《I´m the Dog of a young Mageknight》Chapter 21: Language and Magic


Chapter 21: Language and Magic

Lee and Sophie went to work right away. Lee started with the problem of the Crystals and Sophie Started to write the Modification part of the Circle.

At first I was just as excited as Sophie and lee and followed them, but soon I got bored and laid down.

After a bit of time I even fell asleep. I didn't know how much time passed, but I was woken by something that struck my head.

When I looked around, I saw Sophie standing next to me. She looked at me and apologized as she bowed down and picked up a book that she probably dropped on my head.

As the book was lying before me open, I could read a line before Sophie picked it up.

So, I just laid my head back down and wanted to go back to sleep.

When I realized that I could read and understood what was written there.

So, I turned around and looked at the bookshelf that I was lying in front of.

I looked at the Title of the books, Advanced Arcane Circle, Crystal Integration Circle, Elemental efficient Circle, and so on. All of the books had Circle somewhere in their title.

All except one, the book "The difference of the Elemental and their combinations."

That book was so out of place that I didn't know why it would even be in the shelf.

I looked around and saw that Sophie and Lee were completely focused on their work so I tried to get the book out of the shelf.

First I tried to get it out with my right front paw, but I couldn't manage.

Next I tried to use my jaw and pull it out, but even so I couldn't grab the book.

Then I tried to use Magic, I used Astral Magic to try and pull the book towards me.


The result was that the soul of the Book was lying before me and the book itself was still standing in the self, but the soul returned slowly to the book.

As Astral didn't work I tried to use Space in the same way, but there was a feeling that something did interface with my magic.

I was getting more and more frustrated.

So, I looked around to see if there was something that could help me, but what I saw was a being that was watching me interested.

The being looked like a big drop of water only its color was a soft silver gray and had to big and cute eyes that stared at me.

As I looked at it surprised, the being hopped down from the table it was on and hopped over to me.

Stopped right in front of me and stared at me.

I was a bit Scared at the strange being and got even more scared when it slowly started to form a tentacle.

I was preparing to use space magic to teleporte out of the way, but the being didn't use the tentacle to attack me instead it pointed at the book and then at me.

I was surprised by it, but nodded at it.

The being used the tentacle do pull out the book and put it down before me.

I still was surprised by the situation and looked at the being.

The being pointed at me and then at the book.

It took me a while before, I realized that the being wanted me to read the book.

So, I started to read.

The book had 22 chapters the first was the chapter that explained each type of Magic then one to each of those types and the last one the ways to combine them.


So, I started to read the first chapter and I was surprised, basic magic was pretty much strait forward, advanced magic was becoming more interesting.

Nature Magic was a magic that had a wide variety of use, Metal magic was used in most crafts and helped make almost insane weapons, Astral Magic I use was used to influence the mind of being and interact with souls and Physical Magic could influence Gravity and had spells to move things just with ones mind.

Then High Magic was even more complex and different from before.

Energy Magic was Magic that could control Lightning and balls of pure energy, Crystal Magic was a magic that could form Crystals that could store magic what I found kind of strange, Life magic was Magic that healed wounds, Death Magic was Necromancy and curses, Mana magic is Mana in its purest form and let you influence the magic of others and Stamina magic is the same only with stamina.

Then there was Extreme Magic, it was so complex it was explained instead there was a list of book references.

Then I went to Astral Magic as that was one of the Magics I could use and in that chapter, there were three basic spells of Astral Magic those were, Telepathy a spell to communicate with others if they were willing, Soulmark a spell that allowed to track the condition of one person and the last one was Astral vision that I already had.

As I couldn't chant I tried to reproduce the way the magic should move as explained in the book and tried to use Telepathy on the being from before. After the 20th or so try, I finally succeeded and I could finally communicate with the being.

What I heard from the being was, 'Strange Dog, why can read, wanna too, me Shu.' it was only that, but I really could understand it so I tried to answer him with,' Hi I'm Pochi and I don't know why I can read can you tell me what type of being you are?' but sadly all that came back from him was,' why strange speak, I no know, you no Human speak?'.

If I could I would have face palmed myself. That being was able to speak the language of this world, but I wasn't so I had an Idea I could have it teach me, but how to get it to do it.

First I went and deactivated the language comprehension trait and then I tried once more,' I Pochi, you shu.' the answer of the being was, a word I didn't knew and then' I shu, Pochi' and two more words as I didn't knew. Because I didn't knew what those words meant I tried something.

What, I tired was pointing at me and saying 'Pochi' then I pointed at him and said,'Shu', then at the next thing and Shu did understand and told me the word for the thing and like that I started to learn the language of the world from Shu.

The last three chapters there wasn't any choice so I put a poll for what to learn and have a question what weapon the "Heros" should get I'm open to everything, you may even make up some type of fantasy weapon and describe it ;)

So thanks for reading.

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