《Idol By Laulau20》chapter 5 fake raid




#sound effect#

Chapter 5

“Umm, is the communication network secure. Umm each team can hear me right right?”

“Roger boss!” Baran said.

“Umm. Soo, Baran, Stella, and Hector is team one. Leader is Hector. And the rest is team two. Umm commanded by Ragnar. But the communication line is to Arknum. Reiner with 3 other is team 3.”

“Huahahaha.! This is going to be exciting! The chicken head’s idea is crazy! But, i like it !”Ragnar shouted in excitement. “10 years! That i have joined this group but i have never heard a crazy idea like this. Muhaahaha!”

“Wow, this is simply....”” Hector and Baran could only shook their heads

“Alright folks! Get your ass on the move. In two days we have a ‘little surprise’ for our duke! Muahahaha!!” Baran uncontrollably laugh. It seemed he is very pleased with my crazy idea

2 days later

*So. Is everything set?* i asked Arknum.

*All ready. Aggro group is doing it’s job they said they will be here in 10 minutes.*Said Arknum. *Oh my, the boss here is still laughing like a madman.*

*Our carriages and wagon have all already left except my merchant wagon*Said reiner

*Okay the jumping spider ETA 5 minutes.* Arknum further reported

Jumping spider is a lvl 25 mob that roamed inside Sidinia’s forest. It is a difficult prey for beginners. But in my surprise tantalus member’s average level is 100! With the lowest member (except me) being lvl 70. A mere lvl 25 mob can’t hurt them.

“Ready! CHARGE!!!”” Ragnar’s voice could be heard over the whisper channel

And so here is the plan. Ragnar and co are supposed to play as masked bandits. They are going to attack Sidinia from the north, bringing 20-30 additional jumping spiders to distract the city guards.

Since mobs aren’t supposed to be able to enter cities, Ragnar formed a special group of 7 people to aggro the spiders. Normally, our pathetic assault will be extinguished by city guards in mere minutes. But the guards here is pathetic! Their soldier ranged from lvl 40 to 50. With accumulated number of no more than 30. Furthering weakens the city defense, instead of a stone wall, they have a wooden wall! Ragnar even boasted that with his war hammer he can destroy such a pathetic defense in a single blow.

Continuing the plan, Ragnar group is supposed to head straight to duke’ manors and raid it. looting everything of value there.while the special team is supposed to distract the guards. Then after the city is captured, and making the duke pissed in his pants 3 unknown adventurers from nowhere arrived in this city. with magnificent display of (Fake) strength , they chased the bandits out of the city. and saved the day. And these adventurers give advice to the duke to lower the bag worm price and paid more attention of the condition of the city

And so, what is a certain level 5 beginner player with no real battle skills and worse battle experience took part. As the promoter of the plan, this certain player are given task to be a director of this overly large invisible stage. with tears in her eyes, this player wholeheartedly tried her best to refuse the position but the party shrugged her off saying”just sit at the corner of the street and give comments of our performance.”

Not wanting to be a disappointment. This particular level 5 girl climbed all the way to the inn’s roof to get the bird eye view of the city while trying her best with minimum social technique, she desperately tried to coordinate the play as best as she could just like a director would. Checking through every preparations, asking the team status every 10 minutes and useless nitpicking of the flaw that might happened in the play



With a boom sound from northern gate, the performance without audience and over 3000 participants started.

“Mwahahaha!!. Where the hell is the city guards?! I am itching for a fight.” Ragnar shouted while waving his dangerous war hammer around destroying an empty wooden house. His attire is that of a bulky full plated mercenary with a demon’s mask and a war hammer, he didn’t equip his shield saying that he didn’t look much like a bandit but a knight if he was wearing one.

‘Are you sure you haven’t done this before boss? That Action is pretty realistic!’ i keep my comments in my brain. His laugh of insanity didn’t left a shred of doubt that he is a true villain. A mean bad bandit.

“H-h-halt. In the name o-of t-the law, i-i order you t-to surrender.” The pathetic yelling of guards didn’t sound very convincing

“So you are this city guard? Mwahahaha!Come and get your f*cking law at me.”

‘that laugh is seriously creepy. a trademark of a bandit! ‘

In few seconds the said guard was sent flying a couple tens of meter crashing into a wooden shed

‘what the heck are you doing! Are you trying to kill people here?! This is just a show!!!’ i screamed in agony. Thankfully the said guards only have major injury. ONLY have major injury. But not life threatening

Ragnar already ran pass central square towards


the sound of war hammer against the fine piece of closed carved wooden door rang.

‘the door isn’t even locked for god’s sake. Can’t you open it normally? You cause too much collateral damage! ” i rolled my body on top of the inn’s roof after seeing Ragnar smashed the door to pieces. Many obvious cracks can even be seen at the wall around the door.

“Kyaa!!” i screamed. A stray jumping spider as big as a human managed to get its way into the roof. A useless and weaponless level 5 player like will definitely get killed in no time with a mob that are 5 time in level compared to me.

You have take 500 damage.

Riri then closed her eyes, she thought she is going to die when she felt a something ran past her face at high speed. It was an arrow. It struck deeply into the spider head. with a shriek the spider collapsed and disintegrated

“Are you okay?” said Steven. An archer from tantalus.

“Huh? umm. Yeah. I am fine.”

“Okay. Good bye. I am not supposed to help anyone but you are an exception.” He blinked at me and left jumping from the roof.

You have gained a level

In royal road, without any skill jumping from such height might cause a fall damage unless one has a high strength and light weapon. But the archer just jumped of like that. who knows that he ignored the fall damage or that he has a passive skill that reduce fall damage

Back to topic. After various sound indicating Ragnar did something again at the duke’s house he dragged the pitiful duke outside the house. While his men carried bags of gold.

*Umm. How many gold coins in those bags Arknum.* I whispered to arknum. Curiosity get the best of me. Seeing 4 bags full of gold that can fit 3 people like me for each bag makes me wonder

*Hmm, somewhere along 1,3 million gold coin plus 10 diamonds, 15 ruby's, 18 sapphires, 20 gold bar plus 40 jades. The heck! his pocket is as deep as a black hole. He is even more wealthy than count Daris of Selei city by 3 to 5 fold!*


*wow. 1,3 mil. Equal to 130.000 days equal to more than 350 years of my daily wages* i make a stupid comment on my whisper that makes the other party chuckled

*No kidding. And your wage is supposed to be good enough for lvl 100 players. Just imagine that the best lvl 10 equipment is worth 10 gold coins. You can get a full set in a week.potions are supposed to be 20-30 gold. But that is enough for lvl 50 players.not to mentions japtem from hunts and quests rewards.*

*Might as well take them for real! Those money are our yearly gross profit.* Reiner overheard our whispers and commented back.

“No!! Don;t take them all. You see, i am a duke here. I need money to feed my people.”

“Bah!! You fat pig do you wish your life to be spared or no?”

“If you take them all, i am going to report top count Daris!”

“You DARE to threat me?! Tell me? What is stopping me from killing you right now?”

“Guards!” however his yell were in vain. All guards of this city have been taken care of. Facing this, his face went pale

“Bwaahahah!!! Now let’s rip his head and take the gold. bwahahaha!”! his sadistic laugh reverberated to all areas of the city. no one defended the pitiful duke for they knew his death brings more joy than grief. Some of the people who watched even smiled!”

“Wait a second bandits. ! will not tolerate your barbaric attitude any longer.” The main hero comes. Even after many collateral damage, a destroyed city, burned houses. The show still has coursed according to plan

“Ohh, what we have here?”

“My name is Hector. A righteous swordsman from the east. Leave this place now and don’t come back!”

“Mister knight. Please save me from this barbaric bandits. They tried to rob me and after that they tried to kill me! Without that money, this small city is doomed!” the duke played the part according to my expectations

‘yes. Hector played the part right!’ i thought while watching the scene. He even improved a little by drawing his two handed sword and take a posture.

*Riri, did you design his speech?* Arknum and Reiner asked

*Yeah. It is good right?* i feel proud while whispering them

*not really. It is lame* they commented


A tomato from the city people came flying to Hector’s face.

“Bwahahaha. It seems you are not as righteous as you said.! Bwahaha!” Ragnar laugh. But a slight worry could be seen in his face. he knows that this is not in the script

‘Noo! What do i do. the play is a mess! I don’t know the people hate the duke THAT much!’ my mind went into panic. ‘what should i do, what should i do’

Then a figure wearing a white hooded cape came and step up in front of Hector. Stella is wearing a different hood this time. I purposely put Stella into Hector Group since She is eye catching.silence then came to Ragnar group with every step Stella take to Ragnar

Then with a final stunt she threw her hooded cape away revealing a white clothe with light blue leather vest and white long skirt it was a special set for player lvl 80. Her level is actually much more higher than that but she said that since she only wore this for a show, she picked the best looking one. Her beautiful green hair mesmerized everyone including myself.

“Leave. i would rather throw this gold on the street for beggars to pick than giving it to you.” Her low voice could be heard by everybody. Her soft but commanding tone sent shivers to my spine.

*whew. That is Stella for you.* Arknum commented

*What’s happening? Is this magic* i asked while continue to stare at her. even from this far away at the top of the roof my body urge me to obey her command and my eyes can’t stop it’s focus to her. it is like his figure, his gesture is hypnotize. Some of the bandits and bystanders even took a few steps behind.

*No. Just a mix of charisma and fighting spirit.*



With a boom sound Ragnar smashed his war hammer against the ground waking everyone from their daze.

“I am gonna kill you bitch!”

“Try me.”

With a shring sound she draws her rapier and held it leisurely at her side which aggravated Ragnar even more.

*are they going to fight?*

*Then why do they draw weapon for Riri* Arknum commented on my stupid question

*isn’t scaring the bandit away enough? I am pretty scared from up here already!*

*more impact is better right?* Reiner joined the fray.* he is currently watched from another inn bedroom window.

‘yeah. Just let them do what they want. i don;t care anymore.’ I sighed while watching. But when i shifted my gaze at the battle, my jaws dropped.


What caught my surprise is not Ragnar powerful hammer strike. But Stella’s agility. I have never seen Stella fight before. But she manage to dodge all of Ragnar attack with ease.

“Men!! Charge!!” Ragnar shouted at his underlings

‘hey, hey. They are straying more and more from scenario. They are going to pretend to lose at the end right?’ i thought while watching the battle in front of me

Battle cry can be heard while about 20 or 30 people charged at Stella while my other handpicked main character Hector and baran only get 4 or 5 people’s attention.

The battle is getting as real as the real thing. Even i can’t feel the slight tinge of fake action. Ragnar’s war hammer strike with a full force, archers firing at pin point accuracy. But more in my surprise Stella managed to dodge all of it.

Brandished her sword, Stella danced through every arrow. No forced movement, no wasted movement. All flowed like air. Ragnar’s war hammer strikes in vain. Other bandits that tried to surround her were met with a fast strike of her sword. Every strike Ragnar produce were dodged and met with 4 to 5 counterattacks from Stella.

Intense battle continued for another 10 minutes when Stella finally let out her trump card. Magic. A fireball were shot as she dodge an arrow from archer. Counter attack from rapier is for Ragnar melee attacker while fireballs, lightning bolts, ice spear, and gust were for archers.

*Umm Riri, that one isn’t part of the script right?* Reiner whispered

*Huh? Which one?* As i shook my head to left and right looking for another part not on the script

A loud shriek then follow suit. a spider as big as a two story house walked slowly to central square.

“Oh my god!” i muttered while watching one of its leg destroyed a wagon in a single thump


The Tarantula

A hidden boss of Sidinia forest. This boss has no predetermined place and continue to travel in sidinia forest following her minions.

Quest has been activated

Save Sidinia City.

The sidinia forest boss monster Tarantula has breached towards the city. save the city by killing Tarantula and all of its minions

Quest difficulty C

Quest requirement : must be inside Sidinia

Quest reward : Fame 150 and familiarity toward s the city will increased

Number of minions : 95 jumping spiders, 30 poisonous spider, 10 string spiders

‘that jumping spider is one of its minions?’ my thought screamed.

*woah. We are in deep shit* Arknum commented

Even Ragnar can only watch in horror as the tarantula walked closer to them a small figure of jumping spiders can be seen jumping from its back

“Multicast!, Multitask!. Go!” Stella shouted.20 fireball, 20 ice lance, and 20 lighting bolts gathered forming a brilliant light show around her then like a machine gun those spells hit Tarantula and it’s minions most of her spells were directed at Tarantula but several tens of jumping spiders were caught in its line of fire.

Aggro ed by this Tarantula shifted it’s gaze towards Stella but his movements is far too slow.however, Stella’s movements were no longer graceful like before but more intense and efficient. Anxiety showed on her face as she dodge and counterattacked the fast moving jumping spiders.

Jumping spiders were renowned for it’s leap skill, after they leaped, they landed on it’s opponent face dealing critical hit. They also can leap to run away from opponents they encountered making them a tough opponent. But they dropped a lot of exp and japtems and they also has low health making them favorites for beginners. it is said that only a thief or speed class type can properly dodge a jumping spider’s leap. Most people especially tanker just accepted the leap and hold them in place while archers or mages deal the final hit

But, Stella was not only dodging she efficiently give a single deathblow counterattack at each leaping spiders. she can jump in the air. Doing a back flip. I think every gymnastic move in the book were already mastered by her and are used efficiently in this combat. she also managed to slip in some fireballs at Tarantula to keep its aggro at her. and in addition she also leaped and slashed at those spiders while they landed. It is a leaping contest with those spiders lose one by one.

“Guys! Perform a barricade! Tankers in front, archers and mages in the back! Thief and bards, deal with those leaping critters!” Ragnar shouted.

Ragnar let out a battle cry and charged towards tarantula.it’s front legs were met by a bashing sound destroying it completely. Baran, and Hector already came and charged from sides. A thundering roar from baran magic stunned it. a medium class spell thunder strike.

Archers were shooting from distance. Sword masters were together with Ragnar. Thief and other tantalus staff were in charge to kill tarantula’s minions.

In 10 minutes flat the huge spider disintegrated

You have leveled up 5x

Fame has increased by 150

Familiarity with the people of Sidnia has increased

‘Hah, it is a lvl 70 boss. I guess we are lucky this time’ i breathe a sigh of relief “Thank god no casualty were inflicted.”

Thanks to Ragnar and most of Tantalus group out leveled the boss and it’s minions they were able to repelled the boss monster without casualties. It seems Riri also managed to get leftover exp even though she does almost nothing. She only delivered band aids and health potions to Tantalus members while avoiding any spider she encountered. But a contribution is still a contribution

2 hours later

cheers and shouts could be heard towards the city welcoming their new hero. With a slight threat the duke were easily convinced to change his attitude. And so after that merchant Reiner pass by and set a deal with the duke. Buying 1000 meter (10 bundles) bag worm thread for 1 gold 50 silver a meter.

As team 1 (Stella and co), team 2 (Ragnar and co), and team 3 (Me and reiner) leave separately only to be rejoined at Neren field, only 2km east of Sidinia city, i thought

‘do we have to go to such length just to acquire the bag worm thread?’



Author note.

- just like before, critics and suggestions are welcomed

- our mc stat and inventory will come out at later since she only gained 150 fame and 6 lvl worth of unused stat points.

- happy reading {[999baw}]

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