyrinth is a tomb, and he left us the task to guard it. The truth is when he was about to die, because of poison from [Nine Nether Serpent]. We, his contracted spirit beasts where greatly delighted, for we would be free from his shackles that binds us from being his slaves, but we were gravelly wrong. Worst he tied our souls in this forsaken place before he died and we couldn't do anything about it, because we lacked strength at that time. While he was already a peak stage True God and the soul constricting technique he used was the [Earth and Heaven Soul Chained Technique], we could only do what he wanted in the end."

Kovric said as he reminiscence their past. "we guard this place every single day while finding the way to erase the seal. But after many millennia, we still yet to know how to do it and we could only gave up"

While Arco expatiate which became jeremiad. His face was all red from anger, even his voice became more darker and darker as he talked about it.

Seigehart already prepared a spell that could counter and cancel the soul constricting technique but he still needs to asked if the two dragon would want it. Though they would eventually and eagerly agree to it without problem.

"I see.. So that's what happened. Well, as for my purpose from intruding here, I don't have one. If you could say that wandering around was one valid reason, then that's it."

As the two dragon heard it, they couldn't take themselves to believe it. Whose person was out of his mind to enter an True God tomb full of Demi-God rank beasts and traps, including the guardians were two variant dragons just to wander around? That's insane! Well if he was not Seigehart then he's insane.

Blinking their eyes, as if they were just dreaming. Arco remember that they still didn't know who were they talking to, thus he asked. While cold sweat was trickling down on his back "uhmm, could we know who you are senior? If you don't want us to know, then there's no need for senior to answer."


He said forcing himself to smile, while on his mind he was already cursing.

"ah, right" he said pounding his fist on his palm. "you can call me Seigehart, then. I have a question for you two." Seigehart said, which perplexed Kovric and Arco.

"what is it senior? " Kovric asked.

"you've been guarding this tomb for many years, without your own volition. Thus, I have a proposal to you two, but this could only worked if you two agreed to it."

Kovric heard it, already knew what was Seigehart wants to propose.

If this person could free us from this forsaken place, then I'll without a doubt would agree to it. Even if he contracted us. But with this person's strength, I doubt he needs any contracted beasts. Heh! This person's soul spirit might be many times more stronger than us. Kovric thought.

What this person want? It's not like he could free us here... Ehh? Arco was a slow and a nut brain without a doubt.

'hey, Kovric what's this person want?' Arco dumbly asked through divine sense. Indeed, a nut brain.

Kovric wearing a dumb face. He almost curse loudly. this nut brain dragon! Argh! I want to strangle you at this moment!

'don't you get it? He wants to help us! Be free from the soul constricting technique!' Kovric exclaimed,

'if that's so then-'

'let me talked to him and don't barged in our conversation!' Kovric exclaimed through divine sense, shutting Arco down.

'okay' Arco dumbly replied.

Seigehart chuckled as he watched the two in their internal conflict.

"Ahh, senior don't mind Arco for now. If senior could free us from this place, then we would be eternally grateful. We would agree to anything just to be freed from this forsaken place. So please, senior tell us what you want and we would do it without complains." Kovric said bowing his head.

"actually, I don't have anything particular in mind. I asked you if you want to be freed from here because the Counter technique would only actived when you two agreed to be freed. Then..." Seigehart then raise his hand gesturing the activation of the spell. "[Rescinding Mist]!"

Ugh, its embarrassing. I felt like I have an 8thgrade syndrome Seigehart thought when he activated the technique.

As Seigehart said it. White Magic circle shined beneath them. Summoning white smoke, until it covered the whole labyrinth. Erasing the left over spell. Then, the intricacies of the spell engraved on the corners of the labyrinth shined and dissolved without a trace, eradicating the soul constricting spell.

Then, when the white smoke dispersed. Arco and Kovric's body shines and examined their soul and found that the marked on their soul disappeared completely, which delighted the two. Their eyes was filled with happiness, gratitude and desire to explore the outside world.

Immediately after Kovric and Arco have had finished examining their souls. They kowtow in front of Seigehart to show obsequious deference toward him, while Seigehart was baffled on what to do.

"boss! Thank you! We will accompany you to the end of the world! Thank you! Thank you!"

Kovric and Arco exulted, while banging their foreheads on the ground which made a crackling sounds and small concave hole which fit their foreheads.

"okay, okay stop. I need to leave now. Good luck to you two" Seigehart said and disappeared without a trace, which astounded the two.

Then a long silence filled the whole place.

"Kovric, did you see that?" Kovric asked breaking the silence.

"yeah, he just teleported out, so what's special about it? Even I could do that, but thanks to him we are now free! Hahaha! Freedom!" Arco shouted at the top of his lungs, raising both his hands clasping the air.

"you didn't felt it?" Kovric suspectingly asked.

"felt what?" Arco dumbly asked while smiling ear to ear.

"nothing, don't mind it. So what's were gonna do now?." Kovric asked. Regretted that he even asked it.

"you know what, you're a good liar. Haha! You fooled him. Though all of what you said was true, except for one. We didn't do this out of our own volition! We do this because what inside the labyrinth might have endangered the whole world, and its our duty to guard it. But what's important is we are now free and never tied to this underground! Hahaha! I'm gonna go to the human continent and have a good time! See you!"

As Arco said it. He disappeared using an mechanical teleportation device, leaving Kovric alone.

The labyrinth was again filled of silence, while Kovric's face became red with irritation.

"Arco! I will drag your ass back here! Just you wait stupid dragon!" Kovric roared imbued with divine energy, as it resounds through the labyrinth and give chill to all spirit beasts inside.

On the other hand, Arco appeared in the sky. His face was full of excitement as he imagines what he would encounter, as he teleported to the [Midgard continent].

While Seigehart at the moment, arrived at Blayne's cottage and saw him outside looking at the sky. Flying through the nigh night sky, landing in front of the cottage.

"so, how's the your walk. Is it amusing?" Blayne asked seated on the wooden chair in from of his cottage.

Feeling the tranquility of the forest under the stars. Then, Seigehart replied. "yes, its quite wonderful." he said looking at the sky too.

"is that so. Then, you could sleep in the room beside the room of Kdilla. I'll wake you up, when we're about to leave."

"then, good night, gramps. You could call me Seigehart. Then, good night again."

Seigehart said as he entered the cottage, straight to bed. Closed his eyes and sleep. While Blayne still staring at the sky, as he watched over the peaceful night, that came to the forest.

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