《Otherworldly Teacher》Chapter Three


Chapter Three: Siegehart Caduceus

In the distant place, at the innermost of [Forest of Ancient Blood Oak Tree], which deviod of any kind of spirit beasts, even though the soil was perfectly fertile while trees and plants had an abundant ripe fruits. A fitted location for spirit beasts habitation, which was the reason why the place was suspicious.

The reason behind was the [Ancient Blood Oak Tree] itself. The colossal red trunk, greenly leaves Oak Tree that covered the whole vast central forest of [Ancient Continent] under its shade that reached the nine clouds.

In ancient times, the [Ancient continent] and [Midgard continent] was a single mass of land and called, [Vorezor continent]. However, the two Primordial rank spirit beasts came from different planet, battled above the continent which accidentally splitted the continent into two.

Because they're primordials, every single cell inside their body was brimmed with power for those beneath them. Whereas a dozen drops of blood was enough for Demi-god rank spirit beasts to breakthrough to God rank without hindrances. Thus, if a divine item like that appears, what come next is always death to its owner and anyone touched it. One of the primordial spirit beasts died and coincidentally dropped some blood to an ordinary Oak Tree.

Upon reaching Primordial rank the bones and blood of a beast would be filled with essence of law, which caused it to evolved and become sentient [Blood Oak Tree]. After undergoing evolution, its thirst for blood intensified and craved for more. It devoured any spirit beasts that stumbled inside its territory. Afraid of being devoured, all the spirit beasts never dare to venture inside its forest, to die and become its sustenance.

Time passed quickly, it grew incredibly. The Blood Oak Tree's roots and forest expanded widely, while simultaneously devouring, soaking in the bloods of its victims. Until it attained rationality and transcended into God rank. Eventually, the mindless carnage stopped.

It till then called by the people the [Ancient Blood Oak Tree], which becomes the heart of the continent, that maintained and nourished the whole [Ancient continent]. While at the same time worshiped by many individuals and groups.

Meanwhile, at the base of the [Ancient Blood Oak Tree]. A cottage which is part of the body of the tree could be seen, bathed in rays of light from the gazing sun. The place is tranquil, because there is no spirit beasts at the surroundings that could roar and break the peaceful atmosphere. Wind blows gently, trees swaying, brushing the greenly branches of the trees, quite harmoniously. As if the trees and the wind were dancing by the euphonious melody of rustling sounds of leaves and grasses.

Then suddenly, a blinding light appeared, intruding the forest. The light particles covering the visitors immediately disappeared revealing three beings; an unconscious monkey spirit beast, an eccentric looking old hermit with his white hair and clothes and an enigmatic young man covered in unfathomable aura.

With a single glance. One could say that, this people were not simple. Especially, the old man and the young man. The old man stand up from his position, dusting himself, still unable to sense the young man even though they were face to face with each other.

Looking at the cottage, he then shifted his eyes towards the newly evolved unconscious [Silver Monkey King]. His expression was like an old grandpa, relieved that his grandson was safe after returning from his voyage.

The three people were Devon, Kdilla and the mysterious old man that suddenly came out of nowhere and saved the life of an endangered monkey from being killed.


Surprisingly, the old man carry Kdilla in his back and head to the cottage with Devon beside them. They were not aware that they were being watched so closely. While walking, the door of the cottage opened automatically when the old man was about to enter.

Devon seeing it immediately rush inside, with his fast movement. He got in inside without alarming the old man, even though the old man felt a slightly sudden brushed of wind around him. He just thought it was the natural wind itself.

He was sure if it. Who would have dare to enter his domain? Only crazy or suicidal people could do it. He was even doubtful if those insane people would do it, instead of jumping from high places and stabbing themselves to death.

In Devon's mind. He was thinking what is the connection between the old man and Kdilla. Though, the old man just appeared unexpectedly and save Kdilla. That's one thing, but when Devon saw the old man's expression. He was sure they're acquainted with each other and have deep rooted relationship.

The old man lay Kdilla on the bed next to the window, head to the cooking room and return with tea, then sit next to the chair.

Opt to make his appearance. Devon decided to show himself to have his first interaction with a person after coming to this world. Observing the old man Devon walked 5 ft away and called him.

"Gramps" Devon called to him with plain voice, trying not to violently surprised the old man.

The old man was startled, he almost spit the tea in his mouth and immediately shifted his gaze towards the voice. His eyes widened, finding Devon inside his cottage without him realizing, sensing him before he entered.

The old man was extremely dumbfounded and lost for words. At that instant, the old man immediately understand that the young man/Devon in front of him was not simple, if he was able to intrude inside his cottage without detection.

At the same time, he felt the unfathomable aura Devon gave off, a power above him, a power enough to make a God like him powerless in front of him. The old man have a hobby of attacking anyone entered his humble cottage, but he refrained from doing so, not to do drastic action that might anger or irritate this mysterious person before him. As he saw Devon smile the old man do the same and ask.

"young man, you know that trespassing is a crime, isn't it?"

Devon chuckled after hearing it. And replied in friendly tone. "actually, I'm already a hundred million years old. Hahaha! Anyway, Gramps what's your name? I don't want to keep calling you Gramps. Its too impolite for me" he said putting on a small smile on his face.

'wait... So I'm a Gramps too?' he thought

"Hohoho! That's one hell of an age, but I'm still older than you. Well, it doesn't matter for immortals and above anyway. And call me Blayne not Gramps. Your the only person who called me Gramps. All people I know is calling me headmaster. Enough with that, So could you please tell me why your in my humble abode?" Blayne said in the same tone.

In his mind, Blayne concluded that this person don't hold any evil intentions, thus he also replied courteously. Blayne is old enough to judge a person by his looks. He have the knowledge of it after living a long life. As he is wise, making an enemy you couldn't defeat is like digging your own grave. So better think of misfortune as blessing in disguise. By that thinking one could be clam to assess the situation, and find ways to solve the problem.


"well, I'm on my way to Midgard continent to apply as a teacher to some academy, but I decided to stroll around, attracted at some fight, and end up at your territory" Devon lied about how he arrived at the first place, but his purpose was genuine.

"oh, you want to apply as a teacher? If that so, maybe I could have help you, if you want. You know, I'm a principal of a certain academy" Blayne said nonchalantly, as he sip his warm and relaxing tea.

His eyes sparkled and said "really? That's good. Then I would like to inquire your help, Headmaster." Devon said, as he bow slightly and sit on the other chair, hiding his excitement.

"so, when do we leave?" Devon asked impatiently.

"Hohoho! Impatient aren't you. Wait until my meeting with the other Ruler concluded. Oh, it would be tomorrow. We'll leave tomorrow after that then" 'those idiot will be terrified once they saw this man. I can't wait to see their faces. ' Blayne chuckled to himself.

"I'll take a stroll around the continent, until then. I'll come here tomorrow, after your huddle with the other ruler. See ya" Devon walked out of the cottage. Leaving Blayne, drinking his tea, praying that Devon wouldn't do anything troublesome.

Blayne saw Devon left only sighed In relief. He was terrified that he's didn't even noticed him. What terrified him the most was the unfathomable aura Devon gave off. It was far from what he saw in his lifetime. "That man was terrifying, I hope his good intentions was genuine or I'm doom. I better not pissed him off."

Kdilla awakened after Devon left the cottage. Unaware of his situation, Kdilla cautiously opened his eyes. When he saw the wooden ceiling, felt the soft bed beneath him, smell the scent of tea, which immediately calmed him down. Her immediately dismissed his killing intent.

He shifted his eyes towards the smell of the tea and saw Blayne smiling while drinking it, which made him annoyed and felt gratified at the same time. He just chuckled as he sit on the edge of the bed, looking towards Blayne with a questioning face.

Blayne saw it he started to speak. "Kdilla, congrats. You're the new member of the Ruler council. Because of that, you are obligated to attend the meeting tomorrow. There's no need for you to thank me. We're friends after all"

"thank you your ass. I wouldn't be thankful to you! However you earned it this time so thanks old man. Can I have some of your tea? My throat seems dry after my final evolution." Kdilla said, as he acted obstinately. That made Blayne laugh, while serving him tea, drinking it calmly.

"So tell me, what do you feel after your final evolution? Hmm... I didn't know you possessed a God rank bloodline, you're an Silver Monkey King. The other ruler would definitely not opposed you being the 10th Ruler. If they do. I'm always here" Blayne said nonchalantly but his eyes shined with strong killing intent.

"don't sweat old man. I'm a God rank now. So there's no need to worry. If they come for me, I will come for them." Kdilla said in stern face, as he sipped his tea, looking at the window. Devon caught his attention, surprised that there's someone at Blayne's territory other than him.

is this old man sick? This is the first time he let someone live after stepping on his territory. Wait... This guy seems not ordinary...

Astonished from what he saw. Kdilla swiftly shifted his gaze towards the old man. Wearing an dumbfounded look. Blayne saw it just laughed hard, as he explained what happened when he was in unconscious state an hours ago.

At the outside of cottage, Devon is currently standing like an immovable mountain. His clothes and hair fluttered as the wind blew. At the same time, Devon was thinking something good for killing time while waiting. As the day is still young and his body doesn't actually need sleep after cultivating for so long.

"its boring... Well, I doesn't have had anything to do even in my previous life anyway, aside from devoting myself to my profession, on calculating grades, teaching and educating my students and making lesson plans..." he said as he keep finding around when some idea flashed in his mind.

"Wait... That's right! I'll make lesson plans. No, training and teaching plans... Wait, doesn't it the same?... Oh! Nevermind." shrugging to himself. Devon flew upwards, suspending himself in the air.

As he gaze down at the continent. The enormous giant mountains, with different distinct features, the extremely large lake w hi which reflect light and images, the endless colorful sea of forest that stretched, as far as the eyes could see were the things he saw, an awe-inspiring scenery, an unnoticeable precious treasure. With this perhaps, it could even give enlightenment to anyone who saw it.

Devon sitting cross-legged, floating above the continent. In the universe he live in now, where the most essential thing and differentiation of everything is power. His teachings would be relatively different. Closing his eyes, Devon started forming his miraculous lesson plan and training regimen for his future students. That could give them strength and knowledge.

His expression became solemn, as the word lesson plan became the hammer that shattered and destroyed his confined pent-up emotions, which were released like waves in the ocean. He remember his past life, more like it was only a dream for him, his past students and acquaintances that helped build his personality, his whole being, the pleasant and unpleasant moments in his life, which make him felt nostalgia.

It is understandable, even if he already lived a hundred million years. He didn't have any interrelationship, even interaction with anyone within this new world. Also he was an fragile human being before he reincarnated and became a capable and powerful entity, and it's all thanks to the True Creator. In addition, he didn't passed through the void and reincarnation circle which would probably erase his memories or emotion through the passage of time

Tears fall down from his face, softly closing his eyes, as he looked up feeling the breeze wind in the air and said "I had a fun and eventful life. The precious memories I couldn't take to forget. I'll keep and cherish it within my soul. Everything have an end, thus Devon Agrimoure is no more. From now on I'm Siegehart Caduceus".

He paused as he dried the tears from his face with energy and shouted which was heard in the whole Continent "today is the start of my new life in a new world!"

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