《I´m the Dog of a young Mageknight》Chapter 19: Nemesis returns


Chapter 19: Nemesis returns

'Ok what to do now, I don't want to scare them again it is properly the best if I wait til morning before I come out once more.'

With this I used shared Vision and saw than Sophie was lying in bed with her father and her sister, before she closed her eyes.

Waiting for the night to pass was boring as hell so I tried some of the new skills out, but it is hard for me as I don't know how I can be sure to use one of them. So, I went back to mastering the use of Spirit Claw.

Time passed and I got better and better at using it, then it was time. Sophie was having breakfast with her father and sister, so I left the tattoo once more.

This time there was no ripping sound, but everyone looked at me surprised as I appeared out of Sophies Familiar Tattoo.

First they were shocked, but soon Alicia and Hank burst out into loud laughter and Sophie blushed. Sophie said something a bit angry, before I could turn on my language comprehension.

Alicia responded to what Sophie said, but this time I could clearly understand them," Even if you were half asleep you should have known that it was Pochi."."I wanna see you in this kind of situation."responded Sophie to Alicia getting a bit angry.

Alicia showed a confidant smile, but before she could say anything Hank interrupted them, "So, Sophie what did Pochi Evolve into? I have never seen this kind of creature."

Sophie did something in the air before she said, "It says that he is a Spirit Dog, have you heard of it before Dad?".

"Spirit Dog, never heard of it. I have heard of Spirit Monster, but I always that that was a race on its own." answered Hank after he pondered for a bit.


Sophies eyes were sparkling and she basically shouted at her father, "What do you know about Spirit Monsters?".

The one that answered that was Alicia,"Spirit Monster are mostly harmless monster as they exist on the astral plane and can't hurt us, but there are some quite dangerous ones that can destroy your soul directly."

"So, he has become something incredible. Wow Pochi I'm so proud of you." said Sophie while she started to pet me. The more she petted me the more pleasant it felt at first I only had problems to follow their conversation, but soon nothing mattered anymore. It was pure pleasure.

When the petting stopped, I was lying on my back.

'What happened? I was petted before, but it never felt this good.'

As I looked around confused. I saw that Sophie was standing up and going to the front door.

She looked at me and waited and then after a bit of time said, "Come Pochi we are going to Lee, maybe he knows more about you."

I looked at her as I didn't knew how they came to that conclusion, but I still stood up and followed her out of the house.

As we left the house there was a small person standing before the door.

Sophie saw the Person and greeted with, "Hey Rob, why are you standing before our door?"

'This is Rob, wasn't he taller than Alicia before now he is shorter than me, how is that possible?'

I looked at him more closely and he indeed looked like Rob, but only shorter. Not just shorter his sice looked like it was halved.

As Rob was surprised, he hurriedly tried to hide what was in his hands, it was a small case, but Sophie didn't seem to notice it.


"I'm here to ask if Alicia want to go on a picnic with me."answered Rob shyly.

Sophie showed him a wide grin and then shouted,"SIS, ROB IS HERE AND HE WANTS TO GO ON A DATE WITH YOU!!!!"

Rob instantly started to blush and not even a second later Alicia was standing next to me. "Hey, Rob. Sophie didn't you want to go to Master Leenoriel?" asked Alicia her sister.

"That can wait." responded Sophie and as I too wanted to know what would happen I could understand her 100%.

"Rob, come in. Bye bye Sophie." said Alicia while she pulled Rob into the house and closed the door behind them.

"I wanna know what they are doing." muttered Sophie to herself. Sophie looked at me for a while before she said,"Pochi go inside and watch the two of them."

I wondered if I should do as she said or not, but after a short while I decided it would be better to let them have some time for themselves. So, I started to walk into the direction of the gate to go to Lee.

Sophie looked after me a bit perplexed, but soon came after me while shouting,"Wait for me Pochi."

At the gate we met Morris, "Hey Morris, how is it going?". He took a deep breath before he said,"Same as yesterday, Nala, she is still angry at me. And, your one your way to Master Leenorial?".

"Don't let yourself get depressed, she will need a bit more time and yes, I wanna ask him if he knows more about Pochis evolution." answered Sophie.

"This is Pochi!" asked Morris clearly shocked.

"Yupp, doesn't he look awesome.", Sophie said. Morris looked at me before he said,"He surely does."

"then til later.", said sophie and started to leave, but Morris told her,"I won't be here later, as my sift is of over in an hour." Sophie retorted only with an "OK"

At the next two gates it looked like Sophie was well known and could pass the gate without any problems the guards only looked strangely at me, but as I was her familiar there wasn't any problem.

We reached the tower and entered it and there I saw it my nemesis. It was a hard and difficult battle, but in the end I won.

Sophie knocked on Lees door and after a short while entered, but lee wasn't here.

"Looks like he isn't here he is probably in his laboratory. Come Pochi we need to get down again."

As Sophie climbed down the stairs and I was looking at them, they grinned at me with an evil smile.

Here the last delayed chapter the next regular one is Monday, but I'm not sure if I will be able to manage that so sorry in advance and thanks for reading.

So, I want to ask you what should be inside the small case that Rob hurriedly hid. Post what you think would be awesome.

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