《Otherworldly Teacher》Chapter Two


Chapter Two: The Two Kings, One Remained

A hundred million years later

The sun ascended at the horizon, the rays penetrated the floating castles of clouds that hovered in the air, as its unriddled the hidden lands from its evident warm gaze that could give life.

As the gray clouds dispersed after the stormy night, it revealed the wonderful scenery. Nothing really beats the nature`s natural artistic hands.

The scorched land had change dramatically, as giant trees and plants are growing, spirit beasts hunting for prey, still striving for survival. Whereas the whole former mountain became a wide swamp, after raining for a long period of time during wet season.

The [Valleys Of Ruthless Mountains] was at the equator of the planet, which means it was a tropical land that have only wet and dry season.

At a certain cave, deep inside the one of the mountains in the [Valleys of Ruthless Mountains]. A man quietly seated on top of a cobble stone, that could be said not handsome but had charismatic and enigmatic appearance, clothed in white majestic robe, highlighted with gold embroidered lines with his Pitch black hair, beautifully flowing steadily in the air at his back, at the length of his waist. He was like a rich and noble prince.

His eyes twitched giving the sign of awakening, while bright light particles swirled, shrouded around him, as he absorbed it all like a black hole. After a few moments, the light particles gradually grew dimmed and disappeared, only the lights of the glowing stones remained.

The instance he opened his eyes, the atmospheric pressure around the whole cave, dramatically increased, until it invaded the surface. Beckoned to be too great to endure, some of the spirit beasts around the Rat Nose mountain fainted, some barely holding into their own. The pressure grew more vicious while roars of agony in the perimeter became more deafening.

Then, in an instant the vicious pressure disappeared like it was never had been there before, leaving all the spirit beasts at the surface unconscious. As something blasted out of the Mountain and landed on the peak. It's absolute dark eyes peered down to the world like a king did to his subjects.

It was Devon Argrimoure, finally finished his cultivation and went out for the first time, after a hundred million years. Decided to do his sole purpose in life, with his knowledge, all he wants still remained after he reincarnated. That is to teach, to instruct, to guide the youth, to develop them to the right path. The blood of a teacher still running inside his veins, never been eroded, dedicated to pass his knowledge to those who are worthy to be his students.

The aura around him couldn't be compared to when he first arrived. Then, Devon flew fast, towards the [Midgard Continent] where he could start his teachings. With his speed it would consumed him only seconds or so, before he could reached his destination, but he decided to take a stroll and enjoy his journey, that he might encounter something amusing.

After flying a thousand miles at slow pace, he was still yet to see the exit of endless everglades, indicates that he was still in the vicinity of [Valleys of Ruthless Mountains]. That's how big and wide a 1st rate planet is. A simple region or country of a single continent could rival a continent in 9th rate planets. Perhaps even surpassed.

Roars and shrieks of spirit beasts continuously echoed through the depths of the mountains and forests. Suddenly, a deafening powerful roars from a spirit beast erupted, bombarding the whole vicinity, which caused the wind blew violently wild around the place where he is.


It is powerful enough to make all the spirit beasts, ran for their lives that caused stampede. Followed by an continuous earth shattering boom, demolishing the forest in front of him, dust cloud covered the whole area.

From a far, further his location. Two spirit beasts is currently on a clash. Devon stealthily flew at their direction, secretly watching them, while the two kings of the [Valley of Ruthless Mountains] were having an decisive battle to death, determined to settle the debt between each other, only one will remain and become the only Ruler of whole [Valleys of Ruthless Mountains].

[Ancient Continent] the largest continent of the 1st rate Planet Morvuous. It is divided into Ten territories. The [Valleys of Ruthless Mountains] consist of humongous mountains, where the two kings ruled, [Crystal Cove Swamp] at ocean of swamp inside a single wide cove that covered in crystals near at the bay, and entrance to the Sea of Blore Dungeon.

[Forest of Ancient Blood Oak Tree] the center of the Continent. It is considered the heart of the continent that gives life to its perfectly fertile grounds for spirit beasts to live. Next are the [Fortress of Cyclone], a plain grassland of Cyclone Flower, the only place where it could be seen. Then, the [Titan's Domain], the territory for huge spirit beasts, where even the simple grass is normally 12 ft tall.

The [Abyssal Lake], an bottomless hole filled of water. [Phoenix Nest], the grounds for fire element spirit beasts. [Dragon Volcano], the territory of dragons. The [Fire&Ice River Falls], a falls of red and Blue water that have dense amount of fire and ice essence. Lastly is the [Underground Labyrinth of Zor], that beneath the whole Ancient continent.

The underground labyrinth is hidden to the world, and only three beings holds the secret of that place, and if It is known by anyone. They would be killed personally by the three beings no matter what, why and who they are. Their only concern is to hide the secret of the place that could endangered the planet.

The Ten territories are controlled by Ten powerful Rulers at God rank. Their army of spirit beasts are much more powerful than human and other sentient empires and could invade them if the Rulers want to.

The difference of [Valleys of Ruthless Mountains] to the others, is that the other territory have only one Ruler, while the [Valleys of ruthless Mountains] have two. Which why it is more chaotic than the others, from the clashes of Its two rulers to become the sole Ruler.

Two kings, the [Titan Crimson Worldbear], called Azure and the [Metallic Blaze Monkey] named Kdilla. A 50 ft crimson giant bear versus an 8.9 ft metallic pole wielding muscle man fiery monkey. Both are in the peak of Demi-God rank, with powerful innate ability. Its the battle that shall determine who would step into the God rank, become the only Ruler of the [Valleys of Ruthless Mountains] and be one of the Ten Rulers of Ancient Continent.

Spirit beasts could only advance in strength and breakthrough if they were defeat and devour, an Spirit beasts energy core or other Energy core higher than their strength or the same as them or as they grew old to a certain age to advance.

Some spirit beasts live in seclusion. Hibernating, waiting until they breakthrough to God rank or above without fighting, without dying. It could take a hundred thousand years or hundred million years, depends on what rank of bloodline they possessed. Which is [Demonic], [Celestial], [God] and [Primordial] rank bloodlines. This bloodlines signified how fast or slow their growth is. While some are born already powerful and unrivaled


That is the law of the spirit beasts. No one knows why there was such system and there's no one who could go against it. They said it is the will of heaven for spirit beasts are stronger than other sentient beings.

Wind blew strongly, Devon sensed that he was not the only one noticed the fight. Devon knew that all those supreme experts are there, however they didn't sense or notice Devon in the area like he was didn't existing at all.

'as expected, many expert and strong spirit beasts noticed. Oh! They're all at the peak Demi-God rank one step to become God rank, the weakest is at Immortal rank' he mused to himself.

After the two kings recent exchange of attacks, there was an abrupt silence, staring at each others eyes full of killing intent. Not sensing that they were being watched by many supreme experts. The air around them became cold and oppressing. Then Azure speak.

"Kdilla! Today will be the day you die! Prepare for this one attack of mine, that forge to kill you!" Azure roared as he charge and readied his attack, declaring the death of his enemy honorably and fare.

"Let's end this! Fight as a king azure!" Kdilla do the same, as he roared and expelled surge of blazing energy, covering his body.

The energy caused chaos at the surroundings, burning the forest, turning the land into magma, while on the other hand Azure have domineering atmosphere. As dust cloud disappeared, they lounge to each other with incredible speed, ripples of energy cracked the space. Giving all their strength in just one final attack.

*Rwaaar! ! !*

"[Silver Monkey Heavenly Bombardment ]!"

"[World Bear Sundering Laceration]!"

Their attack connects, white blazing fist to deathly sharp claws. The instant their attacks connected, light shined and exploded, unleashing a dome of annihilation, destroying the already destroyed forest, creating hundred thousand kilometers crater beneath them.

When the dust cloud dispersed, the giant shadow revealed it's features. It was the [Metallic Blaze Monkey] Kdilla. He was in dire state, fatally wounded. Blood gushed from his decapitated right arms and legs, while Azure was dead, half left of his body was incinerated.

When Devon looked at the spectators, their eyes scintillated with greed. The skull and bones of a Metallic Blaze Monkey was a high quality material, it is powerful when forge into weapon. In addition of its immunity to fire, there's also the corpse of Azure, a [Titan Crimson Worldbear], and Kdilla will breakthrough to Demi-God rank. If his bones were forge into weapon, then the weapon would become a rare Demi-God rank weapon. It could risen the strength of those spectators.

The situation became ominous for Kdilla, and the other Ruler of [Ancient Continent] won't interfere, even if anything happens. They don't value the lives of their rival in power, even if they're fellow spirit beast.

Kdilla had lost his consciousness and fell with a thud. His body convulse and radiate in metallic orange color. After it, a silver colored flame erupted from his body, shrouding it, forming a silver flame cocoon. Then, in an instant the cocoon exploded, scattered the silver flames, immediately burned the ground, changed it into lava because of the extremely hot silver flames.

Kdilla`s body change dramatically, from internal to external. His wounds healed completely, even his decapitated arm and leg. The fur on his body turned silver, his height became average of 5.5 ft, his muscles consolidated and became more denser. He no longer have the appearance of a muscle man, but a normal, average body of a human.

A spirit beast undergoing evolution state, where one will be covered in elemental essence and Law. When they reach a certain rank in power. As for Kdilla, he entered God rank, thus his body would change to accommodate the tremendous increase in power, at the same time, the [Elemental Energy Core] in his body would change into [Divine Energy Core]. The same with sentient beings, because spirit beasts were not sentient to begin with. They could only attained rationality, when they reach a certain rank.

As for sentient beings, they also undergoing evolution state but different with spirit beasts. Their body would be filled with tremendous amount of energy that they need to cultivate, assimilate it to their soul and body which could take a long period of time. This evolution state for sentient beings were crucial where if failed, they could damage their soul, which was really lethal and could die.

Amongst the spectators, Devon was fascinated by the event unfolded before his eyes. Its like a metamorphosis of a caterpillar into larvae and to a beautiful butterfly.

'Cool! He transformed into [Divine Silver Monkey King]. So, he has a [God rank Bloodline] after all, but I'm afraid this situation was really dire for him. Hmm... Let's help him. What do you think Vlor?' he said to himself, asking his [Soul Spirits].

'hmm... He would be a good Spirit bound beast." Vlor answered with his grunted voice.

'No...that`s not what I'm talking about. I mean. Let's help him. I don't need a bonded beast anyway' Devon and his soul spirits talked in their minds.

When the spectators saw Kdilla transformed, and eventually became unconscious. They trembled with greed, some became relentless and charge, snickering towards the insensible monkey laying on the ground. Spirit and magical essences surged out of their body.

As they fight and race towards Kdilla. When someone arrived at his location. An earthen yellow swords made of divine earth energy clad in lightning sparks, attacked him, sending him flying and the owner of the swords appeared behind Kdilla.

It was an old man with white long hair and beard. Clothed in plain white robe. Like he was an eccentric hermit. But when the spectators saw him some of them backed out, fleeing immediately. While some still approached, flying towards him in extremely fast speed, with a smug look in their faces.

Stretching his hands towards the back of Kdilla, holding an mechanical device like a wrist watch. Then, suddenly they were immediately covered in white light. In an instant they disappeared, without a trace, leaving the astounded greedy opportunist with their darkened expressions.

Regrets attacked them. They would not have another great opportunity like this in the future. A Demi-god rank artifact could only be made from Demi-god rank materials. It's within their reached yet, in slipped quite unfortunately.

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