《I´m the Dog of a young Mageknight》Chapter 22: Glanislaw and Antonia


Chapter 22: Glanislaw and Antonia

With the help of Shu, I soon new more and more words, but sadly after only half an hour I had forgotten most of them.

It was then that the door to the lab was slammed open and an old man with balding gray hair, dressed in a finely decorated shirt with golden embroideries, long silvery pants and boots made out of a kind of red leather entered the lab.

The instance the man entered he raised his voice in an accusing manner,"Leenoriel, what is the meaning of this?". Lee just looked up from the magic circle he was forming at the moment, looked at the man before he said without any hurry in his voice,"Gla, just a moment I just quickly finish this.", before he returned his whole concentration to the circle.

The man was seemingly enraged by this and screamed,"Leenoriel, stop call. Don't just. Arrgghhh!". While he screamed his hands were waving around til they went to his hair as if he wanted to pull it out.

After the man stopped screaming, but before he managed to calm down a woman entered the room and said to the enraged man," Glanislaw, calm down or you will lose the rest of your hair too.".

The women looked to be in her early thirties, she wore a faintly glowing silver necklace, a light purple dress that was partly hidden by a white lab coat.

At the remark of the woman, Glanislaw looked at his hands, but luckily he didn't see any hair in it so he sighed out in relieve.

The woman looked around and was surprised to see a little girl working inside the lab, but before she said anything Lee had finished the circle and went to the two of them and greeted them friendly,"Gla, Ant .What brings you two into my lab?"


The woman was the first to answer, "I'm here because I want to know why you gave a task to halve of my researchers?"."Halve of yours two, what the hell are you planning Leenoriel? Do you want to sabotage our research?" said Glanislaw a bit louder than needed to Lee.

"No, Gla. I don't want to sabotage you two, I just need the mages that are capable to make me 121 big magic crystals." was Lees simple answer, but Glanislaw was now even more enraged then before,"Then, you could have just taken some from the storage, there should be more than enough big magic crystals there!".

"I'm sorry to disappoint you Gla, but the ones in the storage room are simply to small for my purpose.", answered Lee. This time the woman was the one to ask lee a question,"So, what are you making? If it is something that requires such a large magic crystal then it is no normal experiment of yours."

"The King has given me a task, to prepare a Hero summoning." said Lee as if it wasn't a big deal.

Glanislaw started laughing at hearing what lee said. "Such a thing is not possible to be made by humanity and the King knows it." was all Gladislaw said to this, but the woman was quite curious,"Yesterday the King asked Glanislaw and me, if we thought that it was possible and we thought it to be impossible. Are you sure, he didn't ask you only for your opinion? It wouldn't be the first time."

Lee pondered for a bit before he said,"yup that could be the case. Sophie how far are you with your work? I finished the circles.". Only at this moment realized Glanislaw that there was another person inside the room and tried to fix his appearance. Sophie looked up to the three of them and said,"I have connected all parts, I'm just fixing some places to reduce the mana consummation a bit, but that should be done in the next two to three minutes."


Lee looked back to the two and said,"So, It doesn't matter anymore. So even if the King only asked if it is possible, I will just hand him the completed ritual and the matter is done."

Glanislaws mouth opened wide at this remark and it looked like he was shocked so much he couldn't move anymore. The woman was shocked to, but not as much a Glanislaw as she asked,"Lee, who is that girl?", while pointing at Sophie. "She, she is Monicas daughter. She is really good at arcane magic, so I started to train her on the way of the mystic class."

"you train her on the way of the mystic class, does that mean she has no class, then why is she here?" asked the woman, Lee pondered for a brief moment before he remembered,"Right, Sophie was here to ask me about her familiar, maybe you know something about it." As Lee pointed at me she turned towards me and saw me for the first time.

surprised at this sudden turn of events I did something really dumb, I used Telepathy on her and send her a 'Hi'. At this the woman was so surprised that she stood there for a bit without doing anything. Then, as if nothing happened she said to lee,"I haven't seen such a type of dog before would it be OK if I took him into my research lab?"

Lee over at Sophie, but didn't say anything. When Sophie put away scribing tools, Lee asked her,"Sophie, how about we go over to Ants lab and let her find out more about your Poc , Poi , mhh. I will just leave it as Pochi.".

Sophie looked at the woman and then suddenly bowed,"I would be a great honor to have Pochis abilities tested by Master Antonia."."You don't need to be so formal, the only one who really cares about this is Glanislaw here, but don't mind him." was the answer the woman gave.

"Sophie let's take everything with us so we don't need to return here." said Lee using this opportunity I decided it would be best to run, so I changed to the Astral plane and went right through the wall or not as I was not able to pass through.

Then I was grabbed in the back of my neck while still in the astral form, as I turned my head, I saw the woman with a scary smile and she said to me,"Did you think I would let you escape so easily?"

I struggled, but I surrendered to my fate when I heard from Shu, 'No, escape, poor Pochi'.

After we left, Glanislaw was still standing in Lees lab with his jaw hanging down not moving.

So today chappy is here thanks for reading.

There is still the question what weapon the summoned heros should get, so please be creative.

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