《I´m the Dog of a young Mageknight》Chapter 20: Sophies and Lees world


Chapter 20: Sophies and Lees world

Sophie was skipping the stairs down like they were nothing, but I was struggling. The stairs tried their best to defeat me. As we reached the door to Lees lab I was about to collapse .Sophie knocked on the door and soon the door flung open and Monica was standing before us.

"Sophie dear what are you doing here?" she said to her daughter.

"Pochi finished his evolution and I wanted to ask what he has become?" Sophie proudly told her mom.

"Dear, Leenoriel is pretty bu..." was Monica starting to tell, but was interrupted by Lee with,"Who is it Mon?"

Monica answered right away with,"It's just my daughter, she..", but once again she was interrupted by Lee,"That's great she can help us with the construction of the Arcane Magic."

Lee hurriedly came over and pulled Sophie right in, I just followed and Monica was there standing and looking confused of what happened.

On a table there were layers of Paper piled up. Sophie was placed before them and started to explain to Sophie what was going on,"Yesterday, after your training, the King wanted to see me, he had an Idea how to strengthen our line of defence and ordered me to look into it."

Sophie didn't know what was going on, but Lee just continued, "I need to find a way to summon someone from another world and give them them some kind of power to face of against the beast, but right know I'm stuck. I have problems with finding a way to connect to an other world, the other things aren't as much of a problem. So do you have some kind of idea?"

Sophie pondered for a bit and then asked,"So the problem is to find out where the other world is and if there is a Person."."Exactly. I knew you would understand." said Lee overjoyed.


"I already have an Idea how to get the person and even to give some sort of power, but the mana cost would be way too high."told Sophie Lee, while lee and Sophie talked Monica came over.

"Ohh that is great the power granting was the next part to think of. I knew you would be a big help with your Arcane Magic level." responded to Sophies sentence.

I started to ponder to how it would be possible to find something, then I remembered how bats find something with echolocation and I thought if there was a way to do the same with magic.

So, I tried to use some of my Mana to send out a wave of Magic. It didn't work, so I thought how bats do it and I think they use there mouth to release a sonic wave.

So, I tried to copy that only with a Magic wave and what came out was a roar that I didn't expect.

What happened was that all people in this room looked at me.

The first to say something was Lee, "Sophie is this your familiar?", he asked a bit confused.

"Yes" was Sophies response.

"What type of Dog is he?", he asked a bit perplexed, "I have never seen something like him." he continued before Sophie answered with,"A Spirit Dog, I hoped you did know more about his Evolution."

"Spirit, that's it!", lee suddenly screamed at us. Monica and Sophie looked a bit perplexed at him.

Lee almost instantly started to make a small arcane magic circle and then showed it to Sophie and Monica. Monica did not understand anything about this circle, but Sophie said,"That could be the solution and does it work."

"I don't know yet, but if that would that would be a magic revolution. Think about the possibilities." answered Lee.


"Long range communication wouldn't be a dream anymore.", Sophie said happily.

Monica looked at both of them and then at the simple circle lee was showing to them and then asked, "What does this circle do?"

both of them looked at her and she was blushing a bit, after a while Lee answered her, "This circle looks for the closest soul of a being and then tells us the position of that being."

Now Monicas eyes widened in surprise, as I too understood what that meant I was just happy for them.

Lee seeing, that Monica Understood, ordered her to go and order all spellcaster of the tower that are able to, to produce a large mana storing crystal. Then, as Monica left the Lab he turned to Sophie and asked her," Sophie do you think you can help me."

"Yes, I think I can. So how should we start this? Should we make this a four part circle?" at this question from Sophie Looked at her and asked,"four part?".

"I think it would make things easier.", she said to him."Wait a moment I don't think I can follow your thoughts right now. I would understand a three part circle, but why a four part one?"

"A four part one would consume less mana. The parts to do would be finding a soul, bringing the found soul over to this world, granting that soul additional power and the last construct the body." explained Sophie her thoughts.

"Ahh, now I can follow you, instead of bringing the soul and body here. You want to just take the soul that would definitely be more mana efficient and by just modifying the soul it would be easier to improve the person. Wait a moment why just summon one, why not four at the same time?" bought Lee an idea up.

"If we do that, then we need to include parallel processing into the circle, but that wouldn't only increase the mana efficiency, but also the mana cost. So to counter that... we could use a divine chant." Sophie continued with her rapid own thoughts.

"But then we would need to synchronize the whole circle and couldn't add a Mana crystal, except we use four identical crystals!" exclaimed Lee excited

"If we go this far already let's go one step further and use 16 divine casters as condenser." suggested Sophie.

Lee looked at her wide eyed before he said,"That would put a terrible burden one the casters, but would increase the Purity of the Mana by an insane amount. Let's do it like this"

Both of them instantly started to work.

Hello it's me RasterG once more I apologies for the delay in chapters the next one should come as planned next Monday so til then thanks for reading.

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