《Blood and Honor: Deathwalker》Chapter 13- Making a Move


Surface- Shinning Hills Region

Kingdom of Arang'mor- City of Arkburn

Religious District

"Ok, so explain it to me," Alex asked the other Immortal who laughed at the statement.

"Talking religion, especially for Ithea could take all day, but I am certain you want the abridged version?' the Priest a asked and at Alex's nod, he continued. 'Ok, so the Human's fall under one of two Pantheons, the Greek/Roman gods and the Egyptian gods. The Dwarves fall under the Dwarven gods, Orc's fall under the Orc gods, and so on. Following me so far?" the Priest asked.

Alex rolled his eyes, "Yes, I got it so far. Only the Human Race has more than one Pantheon I got it."

The Priest smiled and continued, "Now for those not Priests, like yourself, you can go to any Temple or Altar, and give any god an offering and give enough at one time or overtime and you can receive almost anything. From a one-off Abilities to a permanent increase to a Stat, a Quest, the list is endless and random. That said, once you gain the attention of a god, if you do something they don't like, that can and will punish you for actions.' the Priest stated and Alex nodded in understanding. He knew all about punishment. 'Now as far as Religious icons, each Pantheon has them, and each god usually has at least one symbol associated with them. For example, Zeus has a lightning bolt, Horus has the falcon or the all-seeing eye. There is any number of symbols for the Pantheons. Now you asked about the Ankh, it is associated with the Egyptian Pantheon. Usually from my understanding, it is associated with Life and Death. If you want to know more, you would have to find a Priest of their Pantheon." the Priest finished.

"I am guessing there are not many here?" Alex asked and the priest shrugged.

"No, there might be a few sects located within this kingdom, but they would be rare and few in numbers. Usually, outcasts like that are...not well-liked by the mainstream religious factions so they will be wary of an outsider. I am sorry, but if you want to know more, you will have to track down a Priest of the Egyptian Pantheon. Goodluck." the Priest stated and bowed slightly before leaving. Alex considered his option as he leaned back on the bench.

"Thank you dear." the old woman stated and Alex forced a smile in return.

"No problem ma'am," Alex stated in a cheerful voice he did not feel.

Quest Complete: Special Brew Delivery

Description: You have delivered all of Elder Ramon's letters to her Tea Club. Congratulations.

Success: Deliver the twelve letters within one day.

Failure: Do not deliver the letters within a day.

Rewards: 250 Experience, 5 Silver, Increased Reputation with the citizens of Arkburn

Alex sighed and rolled his neck and arms, the last delivery had brought him near where Anthony Ulay lived. Alex was hoping to tail the man and figure out his routine, but so far over the last two days, he had found very little about the man's schedule as a regular thing. He went to odd places and locations, never with any routine so far. The only place Alex had not seen him go was the warehouse the man owned. The two things Alex was sure about him was, he was always at home at sundown and left at sun up.


Alex frowned at what he could do, the guy almost never traveled along and he always traveled on well lit or patrolled streets. Getting to him would have to happen at his home, however, Anthony Ulay's home was well fortified with both magical and mundane defenses well beyond his capabilities to disarm currently. Alex considered going to the Assassins Guild for assistance, but due to their lack of warm welcome, he was more than reluctant to do so. "What are you doing?" Valerion asked as she appeared walking in-step with Alex.

"Thinking and trying to figure out how to solve a problem," Alex replied as he tried to ignore her presence.

"Want any help?" Valerion asked with a smile and Alex snorted in amusement.

"You ask as if I would trust you. Go back to your brother, I will figure this out on my own." Alex told her as he brought up the Termination Contract information.

Termination Contract: Anthony Ulay

Description: This contract was taken out by the Smugglers Union. Anthony Ulay is a former member of the Smugglers Union and was cast out in disgrace. He is working in direct competition of the Smugglers Union and they want him eliminated as soon as possible.

Required Rank: Initiate

Time Frame: 1 Week (5 Days left)

Rewards: 500 Experience, 5 Gold, Increased Reputation with the Assassins Guild

Ales dismissed the information and looked to see Valerion stomping away and two men joining her from nearby. Alex smirked at her retreating back and continued to walk away heading for the Auction House, time to see about buying some upgrades.

Surface- Shinning Hills Region

Kingdom of Arang'mor- City of Arkburn

Scholar District- Library of the Fallen

Alex rubbed his eyes as he sat back. He had been reading one book after another about the various gods and goddesses of the Egyptian Pantheon and found it more and more confusing. So many gods, some had disappeared, others killed, others brought back to life. It went on and on..."Enjoying yourself?" Alex looked up and saw a Librarian eyeing him in amusement and all the books on the nearby table.

"Not really. I was trying to figure something out and all I have is more questions and confusion." Alex replied as he yawned and stretched.

"Yes, the Egyptian Pantheons history as long and intricate, with many different stories. Some true, some false, but it makes for interesting reading. What are you looking for specifically?" the Librarian asked as he started to close and straighten the stacks of discarded books.

Alex considered it then thought 'fuck it' before responding. "Egyptian gods associated with both Light and Darkness," Alex told him and the Librarian frowned.

"Egyptian gods are linked with duality. Light or Darkness. Life or Death. Not many are associated with both, so if you are looking for something associated with both, you would have a very short list of gods to consider.' the Librarian stated as he moved over to one of the nearby shelves as he looked at the books until he stopped and pulled one out. 'This should help with your research. If you need any more assistance, please feel free to find me." with a slight bow and smile the man left.


'The Rising of the Sun and the Setting of the Moon' was the title of the book, Alex sighed and cracked open the book and started reading it.

An hour later Alex closed the book and was ready to call it a day. He had been at this for hours and he still had to get caught up with his target and try to pin him down. As he was leaving he saw another Librarian moving through the section he was in. "Ma'am, can you tell your coworker 'thanks' for the assistance and pointing out the book I need," Alex told her causing her to frown.

"What book was that?" the Librarian asked as she stopped.

"It was called 'The Rising of the Sun and the Setting of the Moon' it was pretty dry reading, but it was exactly what I needed," Alex told her as he turned to leave, her hand shot out and stopped him.

"Two things sir, one I am the only one working in this section today. Two, there are very few copies of that book in this kingdom, the only one in this city is in the Royal Library in the Stronghold of the Light. Perhaps you should head home and go to bed." The Librarian stated before she patted Alex on the shoulder and left. Alex considered her words and went back too the room he had been in and the book was gone leaving him to wonder if it had really been there in the first place.

Quest Update: Sentimental Keepsake or is it???

Description: After seeing Loremaster Riggs, he revealed himself as a Chaos Acolyte that was trying to do something to the Ankh of Light and Darkness. A Shadow Guardian manifested and killed the Chaos Master and made sure you kept the necklace. After the failed destruction of the Ankh, you traveled to Arkburn and consulted on of the Priests of the Greek/Roman Pantheon who informed you the Ankh is usually associated with Life and the Egyptian Pantheon. During your research, you discovered there are several gods associated with the duality of Light and Darkness (Most prominently Nut and Osiris) but you must travel to the Great Desert of Arakon and where the Egyptian Pantheon is rooted to find out more.

Success: Find out more about the Ankh of Light and Darkness

Failure: Do not find out more about the Ankh of Light and Darkness

Rewards: 2,000 Experience, Unknown

Alex dismissed the information, time to go get some food he thought as he left the library.

Surface- Jagged Coast Region

Kingdom of Rolling Sands- City of Sholand

Outer City- Plaza

Alex looked around as the portal collapsed behind him and the dry heat hit him in the face. It wasn't humid at least despite being a port city, the nearby desert made the heat dry. A large market was set up all around the square that Alex had come out of, he needed to do a couple things find lodging and take a look at the nearby Quest Board before going to whatever religious district the city had. Alex had made sure to leave the Assassins Guild gear back in Arkburn in case they had a way to track it, he was going to miss it, but his freedom and trust with people were far more important.

Spoiler: Spoiler

Name: Cowl of the Night Stalker

Quality: Rare

Armor Rating: +20

Properties: Increase Dexterity and Agility by (Level X.25)

Properties: Increase Accuracy of Thrown Weapons by 5%

Properties: Ability Unlocked Nighteye

Requirement: Rogue, Level 20

Durability: 100/100

Description: This leather hood can help you see in the darkest of places.

Name: Shoulder Guards of the Stalker

Quality: Uncommon

Armor Rating: +30

Properties: Increase Dexterity and Agility by (Level X.25)

Properties: Decrease Chance of being detected while in Stealth by 5%

Requirement: Rogue, Level 20

Durability: 100/100

Description: These black leather shoulder guards can help you stick to the shadows.

Name: Ebony Guard of the Assassin (Chest/Back)

Quality: Epic

Armor Rating: +60

Properties: Increase Dexterity and Agility by (Level X.3)

Properties: Increase Melee Damage by (Level X.25)

Properties: Increase Backstab Damage by 10%

Properties: Increase Poison Duration by 5 Seconds

Requirement: Assassin, Level 24

Durability: 150/150

Description: This well-wrought leather chest and back guard was crafted for some of the most lethal people the walk on Ithea.

Name: Leather Pants of Shadows

Quality: Uncommon

Armor Rating: +40

Properties: Increase Dexterity and Agility by (Level X.25)

Properties: Decrease Chance of being detected while in Stealth by 5%

Requirement: Rogue, Level 20

Durability: 100/100

Description: These black leather pants can help you stick to the shadows.

Name: Treads of the Silent Stalker

Quality: Uncommon

Armor Rating: +30

Properties: Decrease Stamina costs to Run/Sprint by 15%

Properties: 5% Less likely to be heard while Stealth is active

Requirement: Rogue, Level 20

Durability: 100/100

Description: Silent but deadly, we are not thinking of gas.

Name: Steel Dagger of Cutting

Quality: Rare

Damage: 20-25

Properties: Increase Dexterity and Agility by (Level X.25)

Properties: Increase Melee Damage by (Level X.25)

Properties: Increase Bleeding Duration by 5 Seconds

Requirement: Assassin, Level 24

Durability: 150/150

Description: This serrated blade was crafted with killing in mind, do not underestimate the one who wields this weapon.

Name: Steel Throwing Daggers of Wounding

Quality: Uncommon

Damage: 12-16

Properties: +5% Chance to cause Bleeding

Properties: +1% Critical Hit Chance

Requirement: Rogue, Level 22

Durability: 100/100

Description: These well crafted throwing Knives were designed to strike deep and true.

Overall, it was subpar to the Assassins Guild gear, but the knives were an upgrade to what he had been using. The city was bustling and had a better ambiance to it then Arkburn had. Alex assumed it had to do with the fact, there was no civil war going on here.

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