《Otherworldly Teacher》Chapter Four


Chapter Four: Walk in a park

Flying through the sky with moderate speed, the clouds dispersed while he passed through them. Feeling the touch of the wind, Siegehart notice that the moons were already glimmering above, within the ocean of stars.

Approaching his final destination, he visited the mythical places of [Ancient Continent] as if he was a tourist, amusing himself with good attraction in a theme park, before going back to Blayne's cottage, and attend the meeting with him.

The mythical [Underground Labyrinth of Zor]. Although its history was written inside the [Book of Universe]. He have the intuition that there are something that the book didn't mentioned, just like the other places he had visited.

Additionally, since million of years had already passed, his book is now outdated, and updating it would require a fixed amount of time, perhaps another million years condignly, to accumulate the new knowledge through out, and each corner of the universe

Furthermore, as the course of evolution continue, people discovered new knowledge, invented new things, that could also elongate the designated time frame, which could be vexatious. Thus, he decided to update it little by little, until it was fully updated.

Arriving at the [Crystal Gate], the 3rd entrance of the labyrinth, located near the [Well of Ancients], a one feet wide old well which is empty and covered in [Green luminous Moss], a medicinal plant used as pain reliever and cure at several mild poisons. Just from glancing at it, one could saw that the ancient civilization had and lived an extravagant life, because of the materials used just to make a water well.

Genuinely, the [Underground Labyrinth of Zor] have four entrances. First is the portal inside the [Sea of Blore Dungeonï 50th floor at the [Crystal Cove Swamp] which is very dangerous, second is the [Abyss Ice Gate] beneath the very depth of the [Abyssal Lake], third is the [Crystal Gate] which is the safest path, and lastly the [Lava Mouth Vortex] which is concealed under the [Dragon's Volcano].

This entrances are also the only exit, however turning back is not possible. Once entered at the certain entrance one could only exit on the other entrance. The [Crystal Gate] is the safest because it's connected only at the very start of the labyrinth, while the other is connected at the innermost part of the labyrinth. That's why the three guardians guard those three entrances.

But unfortunately, before even someone successfully conquered the labyrinth. The three guardians of the labyrinth will seek and kill them to silence them, for the secrecy of the labyrinth, that's why no one were able to take out even a single coin outside, and live to tell the tale. However, not for Siegehart.

Upon inspecting the [Crystal Gate], Siegehart discovered that it could be altered and set an definite location for teleportation inside the labyrinth which he finds somewhat convenient enough, for he wouldn't have need to fight his way through inside.

However, when he had tried to tampered with it. Layers upon layers of high leveled magic seals, circles and runes appeared protecting, preventing any foreign power from altering it and eventually shutting down itself. Without the [Crystal Gate] to enter. Siegehart felt helpless on what was happened.


After scrutinizing the gate. Siegehart finds that the gate would not be opened in 10 years, for its core was damaged, have entropy amongst its system and needed 10 years to repair itself, and interfering would greatly worsen its condition, which is not good.

"never saw this coming... Who would have thought that the gate was protected by many powerful seals... If I knew it was there, this would not happen. Lesson learned don't dive if you don't know how deep the water is. This was not in the book though"

Seigehart signed as he flew passed the gate, heading towards the [Abyssal Lake] which is next to his current location, the place where the second gate resides.

"I'm relying on the knowledge of the book too much. That I didn't take precautions. As I thought there still things the book don't know. Lesson learned..." he muttered as head towards the Abyssal Lake.

The [Abyssal Lake] is wide, about hundred kilometer and a hundred thousand kilometers deep. The mirror like water surface prevented lights from passing through. Resulting in dark colored water and absolute zero temperature, but surprisingly not freezing, as if it was the void itself, that's why it was called [Abyssal Lake].

But unlike the void which is silent and devoid of any life. The [Abyssal Lake] habitate many types of spirit beasts, which caused chaos under its serene surface, eat or be eaten is the rule in this hypocrite world.

As Seigehart gazed down upon the lake. He stretched out his divine sense. The lake revealed its indigenous spirit beasts and integral places to him, watching it from the surface, as he searched for the [Abyss Ice Gate].

His body flickered, rushing donwards to the place where the third gate is located. Its in a particular cave, inside the body of Transport type spirit beasts, the [Adamant Fortress Whale]. Like a turtle it has a mountain like shell on its back, while have the body of a whale.

A giant Whale, bigger than a regular mountain. This whale is one of the labyrinth guardians, also holds the name [Abyssal Lake Ruler, Wilhelm]. One of the Ten Ruler of Ancient Continent, a peak God rank spirit beasts.

As Seigehart pierced his way through the dark gloomy dense water of [Abyssal Lake] where his only vision was his divine sense. His clothes weren't even soaked as if the water was avoiding him. Without any resistance, Siegehart arrived at the location, a few kilometers away where Wilhelm currently in state of deep slumber.

Peacefully, where even Emperor rank spirit beasts don't even dared to come closer within hundred kilometer, while preventing any spirit beasts from going further like their lives was on the line.

When all Emperor rank spirit beasts saw Seigehart, a human dare to enter and dive in the [Abyssal Lake] without fear of life deprivation, while they noticed that even low rank spirit beasts fled when they saw him passed by.

As the Emperor rank spirit beasts still yet to gain humanoid form, their bestial instincts overtake them. They fled to the surface using all their energy, saving their lives, dereliction towards the soundly asleep Wilhelm.

The sudden disturbance of energy on the atmosphere under the lake awakened the choleric Wilhelm. Seeing that there was not a single spirit beasts around for him to kill, easing his anger.


He became more angry, as he roar making the water current and waves violently strong, causing a few kilometers high tsunami at the surface flooding the forest.

When Wilhelm saw Seigehart staring at him unfazed by the violent current, his eyes became bloodshot. Two deep red crimson colossal demon eyes appeared in the middle of the dark under water and charged towards Seigehart, with astonishing speed unaffected by his size and mountain like shell on his back. As Wilhelm understood that this lowly human have the guts to disturb his sleep, killing him would sate his anger.

"Human how dare you disturb my peaceful sleep! You'll compensate for it with your life!"

Beneath the [Abyssal Lake] is mountains of treasures, many experts died from usurping it, and Wilhelm is already the Ruler of [Abyssal Lake] at that time up until now, where every year immortals, Demi-gods and Gods tried to take the treasures, but eventually killed by Wilhelm. As he is the strongest of the ten rulers, only a few step from being a HighGod rank spirit beast and comprehend the [Laws of the Universe].

Seeing the enraged Wilhelm, Seigehart chuckled and move towards the [Abyss Ice Gate]. After all, that's his true purpose on entering [Abyssal Lake]. As he disappeared without a trace, before even Wilhelm could open his colossal mouth and swallow him whole, Seigehart has been already vanished.

"How did he do that!? This human wasn't simple!"

When the [Abyss Ice Gate] opened. Wilhelm understood that this human want to conquer the labyrinth. Wilhelm wore a hideous face and use his divine sense to send message to the other two labyrinth guardian.

"Arco! Kovric! someone entered the labyrinth from the abyss Ice Gate and I couldn't stopped him. Take care of him" Wilhelm said through divine sense.

"what happened? This is the first time you failed. Are you asleep when he entered or you're angry, occupied killing other spirit beast that you didn't notice him? " chortled by the other guardian, Kovric.

"no! Of course not. I-I'm completely awake and sane!" he exclaimed but his voice betrayed him.

"haha, yeah. First time, first time this year. Haha... How many has it last year? Ahh, if my memory doesn't betray me, it was around thousand times hahaha!"

"shut up! Arco! You bastard! If I ever see you I'll smack you face on the ground a million times! Until nobody couldn't recognize you!" Wilhelm angrily shouted, which intensified when he heard a loud hysterical laughter.

"just kill him, and don't let him discover the [Mysterious Discerning Orb]. Hmmp! Be careful though he's strong, let's see if you could still laugh at me when you encountered him." Wilhelm warned as he cut the connection.

Meanwhile, inside the labyrinth. Seigehart appeared at the [Black Ice Dragon, White Glacier Dragon Pavilion]. The place where all the treasures in the second layer of the [Underground Labyrinth of Zor] located, shining golds and gems, profound spells and techniques even immortal rank artifacts were inside patiently waiting to be usurped.

The chamber was not big but not small either, only average in size, at 179 square meters, while the ceiling was 20ft high circularly, similar to a dome. Very simple, no decorations nor other rooms, but this simple chamber could make any greedy person insane, because of treasures this simple room contained, that could buy an empire.

But everything inside the chamber was all false. An illusion to tricked anyone who entered it, making them fall to their greed. The moment Seigehart stepped inside, he already understood it.

"An Illusory inscription array?" he said, as Seigehart wave his hand revealing the weird markings on the whole ceiling.

[Inscription arrays] are like [Magic circles] and other stuff related to [Alchemy] and [Artifact Crafting and Refining]. Its an systematic circuit engraved on things and powered by a power source to be activated, but instead of magical energy, it is powered by spirit energy.

"This Two Guardians were smart. They made an immortal rank illusory inscription array just for me. How touching, I might cry... hahaha" he mused, ignoring the illusory inscription array, as he continued to walked towards the pitch black and white cube. It's the power source of the illusory inscription array, it wouldn't worked without it.

"oh! This is the [Devil's Greed Advocate Inscription Array]. It could kill even a Demigod. Once they fall to their Greed, their Energy would dishevelled, ruptured and devoured them from the inside and arranging this would take quite some time. They sure take their time arranging this for me. I must have not disappoint them."

Then Seigehart, with the swiped of his hand destroyed the cube. Then the glow of [Devil's Greed Advocate inscription array] patterns on the ceiling ceased and the patterns collapsed and disappeared into thin air. Then the whole room distorted and revealed it's true appearance.

The average room tripled its size ten times and became a hall with luxurious red carpet on the isle between the paralleled linear masculine pillars that respectively stretched towards the altar which have an expertly well detailed sculptures of two dragon with opposite color and distinct features. The wall now have different paintings of nature, carvings of distinct beasts and lights of the hall came from the glowing stones, coins and treasures littered on the corner of the hall.

Disregarding the treasures, what caught Seigehart's attention was the orb with black and white smoke, swirling inside it, forming an spiral shape ellipse.

Seigehart arrived at the altar, in front of the orb. As he was about to grabbed it. Suddenly, it shined for an instant and...


The explosion caused a fast sudden earthquake, and the hall that have had countless treasures were now incinerated by the Black and White flames that came from the orb. The aftermath made an crater which filled of extremely hot lava burned by white flames and an inextinguishable black flame.

The white flame was the [Nirvana Heavenly Flame] would not ceased until it burned everything in its path, while the Black flame was the [Black Infernal Flame] would not extinguished until there's spirit energy in the surroundings, and all were in the midst of smoke screen, while a person was walking on it unharmed as if he was walking in a park.

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