《I´m the Dog of a young Mageknight》Chapter 24: training in BARL


Chapter 24: training in BARL

The room I appeared in was another lab. On one side of the lab were different kinds of weapon most of which I had never seen before in my life and some pretty common. On the other side was an incredibly amount of cages with different types of animals and monsters. In between those was a big open space with different circles on the ground.

As I looked around Antonia moved forward to the open space with Lee and Sophie following her.

I pondered for a moment if I should follow too, but I came to the conclusion that there was no escape for me so I followed them.

When I came close to them I heard Antonia explaining some exercise and what they would improve and what infomations she could get from them, " ...out how strong Pochis will is.

The parkour is an exercise that will improve the agility, the information we can get is how fast Pochi can react to changing situation.

The last exercise is called Thunderdome in it we will shot a great number of enchanted stones at Pochi they will do no harm, but will still hurt, this will train everything the other exercise trained. What I can gain from this how strong Pochi really is. So I would like you to choose two of these so we can get started."

Sophie looked at Antona with big eyes and then said, "can't Pochi do all four of them." with this sentence a shiver went down my spine.

"Are you sure" asked Antonia, Sophie confirmed it with an innocent nod.

"Ok, you see the pole over there. You need to leash Pochi onto the pole and then I will start the first exercise." said Antonia and Sophie did as she said.


I was wondering what the first one would be as I didn't hear when the first was explained.

A slope appeared before me and a stone began to roll towards me. The stone had a radius of 50 cm. Then, I heard a cheer from Sophie, "Pochi I know you can do it, destroy the rock."

I looked at the rock, it wasn't fast, but still it was pretty big. How can I destroy something like this.

Then it occurred to me I could use magic to destroy it.

So on my first try I used my Spirit Claw, but that did nothing on the stone that was still rolling my way. 'Damit astral magic didn't work and I don't think I can destroy it with teleporting so I need to try something different.'

So, I gathered mana and moved it to my mouth without passing through the brain this time, I was concentrating on reducing the Stone to dust and let the mana out of my mouth.

A black ball of mana shot out of my mouth and hit the stone, but still nothing appeared to happen.

I tried it two more time, with those two attacks I found out that the part that was hit really turned to dust, but it was such a small area that it didn't matter.

The stone was coming closer and closer I didn't had much time left so I decided once more to try something new, I tried to move my mana through my entire body to strengthen it and protect me from the stone. The result was, I was clad in electricity.

I moved closer to the stone and clawed at it, but the stone was unimpressed by it.

I started to panic as the stone was directly in front of me, I don't know what or how I did it, but a strength surged through my body as I desperately clawed at the stone, and with a hit the stone was stopped from moving.


As the stone didn't move anymore my mind was at ease. I opened my Skill menu to look at what I learned, I had three new skills Death Magic, Energy Magic and Body strengthening technique.

When I was about to Inspect those skills a bit more in detail the ground beneath me moved away from the pole.

The next thing that happen was that a pit filled with lava appeared around 1,5m away from the pole surrounding it.

I started to walk and quickly closed the blue screens. At first it was walking, but then suddenly without warning I was attacked.

It was my nemesis (stairs) that appeared out of nowhere, the battle took several hours and I was about to fall into the pit when it stopped and my nemesis disappeared.

I was at the end of my power, no mana as I forgot about the electricity and totally exhausted.

When the pole disappeared I wanted to run away, but there were two walls to both of my sides and a gigantic stone that rolled towards me. So, I started to run.

There appeared different obstacle out of nowhere that I needed to avoid to not get crushed by the stone. It was hard and I needed to use different types of ways to avoid them, but in the end it didn't matter the stone was getting faster and faster til it suddenly disappeared and I collapsed on the ground.

I wanted to never move again when a dome covered me at the side of the dome appeared a lava pit like before and then it started.

It was hell, at first there were only stones shot at me that I could evade by rolling to the side, but when the ground started to move from the middle of the dome to the pits, I needed to stand up and move for real. Then, when I got almost accustomed to it obstacles appeared from the middle of the dome. So now I had to keep moving evading stones and avoiding obstacles.

Then the sice of the stones changed from pebble to 50 cm, It was incredible hard and I got hit multiple times til I changed my tactic to destroying them.

I was getting more and more exhausted and when I thought it couldn't get any worse, my nemesis appeared once more, it didn't take long for me til I fell into the lava pit only to find out it was only an optical illusion.

Then I just collapsed from exhaustion.

Thanks for reading. Today I do something a bit different I want you to guess what BARL means.

The rules everyone gets just one guess. The first one to post the right answer wins. The time for it is til my next release next Monday.

You get the chance to give me one event that I need to work into the story.

Good luck to everyone that wants to guess.

And once more thanks for reading.

PS: Don't post the event you want because I don't want to spoil the others.

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