《I´m the Dog of a young Mageknight》Chapter 23: Corridor Talk


Chapter 23: Corridor Talk

shortly after left Lees laboratory, Antonia reached for a pocket on the inside of her coat. What she pulled out of it was a collar that emitted a purple glow with strange runes engraved on it.

As she reached for me to put it around my neck Sopie asked her,"Antonia, what is that collar used for?"."Ohh, Ehh, It is to watch over the vitality of the Tes.. of the Dog, so nothing happens to him while we check him out in my lab." replied Antonia.

"Why would you need it? Pochi is my Familiar and I can watch over his condition." was Sophies next question as we walked through a dimly lit corridor.

"You can find out much more about beast if you watch their vitality closely. Things like age how much this type of beast is different from the others of the same race, you can even find out how high his potential is." explained Antonia to Sophie before she asked,"So, you helped Lee with the Hero Summoning. What did you help with?".

Sophia looked towards Antonia before she said,"Everything expect the detection of possible souls was made by me. Ohh, Lee I changed a bit in the detection to reduce the mana cost I hope it is OK."

At what Sophie said, Antonia tried to get approval from Lee, but he just asked Sophie,"Ok, what did you change?"."I added a condition for the souls to response.", said Sophie with a wide grin.

"Ohh what did you add?" asked Lee curios."I added that only strong souls without body response, so we don't need the Mana to rip out the soul." as Sophie answered the question, Antonia was speechless.

"Ohh right, which of your ideas did you implement to grant them power? The weapon?" Lee asked as his curiosity leaked. Sophie turned to look at him while still continuing to follow Antonia.


She showed a board triumphant smile that filled her whole face and answered with,"All three! And ... I kept the Mana requirement as low as possible!"

Lee Stopped moving for a moment to look at her answer. Then, when he collected himself once more, he closed in on us. "How?" was the only thing Lee could ask. Sophie giggle a bit before she said, "The fusion part wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, it was even cheaper than creating a body from scratch. Integrating the Crystal into the soul would have been incredibly complex if the body already existed, but if only the soul is present it does it almost on its own. The same is the case with the weapon."

"Sophie, I'm afraid to ask, but what is your level in arcane magic?" asked lee when he realized what Sophie just did. Sophie turned around once more, "Let me check", she said before she moved her hands around in the air.

When Sophie stopped moving, both Antonia and Lee looked at her. "I'm at Expert Level one." said Sophie surprised.

At this Antonia screamed,"EXPERT ONE, how is that possible you look no older than ten, how could you have expert level one in any type of extreme magic. Even I haven't gotten any higher than advanced four and I'm one of the masters of this tower.". After her outbreak were she spoke incredibly fast.

Antonia needed a moment to regain her breath after that Lee said to her,"Soph is eight years old, incredibly don't you think."with a wide smile on his face. She just turned to lee and glared at him, but lee ignored it or at last I think he did.

"Ohh, right. Ant when we get to your lab will you give me four of your weapons and four of your beast? Then, we could finish the preparation for the ritual tonight." He asked her.


She needed a moment to regain herself, before she said,"OK. Sophie how high was your level before you 'helped' Lee?".

"I was at Advanced seven. Ohh, I see because I improved the ritual multiple times the level of my skill skyrocket." Sophia concluded.

We walked a bit in silent before Antonia spoke once more,"Sophia, would you like to become my disciple? I may not be as proficient in melee combat, but I could still teach you some things.".

At this Lee objected with,"Hey, Ant she is already studying under me. Don't just take my fun away."

"If she learns under you, she will just end up doing all your work. That would limit her potential." said Antonia to him.

At this Lee just glared at her without saying anything. Antonia took this as his acceptance and asked Sophie once more,"Sophie do you want to study under me?".

Sophies reply was short, but full of confidence,"No". "As expec... wait did you just say no."asked Antonia. "Yupp, I said no, I wanna study under master Leenoriel the best Mageknight the kingdom has.", Sophie said with a big smile on her face.

"So, Sophie has decided, let's continue to go to your lab Ant." said Lee while starting to push her in the direction we were going beforehand.

The rest of the way to the lab Sophie and Lee talked more and more about the ritual and Antonia was sulking. I decided this was the best chance to escape form Antonias experiments. I sifted into my astral form and tried once more to move through the wall, but once more I could not move through it.

Then I choose to just run away the way we came from and surprisingly I succeeded.

As I returned to Lees Lab I was surprised that I found Glanislaw still standing inside the room, but as Shu wasn't paying attention to him. So, I didn't either.

Shu looked at me with his big eyes as I returned. He hopped over to me and made some cute sounds. Then, everything went white and I immediately knew. I really couldn't escape.

Thanks for reading. This chapter was pretty hard to write so I'm glad I finished it. Yay.

So the question this time is what animal should be fused with the heroes?

Please give plenty of suggestions.

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