《Blood and Honor: Deathwalker》Chapter 15- Punishment


Surface- Jagged Coast Region

Kingdom of Rolling Sands- City of Sholand

West Gate District

Alex studied the party in front of him and they studied him right back. "Well ladies and gentlemen, I am Alex Dumass, Rogue and Assassin. I am not part of the Guild though before you ask. Please introduce yourselves." Alex stated as he looked at the four Adventurers.

The Dwarf stepped forward, he wore heavy plate armor and had a shield and hammer strapped to his body, "I am Brounom Gravelheart, a Level forty-four Paladin of Moradin and tank of this party.' the short stocky Dwarf stated before gesturing to the large Human standing next to him, 'This is Mozil Shov, a Level forty Berserker and pretty damned good with an ax. The Elf is a Level forty-five Pyromancer named Taeral Xiltris, finally, we have a Level forty-four Priestess Rol Kumon. We will be working with you for the foreseeable future." the Dwarf stated as he indicated each of the people around him.

"Where we going?" Alex asked the Paladin but the Pyromancer answered.

"We are going to the coast to the south, we will be spending the morning there and then we are going to dive into the Cells of the Lost Scorpion Lord, its a Dungeon for Level twenty five to thirty after lunch. We won't be coming back to the city, but there is a small village near the Dungeon that you purchase some supplies if you need them. Questions?" She asked as she spun her staff with a little flourish.

Alex dove to the side as the wave of water crashed into the rocks, waves of magic fire slammed into the Naga causing them to scream in pain as Brounom slammed into the small group his hammer and shield lashing out. Alex took a breath as he activated Stealth and moved closer to the ongoing fight, Gutter held low and ready.

Once he was in position he activated Flurry, as his knives began to glow Alex lashed out causing blood to fly as he stabbed and sliced as he danced around the three Naga. More flames and Mozils ax joined them in the destruction of the three Naga and in less than a minute later the Naga were dead. Alex quickly looted the bodies and turned the equipment over too Mozil and Brounom to handle as he headed out to pull the next group of Naga. It was one of a couple of Quests from Happy Harbor, a small fishing village located near the Cells of the Lost Scorpion Lord Dungeon.

Extermination Quest: The Right Bait

Description: The Naga people that live nearby, have attacked the fishermen of Happy Harbor multiple times, thin their numbers and drive them back into the ocean. Report back to Mayor Jinks afterwords.


Naga Warriors Slain: 20/40

Naga Mage Slain: 20/30

Naga Priests Slain: 10/20

Success: Slay the encroaching Naga and report back to mayor Jinks

Failure: Do not slay encroaching Naga and report back to mayor Jinks

Rewards: 2,000 Experience, 10 Gold, Increased Reputation with the inhabitants of Jagged Coast Region, Unknown

Gathering Quest: Pearls of Wisdom

Description: The nearby Naga gather and use Black Pearls from the ocean floor, eliminate the middlemen and collect some of the pearls and bring them back to Mage Thompson.

Black Opulecent Pearls: 2/4

Success: Gather the Black Opulecent Pearls and bring them back too Mage Thompson

Failure: Do not gather the Black Opulecent Pearls and bring them back to Mage Thompson

Rewards: 1,000 Experience, 10 Gold, Unknown

Alex dismissed the information as he approached the small patrol of Naga comprised of two Warriors, a Mage, and Priest. Alex pulled one of his throwing knives from his bandolier and waited until they got closer and targeted the Mage and hurled his blade causing the Naga to hiss in pain as the knife sink into the Naga's shoulder. Alex immediately turned back and sprinted back towards his party the Naga quickly following him.

Surface- Jagged Coast Region

Kingdom of Rolling Sands- Village of Happy Harbor

"For six Minor Healing Potions, two Medium Healing Potions, six Minor Stamina Potions, and six Minor Mana Potions it will be five Silver. Will that be all?" the man asked.

Alex looked at the Pyromancer, "Will I need anything else?"

"Maybe some Poison Resistance Potions or Antidote Potions," Taeral replied as the other properties worked to gather all the potions she had asked for. The others were off selling all the gear that they had acquired during the grind throughout the morning.

"How much are Poison Resistance Potions?" Alex asked the man who manipulated his interface as he looked up the information.

"Minor Resistance Potions are half a Silver, Medium a Silver, Large is five Silver. Do you wish to purchase any?" the man asked dryly.

Alex frowned before responding, "Add six Minor Poison Resistance Potions and that will be all." Alex told the man as he placed the Silver pieces on the counter. The man quickly added the six new potions on the counter and Alex rolled his eyes as he left the store. Arrogant assholes Alex thought as he took a deep breath and made his way over to a man selling skewers of meat and veggies, Alex handed over five Coppers and got a skewer and started eating as he waited for Taeral.

Alex was halfway done with his snack when she finally emerged from the store, "You got a real way with people. You didn't even try to barter with him, why?" the Mage asked.


Ale frowned as he continued to eat, "He was being a dick and acting all arrogant. I don't like people like that, so I finished up my shopping and left." Alex replied before finishing the skewer and tossing it.

Surface- Jagged Coast Region

Kingdom of Rolling Sands- Cells of the Lost Scorpion Lord Dungeon

Alex watched as the spiders scurried forward, Some seemed to disappear into the shadows while others seemed to move jerkily as if jumping forward. It was odd, to say the least. Alex flung a throwing knife at one, but the Spider disappeared before the weapon struck and the Spider reappeared somewhere else. Alex cocked his head at the new mobs and Analyzed one.

Spoiler: Spoiler

Name: Shadow Spiders

Level: 25

Health: 3,000

Stamina: 1,500

Mana: 2,000

Alex grunted as he darted forward as he pulled his daggers from their sheaths, Brounom and Mozil right behind him but then the Tank activated Charge and darted forward as he slammed into the wave of oncoming Spiders. "Watch your health, these guys deal Shadow based damage, it bypasses non-magical armor," Rol called out before she started chanting.

Alex nodded absently as he darted to the side and around the ongoing melee as he activated Stealth and scuttled forward. Alex jumped the last couple feet as he slammed Gutter into the closest Shadow Spider as Backstab activated causing it to squeal in pain as it tried to buck Alex off, but his other knife slammed down and joined his other knife to shudder and collapse twitching as Alex rolled free. The other two spiders were twitching corpses, "Are all the mobs of this Dungeon like that. Do they all have elemental attacks?" Alex asked.

"No, most of this Dungeon has regular mobs, most of them are insect-based with a few pulled in from the various Planes. It is said the Boss of this location used to be a Lieutenants of the Fire Lord but was cast from the Plane of Fire for rebellion. Its only rumor though." Brounom replied as he cleaned his hammer.

Underdark- Abyssal Taint Region

Kingdom of Mul Duram- City of Mul Duram

Alex Du'maas the Third studied the city below as he waited for his guests to arrive, everything was going splendidly. All his family's plans were working perfectly, the only snag they had was his eldest son was not here. His namesake and heir were somewhere on the surface currently far from his reach. He had hired a team that had made promises, but they had failed in the end. "Master, Mr. Shedwick is here." a nearby slave announced.

"Send them in," Alex replied without turning around.

Less than a minute later, three bound and gagged figures were dragged into the room, each of them was bloody and bruised. "Gentlemen, thank you for accepting my youngest son's invitation for joining us. I truly appreciate the fortitude it takes to face your failures, not many would do it.' Alex mused as he looked at his youngest sons Gregory who was studying the three figures while holding an ax in his hand. While Alex had gone the path of a Mage, his youngest had gone the path of a Warrior and excelled at it. 'You three had a simple task, bring my eldest son home. A simple and easy task. He is not in an Immortal Guild and he has little support among the Locals. So how exactly did he manage to kill all three of you and slip away?" Alex asked them.

It was a rhetorical question and one Alex did not expect them to answer, but it was a question that was running through his mind. "My brother is a weakling and pussy. How the hell did he manage to kill three of you?" Gregory asked, genuinely confused. With a snarl, he kicked one of the prone men before moving to the leader and removing the gag.

The leader lay panting, "Your eldest is an Assassin and I don't mean just the Class. He took the training as well as the Class. He didn't have the armor or ring, but from what I could find out, he had earned a spot within the Assassins Guild. He was able to spot my team members after I approached him and countered us almost immediately." he quickly informed them. Alex frowned as he studied the Tracker then snorted in amusement.

"It seems your brother has finally found his strength and balls, Gregory. It would seem we are going to have to use a more deft touch to entice your brother back into the fold. I will have to come up with another plan, see the guests to their rooms and enjoy yourself, do not break them, they are still useful tools." Alex admonished his youngest who smiled eagerly as he signaled the guards and helped drag the three men from the room.

Alex turned back to the view and began to compose a new message for his wife. She had always been better at the subtle plans, that is why she had agreed to join the Drow. They were legendary manipulators in all Lore, and from what she had reported, the Drow lived up to the legends. With a thought, the message was sent. Alex smiled, things were coming too head and it was all going according to plan.

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