《Eternal Pheonix》Chapter 2
Chapter 2- Encounter
An: Fenix has demon blood in his veins. His mom was adopted by his grandparents.
Unless his ancestor was *cough* related to dragons *cough* he has no dragon ancestry...
It's good if you re-read the chapters once I wrote 'Proofread' on the title.
Last chapter, I accidentally wrote Zaq was close to becoming a high god, what I meant was he was close to being a NOVA.
Also if you're still confused with the ranking system ask in the comments I tried making it clearer slightly. You don't really need to understand it though, just understand he's getting stronger. :P
Thanks for all the feedback and please comment, especially if your confused or aren't happy with something.
Fenix: "I'm ready!" Shouted Fenix, as he put his black cloak on.
Zaq apparated in front of Fenix, grabbed him, and they both re-appeared in the gate.
Hilda and Deyrus also appeared behind them.
Zaq: "Ok, we'll be heading off now."
Deyrus: "Take care of Fenix, and remember:"
Zaq:" *Sigh* Thoroughly annihilate anyone who stands in our path. You don't need to remind me..."
Deyrus nodded and ruffled Zaqs head.
Deyrus: "That's my boy, hoho!"
Fenix: [This family... Grandma, say something! Even I don't kill anyone who stands in front of me!]
Hilda: "Remember to bring back their core, we need a couple thousand more for someone's, you know what."
Zaq: "Ok. I'll also get you guy's some souvenirs, never been to the imperial city for ages!"
Fenix:[How old do they think I am!? They don't even bother using divine sense!
Its obviously my birthday in 10 days... What are they gonna use Cores for?
You use them to fuse to the next level, why would they need thousands?
Do they know that I can just analyse it without fusing, allowing me to see all the insight inside the core without needing to fuse? No... they think I don't know when my birthday is...]
Hilda: "Fenix, come give Grandma and baka a hug!"
Fenix runs up to them and gives them a hug.
Zaq: "Alright see ya, don't kill each other while I'm gone..."
Zaq then puts Fenix on his shoulders and disappears from the two ancient dragons sight.
Deyrus:"--Wait! You... Did you call me idiot!"
Hilda:"So what?! I know you called me a wench on flitter, Sovereign Pu told me!"
Deyrus: "That bastard can't keep a secret. And so what, you f**king called me a wrinkled cow on your blog, you witch!"
Deyrus, Hilda: "Grrrrr...."
Zaq stops and looks back, far off in the distance two enormous dragons can be seen, shooting balls of Ice and Light at each other, destroying the surrounding mountains.
Zaq: *Sigh* "They're already at it..."
Fenix: "WOAH! They're enormous! They're the size of an average sun!"
Even from that distance, the two dragons blocked the horizon.
Fenix hadn't actually seen the dragon forms, but only heard of them...
The only way you can describe them is: 'Majestic' or 'Divine'
If you ignore them swearing at each other... very, very loudly.
The dragons overbearing presence could make anyone weak willed faint even from 80 million km away.
This emphasized how large this planet was.
The civilians from the closest cities were used to the two dragons fighting and swearing at each other, so avoided looking and just ignored it.
Most who lived near the mountains were experts anyway.
It was because it's all under the protection of the old couple.
Not even Nova's or Lesser Sovereigns would intrude, it was very expensive to live in.
Fenix: "W-what about our house?"
Zaq: "Haha, don't worry, your grandparents created that shack as an illusion, our home is actually in another dimension, the only entrance is through the shack.
They will rebuild it after they're done fighting, anyway.
The mountains will also be fixed, so nothing will change."
Fenix:"Ok, how long till we reach the imperial city?"
Zaq: "Normally, in a century or so--"
Fenix: "That long!" Fenix interrupted.
Zaq: "Haha, normally! But since your Uncle Zaq is here, we'll get there in a day or 2! I am a super expert in lighting (electricity) after all. This will give us 6 days of shopping and fun! Haha"
Fenix: "WOAH! You're so cool!" [Really? It'll take you THAT long...]
And they continued their journey.
------:"Zephyr! Wake up!" Says a deep voice as he shakes Zephyr.
Zephyr: "Gaa, Father?" Zephyr groans as he wakes up and sits up on his bed, rubbing his eyes.
Rayne: "Good, it's your birthday in 10 days, you're too quiet. I need you to at least learn etiquette body language, if not words. This way, you won't go offending any powerful experts son or daughter when they try talking to you."
Zephyr gives him a frown.
Rayne: "Son, don't look at me like that... Ok, I'll let you go out with your cousins and their freinds today. They're not really taking no for an answer."
Rayne said helplessly, while giggling could be heard outside the room.
Zephyr: [Tch. Eavesdroppers...]
Zephyr nodded.
Rayne: "Ok, get ready in 10 minutes. I'll get your Uncle Hindor to escort you all. You'll arrive at the imperial city within 3 hours High god magical beast."
The castle was outside the imperial city. It was not too far, since you can see the castle from the imperial city. (The distance from the moon and earth.)
The imperial palace is situated on the mountains which tower over the city.
Many tourists from all planes come to the imperial city to just have a look at the awe-inspiring, enormous building.
It is a truly worthy building to represent the ruler which united all planes of this famous world.
Often High god magical beasts, who are all very proud and noble even allow themselves to turn into their beast form and give rides to people there, just to have a better look.
To ride a high god beast is still unbelievably expensive yet the imperial family normally have them on carriages.
Zephyr got changed, washed and started walking to the palace gates, where the carriage is waiting.
*Giggle* *Giggle*
He was followed by some very irritating giggles and whispering.
Hindor: "Ah, you've arrived little Zephy, well hop on the carriage, or they coming along too?"
Zephyr arrives to find his Uncle Hindor, one of the 7 generals, waiting for him.
Hindors strength was a ultimate High god.
He was the strongest of generals as the others were rank 9 and 2 peaks.
Rank 9's are also extremely powerful and can live at the top of society even in the main world.
To have peaks as generals... that was too formidable!
As for having an ultimate? Thats crazy!
This sort of army, only clans that have lesser sovereigns can afford...
Hindor naturally has his own clan. He is even extremely famous in the higher plains in the main world.
Only Raynes family and the dragon family are stronger than Hindors clan in this world.
Zephyr turns back as he remembered his cousins were behind him.
He analysed them:
Four adorable girls. 2 with cats and dog ears, 2 with human ears.
The beastgirls had blonde hair and frilly dresses. --His cousins, the Vera twins. Their father rules over the plane Vera, one of the lesser planes- which is part of Raynes empire.
The human ones had brown hair each and were also wearing frilly dresses.-- There friends Ivory, and Bella. Nobles.
Both have Fans in their hands and talking behind them while giggling.
Two more boys, with black hair and brown eyes, they have both have brown bear ears.
His cousins, The Xynos Twins.
Their father rules over Xynos of one of the lower realms of their world. It is part of Raynes empire.
Hands behind their heads, nose up. Arrogant.
All of them were around the same age, 5 to 7 years old.
Zephyr being the youngest at 5. Soon to be 6.
Two 6 year olds: both girls. - The Ivory and Bella
Four 7 year old: twin girls and the twin boys. His cousins.
As Zephyr looked past the girls, Ivory and Bella blush which cause the Vera twins to giggle.
Zephyr ignores them and nods towards Hindor.
Hindor smiles and lets them in the gigantic carriage.
The carriage is equipped with seats, tables, beds, bathroom and a dining area.
It is enchanted so you don't feel any disturbances while you're inside.
Hilbert: "Rhyson, to the imperial city!" Said Hilbert, heroically.
The Rhino divine beast roars an OK and disappears, leaving a trail of smoke and dust.
Inside the carriage.
The girls are sitting around one of the round tables, in the cafe like dining area.
Bella: "Go on, ask him for us..."
One of the vera sisters, Sherry: "Hmph, OK, Go on Violet. Do it!"
She forces her sister to do it.
Violet gives her a glare and say: "Hmph, watch me!"
Violet storms towards the table the boys are sitting.
Violet:"Zeff, can you come to our table for a moment?"
Zephyr: "Why?"
Violet: "My freind want to ask you somethi- just come along!"
She shouts when Zephyr goes back to reading his book and ends up dragging him to their table.
Zephyr: *Sigh* "What?"
Seeing her friends hesitate, Violet just tells him.
Violet: "Can they touch your ears?"
Zephyr: "Why?"
Violet: "Why do you always answer questions with question?"
Zephyr: "Because questions are the best answers... aren't they?"
He said calmly.
Ivory: "Woah, your so clever! No wonder they say you're a genius!"
Bella: "Yeah! Oh, Its because your ears are so cute and look fluffy. They're pitch black and stand out from your white hair! "
Then without even waiting for him to respond, they start feeling his wolf ears.
(If you haven't realised by now, Zephyr inherited the beastman traits from his father, while Fenix inherited Demon traits from his mother, who possessed a tiny bit of demon blood, since her ancestors were powerful demons.)
After they finished stroking his ears, Zephyr returned to find his cousins, the Xynos twins and his uncle Hindor smiling at him, with their thumbs up.
Zephyr: "Brother Yun, will you all be going to the Academy next year?"
He asks one of the Xynos twins, who was caught by surprise, as Zephyr hardly starts conversations.
Yun: "Haha, no need to worry, your Imperial father, his majesty, allowed us to wait a year longer for you, same for the Vera twins."
(AN: Beastman usually have twins or more, since it's not rare for animals to have many litters and cubs.)
Zephyr nods at them, while thinking: [#@/@!*#!"@#]
Zaq: "Fenix we've arrived!"
It's currently morning. The sun is warmly gazing down and a light breeze bristled through their hairs.
Fenix: "Mmmmh, five more minutes..."
Said Fenix, sleeping on Zaq's shoulder.
Zaq laughs and drops him on the ground.
Fenix:"Oww, why did you do that for?"
Zephyr: "Haha, don't give me that look! I know how cunning you really are, you were raised by my parents after all!" Zephyr laughed.
Fenix: "Haha, you got me! Is this the gates?"
Said Fenix, look at the enormous walls, that seem to go on for eternity.
In front of them was a large gate!
It looks dazzling, just from looking at the gates, you can tell how high class the city is.
They walk up to the gate, where two High gods are guarding.
The high gods were wearing awe-inspiring violet armors that gave off a calm and composed aura.
Guard: "HALT! State your business!"
The guards were currently staring at some short humanoids wearing suspicious black cloaks.
The taller humanoid, raised his hand, which caused many of the guards to go on alert.
Guard captain: "State your business or don't blame us for being ruthless!"
The captain wore violet armour like everyone else, except his had golden embroidery and a red cloak hung over his shoulders.
The Captains stared at the black cloaked figure, waiting for his response.
Blacked Cloaked figure: "Hmmm... rank 5 high god? Not bad..." The cloak figure was an ultimate high god!
Rank 5 high gods were indeed formidable, those who fused can't go past rank 2 and most high gods have fused with a core. Most people also usually hit a bottleneck at 2 normally which reduces the chance even more... There are very few people rank 3 and over.
As the cloaked figure slowly turned over his hand, the captain immediately ran towards him.
In a flash the rank 5 captain was in front of the black cloaked warrior and as soon as his punch was about to meet with cloaked mans face-
-The captain's fist was stopped. The blacked cloaked man's index finger stopped the punch.
When the finger was hit by the fist, it did not move a tiny bit. Instead a sound of hitting metal was created.
The captain's face turned ash white.
The captain continued to stare at the black cloaked man's right hand, which was currently flipping over, while the cloaked man's left hand's index finger stopped the captains finger on its tracks.
As soon as the captain was about to retreat, thinking it was a technique, it flipped over!!Everyone's eyes popped out of their sockets.
The captain fainted.
In the cloaked man's hand, was a jade slip.
This slip was only given to people equal to that of the emperor.
Some guards picked the captain up and took him to his office.
Guard: "M-m,lords p-please enter!"
The taller cloaked person: "Why, thank you very much!"
The little cloaked person: "Mwahaha"
The little person followed, cackling evilly.
Fenix: "Haha, Uncle that was very nicely done!"
Zaq: "Why thank you, I had mastered exactly when to show it. The timing should be impeccable, it should be enough to give you some amusement, but also stop trouble. Now, where do you want to go first."
Fenixes eyes widened as he relished the scenery: [Haven't been in a place like this for a while.]
In front of them was the Merchant district, where many transactions go through.
People were selling mecha parts, Beast and humanoid golems- basically animated dolls that are pretty much real but with zero sentinance.
There are stalls where people were selling fruits and vegetables.
It was lively and busy. Everyone had a smile across their face and people were chatting across the streets.
Fenix: "Lets go to auction house, it should be straight to the right, according to the leaflet."
Zaq: "Ok, lets go!"
The auction house is a large building.
The auction has everything you expect, the main hall, the reception, the private rooms and a corridor which displayed amazing items- almost like a museum.
Zaq: "I might put something interesting on auction, hoho, this will make decent money, its useless to me, anyway!" said Zaq, as he went towards the desk in the reception.
"Hello, what do you want, little one." Said the receptionist lady.
Zaq grit his teeth. He was no longer a child. Even Higher beasts grow into their adult form in a hundred years at most! But who would suspect that Zaq is a thousand years old?
Only creatures that have immeasurable life spans, even before reaching immortal rank, and are generally too powerful take longer to age their humanoid bodies.
For example Fenix and Zephyr, their real humanoid form is always a child unlike the gods, who have adult and teenager forms, this shows that they have more potential, although all of them have no bottlenecks and can keep training, Fenix and Zephyr do it the quickest and their power grows the fastest, when they reach their adult humanoid form, who knows what level they'll reach.
Luckily when Fenix reincarnates, his body ages to at least an adult or teenager.
(AN: Immortals can stop aging only when they are in their late teens, if they are powerful. Immortals can't stop aging while they're a child under 16.)
Fenix: [See! Thats exactly how I feel! Why can't my true humanoid form age!] (Doesn't know his own potential]
Zaq just smiles and pulls down his hood further hiding his face (Fenix imitates), which makes the women behind the counter shiver, as all she could now see is a wide smile, with pearly white teeth.
Zaq then flips his hand and in a flash of light, something appears.
A heavy intense aura covered the room.
High god: "What's... with this... aura!" His Knees weaken and he falls on his knees.
Another High god: "W... WHAT!!" Shouted the man, as he stared at the item Zaq was holding.
Right now, everyone except for Fenix, who was protected by an electric membrane covering his skin. (Zaq studies in the aspects of electricity/lightning)
The receptionist was also also covered in an electric membrane.
In fact all the women were!
Zaq: [Mother said to treat women kindly, unlike father...]
Suddenly all the High gods, including women, stopped talking...
Dead silence.
Even the High gods that were in the knees quickly stood, and rapidly ran towards Zaq and Fenix.
High gods from all the rooms in the auction, and those outside, which heard her shout, quickly ran inside the room!
An unfathomable killing intent materialised, covering the whole auction...
The killing intent was actually coming from the armour!
All the High gods flew back as far as they could, and started sweating.
Those who didn't, were already knocked unconscious, with their saliva dripping on the floor, and their eyes rolled back... none of them were ladies...
Fenix: [This lady killer... actually he is more of a lady fucking saver... Sexist Bastard!]
Actually, this was the second thought of all the mens mind.
Then an Echo rang through the auction.
This voice was very powerful, worthy of a supreme super classed beast!
His roar shook even the heavens.
He didn't even bother releasing any aura or killing intent, his voice alone felt electrifying and thunderous.
Everyone shut up, some people pissed themselves out of fear alone.
Zaqs parents were stronger than even lesser sovereign and have many artifacts.
This was also why Zaq was willing to auction the item. The scales in their dragon form of his family, the only super classed beasts known to existance in their multiverse, and all of them either nova or close to being nova, was far stronger than lesser soveriegn armors. Zaqs is on par with lesser sovereign armour and his parents owned many anyway.
The reason why everyone's shocked is very obvious, sovereign armour is priceless!
Even more expensive than a weapon! Some can even counter attack!
Fenix wasn't too shocked, he owned 200 lesser sovereign clones in his primordial pocket dimension and even 2 more primordials.
There are only around 70 lesser sovereigns in Pu's multiverse and a little under 200 in his original multiverse.
This shout made everyone in the same room cower, and hold their ears.
It made the eyes, nose and ears bleed. Some began coughing blood!
Fenix: Thought Fenix, sound suddenly stopped being heard through the membrane.
Zaq: [Have to show Fenix how cool I am...] Thought Zaq as he puffed in air through his nose.
Out of the shadows, 7 experts suddenly materialised and grabbed the kids!
The guards didn't even waste their breath to respond and grabbed the young nobles.
Zephyr was on the back of one of the experts: [Interesting, I've never seen Uncle this serious...]
Zephyr begun to understand how important a Sovereign level equipment is.
Zaq: "Everyone who wants to buy, get to the main auction hall. I will be running the auction for this item..." He pulled out a jade slip.
Everyone unanimously gave up on using force as soon as they saw the slip.
This man is definitely an expert!
Even the officers and workers of the auction house left their positions.
Zaq and Fenix sat side by side on the main chair, where the auction judge usually sits.
The chair was large enough for both of them to sit on.
Zaq used telepathy to talk with Fenix.
{Zaq: "Fenix, I told you I'd make it interesting!"}
{Fenix: "Haha, Zaq you sure know how to put on a show! If they knew Grandma and Grandpa had loads of them in the armory, they'd shit themselves!}
{Zaq: "I know right! We think alike, but don't tell anyone about your grandparents stash, they'd all go even if they will die! It would be a waste of lives."}
{Fenix: "Haha, you're too soft hearted, Uncle!"} Fenix said some ruthless words so innocently.
{Zaq: *Sigh* It's like father got another clone..."} Zaq gave Fenix an unbelievable look and just sighed mumbling something of the connection.
Zaq and Fenix drew in a breath.
In front of them were at least 10,000 high gods and an innumerable amount of others...
The hall could comfortably fit even more people in, that's how large it was!
After all, it was built for gods!
Zaq: "Haha, knews sure does travel fast!" Boomed Zaq. His childish voice echoed through the hall.
From the thunderous power in his voice, people could instantly tell he was an expert!
Still, many people did not know of his jade slip, as they had arrived and were very anxious...
A high god jumped up to the stage, right in front of the tall desk!
High God: "You fucker! Why are you being so arrogant! Look at all of us here! We can easily take that artifact off you, even if you are a peak!"
Zaq was an Ultimate high god.... a super classed beast. A supreme and noble beast like him had a lot of aura. If his dad was here, his dad would have killed everyone who nodded with th eman but Zaq....
Zaq, without even looking, just waved his hand...
"Aaargh!!" A scream was heard and the high god disappeared.
Everyone watched the core slowly land on Zaqs hand.
Zaq threw it to the little cloaked fellow beside him, on the very large chair, who caught it using his teeth...
"That kid isn't gonna..." Said some of the experts, daring not to believe it...
They couldn't see the face clearly, but they definitely saw it go in his mouth.
Someone in the crowd: "That was an peak high gods Besharits core!"
Eating a core, only magical beasts can do.
Eating a core is completely different to fusing.
By eating the core, he ate all the mana and ki in the experts body!
The body can refine the mana and make it theirs.
But this technique was lost for ages! It's only done in secret by the most powerful magical beast clans! It also takes years for the body to refine even a demi-god core, and that time has to be spent meditating!
To also eat the core, you have to have more mana and ki than the expert.
Everyone drew in a cold breath of air, expecting Fenix to blow up as he didn't start meditating and the core was a peak high gods, something he can't presumably handle!
Another High god: "He's not even meditating! He just swallowed it like nothing! It was a FUCKING PEAK HIGH GODS CORE!"
Zaq: [Haha! If they knew Fenix is not even in immortal rank stage! Apparently his soul can instantly refine even cores, never mind beast meat! Even I find that slightly uncomfortable!]
Expert: "Even the smaller one has more mana and ki than nearly all of us, never mind his soul's strength! If we could recruit him in our sect! The taller one... I can tell if he's a boy or an old man? You can't even see his mouth because of that cloak..."
Zaq: "Hmm... I think I should begin, don't you Fenix?"
Fenix: "Of-course, this'll be very amusing." said Fenix, a hint of laughter inside his voice...
The voices could be heard crystal clear in the silent hall. It echoed endlessly... Fenixes crystal clear voice held power, not real martial or magical power, power of authority and background.
He cast a mysterious shadow over the deities, rumours of him shall be endless in the future.
A boy who can eat cores of a high god...
They know he's definitely a boy, since all deities age, magical beasts according to the lifespan, so either way he should be no less than a 100 years old... Most of the experts here, have lived for hundreds and thousands of years...
Zaq: "Without further ado, we shall begin:---"
A torrent of wind interrupts Zaq.
*tu da da DA DA DA DA* = *Trumpets blowing*
*cough* "His highness, Emperor, Nova and Ruler of all 7 planes of our planet: Rayne ******, is here." A terrifying shout further echoed in the hall.
All the experts looked on respect, while the normal high gods gaped in awe at the carriage that materialised on the stage of the hall.
The carriage door opened, and a man with black wolf like ears and noble, righteous look, appeared.
He carried an aura of authority and power. Even once the experts actually saw him, they all bowed and acknowledged him as the stronger.
The man nodded towards everyone bowing.
He then raised an eyebrow when he noticed Fenix and Zaq still at the podium.
Zaq was growing rather impatient and started tapping the podium.
The noise was making weaker gods dizzy.
A soul attack!
By merely tapping his fingers he can do this...
In fact, not only is Zaq an ultimate in lightning/electricity, but sound also!
Not only do lightning/electricity share many common insights, they are a very good combo.
Lightning, quick sudden powerful hits that can paralyse. Sound can damage soul, affect mentality and help boost speed!
Zaq wanted to reach nova in two elements like his father, who reached nova in Ice and water!
What they didn't know was: If they fused both two elements, they can become a super Nova!
Fenix: [Maybe I'll help them out, It won't be too difficult for me to change the shape of their soul, they can end up supernovas and primordials...]
Everyone looked shocked at the cloaked man on the podium.
Rayne: "Get off the podium, I shall be the judge..." He was not asking, not even demanding... he just made it sound natural, like thats where he belonged.
Zaq: "Is that so... Mr Nova, emperor, ruler of this world! Hohoho!"
Rayne suddenly gained an insight: "That laugh! Ha! You really can't leave me any face, can you? Haha, just ignore me, we'll talk after, I shall be participating." Rayne laughed and humbly walked back.
Some warrior simply appeared behind him, with a wave of their sleeves, a grand chair appeared.
But everyone was still shocked!
The experts and Deities were sweating profusely.
To even make their almighty emperor back down humbly and say: "Just ignore me" !
This was someone at the top of the food chain!
Zaq: "As I was say--"
"His majesty, the imperial prince, son of Emperor Rayne: Zephyr."
This time some guards wearing black elite armour and a man wearing the Imposing General armour of the world, appeared. All of the elites and even the generals were giving piggy back rides to kids...
They weren't even ashamed doing it in front of the martial world, actually, they looked proud.
Nobody dared look down upon them, as they stood behind the empire.
The young prince was grabbed the emperor and forcibly put on his lap.
Zephyr: [... *Sigh* Humiliating me. In public...] Zephyr grit his teeth and stopped struggling.
Zaq: [Wow, to do this in front of me... he must really think my parents hate Fenix and have killed them already... No, he's definite, probably even I would have killed Fenix if I was him... but still, he's not regretting leaving him at all... thats awful.]
In fact, even Zaq would have been infuriated with how his sister died. Painfully and cruelly.
Just before she was going to name him, he turned her into ash...
If Zaqs father and mother told him this, his young uncontrollable dragon blood would cause him to immediately kill him.
Only ancient dragons could be so wise and calm.
Zaq pats Fenix's head and looks at him with pity.
Fenix tilts his head, pretending to be confused. [Hohoho! Interesting!]
Zaq takes out a yellow seal from his pocket dimension and hides it behind the podium.
{Zaq: "Break this yellow seal, quickly, it's made by your grandparents and is a very powerful illusion spell, you will pretty much change your hair colour and you'll look older, the illusion will look very realistic and even sovereigns will find it difficult or will be unable to see through it."}
{Fenix: "Why uncle?"} Fenix:[Let's make things a little difficult for him...]
{Zaq: "Just do it, it's to protect you."} Zaq impatiently.
Fenix: [Pretty good, avoiding lying and telling some truth instead...]
Fenix nods and break the seal which mysteriously appeared in his hands.
Fenix grew to be slightly short of Zaq, his horns and tails ripped through his hood.
Underneath his hood, his hair turned pitch black.
Nobody noticed the transformation, not even Zaq or Rayne.
He looks like a totally new person, very devilishly handsome and mischievous.
He has pitch black wavy hair instead of red, and white eyes instead of Gold.
Rayne wouldn't notice him at all.
After all, nobody knows of Fenix’s mum's Demon ancestry other than her parents, even she does not know. Her parents didn't mention it since they totally forgot.
Fenixes pearly white horns curved down and around, like a rams.
Zaq: "*Cough* The starting price for the sovereign armor will be 600 trillion adamantium coins."
100 copper = 1 silver
100 Silver = 1 gold
100 gold = 1 platinum
100 platinum = 1 adamantium
The starting price to be this large!
Everyone was partially shocked-- they were expecting some astronomical number like this.
Surprisingly 4 hands risen.
Rayne, Hindor and 2 hooded people- a man and a women.
Rayne: "650 trillion!"
Hooded man: "700 trillion." Said the man calmly.
Lol, thought I already put this out yesterday.
Please tell me if you're confused, and comment!
The grammar might be a bit off, had a bit of trouble copy and pasting this from my google docs... oh well.
Ideas for mini bosses and mini plots are always welcome!
There's an infinite amount of parallel universes, brimming with enemies and unique powers!
Sorry for the little progress this chapter, more of a relaxing chapter for me :P
I'll try riling stuff up some more next time!
Thanks for reading, its my birthday today haha! I don't know why I felt mentioning it XD
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KOTLC Theories
I have lots of theories for KOTLC. Enjoy!*CONTAINS LEGACY SPOILERS*
8 91 - In Serial19 Chapters
Am i finally in love
Like is a strong word for Wednesday addams, the word love it's even worse. Her new annoying San Francisco werewolf roomate makes her question if the word love isn't that bad. Disclaimer I am in no way a part of the new Netflix wednesday addam series, I am simply a writerAlso there is no Tyler or monster just kinda angsty wenclair
8 214