《Idol By Laulau20》chapter 7 The basics


“Riri!! At last you came back.” Stella jumped hugged me.


“Okay. Soo, where should we start?” Stella contemplating a question

“Huh? i don’t know. Aren’t you the instructor?”

“Ahh! Well. Let’s just get started then. Come with me.”

Stella without wearing her hooded cape dragged me to the back of the building. If i compared this to real life, this place is a Gym where you usually train your muscles but it is only filled with scarecrows and punching bags. There are also mirrors here and there to show of your muscles

‘but this is Virtual Game! You can’t grow muscles. All improvements are recorded as stats. So what the heck is that mirror for?” i thought while staring at the said mirror

.”And so, this is our private training hall. For archery you may have to go at our backyard for practice.”


“Hmm, let’s start with training then. Pick up that wooden sword and hit those punching bags or scarecrows however you like.” Stella said while pointing at the said wooden sword

“Umm how long?”

“around 5 hours.”

“Ahh, to get sword mastery.” I said while a conversation with Anya and Shella flashed


5 hours later


You have gained a skill

Sword mastery beginner level 1 (5%)

Enable you to attack with swords and learning sword skill

Further increase in level will yield additional damage and attack speed

Current level

Attack damage with sword increased by 2%

Attack speed with sword increased by 2%

Dex has increased by 1 vit increased by 2 str has increased by 3


‘ no wonder Shella cursed this training session so much. They are literally mind numbingly boring and exhausting!’ i cursed in my though

“Have you done yet?” Stella asked

“Yes. Hah, hah. I am done.” I said while lying on the floor

“Hmm. So what are next.” Stella was deep in thought again

“Stella, aren’t you also performers? You seemed to have difficulty training me. Am i that incompetent?” i asked feeling inferior

“Huh? Oh no.no! not at all” she strongly refused shooking his head and hands.” It is just that this is my first time teaching someone. So, i am nervous. I am sorry if i made any mistake teaching you.” She apologize straight away. She looked confused but also excited

“Ahh. Don’t worry. Sorry if i asked.”

“Okay, now. Did you still remember my battle in Sidinia?”

“Yeah! Sure! That was Awesome i saved it and watched it countless times!!” i shouted.in refleks

“Ahh, umm. And so. Have you looked at your skill window? There should be multitasking skill there right?” Stella asked

“Yes. It does.” I answered without even looking at the skill window. I have checked it before

“It is the core skill of us performers.” Stella said while talking few steps away.”You see, the class description don’t you?”

“Yes” i answered

“I see.” Stella said while looking sad “Why dd you accept it?”

“Umm,.” She was Uhming a lot longer than usual “i-it is because... i want to be like you.”

“Huh?” a question ran across Stella’s mind. This girl accept her class before she saw Stella’s battle. “maybe....” she mumbled while tears flowed from Stella’s eyes

“Stella? A-Are you okay? What happened? Stella?” i panicked but instead of answering Stella hugged me instead. “You are definitely special.” Her silent whisper came towards Riri’s ear


“Ahh, Sorry. I am incompetent as instructor am i? Crying on the first day of our lessons.” She wiped her tears

Riri was shocked. She have never see a girl crying because of her. She think before talk. But seeing her best friend cried she lost the ability to speak. She knew it was because of her answer. But what was wrong with it? Does she not want anyone to become like her? no Stella is not as petty as that. then what is it?”

“Alright let’s continue.!” Stella quickly regained herself. “I am going to drill you hard. So prepare for it okay!?” she smiled while putting her hand on her hip.

“Now, continuing on the last part, multitask is a performers main weapon. Try to lift your left hand.”

I lifted my left hand with a question mark on my face

“Try to lift your right hand but , at the same time lower your left hand.”

I did as she told

“Did you understand?”

“????” putting a dumb face with big question mark i stared on my right hand.

“You didn’t understand!” Stella panicked a little. But quickly regained her composure “All right i will be a little more detailed. When i give you 1 order you completed it right away right?”

“Umm yes?”

“But, when i give you 2 orders, you paused for a moment right?”

“Ah, right!” i suddenly realized

“This happened due to our brain can only processed 1 orders at a time. So, when i told you to lower your left hand while raising your right hand your brain processed it like this. Lower left hand, raise right hand, completed them together. Are we clear?”

“Umm, i think i understand.”

“Multitask is like dividing your brain so you can processed them at the same time. So, for example. If you have two focus, it is the same as you have 2 brains.”

“Uh huh?” i see at my multitask skill. It is indeed increased by 1%

“Let me give you an example.” Stella then picked 2 pieces of paper using both hands to write at each one producing 2 different sheets. One sheets is a list of Tantalus member, and one list is a paragraph of wolf bride story.


“Now that you already understand the basics equip 2 one handed sword and swing them at that scarecrow. Make that scarecrow scared okay.^_^(pun intended)” She smiled and cheer me

4 hours later


Str has increased by 2 vit has increased by 1

Multitask is at beginner’s lvl 2

Sword mastery is now beginner level 2

You have gained a new passive skill

Ambidextrous beginner lvl 1(5%)(Passive)

Enables you to handle both hands equally well. All equipment with right handed or dominant hand requirement will now be able to be equipped with your left or least dominant hand

Further increase in level will increase your dexterity

#Panting# ‘this is harder than i though, i am drained, physically and mentally

When i stopped to take a break i found out Stella was sitting on of the Gym pillar sleeping!!

‘ i trained like hell and you were sleeping. I thought you were cheering for me so i can go on for another 4 hours after 6 hours to train sword mastery’

“STELLA!!” getting irritated i unconsciously shouted

“Yes? Who is it?” getting suddenly awakened suddenly from a dream she waked while looking left and right looking dumb

“I thought you were cheering for me. Hiks, hiks” i pretended to cry


“Yeah of course i am cheering for you. Go on keep going!” She shamelessly cheered me now without even hiding her yawn

“I am done. Multitasking is at lvl 2. i can hold 2 focuses now.” while sulking i give my report to her.

“That’s wonderful!” she put a fake smile to cheer my plummeted mood” umm, let’s rest. I will bring food to you. here”

1 hour later

Due to eating chicken sandwich your satiety bar is now full

Stamina consumption is reduced by 20% for 6 hours

Due to drinking sweet herbal tea your mana and health regen in increased by 50% for 6 hours

“Come on.. stop sulking. I am sorry okay.” She beg with a miserable face

‘ she is soo cute! I can’t possibly hate her now!”

“Ehem. Okay. But don’t do this again okay.” I tried to regain my composure

“Yes!” She smiled.

'that was an act!!''

“Continuing on, well, it is a nighttime but i still have some energy left. Let’s continue for 3 more hours and hit the bed okay?”

“Are we hitting scarecrows again?”i shot a sharp stare at Stella

“No!. Umm, let’s have bullet dodging and slashing.” She obviously just thought that one now.

“Hugh. Ah!” She Stretch her posture “Relax, it won’t be that fast. Multi cast! Fireball!”

5 fireball appeared .

‘ wait a second, how fast is that fast’

Then with the speed of car in a highway one of the fireball launched

:”KYAA!!!” i jumped fearing my life.

The fireball stopped several meter behind my position.

“?? Riri you are supposed to slash the bullets. Not just dodging it.” Stella makes a question mark above her head at my actions

“Huh? but it is so fast! And small only as big a fist. How am i supposed to slash it?”

“use multitasking of course. One focus is at the ball and the other is at your hand. This way we are gonna increase your multitask, sword mastery, and you may even get some stat as well. 3 birds with one stone.” She smiled but dark killing aura could be felt around her. “Even if the ball hits you it is not like you are gonna die anyway.”

“umm okay”

4 hours later


Dex increased by 10 vit increased by 10 str increased by 3

Ambidextrous is now beginner lvl 2

Multitask is now beginner lvl 3

Sword mastery is now beginner lvl 3

Acrobatic is now beginner lvl 2

You have gained a new skill

Bullet deflector

Enables you to slash or deflect any projectile with your sword

Further increase in level will also yield additional dex


“Spare me oh mighty Stella.” I beg for a break. My stamina hit 5% just now. that demon is making me dodging continuously for 4 hour.i consumed more stamina for these hellish 4 hours compared to hitting scarecrow. 5 fireballs were moving at abstract pattern. Slashing a fireball and she created another one. Dodging continuously and she cornered me with her fireballs. There are literally driving your mentally and physically to the limit

“Okay. Okay. You may rest. I am getting tired as well. See you tomorrow. Good night”

1 day later

“Now, Hmmm. What shall we learn today? Umm Riri? May i see your status window?”

“Umm okay. Show status window to Stella.”

Status windowNameRiriclassperformersHealth1125mana900fame50Level10Titlemanagerjobtantalus performerHealth regen/sec3.5mana regen/sec8.4Strength33(+2)dexterity74(+2)Wisdom32(+2)intelect36(+2)Stamina170(+2)vitality43(+2)art52(+2)charisma20(+2)leadership20(+2)charm50(+2)fighting spirit24(+2)Magic Resistancefire0%water0%earth0%wind0%thunder0%ice0%light0%dark0%unused points50Bonuses

- fighting spirit increased by 20%

- all stat +10 except dex and charm

- Dex +50 charm +40

- Stamina +40

- Magic will be reduced by 90%. unless you meet normal requirement of 300 wisdom

- weapon will be reduced by 90% unless have blacksmithe at intermediate

- Leather armor will not be penalized

- Iron armors will have it’s movement speed reduced by 30% and increased stamina consumption by 20%. Only if you meet the requirement

“So this is your window. Not bad And you have many unused points! i suggest you put them on wisdom to lift the performer’s penalty”


“Now, let’s begin another training. With multitasking you also....”

“Stella! Are you there?” Ragnar bustled through with a serious face

“What is it Ragnar?”

“Umm, for the play next week, we have slight problem.”


“So it is....”

As Ragnar voice was too low i only hear mumbling chatters until Stella’s finaly shouted

“But the play is next week!”

“His mother would be in graveyard if he delayed a week.”

“How come this...”

“Well, he beg on four knees with tears on me. There is no way to refuse right? to even things i already put appropriate punishments which he accept with a smile.”

“But, if you are looking at replacement list. This one appeared in prologue of story, this one is our MC, this one is in orchestra, and this one is standing at the front door checking tickets.! We can’t use them!”

“well, if you look at people with vacancy, we only got her and 2 other foreigner which don’t have a fixed online time.” Ragnar spoke

Then at the moment both of them stared at me

“But she is a female!”

“No one knows right? putting a little make up and wigs, she can become a pretty prince in white horse” i shuddered at his answer “Besides She has gained sword mastery and also a performers.”

‘no Stella. Don’t agree to him!’

“Uhmmm...... “ She was deep in thought she is really thinking of using me right now.

“it is true that it is best to use her. but......”

“The kissing scene would be easier on you right? since you both are females. It would be better than kissing other random man”

‘kissing scene!!!!!’

“Can she make it?” Stella asked “The weapon has 40 strength limitation. Not to mention her armor with 50 str requirement”

“If you put your heart in training her. she can make it. Hey kid, you already have your ban lifted right?”

“Um, yes.”

“See? No problem. Any lack in stat can be made by power leveling her. she only need to go outside for few hours accompanied by arknum and baran and deal a killing blow on few wolves or tigers. 3 or 4 levels of power leveling only took 5 to 6 hours at most”

“Ahh, i see.” Stella then smiled at me

‘Nooo!!! She is going to agree to it! you haven’t asked for my permission!!”

Riri that has never appeared in public are now forced to participate in a play. This time, not as director or background setter but as one of main character. She strongly tried to refuse, but with that miserable cute face Stella has used on her last time she can’t no longer refuse. With a bucket of tears, she is now an official performers



Author note

- hello all. i once again thanks all of reader that have read my fanfic so far

- like before, critics and suggestions are welcomed

- She was supposed to learn many more skills, but let's put that in another chapter shall we ^_^

- i wonder if the story progressed to slow, or is the chapter too short. many other fanfic already have dozens of skill and money right now. with addition of some unique or latest gear. but i just realized that our MC still stuck at her beginner's outfit

- here is the latest of our mc stat (That 50 unused points go to wisdom as Stella commanded)

Spoiler : [tr]Status windowNameRiriclassperformersHealth1125mana900fame50Level10Titlemanagerjobtantalus performerHealth regen/sec3.5mana regen/sec8.4Strength33(+2)dexterity74(+2)Wisdom82(+2)intelect36(+2)Stamina170(+2)vitality43(+2)art52(+2)charisma20(+2)leadership20(+2)charm50(+2)fighting spirit24(+2)Magic Resistancefire0%water0%earth0%wind0%thunder0%ice0%light0%dark0%[tr]unused points0Bonuses

- fighting spirit increased by 20%

- all stat +10 except dex and charm

- Dex +50 charm +40

- Stamina +40

- Magic will be reduced by 90%. unless you meet normal requirement of 300 wisdom

- weapon will be reduced by 90% unless have blacksmith at intermediate

- Leather armor will not be penalized

- Iron armors will have it’s movement speed reduced by 30% and increased stamina consumption by 20%. Only if you meet the requirement

here is our mc items

Spoiler : bag 1skillsquest windowlocked-Water canteen

-Rye bread (6)

-Autographed Beginner’s clothe (E)

-Beginner’s pant (E)

-Beginner’s shoes (E)

-Silver coin (10)

- gold coin (95)


- here is the skill of our mc

Spoiler : bag 1skillsquest windowlocked- Speed reading beginner’s lvl 2 (40%)

- Manage beginner’s lvl 4(10%)

- magic mastery beginner lvl 1(0%)

- acrobatics beginner level 2 (30%) (Movement 10%)

- multitasking beginner lvl 3 (0%) (Focus 2, intelect +5)

- ambidextrous beginner lvl 2 (15%)(Dex=2)

- bullet deflector beginner lvl 1

- happy reading

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