《Idol By Laulau20》chapter 8 Dealing with Pressure
“But, Stella.....” i whimpered
“Come on Riri. Do you want me to get kissed by unknown man? Hiks. I thought you were my friend.” With a puppy dog eye Stella beg
“I-i. Alright.” i give up. I can’t resist anymore. She really knows how to beg!
Quest has been acquired
Replacement actor
One actor from Tantalus groups has to go to his sick mother so he can’t participate in the play. Replace him by performing his role, if your performance is poor it will lead to quest failure.
Quest requirement: be in Tantalus group
Quest difficulty : D
Quest reward : New equipment set.
Summary, the script is about a noble girl from X kingdom that fell in love with a nobleman from Y kingdom. Since their parents didn’t agree, they eloped to Z kingdom and there, they lived as happily ever after in that Z kingdom
‘a Romeo and Juliet happy end version!!!’ i thought while looking at the script.the story even named ‘oemor and teilu love that crossed nations’
‘this is a rip off!! A complete breach of copyright law!!’
“So, that is the script. Now you have read it, we are going to train you hard. I particularly do not want you to raise your level since points for leveling up are better to be distributed to wisdom to remove our penalty. So i have managed a plan to train you.” Stella smiled” Please, nor hard feelings okay? It is for our group.” She hugged me
‘this is definitely bad. Definitely bad!”
“Gah, holy shit. I am a mage why do i need to carry that thing.!” Baran exclaimed
“Yeah, i am a warrior, but telling me to move 200 kilos of Stones is crazy.”
“Okay, for 4 hours straight, we have an instant stamina recovery food thanks to baran carrying 4 days of food to us. and there are several stones you must carry around the field to increase your stamina and strength so that you can wear the equipment. No rest okay, if you work 24/7 for 4 days straight i think we can barely managed you to get 50 str without levelling up. From there on, we have 2 days of performance practice.”
At that moment, baran and Arknum Suddenly realized that behind the charming face of Stella lie a devil. They thanked god at that moment that Stella have only a little interest in them
If yesterdays training was hell, than this day’s training is the seventh layers inside hell. Carrying stones that overloads your weight capacity, getting chased by fireballs, instead of two swords Riri was only given one. Every time her stamina depleted they quickly give her drinks or food that quickly replenish stamina then train again. Everyday was filled with shout of despair.
If Stella was not around, she let Baran be her substitute. Ragnar also trained everyone hard inside the gym. Props were ready, several minor adjustment due to lack of the main character (Me) were made.
Dex has increased by 20, Vit increased by 30 str increased by 25 stamina increased by 50
Sword mastery has reached beginner lvl 4
Bullet deflector has reached beginner lvl 3
Multitask has reached beginner lvl 4
“Alright. We made it. she can use the equipment now.” baran exclaimed.
“Good work. Okay Riri, now we...” Stella stopped after seeing me collapsed
A day later
“Stella is a bully. All of Tantalus are a bully. Hix hix.” This time i cried for real
“Look at what you did to her.” Arknum fell sorry for me.
“Umm, Riri.?” Stella tried to console me
“I don’t care anymore!” i threw a tantrum. “I don’t care about performance anymore!” hix. Hix”
“Well, i think she deserved some rest.” Arknum said.” We need to use some reserves, the end result might be lower than we predicted. but we can’t help it right? after all, it is unreasonable for someone who just joined to be placed as main character of the story. We put too much pressure on her”Arknum said
“But...” Stella then said while whispering “okay.”
“Okay. Get that reserves right here in instant. We need to train him or we won’t make it!!” Ragnar commanded. “Tch!, after all the hard work we tried to teach her.” Ragnar and all of Tantalus group then fled the preparation room except Stella which sit and stared at me
“What? Do you want to mock me? Go ahead. I am not going to go on anymore.” I said with tears of hatred to her.
Riri just stayed silent. Riri can’t accept the pressure anymore. Even though this is a game, but the pressure is real.After seeing everyone put their hopes on her, she just can’t take it. after the hellish training of 4 days, they forced her to put a leather armor and breastplates of a traveler. Then quickly put her on the stage for rehearsal. When she froze on the stage, ragnar shouted at her. even Stella started to give a lecture. When she stutter on her speech, they have to redo the rehearsal again. Many complaints then came from fellow Tantalus member to her. on her 5th attempt reading her first line she then throw the weapon she carried and ran crying like now. all the pressure, all the shouting, all of the stares, she wondered, how can Stella live in a world like that?
Stella now didn’t say any word. Of all things i have said, that one probably the harshest one i have said. Not to mention it is directed to one i considered my friends.i feel guilty, but i can’t live up their expectation. Rather than them getting dissapointed later, it is better to be disappointed now right?
Stella still looked at me, is she disappointed? is she mad? I can’t read her at all now. she just stare me with a blank face.
“What?” i questioned her.
“Nothing.” She then hugged me while crying“I’m sorry.”
“You are not mad?”
“Well, i am being unreasonable. It is true, playing in front of five thousand people isn’t easy. Moreover being unprepared, inexperienced, and rushed. So, i am sorry.”
“I-i am sorry too. I-i-it is just too much for me to handle.”
My heart feels warm. So, this is friends. No matter if you screwed up they will be always by your side. No matter if the world are against you,friends always support you.
“Sorry, you are disappointed right? i can’t do my job correct. I only waste Tantalus precious time.” I cried in her arm.
“It is okay. It is all my fault.” Stella tightened her hug against me.
For 10 minutes we stayed like that until Stella broke the silence telling Riri to watch the play as an audience. I sat on one of empty chairs in Tantalus showroom. The rehearsal started. In my place, Arknum was now in charge of. Before, he was a member of royal guards, but that was exchanged to Lucky, our blacksmith. And then in position of lucky that was supposed to played as nobleman was exchanged to some random bard from orchestra. I have caused such a mess. Hector already got a role, so he can’t be of any use now.
The quality of the play is indeed worsening but still acceptable in my opinion. Unlike when i stuttered and frozen in stage, this was much better. even though with such random and sudden change, Tantalus are able to play every part right. Arknum did some improvise at the line he forgot, Lucky and that bard too played that part well. Except with proportion of their physical build (A very thin nobleman, A huge muscular prince, and a fat Royal soldier), i would give them 9.5 out of 10. Actually the fat royal guard fits quite well though it has a slight different aura than before
“Alright!! Wrap it up everyone. We are done! Tomorrow at afternoon please be here 4 hours before the time. We still need to do a heavy make up for that scar, plumping a little wool on that thin nobleman, and for the royal guards.. it is fine.” Ragnar made his speech. Without even answering everyone packed their own things. No wonder, in royal road it is midnight. Even i feel sleepy. Players can log on for days in Royal road. But this week was hell, everyone was tired to their bone. I can see Arknum and Baran made their log out immediately after Ragnar said the speech
‘4 hours before the said time it is literally 7 o’clock in morning. And we just finished at 1 in morning’
I log out, setting my phone to alarm at 1 and half hour then prepare dinner and took a bath. I haven’t even slept yesterday. I was so tired, but i can’t sleep well given only 1 hour. So, i shall force it a bit until the play finished. I can still manage the background like i used to in Selei city. maybe that is what i am good at. Just getting a friend is enough. I don’t need to get famous
1,5 hours later
The scan in your irises and fingerprints indicates that you are a registered user. Do you wish to log into your royal road account?
I hesitated a bit before saying yes
Welcome to royal road.
After a blinding flash of light i was logged back into Tantalus headquarter. In my assigned bedroom. There is still half an hour before the scheduled time. Meaning i logged in around 7 minutes before my alarm clock rang.Ragnar and several members have already appeared and cleaning the stage. without delay, i picked a broom and stared to clean the hall. Dust and ashes from special effect magic dirtied the room. We need to get this stage clean before starting our makeup.
“Umm, Ragnar..”
“What is it chicken head?”
“Umm, I’m sorry for screwing up.”
“Well, yeah. Partly it is my fault that i recommended you. Maybe you aren’t ready yet. So, apology accepted. Now get ready, we are going to clean this room and manage the background. Get your ass to work. Shoo, shoo.” With a hand gesture Ragnar shooed me. Fatigue could be seen in his eyes.
One by one other Tantalus member came in. They started to help and getting ready. 3 hours before the play the stage is set.everything is in order. No members were late. I can already see 100 or 200 audience queuing at the front door
Stella was sitting in front of mirror doing make up. Her dress is blindingly white like a bride. Her ever beautiful hair is now styled increasing it’s beauty even more. Her ever soft skin are now polished with make up. Arknum was dressed with a blue clothes. The clothes is somewhat similar to that napoleon or something with blue as it’s dominant color. Somehow i was jealous. if had enough skill in socializing, it would be me in that shirt
‘No, i can’t think like that. my position is here. I already have a shot yesterday and failed.’
“Hello Riri. Please, have a seat.”
“i feel like a loser.”
“And why is it?”
“Nothing. I just feel so weak, so unskilled.”
“There is no shame in retreating a loss battle. What’s important is knowing you limitations.”
“I messed everything up.” Tears started to flow again.
“No you didn’t. You just almost mess everything up. you know your limitations so you retreated. That’s all. Even if you forced in, the play will be in bigger mess.”
“I am sorry Stella.”
“It is fine” Stella came and hugged me again. “ I am glad you retreated. With this, we can trained again. And next time i know, you will perform out there. not with this measly preparations and time but with enough preparations and time. I will surely made your first performance the best ever.i promised.” Stella said whispering
In my life i have never heard such a word. So beautiful within heart. In my response i could only whisper a simple thank you. But the ache in my heart is now gone. Like a cure, that word soothe me
“Alright. let’s begin! 2 hours to go!get on stage people!!” Ragnar shouted. His words were a little bit more tone down than before. Did he sleep at all last night?
Audience started to gather.the empty hall is now filled with people. Several back chairs are still empty but that is to be expected since there are still 2 more hours to play. Tantalus orchestra played some random music as not to let the audience get bored from waiting.
“Whew. I am nervous. I have never played in a hall as big as this” arknum remarked.
“In game or real life?” i asked
“Don’t joke around. I am just an ordinary student there. so there is no way i have ever played in theater.” Arknum answered. “Okay, the play almost started”
Stella POV
‘I guess i hope too much on her. she accepted the class, so she should be the one that stand besides me. I can’t blame her, after seeing her eye i understand the pressure she felt. She is terrified that she is going to mess MY play. i sincerely hoped that one day when we play together, she thought it was not MY play but OUR play.i rushed thing too much. I put too much hope in her. she did the correct thing, if she were to accept the role and messed up.she would blame it all on herself and quit. There would be no one. No other left worthy to be my partner. I would be forever alone in my own stage’ Stella thought. While holding back her tear.
‘the play already started, i need to remember my lines. Don’t bother thinking anything useless again.’ I ordered my thought and memorizing my lines
“Once upon a time, there was a noble girl in kallamore kingdom. She was beautiful like no other, many men tried to court her but to no avail.” Lucy while dancing a slow tune on the stage. the curtain opens there stood Stella with many nobleman in a ball like room
“My dear Teilu, as you father, i am grieved. Why s there no people here to amuse you? Tell me, what kind of nobleman you desire?”
“I desire no noble, i only desire a man that put me above all, wealth nor reputation matters not for as long as his love is above it.”
“I see, then for there was no one able to court you, you shall be wed with the mightiest of person. son of kings. For i know he will be able to satisfy you for he that is renowned for his swords since birth, for he that has reputation above the sky. I believe he will be able to love you for he is also known as kind and gentle.”
“Father! i will not accept any man that i do not love.” The curtain then closed
Ruckus could be heard within background of the stage? Stella wondered because the background was not supposed to be that noisy.
“Stella!, here is your next clothes.”Girl A then offered my next clothes.
Brown cape of disguise
A hooded cape used to hide yourself
Presence -20%
I quickly changed to my cape. The scene changed again to village
“I how low is my knowledge for i do not know my own country.”Stella walked at the stage now with a village background”Now, i can be with any other man. Freed from fame and wealth. Free to choose.”
‘okay, the scene changed into city, wait for Lucy to finish then i come up again.’
“Such a beautiful city i have arrived. Beautiful flower, beautiful houses, now i know many people, many are better than nobleman, many are braver than knight. Oh, i cursed myself for my low....” Stella then stopped. She forgot all of her lines at that moment because there stood somebody that should not be in front of her.
Arknum answered. “Okay, the play almost started”
With a flash of light he abruptly disappeared.
“Umm, Baran, that’s a log out animation right?” i asked the person behind Ragnar.
“Yeah. Maybe he just got disconnected. You know, anything can happened in internet.” Baran answered
1 hour later.
We started to panic
“Hey, if Arknum doesn’t appear in another half hour we will have to cancel this play ragnar stated. Get your butt to the other world now baran and asked for this god damn prince status!” Ragnar said sharply but not shouting as it will get heard by audience
“okay.” Baran then fiddled something in the air and with a sound effect he disappeared.
half hour later.
Time is ticking away, half an hour mean 7 minutes in real life. so, 1 hour and half means 22 minutes. it means the problem is not a simple accident disconnection but a modem broke down, then Arknum can only visit local cafe and played from there which can take somewhere around an hour. That means 4 hours in Royal road. If that was the case then he can barely managed his part. There is still some hope left
“I am sorry Ragnar.” Baran logged in
“So is that bitch gonna come or not?”
“I just phoned him. It appears that his mother found his horrible college exam test. So from now on until next 2 weeks he can’t play royal road.”
“What do you mean by that!”
“Ah, i am sorry so, Arknum has some issues with goddesses so he can’t exist in this world for another 2 months.” Baran made a report understandable for NPC
“We have to cancel the play sir. We can’t exchange the character in last minutes”Said Reiner.
“NO! 2 counts are watching this! We can’t dissapoint them. Ragnar said as he pointed the said counts. Count daris from the west and count Ignis from east.
Then he looked at me.”Hey kid, get in there.”
“Huh?” i was stoned
He then knelt “Riri, It is fine if you mess up your lines a bit. Just get in there and give your best. We don’t have any other replacement now. if Tantalus canceled its show in front of 2 counts, our reputation will plummets. We can’t pay any more wages,even this buildings itself is owned by Ignis count”
Quest has been updated
Replacement actor
One actor from Tantalus groups has to go to his sick mother so he can’t participate in the play. Replace him by performing his role, if your performance is poor it will lead to quest failure.
Count Ignis and Count Daris are watching Tantalus show. You have to make a performance good enough to satisfy them
Quest requirement: be in Tantalus group
Quest difficulty : C
Quest reward : New equipment set, unknown
Quest failure: Tantalus will be disbanded
“B-b-but...” i can’t refuse this now.
“if you fail after you try. It is okay, we will not blame you. Just try your best for this group okay.” Ragnar pleaded. All of the group was shocked, they never see Ragnar pleaded to someone. The group finally realize their grave situation. The image of him as strict boss now pleading mark the gravity of the situation, in worst case scenario the group will be thrown into streets or even disbanded.
“Thank you riri. I appreciate it.” a sincere smile showed on Ragnar face “Okay lads. Get this girl to be our pretty prince. We have an hour until she have to showed up.”
A ruckus of girl a,b,c and several other rushed to prepare my make up and clothes. Hair tied to make a ponytail. Wear shirt and pant with sword on waist. Riri now look just like a young noble boy
Blue Noble shirt
Defense 3
Charisma +50
Charm +50
Requirement: fame above 100
Made by experienced tailor with beauty in mind
Blue noble pants
Defense 3
Charisma +50
Charm +50
Requirement: fame above 100
Breastplate of the escaped prince.
Defense 20
Str +10
movement speed reduced by 30% and increased stamina consumption by 20%. (class penalty)
Requirement : str 50
Ring of mana
A beautiful ring that increase mana
Charm +20
Mana +200
Requirement none
Ring of leadership
A charismatic gem that are owned by leaders
Charisma +30
Leadership +30
Requirement none
Royal Steel sword
A sword beautifully crafted for royals to use.
Attack 30 (-27 from class restriction)
Charisma +20 (-18 from class restriction)
Charm +20 (-18 from class restriction)
Requirement: 30 strength
“Okay. Put that sword and breastplate far away, you didn’t need it for the first part.” Ragnar commanded
Back to present.
Stella was stand in shock. The person in front of her is definitely not Arknum.no matter what make up or even magic, you can’t easily change someone’s height. This person. that style. It was definitely Riri. But why does she play the part as the noble now?? isn’t it supposed to be Arknum? She then turned her head toward Ragnar at the side of the stage invisible to audience. With a hand gesture ragnar signaled her to continue
“insight.” Stella finished her words. She was supposed to say Oh, i cursed myself for my low insight.in one full sentence. Then, she walked toward the prince. But now, the insight word was cut out for 3 whole seconds. Then she walked toward the prince. However this mistakes was seen by audience as love at first sight which actually improved the play
Riri now stay frozen. An unsocial girl now plunged out at the center of a stage. with over 5000 audience plus some very important looking people in this world (2 counts+several noble).. it is like you are thrown into a TV stage with ministers and president of united states watching and judging your very actions. She can’t utter any other word but staring at Stella. She was supposed to say a poem ‘hello my flower and angel. How come i do not notice such an angel in my hometown.’ But now, she was frozen
Ragnar was scrambling his head now. he almost cried since Riri was frozen. He thought the play was a failure. He already imagined a life in streets if this show is ruined
Stella read her stage fright. She then prepared a new line “Hello, kind traveler.you seem different than the others. May i know your name?”
“Riri.”Riri answered at the question threw by Stella.
“It was supposed to be Oemor!!!!” Ragnar shouted in whispers. He is banging his head to the wall now.
Riri knows she messed up but doesn’t know how to fixed it. she just froze again in silence
Stella was shocked. But as expert actress she replied with a slight laugh “hahaha. What an unfitting name for a handsome male like yourself. Very well, since thou didn’t reveal thou name, i shall not reveal mine.”
“But, then what should i call you?” this answers came from Riri’s mouth.Stella’s gesture and act made her said that in reflex. It is like this play was not scripted anymore.
“You may call me S-t-e-l-l-a.” She chopped the word in purpose
Ragnar was already pale for the course off story.
“Stella.... such a beautiful name. It is like it was just made for me.” Riri said while admiring Stella. Stella who was always besides her. Stella who was always by her side from the beginning of royal road until now. Stella that cried for Riri mistakes and support Riri decision
“I see. Now off you go. For my time is over in unknown land i must depart to my house to be trapped once more.” Stella said with a sad face. so sad and so real. Seeing her made you think of a bird in a cage where its world is only that 30cm diameter cage
“NO!!” Riri runoff to hug Stella. she can’t bear to see Stella sad anymore. She can’t allow the only best friend of her sad again.
Stella responded while hugging her back.
“Then, what will you do? to prevent me from returning to my cage?” Stella asked. Her eyes is like that of a maiden questioning her beloved how far his love can go.
“I will kidnap you! I will take you to somewhere! Far away from here. To someplace where you can be happy and free.” That was riri’s answers. Her true heartfelt desire to make Stella happy. For her only friend she is ready to sacrifice even her own life.
Ragnar was not pale anymore.he quickly scanned the situation and made appropriate adjustment.”Jump the scene from scene 3 to scene 8!” he ordered
The story was supposed to progress like this. From the meeting of Teilu and oemor. They separated. Then scene 4 is taken at Teilu house with some debates from her mother. Then scene 5, the same thing happened in Oemor place. Then in scene 6 oemor sneaked to Teilu’s house making some chatter. Scene 7 Teilu escaped from her house to Oemor’s house. Scene 8 now is at the cliff where oemor and Teilu escaped and by Teilu’s brother Hector which are unnamed now. they are supposed to be introduced in earlier scene.
Mages then cast stone coffin. The landscape of the stage is now really like a cliff out of behind the scene box office movies
(i can’t explain it better than this. So, just like i said, it is like behind the scenes, in sci fi movies with picture made of painting as background and stones that are figured in such ways that it match the background making the scene was really from medieval ages. Just imagine that one was put on stages for actresses to perform. Or you could take an example from real life play that used this method as well hope you understand ?)
With thunderous sound from thunder bolt by the mages making the scene intense
“Hey. You dare to take my sister away just before she was to be married by a great prince? I shall not allowed this for this treachery will dishonor my families lines forever!”
“You didn’t know your sister’s pain. You didn’t know anything. You didn’t deserved to be his family.” Riri spoke with a threatening voice.
“Let’s see if your words are backed with your strength.”Hector then trowed Riri’s sword in front of Riri’s leg.”Let’s duel!”
“UAAH!” with a battle cry Riri grabbed the sword and slashed at hector which he dodged while acting he dodged it with great difficulty
Sound of metal clashing could be heard reverberated through the show room. Riri slashed with all of her might. Hector tried to parry her assault while slipping an attack he was sure Riri can dodge.
You have dealt 15 critical damage
Of course the window could only be seen by hector and Riri. But hector played out like he caught a huge damage with mortal wound. After all looks is what mattered here
“Damn you! I will not give up. my family is at stake”
“Arg! You are no family. You are just a jailer. You only imprison her.” Riri Slashed at him with all of her might repeatedly
You have dealt 10 damage
You have dealt 15 critical damage.
“Stop Riri. It is enough” what matters now is not my revenge. But our happiness. Let’s continue our journey to the north to Nilfheim empire. In there we will be happy forever.” Stella said while hugging riri from behind.” Riri stopped while looking at Stella. then they hugged each other and the curtain then closed
The abrupt play then ended. Cheers and applause could be heard within the show room. after that Ragnar and several members collapsed due to being exhausted mentally. But they breathe a sigh of relief as their group are now saved
author note
- whew i just finished. this chapter is so far the hardest to write. i can't just imagine Stella to be a ruthless instructor. and i also can't imagine riri mentality to accept being tortured with ease. but thankfully that ended well
- i already exhausted my brain juice now. i am going to take a break for 2 or 3 days. i need to read other fanfic too :)
- happy reading. and critics on what you like and what you don't like are welcomed in here or in discussion page.
- so who were surprised to see Riri actually play? or maybe no one surprised? :lol:
- riri latest stat update will be updated on this post after my break. please bear with it
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