《Blood and Honor: Deathwalker》Chapter 14- Blast from the Past


Surface- Jagged Coast Region

Kingdom of Rolling Sands- Outside the city of Sholand

Alex dived to the side as the scorpion sprayed point where he had been. With a flick of his wrist, Alex buried one of his throwing knives into a crease of its armor earning him a squeal of pain as the scorpion health dropped into the critical zone. The Assassin dashed forward and jumped over the scorpion pincers and slammed his knives into the scorpion's eyes and earning a critical hit and killing it finally.

Alex looted the corpse as he pulled some jerky and a canteen from his inventory, he was grinding away and avoiding any big quest areas to try and avoid attention. He was also staying away from anything that could be related to the Assassins Guild, leaving them abruptly had left him with some trust issues. Some gathering and extermination quests should be safe though Alex thought as he reviewed his current quests.

Gathering Quest: Crabs are bad for you unless cooked correctly!!!

Description: Along the coastline, outside the city, dozens of crabs live. The Full Moon Inn needs some crab meat to serve its patrons, gather some and bring it back.

Crab Meat: 10/20

Success: Gather 20 Pieces of Crab Meat and bring it back to the Full Moon Inn

Failure: Don't Gather the crab meat and bring it back

Rewards: 1,000 Experience, 5 Silver, Recipies for Roasted Crab Cakes and Crab Meat Soup

Extermination Quest: It's my Nature

Description: Brown Desert Scorpions have become a problem along the merchant road leading to the north. Thin their numbers and drive them back into the desert.

Brown Desert Scorpions Slain: 20/30

Success: Slay the Required Brown Desert Scorpions and return to Guard Seargeant Alim Sariff

Failure: Do not slay the Required Brown Desert Scorpions

Rewards: 2,000 Experience, 5 Gold, Increased Reputation with the city of Sholand, Unknown

Gathering Quest: The Pen is Mighter because it's coated in Poison.

Description: The Master Poisoner, Rachel Dupree, wants some Black Scorpion Poison. The Black Scorpion is known to live north of the city among the sand dunes next to the coast.

Black Scorpion Venom: 1/3

Success: Gather the poison and return too Rachel Dupree

Failure: Do not gather the poison

Rewards: 1,000 Experience, 1 Gold, Minor Anti-Venom Tonic Formula, Leather Gauntlets of the Poisoner

Alex dismissed the information as he finished the jerky and placed the canteen back in his inventory and checked the clock on his HUD, he still had time before he had his appointment.

Surface- Jagged Coast Region

Kingdom of Rolling Sands- City of Sholand

Pantheon District- Temple of Nut

"So I was told to seek out the Egyptian Pantheon and any Priest or Priestess would have a better understanding of what I was trying to seek. I know based on Lore that the Goddess Nut is one of the Gods of Darkness within the Egyptian Pantheon. Could the Ankh of Light and Darkness be one of her icons?" Alex asked the Priest in front of him who frowned.

"Nut is a Goddess of the Night, but not of day. That is the realm of Ra and thus she would not have an Ankh of Light and Darkness. As I am sure you have been told, there is a lot of duality with our Pantheon. Usually, though a God or Goddess will be associated with one aspect or another. Not both, however...come with me, please. Each Temple has archives of every Order ever founded, even those considered mainstream." the Priest stated as he rose and walked out of his office with Alex on his heels.


Five minutes later, they were in a small library and the Priest cast a spell while touching the Ankh with one finger. After what had happened the last time magic had been worked on it, Alex was glad the priest was being careful. Within a minute a book had flown off the shelves and the Priest caught it as he continued chanting. The book started to glow and it floated out of the Priests hand and slammed down onto a nearby table and flipped to a certain page and stopped. The Priest cocked an eyebrow as he read the entry and gestured for Alex to do so after stepping back.

Spoiler: Spoiler

Order: Guardians of Osiris

Status: Extinct

Symbol: Ankh of Light and Darkness

Base of Operations: Unknown

Description: The Guardians of Osiris were a militant Order commissioned long ago and were wiped out shortly after Osiris disappeared, by the Fangs of Apophis. The Guardians of Osiris were made up of Necromancers, Spiritmancers, Shadowmasters, and Shadow Stalkers and their primary purpose were to be Osiris eyes, ears, and guards when he was on the Mortal Plane. Like most Militant Organization, the Guardians of Osiris had a hidden home that only initiates and Osiris knew of. After their destruction, all remains of the organization were absorbed by the Priests of Osiris or Isis.

"Ok...so I can't even hand it over to the people who should have it, because they no longer exist. What about the Priests of Osiris, is there any within the city?" Alex asked the Priest of Nut who shook his head.

"No, the Priests of Osiris have fallen apart. With their God gone, the order has fallen into shambles with no real leadership anymore. Their Temples are maintained, but no one is hardly ever there. The main Temple of Osiris is to the west, about four days travel to the Oasis of Com'aron. I would suggest you gain more strength before venturing there Immortal, that place is not for the weak of heart, mind, or body and just because the order is practically gone, does not mean the Temple is undefended." the Priest urged and Alex nodded as his quest completed but a new one popped right up to fill the void.

"Can I ask one more question, why would a Chaos Acolyte be interested in destroying this necklace? If Osiris is dead, it shouldn't matter anymore." Alex prodded.

"Apophis is a God of evil and chaos, it does not surprise me at all if the Lady of Chaos and he are allied. Tread carefully Immortal, you are walking a troubling path." the Priest stated before bowing slightly and leaving the room.

Quest Complete: Sentimental Keepsake or is it???

Description: You finally discovered who the Ankh of Light and Darkness belonged too. The Guardians of Osiris, but their Order is now extinct, wiped from existence by followers of Apophis long ago. One journey ends and another begins.

Success: Find out more about the Ankh of Light and Darkness

Failure: Do not find out more about the Ankh of Light and Darkness

Rewards: 2,000 Experience, 10 Gold, Increased Reputation with the Priests of Osiris, Isis, Horus, and Bastet

Divine Quest Issued: Path of the Lost (Stage 1)

Description: The Guardians of Osiris are extinct and the Priesthood of Osiris is in ruins. Find the main Temple of Osiris at the Oasis of Com'aron, beware there are many natural defenses around the Temple and Oasis.

Difficulty: Hard

Success: Travel to the main Temple of Osiris at the Oasis of Com'aron


Failure: Do not travel to the main Temple of Osiris at the Oasis of Com'aron, or if the Ankh of Light and Darkness is lost or destroyed.

Requirement: Level 32 (Minimum for Current Stage), it would be recommended that you DO NOT undertake this quest alone.

Rewards: 10,000 Experience per Stage, 50 Gold per Stage, Unknown

Will you accept the Divine Quest, Path of the Lost? YES/NO

Note* Divine Quests are usually more difficult than any other type of Quest in Ithea. Undertake them with the understanding their will be multiple stages and without help, it will be almost impossible to complete.

Alex took a long breath as he drummed his fingers on the hilts of his daggers. He had no guild support, his family was looking for him, and he was sure it was only a matter of time before Apophis or his allies got on the ball and threw something his way. Fuck it Alex thought as he accepted the quest and it was added to his Quest Log. Alex contemplated his next actions as he slowly walked out of the Temple.

"So you are looking for a team to power level you up to Level thirty-two, then possibly go beyond that depending on the circumstances. No questions asked, need discretion, and no followers of Apophis or Set, does that cover it?' the Adventurers Guild representative asked and Alex nodded his head. 'In addition, you get the first choice at any Rogue equipment dropped and an equal share of the coin dropped, everything else belongs to our people." The Guild Rep looked up from the contract and Alex nodded in agreement again.

"This job will last a couple of days at least, can you give me a time frame for the second job after the power leveling?" the Adventurer asked.

Alex frowned, "Them being hired for the second job is contingent upon multiple things. If they don't meet the criteria, they won't be hired for the second job, its that simple. If I accept them for the second job, I will discuss the contract with them." Alex told the man who sat back and frowned.

"Very well, it's a Gold piece a day with a minimum of three days. I can tell you right now, it will probably take at least three to five days to get you to the level you want. Do we have an Agreement?' the man asked and Alex nodded as he placed the three coins on the desk in front of the Adventurers Guild representative. 'Very well, our people will be meeting you at the West Gate at dawn, do not be late. Any provisions or potions that you need will be on you. Good luck." Alex nodded and shook the man's hand as he left the room.

Surface- Jagged Coast Region

Kingdom of Rolling Sands- City of Sholand

West Gate District- Drunken Donkey

Alex was reading through the Wiki and Forums about Osiris, his disappearance, and who could have taken him out. Any parties that would likely to be helpful and anyone who would want to hamper him. Both lists were long and left Alex more troubled then not, but if it came down to a scrape, he wouldn't be alone at least. "Mind if I sit down?' a man asked and Alex studied him then shrugged as he continued to eat. 'Not very talkative are you. Your family is worried about you Alex." Alex stopped eating and studied him as he analyzed him.

Spoiler: Spoiler

Name: ???

Level: 30 (Immortal)

Base Class: Rogue

Primary Class: Ranger

Advanced Class: Tracker

Health: 1,200

Stamina: 1,300

Mana: 1,100

"My family only cares about finding me, so they can hurt me. They could give a shit about my health.' Alex replied as he studied the man. 'Let me guess, they hired you to find me and try and bring me back. I hope you got paid upfront because they are going to be disappointed." Alex told the man who frowned.

"Listen, kid, just make this easy on both of us. Come with me, make no fuss or muss, and I promise no harm will come to you." the man stated and Alex smirked at him as he pointed to the scar on his face.

"You see this, my father gave it to me for getting a grade lower then he wanted me to get on a test. That is the least of the scars my family gave me.' Alex told the man and distracted him as he pulled a throwing knife as he prepared to trigger Distract. 'The only way you would ever get me to go back to my crazy assed family is if I was dead." Alex told the man. The tracker frowned and started to reach for Alex and he cast Distract immediately. More the half the room was entranced, a few patrons were not and Alex immediately targeted one that was still staring at him from the far side as he activated Shadow Step as he threw the ready dagger at the Tracker.

In a blur, he was across the room in Stealth as the Tracker screamed out. "FIND HIM NOW!!! He can't be too far." he bellowed as he stood, two other rose with him, including the man he was standing behind. Gutter slammed into the back of his skull, with the Backstab multiplier he was dead before his head hit the table as Alex activated Teleport and appeared behind the Trackers another companion. Both daggers slammed both his new target as he activated Gouge eliciting an agonizing scream from the man as his health plummeted like a rock.

The Tracker snarled as he disappeared and Alex threw himself forward as he tried to drop back into Stealth.


You are being observed by a hostile force, you cannot activate Stealth.


Alex snarled a curse as he skipped backward as he pulled another throwing knife and hurled it at the wounded man and killing him leaving him to face the lone Tracker now. Alex's eyes were darting around as he moved around rapidly as the crowd shook off the effects of the Distract and either bolted out of the Inn or sat back to watch. Finally, the Tracker ran out of patience and dropped out of Stealth firing his bow.

Alex threw himself behind a table, but two of the arrows slammed into him before he made it behind some cover. He grabbed a Minor Health Potion and downed it as he ripped the two arrows out of his leg and side. Alex breathed and let the healing potion work as it worked to counteract the damage he had sustained. "You should have come peacefully, boy!! Now I am going to hurt you every step of the way back." The Tracker called out as he stalked closer. Alex watched the timer run down on Shadow Step and smiled.

Alex threw himself to the side and as soon as he laid eyes on the Tracker he activated Shadow Step and then Pick Pocket, he grabbed the coin purse and he heard the little jingle he had been successful as he activated Backstab again. The man cried out as his legs gave out and Alex drove his off-hand dagger into his throat. "Tell my family if they don't leave me alone, I will come for them," Alex whispered in his ear before twisting both daggers and causing the other Immortals health to bottom out.


Your PK counter has increased by 3. Your current PK counter is...3.


Alex dismissed the information, he had no interest in being a player killer and looked to see how much money he had stolen from the Tracker. Alex whistled as he could see he had acquired two hundred Gold, Pick Pocketing limited how much you could steal at ten percent at his current level and without any Skills increasing it. He quickly went over to the bar and placed twenty Gold onto it. "For the trouble, I have caused, I am sorry sir," Alex told the Bartender who smiled and winked.

"We didn't see anything at all lad. I would suggest you leave though. This might have been a little spat between you Immortals, but I wouldn't be surprised if the City Guard comes calling soon. I will make sure they know you paid for all the damage and no Locals were hurt. Get out of here kid." the Bartender told him and Alex nodded as he moved towards the back of the Inn and out into the night.

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