《I´m the Dog of a young Mageknight》Chapter 18: A night for fright


Chapter 18: A night for fright

you may skip Sophies pov if you want to it doesn't change anything.

Pov Sophie

The event with the Necrotic Dragon was three weeks ago. The results of the accident was a heavy blow for the town of Kalim. Many Guards and students died to the three Necrotic Dragons that appeared that day.

Zone 15 did get hit the hardest as one of the Necrotic Dragons broke through the gate and devastete halve the zone.

But the zone that suffered the most under the circumstances was non other that zone 32, with zone 16 still under monster influence and zone 15 badly destroyed. Zone 32 suffered now of even more monster attacks, the situation got worse with each day.

Zone 5,6,17,34 only lost a big amount of Guards and students, so King Leopold decided to send some elites into the Zones to improve the safety of the town.

Our Family was hit pretty bad too, Mother had lost her right arm to one of the Dragons Attack and as it was a Necrotic one it will take years for the soul of mothers arm to regenerate only then can she regrow her arm with magic.

Alicia was now scared of Battle, but she still got the Paladin Class. She doesn't know what she will do from now on. Her friend Veronica became a priest and is now working in a medic station in zone 17, Roy evolved into a halfling and got the Specialist/Gardening Class as he didn't want to enter battle ever again.

And I, I'm still going to school and waiting for Pochi to finish evolving, it is unusual that it takes this long to evolve so I'm a bit worried, but I know that he is still all right.


It was a night like always when Pochi reappeared, I was sleeping like always at this time of night.

When I was awoken by a pulling sensation on my pyjama pants, followed by ripping sound. I looked up to see what happened only to see two glowing eyes surrounded by what looked like a strange white glowing mask. I was so scared that the first thing I did was scream and then it just disappeared like that.

Scared I looked around, but I couldn't see a thing as it was pitch dark. Suddenly the door to my room was kicked open and a soft light entered the room illuminating the figure of father.

"Sophie what happened?" he asked me. I hesitated a bit and felt that my pants were completely destroyed. For a moment I sad there shocked.

My father scanned the room with his eyes, but he could find nothing so he came over to me and said, "Everything is OK it was .." but before he could finish his sentence that beast reappeared between us, now I could see that it was some kind of Dog that had white linings that emitted a soft glow over his brown body.

Father was surprised by the sudden appearance of the Dog and tried to punch it, but it disappeared once more.

The entire situation was getting more eerie with each passing second. Now Alicia was looking inside my room from the door and the Dog appeared right behind her this time.

I pointed in her direction and screamed, "Alicia behind you.". Alicia slowly turned around and saw the Dog standing behind her looking at her. She screamed and the Dog disappeared once more. We stayed vigilant some more, but it didn't reappear this night.

Pov Pochi

The scream that came from Sophie surprised me, I properly surprised her too with my sudden appearance, but what was that ripping sound. As I looked around I saw that I had ripped apart Sophies pyjama pants, just as I was about to lick Sophie over the face to calm her the door to her room was kicked open, and her father entered the room in his underwear.


He looked around as if searching for something then he wanted to get over to Sophie to calm her down and suddenly punched me, but strangely his fist just passed through me.

'OK that was strange. What happened? I should properly getting out of the way for now.' So I left the room and saw how Alicia was looking into the room.

'Wait a Moment since when is Alicia so small?' so I went over to her and tried to compare my height to her. 'Did I grow this much, I'm only a little shorter than her before, she wasn't the biggest before, but she should at last have been 1,6m so I'm right now around 1,4m . Am I not a little to big for a Dog right know?' As I was thinking about this Alicia turned around and looked into my eyes.

With the Scream Alicia released I realized that I must have scared the hell out of them so I returned to the Tattoo.

And Started to wonder why they were so scared of me. I then remembered that there were still some skills I didn't looked at before. So I looked once more at my Familiar skills.

Familiar SkillBeginner 2Familiar Skill Combines the racial skills and the skills of the Familiar contractSub-Skills+ Shared Vision[+ Advanced Familiar Tattoo[+ Combined Mana[+ Channel Casting[+ Puppy Eyes[+ Spirit Eyes[+ Astral Form[

As I looked at them i found out some pretty interesting things

Shared Vision let's the TV screen appear, I can't see what Advanced Familiar Tattoo does, Combined Mana let me use Sophies Mana, Channel Casting let me cast spells as if I was standing in Sophies position.

The last two are the skills that I find most impressive. Spirit eyes let me see the soul of everything and I don't need to do anything for it to work. Astral Form shifts me from the physical world to the astral one, so I can't be harmed in the normal way and the best is it doesn't even need mana, but it has a one second cool down and only works for up to ten.

I probably activated this skill instinctively and so scared the three of them. So, I scolded myself with,' Bad Doggy, Bad Doggy.'

I'm back here is the first chapter that is overdue the next one will be released as soon as possible I don't know if before or after the one on Monday.

Thanks for reading.

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