《Eternal Pheonix》Chapter 1
An: I won't change anyones personality and everyone who commented were against harems so he'll only have one lover- If he finds one.
I am gonna go back and proofread the prologues and this chapter so there will be no chapter for a day or two.
In this chapter, Thunder gets a bit of time.
Fenix calls everything other than sovereigns mortals, though they're not.
Please tell me if something doesn't make sense in the comments, and I'll fix it.
I hope you don’t get too confused with the ranks, I have decided to implement some Stellar Transformation stuff as well.
Tell me any power from anything, as long as it's not too confusing, Ill add it. It doesn’t need to be wuxia, it can be from any fiction. This is a fan fiction anyway… the more things I put references to frequently, i'll mention in the summary.
Please comment, it really motivates me and I enjoy reading them! Also tell me if you're confused with the rankings. Read over the ranks twice if it's confusing and if you still don’t understand just comment below.
Tell me if I should change anything. If the majority hates, i'll redo the chapter.
Fenix POV
I am currently in a cradle.
Well... I call it a cradle but it's more like a prison.
The bars are made from Gramps magic and they go up to the ceiling.
It's takes an area of 100m's and is filled to the brim with toys and stuffed animals...
I guess it's true when they say grandparents are too doting, but I'm still surprised they have a room this large.
They're really good with illusion magic, probably because gramps studies the (basic affinity of water and higher affinity of Ice) while Grams studies the higher affinity of light.
Both are good at concealing and illusions.
Let's talk about affinities.
There are 7 basic or main affinities, each with a primordial.
Fire, Wind, Earth, Water, Nature, Electricity and Darkness.
These all have 7 aspects which you can master to have complete control over the affinity.
For example, Fire has the aspect of heat. These lets you create mental of non-physical attacks as heat can be uncomfortable and painful, it can damage the outer soul. (Only sovereigns can damage the inner soul since it's a flame created by Fenix that gives everyone consciousness.) Heat can also do physical damage effect the area... it has many uses.
You can also fuse different aspects together to use powerful abilities.
For example, if you fuse the aspects of heat and burning, you can basically turn anything that feels the heat burn to ash. You can also make the outer soul burst into flames or create the illusions that they're burning from just feeling the heat, of course there are many other even higher class abilities that can be obtained from fusing both.
These two are the basic aspects of Fire.
Fusing is extremely difficult, even for the likes of me.
Someone who fuses all of the aspects in their affinity, it doesn't matter if it's a higher affinity or a basic affinity, are called Nova's.
Someone who fuse everything in 2 different affinities, and then fuses the 2 affinities together, are called Super Nova's.
Nova's are already extremely rare, there are only thought to be less than 10 in existence, in my multiverse. Sovereigns, even primordials would want to recruit them!
They are the at the absolute peak of a High god and are unstoppable in worlds and are only second to sovereigns in the main world, since there are no super nova’s here either.
This is the rank I think my grandparents and father are at. Although my grandparents are very close to
Super Nova is a near impossible rank. They can easily dispose of weaker lesser sovereigns.
Unfortunately, reaching primordial is impossible, even for them.
When I am reincarnated, I remember all of the basic abilities and can train quickly and master them, but mysteriously, I am unable to remember how I fuse them.
This is similar to how I forget all the higher affinities.
There are many, many higher affinities that branch of from the basic affinities.
Higher affinities also have 7 aspects.
It is not unusual for them to have aspects related to more than one basic affinity.
In the future, I am planning to first train in the aspects of fire and then water, to balance my weakness till I reach Immortal rank. Though water and fire are weak against each other really, the water will evaporate and the fire will doused.
I have never attained the Super Nova rank throughout trillions of re-incarnations but I never stopped researching. I then found the fault~
It was with the souls. There was one Super Nova that existed in my multiverse and I managed to recruit him. I paid him a shit ton and he let me exper- *Ahem* research with him.
I found that he somehow managed to deform his soul and live… this was thought to be impossible!
Unfortunately, the only ever Super Nova experts soul combusted and he died...
Well thanks to him, I learnt how he was able to fuse to different elements.
I had to research the soul for trillions of years!
The method I created is only suitable for a primordials soul and even lesser sovereigns soul can't handle it.
Also primordials are the only ones that can confidently meddle with their inner soul.
Before the trillions of years of research, I had re-incarnated an innumerable amount of times.
I have 200 lesser sovereigns bodies that I trained to the peak through countless reincarnations in my pocket dimension and even trained 3 bodies into primordials, since I have a primordial soul, I can reach that rank. With this, I'm an unstoppable force, the other primordials only have 1 body, which they transform into a humanoid.
They think I do the same, but it's actually one of my primordial bodies!
The only bad thing was... Zephyr! He was a smart ass and somehow opened a dimension to my personal pocket dimension! I had to give that idiot a primordial body to keep him quiet!
The body I had to train took trillions of years to reach primordials, It felt like I give a piece of my soul away! It was my only wind primordial... the other one is electricity.
But... It's better him than the others, he always listened to me from the beginning anyway, and isn't an imbecile!
Luckily, I still have 2 more primordial bodies, with my true body, I still have 3.
The others didn't notice me and Zephyrs new bodies as we transformed to look like our natural humanoid forms... Our humanoid form is one of the reasons me and Zephyr are so intimate, they still don't mature! The others think we transform into it on purpose to show disrespect or something... but it's our natural humanoid form, our soul can only imagine us in these forms when we transform!
At Least we now have other bodies, even if they aren't our orig-- who cares, it's just a humanoid form!
If you want to know why I am going to such lengths to create a primordial, and why I am doing so in secret... It's because this is the mission given to me!
No matter how long it takes, I always keep my word!
Well... most of the time.
*Stomach Growls*
I'm hungry... I want some Ramen, Ice cream, Coffee or........
Oh, its gramps, why is he making me float behind him.
Grandpa Deyrus: "Ho ho ho, It's dinner time kiddo', now you follow grandpa Deyrus, we're gonna have some delicious magical beast meat!"
1 year passed.
In this year I've been researching a lot about this multiverse through books.
The ranking system is:
(Rank 1= They just begun doing it. Rank 9= Mastered it.)
Rank 1 to 9 Warrior or Magus
--Basics of a main or higher affinity.
--Rank 9 Magus/Warrior= Fully mastered basics.
Loose immortal Ranks 1 to 9
--Mastering one aspect of a basic or higher affinity.
--Loose immortal Rank 9 = Fully mastered one aspect.
Immortal Ranks 1 to 9
--Mastering another aspect of a basic or higher affinity.
--Immortal Rank 9 = Fully mastered another aspect.
Golden Immortal Ranks 1 to 9
--Mastering a third aspect of a basic or higher affinity.
--Golden Immortal Rank 9 = Fully mastered third aspect.
Mystic Immortal Ranks 1 to 9
--Mastering the remaining aspects of a basic affinity.
--Rank 9 Mystic immortal = Fully mastered elemental law.
Demi God Ranks 1 to 9
--Begin Fusing 2 aspects together.
--Rank 9 Demi god= 2 aspects/laws fully fused
Full God Ranks 1 to 9
--Begin Fusing 2 more aspects/laws together.
--Full god rank 9- Fully fused 2 more aspects. Having four mastered aspects all together.
High God Ranks 1 to 9
--You then begin to fuse the aspects/laws you fused when you were a Demi god with the aspects you fused when you were a full god.
--High god Rank 9= Fused 4 aspects into 1. (Only have 3 aspects unfused.)
To reach peak or ultimate, you either fuse stronger or unique aspects or fuse more aspects.
To reach Nova fuse all 7 aspects together.
To reach Super Nova, reach Nova on two or more elements and fuse the two DIFFERENT elements together.
(Lesser) Sovereign- Ranks 1 to 9
Primordial Sovereign- Nobody decided to make ranks.
The ranks above 9 are peak, ultimate, Nova and Super Nova experts.
They are at the peak of their level of power.
Rank 9 and above tower above people the same level. (Levels= immortal, full god etc.)
I spent the rest of my time making a training schedule and meditating so my new body absorbed more faster.
The mana in my body is being absorbed at a very fast rate.
My soul then filters and purifies it.
The magical beast is very useful as it provides a lot of mana, though granny is helping me absorb it, I don't actually need her help.
It seems that my grandparents are training.
Over the past year, I learnt that they are very well known in the multiverse, and have a reputation even in the main world.
They are both of the dragon species.
Grandpa Deyrus is a Heavenly Divine Tundra Dragon. He is born with the higher affinity of Ice and is extremely good with water!
They are the God of Ice type beasts and have the innate ability to Freeze anything. Be it time or space… but it seems that he maybe the only one in existence.
There are such things Divine Tundra dragons but they are a Higher class beast, one won’t be seen in a 100 billion years. Since this multiverse is only a trillion or so years old, there shouldn’t be more than 10 in existence, and only if they survived! But grandpa is a Heavenly one, It seems Grandpa is a unique Super class beast!
These are unfathomably rare! The multiverse is extremely luck to produce even one, but…
Grandma Hilda is a Holy Diamond Dragon. Another Super class beast… She can potentially heal souls and if she gains some rare insights, even the inner soul! Only primordials can usually meddle with souls, this shows how amazing super class beasts are. She can also strengthen and buff people and even double their power! Sovereigns would do anything to rope someone like her in! But… this shows that Deyrus is formidable enough to keep them at bay!
I am not surprised that they can take on lesser sovereigns! Superclass beasts are even more rare than Nova’s! They are the second most rare find, only super Nova’s are rarer!
They can probably reach the sovereign level without fusing with a core, like all of the rest!
In my multiverse, we had no less than 5 super classed beasts! They didn’t even dare train to lesser sovereign, but killed and fused with a core instead!
It seems these two must be very talented, they only seem over nine hundred million years old, well, this makes them two of the most ancient creatures of this multiverse, which is only a trillion years old! To have survived this long without dying makes them very formidable!
Other than that, I’ve been crawling and walking around everywhere.
Some of these rooms goto different world!
Once I entered a room which took me to a world full of dinosaur type creatures, I wanted to have a look around but they sensed that I went missing!
They put a tracker on me now...
Grandma Hilda: “Dinners ready! Today I’ve made ramen…”
I tilt my head, looking at her with a confused face. Ramens amazing, but it’s even better with--
Grandma Hilda:”With your favourite: High God magical beast meat.”
Fenix: “MEAT!”
(It came out as: MEE)
-----------------------------Two Years later------------------------------------
I feel two horns are starting to grow from my head, and little tail with a sharp diamond at the end.
I’ve heard from my grandparents that my Mother had some powerful ancestors that were Demons. My mother was found by them in the main world when she was a baby. They then decided to adopt her as their own and raise her.
She didn’t have much demon blood in her veins but my soul might have awakened it inside me.
My grandparents came to this world to initially raise her for a couple thousand years, but grew too fond of it. Now they can’t think of moving away, since they lived here for 100 million years.
My mother also didn’t want to leave because of my father, who she grew up with.
Even though they didn’t seem too upset the day my mother died, they both grieved for months after my father left. In fact, they still visit her shrine after training every day.
Even if she wasn’t related by blood, my grandparents apparently had only one other child over their life, they thought it was impossible before this. They got him only a few thousand years ago, making him very young for someone of their species. He must be at least a higher class beast.
I am quite tall for my age. I have red hair and golden eyes.
I can walk about and run clumsily.
I am currently in the living room.
Me and my grandparents are watching Television on the 3D holographic screen.
The technology is really high since were on the strongest plane of this very well-known world.
The doorbell rang.
The door bell was hidden with an illusion as outsiders see this as a small wooden house.
Only friends or powerful people can see through it.
The old couples face suddenly light up.
Must be someone important.
Grandma picks me up and walk through the long corridor in a hurried fashion.
My grandparents open the door to see a young teenager with white hair, sadly smiling at them.
Grandpa Deyrus: “Haha, what’s the hurry son, you took your time coming here…”
Grandpa said, giving him a sad smile.
Kid:“I came as fast as I could, was I too late?”
Grandma: “No matter how fast you were, you wouldn’t have made it… she died a couple of minutes after we sent you the message…”
The kids eyes grew misty and then slowly red.
Kid: “So elder sister… even her soul?” He said hopefully, but with his father's next words his eyes dimmed.
Grandpa nodded sadly.
Grandpa: “Her soul was destroyed. If she went to the nether, the old man there owes us a debt, but now she’s truly gone.” Said grandpa softly.
Kid: “I see… I finally reached High god rank 9- in fact I am at the ultimate rank. I fused 5 aspects, I only need to begin fusing the last two… and ill become a Nova. She would have been proud, she was stuck at the bottleneck of a peak high god and always wanted me to reach the next rank.”
To be a peak high god, you still have 4 aspects fused, like a normal high god, but the quality of the aspects are far better!
To be a ultimate, you have 5 of the 7 aspects fused making you far stronger than even a peak rank high god.
Grandma: “Come in and we’ll explain what happened.”
Kid: “Ok.”
His eyes lit up as he suddenly noticed me in grandma’s arms.
Thunder POV
Thunder: “Those bastards, to think I have to come here to help Fenix and Zephyr… Tch.”
It seems, that they had noticed that I escaped from that shitty meeting.
Yeah… As soon as Fenix appeared, I bolted.
That bastard, every time he see’s me with girls he attacks me, what a prick!
It’s not my fault they’re attracted to me! I’m the primordial of electricity, you know that I study a lot about attraction.
You know, negative and positive charged stuff attract! I can basically charge their soul to negative and make them attract to my positive. In their eyes I have an amazing personality and am amazing.
I am amazing though, aren’t I?
I currently arrive at that Pu guy’s castle.
I see him at the gates, waiting for me.
Thunder: “How are they? Did you hurt them?” I ask anxiously.
This guy was equally as strong as the Gaia, Aqua, Leafa, Dev’l and me together.
I shouldn’t have anything to worry about, experts like him don’t break their promise.
Plus, If we used our secret techniques we are confident with dealing with him.
I tighten my grasp over the seal.
If I rip the seal, it should summon the rest over.
They couldn’t come as it may offend him if too many of us came.
Sovereign Pu scratches his head and has an embarrassed expression.
He couldn’t have… k--
Sovereign Pu: “Haha, elder has very formidable brothers. Even I Sovereign Pu, am not ashamed to admit that even one could handle me haha.”
I look at him with a surprised expression.
Last time, he didn’t even look at me, but now he calls me elder?
I wasn’t too surprised to hear that he couldn’t defeat them.
But one being enough?
I thought Fenix had a chance, but Zephyr must have been non-stop training ever since Fenix tied with us so long ago.
Thunder: “Take me to them.”
Sovereign Pu: “I’m sorry to say that seniors are both training and do not want to be disturbed for a while.”
Thunder: “I see… Take me to my residence, I want it to be large enough for a lab.”
Sovereign Pu: “Of-course, anything else you need, just call me.”
Thunder: “Actually, I do need some materials…”
I hand him a long list of stuff that I was gonna get later.
Sovereign Pu looks at the list and his eyes grow wide.
Although he created everything he was not a scientist.
He just believed everything just came together to be what it is today.
All he had to do was design some races, souls and magical beasts and shoot some racks and giant fire balls out.
He never chose to study anything other than his own powers while we chose professions with powerful secrets.
Like how Aqua chose to study marine crap. Or leafa chose nature. Dev’l chose psychology.
I chose poison, technology some general science and genetics. I learnt quite a bit from my siblings as well. I have a lot of knowledge when it comes to science. The only one on par with me is Fenix, I think.
Zephyr chose music and power. I have a feeling he studies a lot more than that though. Even Fenix praises his intelligence but not mine.
Gaia chose to study a lot about sub atomic particles and atoms, he knows even more than me.
Apparently they give him insights as well.
Fenix chose everything really, but he had the potential to do so.
I kind of suspect him of having a clone, but that would be impossible. He might be working harder. After all, who heard of a primordial with clones? (Poor guy…)
This Pu guy is actually pretty lousy compared to us, huh. We learn and gain insights while he just rushes through.
New races and beasts even today come to existence through evolution so he probably doesn't even know anything about genetics or DNA, you can define him as someone who chose brawn over brains.
Sovereign Pu: “Are you… a Poison master?”
He heard that poison masters were extremely formidable to those of the same rank.
Thunder: “Haha kind of, stuff like that is pretty simple, but fall under the same category. I’m a science master! I study a lot of things, genetics and crap, so do my siblings. My knowledge is on par with Fenix and Zephyrs, at least. In fact, if I brought my strongest weapon, I’m confident in eradicating this multiverse and everyone in it, including ourselves.”
Sovereign Pu: “Them too… I’m far too behind…”
Poor guy, I should encourage him.
Thunder:“Don’t worry, you’re really young to have reached your level, you have very high potential! You should study more things though, knowledge is power after all.” I try to sound wise.
His eyes have a determined look. Haha, those physcology lessons went well, thank you Dev’l.
I wonder if Gaia let her out yet.
He re-reads my sheet.
Sovereign Pu: “Umm, why do you want 100 women?”
~Haha, this kid!
Thunder: “They’re just gonna help me with some personal experiments, hoho.”
Sovereign Pu smiles helplessly. [I’m sorry girls…]
Kid: “What! Brother-in law wouldn’t do that!”
Grandpa: “He would, he loved your sister a lot, they grew up together and travelled together over hundreds of millions of years. It’s not unusual if he hates his son…”
Kid: “But look at him! That fire couldn’t have originated from him! Even you couldn’t stop it, father!”
Fenix was currently running ridiculously on the living room floor, chasing a high god magical beast that they forced to shrink and stay in his beast form.
Grandpa: “I’m looking at him chase a high god level zebra type beast, shouting ‘MEAT, MEAT!’”
The young man felt a bit uncomfortable when he realised the beast was the same level as him and was an sentient being as well. Once they reach immortal rank they can talk and when they reach deity they can transform.
Kid: “Father! He isn’t a magical beast! He shouldn’t be eating magical beast meat, never mind deity level ones! It’s also wrong for you to do it, they can turn human and are intelligent!”
In the background Fenix was chasing the small zebra around: “Please save me m’lord!”
He was totally ignored.
Deyrus:”It’s delicious! You loved it when you were a child! But then you realised they had sentience and feelings… Sigh… Also his mana is abnormal and he can somehow easily absorb the meat, even High god ones! Your mother also helps as well, just incase!”
Hilda: “Zaq, how long will you be staying? I have to order those normal ingredients you like.”
Zaq: “Well, I have business to do here as well. Some dark guilds have been formed in the galaxy. I might as well destroy them for some extra cash. I’ll be reaching Nova soon, so I need father to show me the quickest way to fuse the last two. So around a thousand years, unless something intervenes.”
Deyrus: “Eesh, you're so busy, you should relax ya’ know. We have far too much money, if you want some?”
Zaq: “I want to earn my own money!”
Hilda: “Zaq, you’re a genius, you’re only 1000 years old and have fused 5 aspects of electricity. Your a super beast! Every school in the multiverse wants to recruit you, why don’t you join one? If not as a student, maybe a teacher. You can easily become the headmaster.”
Zaq suddenly started pondering.
Zaq: “I’m not sure…”
Deyrus: “Even I think you should go, there’s more things to study other than magic and martial arts. Learn science or regal things like music!”
Hilda: “In our dragon race, you are the equivalent of a 13 year old!”
Zaq:”OK, I’ll think about it.” said the young teenager in a resigned tone.
----------------------------------------2 years later------------------------------------------------
Fenix POV
Me and uncle Zaq are pretty close now.
He’d read me bedtime stories, which slowly turned into encyclopedias.
I’ve begun to call him Zaq, since he still looks like a kid.
He has white hair and violet eyes he will definitely have a lot of admirers if he went school.
Zaq: “Fenix, are you ready?”
Fenix: “Yeah, it’s my first time to the city! I wonder how it’s like [in another multiverse…]”
Fenix 5 years old.
Please tell me if you enjoy the story.
I’m gonna start proofreading.
Sorry for the delay.
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❛ ᴡᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀʟʟ ꜰɪʀᴇꜰʟɪᴇꜱ ʀᴏᴀᴍɪɴɢ ᴏɴ ᴛʜɪꜱ ʟᴀɴᴅ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴏɴᴇ ᴅᴀʏ ᴏᴜʀ ʟɪɢʜᴛ ᴛᴏᴏ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴅɪᴍɪɴɪꜱʜ. ❜ ~ Layla Griffin"When Fireflies Diminish" is a collection of poems that touch various dark and neutral themes such as loss of loved ones, life's challanges, mental health issues etc.Copyright © 2022 Layla GriffinCover by @-DeeIsDead-Started: 09.06.2022Completed: ~
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