《Idol By Laulau20》Chapter 6 real life improvement




#sound effect#

“i am sorryyyy.” With tears, Riri beg for a person’s forgiveness

“It is fine.it is not your fault.” With a gloomy mood Hector that got his dignity crushed by tomato answered.

“Mwahahaha. That lady sure hit his pride with tomatoes.” Pouring oil into fire Ragnar laugh insensitively making me feel guilty and guilty

“You need to practice more. Hector,” Stella said with chuckles.

“If Stella hadn’t stepped in you would have some trouble.” Baran commented

“Bwahaha. Just take it as a lesson. you sure have heard it right? Experience is better than any teacher.”

“It seems we have a new title for him.” Said Lucy

Ruckus kept going inside carriage i was on with me begging for forgiveness on four knees and loud laugh of Ragnar and tantalus members

“Ahh, we have arrived.” Said Lucky

Riri looked at City in trisia. Tall white walls covered the city producing a solid defense unlike the previous one. A full clad armored soldiers could be seen in front of the city gate checking every passenger that pass the city gate. Archers and mages could be seen patrolling above city walls giving a sense of security

“Woah, it is a replica of city of Gondor.” I made another stupid remark.

“good day sir. The tax for entering the city are 20 silver coins per carriage. And also, please kindly state all your names.” The guard said to Lucky. Our blacksmith and horseman

“Ah sure. Here is the 80 coins. And where is the form.”

“Ah could i get an autograph as well.” The said guard blinked an eye towards Stella

“Sure.” Stella pulled a piece of paper an autographed it then giving it to the guards.

“Have a nice stay” the guard smiled

Imagine a room that are 4 times as large as Cinema and 2 times as tall with a perfect whitte marbled stage with chairs lined up neatly. This is tantalus’s theatrical room where they mostly put their show on.

You have seen tantalus’s show room. art has increased by 2

Behind that room lies a decorated meeting room big enough for all of us. then a lounge besides that room, then followed by bedrooms in upstairs. It is like an apartment was attached to the

“Hey, Ragnar. Riri is going to be under my guidance right?” Stella asked while hugging me

“Hmm. Since both of you are performers. It is indeed the best result. But, are you sure it is okay? You have a tight schedule.”

“It is fine! I can manage that. and i am not alone anyway. she can seek guidance from other members as well. Right?” She then patted my head. it’s like she found herself a new pet

“Alright. but don’t bully her too much okay.”


‘bully? Isn’t she going to coach me? What about bullying.”


“wow. I have played for a long time.” I muttered while looking at the my capsule. 16 hours gameplay.

No matter how much she wanted to go into that world Lily is still a high school student that has her own work to do. final test is knocking at her door, so she must study and prepare for exams. After that her holiday will come and she can go into that world for as long as she want or at least until her holiday is over



a school bell rang marked the end of math period. Like usual, usually, She just sat by herself reading books or eat alone in class. But, this time instead of books, she opened her cellphone looking for news of royalroad.

On a certain royalroad forum, she found out about magic skills, sword stance, movement skills. But none of performers skill.

“Hey. It is rare to see you fiddling with your phone!”

“huh? ah. Yeah. Umm i just played.” I flashed my phone to them. normally i would just replied nothing and fled. But somehow, this time i was able to make a conversation

“whoa. Me too. Where do you start?”

“Um, Selei City.”

“Ahh. Too bad. I started at Trisia. By the way, my name is Anya.” She reach out her hand

Staring a little to her hand “Ah, i am Lily. Nice to meet you”

‘Arg! I mess up. My reaction was to slow.’

“Ahh the bookworm finally came out of her cave! So what is your class?! I bet it is some book related.” Another one came in our conversation “So what i heard? You played RR?”

“Huh? RR?” i mumbled


“Ahh. Sorry. Umm, yeah i played it.”

“What’s your class. I bet it is book related! Haha.” She just laughed. The way i see it she is a perfect copy of female Ragnar attitude

“I-i-i just started.” I answered

“Ah, what a nice plan. So you registered before final exam then played after the exam., with that you won’t have to get locked inside city for a month. Why didn’t i think about that. and i registered in my summer holiday. Wasted a week of my holiday trapped inside my starter city.by the way, my name is Shella. Nice to meet you”

“Ah, nice to meet you too. I am Lily”

“Ah, but Shella. She is gonna miss several skills right? like sword mastery or magic mastery.”Anya commented

“Don’t joke about it. to get sword mastery you only need to hit scarecrows in training halls for 3-4 hours. Why did you must get trapped in a city for a month?” Answered Shella “It was hell you know! Rather than swinging swords aimlessly at that scarecrow it is much faster to raise sword mastery by swinging it at monsters. By the way is your class related to swords?”

“Well, no. I also just started a week ago. I am on my last week in RR”

“haha! Sucks to be you. And you just about to leave your starting city.” Shella laugh

“No kidding. I am unaware about the starting city ban. Hahaha” Anya laughed

“By the way, answering your questions earlier. i am not good at such a short ranged battle so i choose to be a mage.”

“I see, that’s nice. my guild use some mages later. Let me help you power level okay? I am a knight woman. Level 60”

‘woah, incredible. They were able to talk to each other so smoothly.isn’t Anya feeling inferior talking like that? isn’t Shella feeling arrogant speaking like that? this is real life, if we get misunderstood it is hard to be fixed.’ I thought while watching those two make their conversation


“Yeah, but i might regret it one day. You see, i got a job being a librarian. And it only pays 10 silver a day. A single fireball spell cost 2 gold. I wonder why i didn’t look at those forums before. Mages are generally poor.”

“ no joke, their weapon+ equipment + skill book + mana potions need to be stocked regularly. But worry not. Our guild leech less gold on mages.”

“ i see.”

“Ahh, i almost forgot, so what class are you?” Shella asked while looking at me.

“Ah, umm i don't have a class yet.” I better lied, my class is unknown and i haven’t got a clue to what my class is for

“Oh yeah, you just played.” Anya answered

“ so you are looking into forums to see class and their skill sets? Hmm. Not bad. You are very thoughtful.” Shella commented after seeing my phone

“Umm. Yeah.”

“Well, to be honest you didn’t seemed like a melee type. I suggest you be a mage or cleric. Ahh cleric suits you more.” Shella suggest

“Yeah. By the way, cleric is rare since they almost can’t hunt alone so, if you did become a cleric, please don’t hesitate to call us. even lvl 20 cleric can be useful for lvl 60 warriors like me. They practically can cut our health potions expenses” Shella said with confidence

“Umm, sure. I will consider it. it seems like a good job”

Everyone laugh at Lily statement. Only Lily thought that cleric is a good job. Cleric can’t fight unless the enemy is an undead or dark aligned. Cleric’s job though regarded as most important, it is the most boring job, watching teammates and healing is the sole purpose of cleric. Cleric also gained less exp than the other since they didn’t participate directly in battles, in addition, clerics defense is as low as mages. some raid team even have a permanent bodyguard for cleric due to it’s importance and low defense

“How suits you.” Both of them chuckles

“Please try to visit trisia okay? Ia m at the library.”

“Umm, just wondering. Umm. Anya right?”

“Yes what is it?”

“Could you... possibly pick trisia because of tantalus group?” i asked suspiciously.

“Ahh, you knew about it? yeah you are right! you know, that group’ HQ is in Trisia. It is a good place to start.with addition if you get autograph from that green haired NPC, it’s effect is the same as enchanting”

“Yeah, umm. They make a show in Selei 3 days ago.”

‘i didn’t lie, i just modified the fact a little. i can’t tell them that i joined the very same group.”

“Huh? What is this about?” Shella interrupted”

“You see, there is a Character that has unique trait that her autograph is very famous.”

“Player or NPC?”

“not sure, but i think she most probably NPC. Since i haven’t seen her do raid or battle at field.”

“I see, well dealing with NPC is quite hard. Unlike player we can just give gold coins and everything done. But with NPC you need to get high intimacy, other stuff. The NPC really behaves like it is their world. So, how good her enchanting?”

“Hmm, defense or attack is multiplied, either it is doubled or tripled it is kind of random. and several random stat increase.”

“What?” Shella’s eye blotted

“Yeah, crazy right? but it only affect one equipment per person. it is rather unique skill, really.”

“I gotta meet this character..” Shella mumbled "Doubled defense is no joke"

“I can assure you she is hard to meet. She almost practically appear in shows only.” Anya exclaimed

“Umm, but watching her shows, you will get several stat increase.” I commented

“So you were able to watch that show? You are lucky. And i haven’t seen her show yet.,”

“Okay. I am going to tell my guild to rampage this town. Permanent stat increase can’t be missed"

“Say Shella are you possibly guild leader or something? “Anya asked.

“No i am co leader. The leader is someone else. Don’t worry about it. i have influence big enough to let one or 2 players slipped in.” She made a thumb gesture

“Okay, lets go to our next period. Test is coming tomorrow”” Shella declared.”We talked to much, we have a test to tackle before we can play again. I need to ace this test or i will be banned from my royalroad!”

1 week later

Tests is finally over. The end term holiday is finally at hand. Lily rejoiced at this fact since she could go into that worls again. Her new companion, Shella and anya (Sha hadn’t dare to call them friends yet since they only occasionally talk.)

Lily thought she made improvement. She was able to talk a little bit to her new friends. Being a beginner the talk about royal road was dominated by Anya and Shella. but beeng a bookworm with above average brain dominated their study session. Shella always mocked Lily’s Ahm and Umm but both of them just joking and saying in the end that was her trademark.

If she had not met with tantalus group she would had fled the moment they asked about Lily’s interest. If she hadn’t been mocked by Ragnar and co, she would already fled with tears when Shella boasted her level or mocking her bookworm attitude and labeled her as ‘must to be cleric’ character. If she had not participated in Sidinia, she would stay silent all the way in their conversation with Shella and Anya. If she wasn’t appointed as director of that play, she would refuse Anya and Shella’s request to study. If she hadn’t introduced herself at Ragnar that time, she would have stumbled when Shella brought some new friends with them.

Lily can made many more if, but right now she definitely thought that royalroad is not a waste. A new chapter of her life is about to be opened. And now, after long week of exam she will returned to that world once more.



Author note

- new chapter finally in. this time it is mostly about real life.

- by the way, it is getting harder to write ^_^ i have the story in mind. but, it is like i am running out of words to type. does any of my fellow fanfic author ever get this kind of feeling?

just like before comments and critics are welcomed.- happy reading

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