《The Demon Lord will have his revenge!》Chapter 13: The Hero's version of the story (Part 2)


Part 1

What kind of stupid Demon Lord would build a Gate leading straight into his castle? Was he that confident that humanity would never prevail over him?

Where are the others? Why is the portal closing behind me….wait don’t tell me they destroyed the portal, leaving me behind!!! I bet this was all X’s doing. That guy had a very twisted character.


Now I am in a foul mood. To leave me behind like this. I will never forgive those guys….To think I considered them my comrades in war. Never mind them, this time, I need to finish the true Demon Lord. If the Demon Lord doesn’t fall, he will keep making repeated attempts to capture the human realm. I guess I will simply begin chopping down everything in my path and see how things go…





How weak is the Demon Lord’s castle? I took out one or two pillars and the whole castle is shaking like it is about to come down. Aren’t there any strong guards on duty here? Why is every monster here so weak?

Maybe I need to wreck some more havoc to get the Demon Lord to come out….

I have a feeling that I am being watched. Interesting, are they observing my strength before making their move? Then let me speed this up.

An ominous existence suddenly appeared in front of the Hero – although this creature appeared to be of one of the demon tribe, he carried with him a terrifying and baleful aura. The demon was covered from neck below in a black vile robe – it gave off a melancholy and malicious aura of its own. So vile was the atmosphere that any ordinary human would be spewing out their innards right now. The demon wore a proud and arrogant look on his face – seeing the ‘Hero’ come to a grinding halt.

The two opponents stared at each other in silence. They both were sizing up the other.

I have never seen this creature before. If I weren’t standing in the nether realm, I would I thought he was a human bishounen. That pale white jade skin and purple hair, those seductively powerful golden eyes…Truly the most formidable aura I have ever come across. Just sensing how powerful this being is, gets me all excited! My blood is boiling with excitement! I want to fight him!

“Are you the true Demon Lord?” I ask him. Someone with such a terrifying aura has to be the Demon Lord!

“True Demon Lord? Fool! I am the only Demon Lord! There is no other demonic being which is stronger than me!!”

“I see…” Why does he come across as a spoilt child? “do not disappoint me…” Ah! Well! As long as he is a strong opponent I have no complains!

We exchanged a single blow, but the impact of our exchange was strong enough to blow away the castle walls.

After the first strike, both hero and demon lord, leapt back. A faint trickle of pearly crimson blood descended from the lips of the Hero, as he stood panting, watching the demon lord for any sudden movement.

Hou…I am bleeding?

I guess I bit my lip in the ecstasy of fighting a strong opponent.

The demon lord doesn’t look too good. He is struggling to find his breath. I wonder if this is his limit?

“Not bad human!” The Demon Lord spoke. “You are easily stronger than my strongest General. Swear your allegiance to me and I you will not have to forfeit your life to me, today….”


This guy…isn’t he too arrogant? Just listening to him spout such nonsense is making my ears ache.

“Swear my allegiance to you? Does the strong ever bow to the weak? Stupid Demon, do you still not understand the difference in our strengths?” I hope he understands how stupid he sounds now.

“Foolish mortal, I was going to let you go if you swore your fealty to me. I was even willing to make you my foremost General….”

Oye oye, you know your words would carry more weight if you didn’t take steps backing away from me.

“…but it seems it is you who has not understood clearly the difference in our powers….you still believe this is the human realm? If it was the human realm, then there is no doubt, you would have won against me….but silly human this is the netherworld. In this realm, the atmosphere, and everything else only strengthens me but will weaken you as our battle proceeds.” The Demon Lord shouted out in triumph.

“Oh?” Is that how it is in the nether realm? “Now that you mention it, the air does feel a bit corrosive…”

“Don’t tell me you did not notice the toxic air you were breathing till now! It is thick in miasma. A normal human would have died the moment he entered this realm!” The demon lord arrogantly declared. “The more you fight me, the weaker you will become!”

This demon lord…he is no longer relying on his own strength but the advantages of his surroundings. Does he even know what he sounds like? What is so great about some miasma and air?

I voice my thoughts to the demon lord but he stares at me with a complicated blank expression.

What is this feeling of disappoint growing in my heart? Were my expectations too high?

“If it is this much, at most it will only make me sneeze.” – Oops…I spoke my mind out.

The demon lord inaudibly muttered something – a magic spell? The earth began to tremble as the demon lord gathered the miasma and began concentrating it in the shape of a sphere in his palms.

“Huh?” This could it be his ultimate attack? But then why is it giving off such a weak aura?

I don’t react to the Demon Lord’s attack preparation because I am staring at him with disappointment. I should have stayed in the human realm had I known the Demon Lord was so weak.

“Hehehehe…MUAHAHHAHAHAHA”....stupid human, you should have struck me while you had the chance…..now face my wrath! Even your soul won’t survive an attack of this magnitude!!” The Demon Lord shouted out as he released his attack on the Hero. “Die, mortal fo….” The demon lord stopped dead in his tracks when the I cut and disperse his attack with a single slash of my sword.

“Impos…sible….” The Demon Lord muttered as he stared stupidly at the Hero.

“Is that all? Is that all that the mighty demon lord has to offer?” I am so bored.

“You….what are you…..” The demon lord stuttered as he struggled to get up. The twelve generals immediately appeared by the side of their Lord.

“Majesty!” A skeleton warrior called out as he held up the weakened Demon Lord.

“Oh so are these the twelve Generals of Hell?”

“Human! Do you think you can kill our demon lord so easily? You will have to kill us first….” A woman with a snake like lower body speaks up.


Given how weak they are, I should just kill them right away. I casually retort, with “Then, I will do just that. You guys still don’t get it…I have been holding back all this while…”

One of the Generals seems to be preparing to escape with the Demon Lord. However, I don’t plan to let anyone get away. I am the Grand Hero. It is my job to destroy the evil that plagues humanity!

“Think you can really leave?” I quickly dash next to the Demon Lord.

“What!!!” The skeleton knight cried out in shock, when he notices me standing beside him.

Time to end this. Since, this is not my world, I guess it is okay to destroy the landscape as I please?

“Come, let me show you my true strength!” I begin removing my restraints.

“This….He can’t be human…” The Demon Lord whispered.

“Protect the Lord!” The skeleton knight screamed out.

Too late! I had already hit all of you when I dashed next to your Lord….this power…the Demon Lord’s power is rising? Is this the power of emotions? Ahn~!!! Just sensing his growing power is turning me on!!

“Yes, bring out all your power….show me a battle which will excite me….”

The Demon Lord, suddenly appeared behind me. This speed was definitely in no way inferior to mine.

“You want a fight to excite you, this will be your last…” The Demon Lord coldly whispered into my ear. Then he slammed his fists against my neck…however his fists went right through me….afterall I recovered from my shock long ago. What he hit was an afterimage.

“Not bad….but if that is your strength, then let me tell you it is only on par with half my strength.” Power without technique is wasted power. Demon Lord, I secretly acknowledge that you have the power to match me. However, in terms of technique, I am vastly superior.

“You….what …. Are you?” The Demon Lord repeated his question. “You what are you….”

“Me? I am a battle-loving maniac.” I playfully whisper into the Demon Lord’s ear. “I enjoy fighting. No, I absolutely love it and have been searching for the absolute peak of strength. However, seeing you at the peak has been an absolute disappointment.”

“Hehehhee..” A wild and cold laugh escaped from the lips of the Demon Lord.

My eyebrows arched in a frown. “What is so funny?”

“You think I am the peak of strength? Fool! In the nether realm, I am just one of the many rulers of tiny prefecture in the nether realm!….if you truly want a terrifying opponent then fight the Ancient One!” The Demon Lord’s eyes flashed in anger.

Well that was surprising! Geez! You should have said that sooner! Then I wouldn't have wasted time on you! “Goodbye Demon Lord.” I whisper into the Demon Lord's ear. “Thank you for the information. This one will be sure to defeat the Ancient One.”

Saying this much, I use one of my higher tier magic spells. White light descended from the sky and enveloped the demon lord.

“ARGHHHH!” The demon lord cried out in pain as the armour he wore slowly dispersed way like gas and his skin began to burn away. “FOOLISH MORTAL!!! I WILL COME BACK AND DRENCH HUMANITY IN A BLOOD BATH, ONE LIKE THEY HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE!!! I SWEAR UPON MY DEAD GENERALS. I SWEAR UPON MY PRIDE AS THE DEMON LORD!!” The wretched demon lord screamed and howled in agony.

Somehow his screams of agony made my heart shudder….maybe I went a bit overboard? Ah who cares, he was an evil fellow. “Well, then? I guess I should go looking for this thing called the Ancient One.”

Part 2

Located in a lush green forest, which covered several mountains. Currently, the valley is echoing with these sounds….

“Ahhnnn! Ahnnnn! Ahnnn! Yes! More!! More!! Yes!! Yess!!! Yes!!”

Currently those were the sounds coming from the lair of the Ancient almighty dragon.

However, just before the climax was reached….

“COME OUT YOU SHIT EATING LIZARD!!!” A voice roared outside his lair.

The brows of the Ancient One arched into a frown. He immediately went limp.

“Honey?” The succubus called out as she noticed her partner came to a grinding halt.

Who dares to insult me? Who dares to stop me while I am indulging in heavenly pleasures!!

“I will be right back.” The Ancient One replied as he kissed the succubus on her forehead.

“Don’t be too long ~~!”

Putting on a thin silky black robe, the Ancient One, headed out of his lair.

“WHO DARES TO INSULT ME???” The Ancient One roared.

Just his loud voice was enough the make the nearby trees shake violently.

“So you are the true ruler of the Nether Realm. The one known as the Ancient One?” The Grand Hero spoke as he began walking towards the Ancient One.

“Human?” The Ancient One had his eyebrow raised as he stared at the Hero. “What is a Human doing in the nether realm? Have you lost your way? Not that it matters, because this is where you will die….”

“Yes, that is what someone said as well. However, my blade showed him how wrong he was.” The Hero replied confidently as he unsheathe his blade.

“Hou…a human strong enough slay monsters of the Nether Realm. Come human, do your worst.” The Ancient One replied as he held his arms open – defensively.

The Hero frowned. “To be underestimating to this degree. Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you!”

The Hero dashed forward at full speed, and then jumped into the air before slashing down. Seeing the movements of the human, the Ancient One was slightly shocked – however he was not afraid. The Hero’s blade cut straight down at the Ancient One’s chest but it was unable to leave a single scratch.

The Hero stepped back. “Well that is a first.” He muttered with a flustered expression.




The Ancient One grabbed the golden brown hair of the Hero, who was standing two steps away from him, and then began sniffing the Hero’s hair.

“What are you doing!!” The Hero reacted strongly as she pushed away the Ancient One’s hand.

“You…” The Ancient One stared at the Hero in disbelief. “You are not a man but a woman?”

“What…what are you saying!!” The Hero stuttered as he/she took several back, away from the Ancient One. While replying so, the Hero’s cheeks were dyed a faint, pink colour and his/her ears were bright red.

“Hehehe..” The Ancient One, tried to suppress his laughter. “My nose is never wrong in such matters. I don’t know why someone as strong as you has to dress up as a man but I am sure you have your reasons.”

“I..I am telling you!! I am a man!” The Hero was completely flustered as he/she gave back an unconvincing reply. The Hero tried to act calm, but the flished cheeks and ears vividly expressed his/her state of mind. Compared to the normal state of the Hero, there was too much of an extreme gap in the expressions.

“Oh I believe you…but don’t blame me if my hands begin to pry places…” The Ancient One replied back with a lustful perverted stare. Both his hands were raised as though he were grabbing something.

The Hero flinched and unconsciously she covered her chest with her hand – as though she could feel the Ancient One’s intent.

The Ancient One made his move. He moved faster than the Hero could react. The Hero jumped aside as though she barely dodged the attack. The Hero was satisfied with her reaction speed but frowned when she noticed the lewd smile of the monster. What is he smiling about?

The Hero felt the cold nether winds against her thighs – as she peered below, she noticed her thigh plates (cuisse) were missing….they were in the hands of the Ancient One.

What is with his unholy speed?

The Hero shuddered in fear. She may have met her match today. It was all over in a few mere seconds…




The Hero crouched in the corner of the Ancient One’s lair – tears were rolling down her naked body.

“Oh come on, it isn’t that bad…” The Ancient One jested as he handed the Hero her armour back. “All I did was strip of your armour.”

“Stupid!” The Hero snapped back, as she grabbed the armour and hastily put it on.

The Ancient One lustfully stared at the woman’s body, till he was smacked with the Hero’s helm (helmet) for staring.

“Don’t stare!” The Hero warned as she picked up the pace of dressing up.

The Ancient One wiped off his nosebleed. Then picked up the half-dressed Hero and casually tossed her back into the human realm through a rip in space. He could be heard muttering something like – to destroy something that beautiful is against my nature.

Part 3

Located in a lush green forest, which covered several mountains. Currently, the valley is echoing with these sounds….

“Ahhnnn! Ahnnnn! Ahnnn! Yes! Ancient-sama!! Make me yours!! ~~~

Currently those were the sounds coming from the lair of the Ancient almighty dragon.

However, just before the climax was reached….

“MY LORD! Urgent News! An emergency!” A dragon morphed in humanoid form screamed as he ran into the Ancient One’s lair.

Is this some f*cking curse, I spend time and effort winning over these women and just when I get to the good part, someone disturbs me!

The Ancient One grudgingly ceased his activities with a winged demon that lay in his bed.

“Speak, servant. This better be good!”

“My Lord! The Demon Lord whom you told us to keep an eye on, has fallen!” The messenger stopped speaking as he noticed the Ancient One swaying. “My Lord, you should sit.”

The Ancient One grew pale white as the blood drained away from his face. “Fallen, you say?.... She is going to kill me.”

“My Lord, where are you headed?” The servant asked with a worried expression.

“I am no longer your Lord! I abdicate all my responsibilities! You are the new ruler! Good bye!” The Ancient One cried out as he ran through a tear in space.

The servant stared at his departing ex-Master in shock.....

Part 4

"Sensei this story is too stupid!!" A small boy, who had his hand raised, interrupted the girl narrating the story. "Rina-chan is lying about her family."

Everyone in class smiled wryly as they nodded their heads in agreement. It was as though they heard some ridiculous story. Elves, dwarves and monsters? The Demon Lord? Heroes? A dragon?

The red haired girl, aged three with twin pony tails, turned red in anger. "It is true!!! It is the truth!" The girl refuted the charges levelled against her. "My family founder really did go to the nether realm and kill the demon lord!"

However her classmates looked back at her disdainfully - who would believe such a fantastical tale.

"Rina-chan, Dragons and Demon Lords, sounds like a great story. I know why don't you write it down and share it with Sensei later." The teacher who had a cramped expression on her face spoke up.

"Sensei, Rina-chan is a liar!" The boy was instigating the class to join him in chanting "Liar liar....tomato head is a liar."

Noticing the development in the classroom, the Sensei, quickly hushed the children. "I am sure, Rina-chan's will grow up to become a great story teller. So we should not make fun of her like this."

"But Sensei! This is the truth! Rina is a descendant of the Heroes!" The girl argued back with her teacher who clearly didn't believe her. The glances everyone threw at her, were full of scorn and contempt. These were all children however they knew the difference between a character taken from a cartoon and reality. Descendant of the Heroes? Who would believe that? In light of the stabbing stares, the heart of the little girl trembled.

"Rina, Sensei believes y..."

However before the teacher could say more the girl dashed out of the classroom with tears streaming down her cheeks.


Author's note:

Ooops! I forgot to paste the last bit of the chapter!

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