《The Demon Lord will have his revenge!》Chapter 14: Welcome home Hero-san???


Part 1

It has been five years since we moved to the countryside. I have steadily increased the load of my training. My daily training now consists of running one lap around the village. I think Otusan said that a single lap around the village is a three kilometres in human terms. Otusan was delighted by my stamina and speed, he usually accompanies me when we go running around the village. Surprisingly, he is able to keep up with me. I did not believe he was even capable of running more than a tenth of that distance but Otusan surprised me. I believe there is more to him than that thin and frail body.

I also asked Otusan for other human exercises which would help me strengthen my body – however he turned me down saying that for now running was more than sufficient. He was kind enough to explain that the human body at this age is unable to take the strain of training – Heh. Humans sure are pathetic. When it comes to magic, Otusan simply laughs of the matter saying I should cut down on TV. I have no idea what does TV have to do with being able to sense mana. Also, I don’t watch TV!

It was interesting at first, to be able to watch scry recordings. However, whenever I watch the TV to learn more about worldly affairs, Tomo snatches the TV control and begins watching stories of Heroes. Ugh! Of all things, this servant of mine watches dramas on Heroes! He and I have fought many times about this. However, given our age difference, Tomo always wins. Okasan also takes Tomo’s side when it comes to watching TV. She says supporting the Heroes is perfectly alright.

I am beginning to have doubts whether these servants of mine really worship me or the Hero?

Since, I can’t watch TV at another time (I forced to sleep early). I leave it up to the Immortal Phoenix to watch the scry recordings in the evening. The Immortal Phoenix has been living with us for the last five years. To be honest, Okasan and Otusan tried to get rid of him multiples times. I guess they were envious of the attention I gave the phoenix. Such fights were very common in my past life. Servants would often battle their superiors to claim the position of the General. I let the immortal phoenix prove his worthiness – in the end, Okasan and Otusan made peace with him and let him stay in the castle.

However, Tomo has yet to stop bothering the immortal phoenix. He often tries to catch the General unawares. I guess I like that about Tomo – the never give up attitude. Unfortunately, Tomo lacks too much in stealth training. Both Phoenix and I are usually aware when Tomo is trying to sneak up on us – his attempts are in vain. Ganbatte Tomo-chan! As the humans say.

Nothing much has changed in our daily lives from the time we lived in the city – is something I would like to say. I am not sure when it happened, but Tatsuya’s amiable character left a deep impression on me. I notice his missing presence every day….I am not the only one who notices it. Although, Okasan pretends to be alright, I have often caught Okasan silently crying while holding on to Tatsuya’s former clothing. She deeply cared about that young human child. I too care deeply about my servants however weeping about it will solve nothing. I hope Okasan realizes that someday as well.

In some ways, ever since the day of the attack on my life, our lives have changed forever. I can’t say how exactly, but we all know it. We all are more vigilant about our surroundings. Though, it is less likely we will be attacked in the countryside Otusan informed me – he was actually surprised I understood that I had been attacked when I was young. I don’t know what there is to be surprised about.


Part 2

Today, we have a special guest visiting us. No, it isn’t one of Tomo’s invisible friends. His invisible friends stopped visiting us after we moved here. I guess, they lived in the city? It is Otusan’s friend today. I have not met any of Otusan’s friend. However, I am sure being an adult human, he has more and better connections than Tomo.

Otusan, especially got us ready today, to greet his ‘friend’. I am not sure who he is, but he might be a big shot noble – given the way both me and Tomo are dressed up in fancy attire. Although, political connections are desirable, when I was the Demon Lord, I did not give them much thought. After all what could great power possibly want from feeble political connections? However, things are different now and I have a better understanding of the human world. When I was the Demon Lord, I had millions of demons and monsters serving me. As a human, I now have only three servants. However, three servants would be more than enough for my former self. But that is my former self whose strength rivalled a nearly a million humans. The me of today can’t even defeat Tomo in a contest of strength. There is another problem – the number of humans since the past has exponentially increased. When I was Demon Lord, there were no more than two million humans in the human realm. However, as per Okasan, there are more than seven billion humans alive today.

What is up with these humans? They reproduce faster than a pair of monster rabbits! And those monster rabbits reproduce fast! It is said if you leave a pair of demonic rabbits alone for two days and return – you will find over ten thousand of them.

So for the many reasons above, and on the advice of my consul (which for now consists of the Immortal Phoenix only), I have decided to mingle with the greater political powers of the world to attain the necessary power to destroy humanity….

“Tomo! Shin! Come down here and greet the guest!” Otusan called out breaking my train of thoughts.

“Sensei, I cannot thank you enough for all your help.” Saijo shook hands with the old man – who really looked like Master Roshi today – wearing a Hawaiian shirt and Bermuda shorts.

“Hohoho…this one hasn’t done anything to deserve such praise!” The old man casually replied back.

Radcliff, the caretaker who stood in the background, could be heard muttering something along the lines. “Please stop joking sir, you practically erased their identity from society.”

“Hohohoho…Radcliff-san would you like to stand outside the house?”

Tomo raced down the stairs to meet Otusan’s guest. If my memory serves me correct, nobles prefer graceful action over frankness. Or was it the other way?

“Ojisan!” Tomo could be heard screaming.

Oh is it someone Tomo knows as well? How come I haven’t met him before?

As I descend down the stairs, my feet stop working when my gaze falls on the an old man.

Why is the Hero here!!!?

Part 3

“Shin-chan?” Otusan calls out in surprise as he notices that I am glued to the stairs. “What are you doing standing there? Come here and greet Otusan’s sensei!”

I can’t hear anything. My palms have grown cold and are sweating profusely.

Why is the Hero here!! Why in my house!! I can’t defeat Tomo, how am I going to defeat the Hero!! I didn’t even know the Hero was still alive in this day and age!!


There are hundreds of questions exploding in my mind.

This is a BIG problem! As long as the Hero lives, I cannot proceed with my plans….no clam down, as long as I kill the Hero, my vengeance will be complete. But why is here right now!!

“Shin-chan!” Otusan called out in surprise noticing my stiff reaction. “This was the guest you were curious about! I am sorry Sensei, he is not normally shy around strangers.”

Wait a second! Did Otusan say he is the guest? Why does Otusan know the Hero? This makes no sense!! He even called the Hero, sensei!!! Otusan this is treason!!!! Calm down….I am panicking for no reason.

“Hohoho….young ones are always so shy. Even my granddaughter is very shy. I even asked her to accompany me but she is still mad at me for various reasons….but I think it is just shyness.” The old man curtly replied.

After reflecting on the situation a bit, I calm down. I am in no real danger. I am a human now, there is no way the Hero can recognize me. After all I am human, completely different from my former self. The only reason I recognized the Hero was because of his aura. The Hero’s aura was imprinted in my memory – it is a powerful and ferocious aura like an angry tiger’s.

I slowly make my way down the stairs and hide behind Okasan – it best not to take chances. Although, my aura is different from before, the Hero had keen eyes. I dare not take chances.

“Ara? Why are you so shy?” Okasan asks me.

Wrong!! I am not shy!! I am scared!!! Why are you all so calm!! Aren’t you all Demon Lord worshippers??? Demon Lord worshippers are not supposed be ‘okay’ when they see the Hero!!

“Hohoho…So this is the little Shin-chan who loves running around?” The old man asked as he stares at me – who is now hiding behind Okasan.

I am scared, someone save me!!

Part 4

This old man might not be the Hero. The more I observe him (while peeking from another room), the less likely he seems to be the Hero.

The frightful aura of the Hero has been etched into every corner of my memory. It is something I cannot forget. Although, this old man’s aura might be similar to the Hero, it is a deeply subdued version. Almost as though, it is one thousandth the original strength.

After observing for five more minutes, I reach a conclusion. This man is definitely not the Hero. I might have over reacted. However, I still have questions – why is his aura so similar to the Hero’s?

Standing thirty feet apart, will not get me any answers.


I quietly move closer to Okasan, who is sitting next to the ‘fake Hero’ and chatting away.

I am going to lecture both Otusan and Okasan tonight.

The adults took notice of my movements as I closed in, near Okasan. I quietly, sit on Okasan’s lap – currently the most comfy and safest place.

“Hohoho…you are a strong one? Aren’t you?” The old man asks me with a smile. “You were able to overcome your shyness. I wish my granddaughter could learn a thing or two from you.”


“So Shin-chan, what is your favourite TV show?” The old man asked me with the unchanging smiling face.


What the heck is Doaemon? I don’t watch TV old man, forget about favourite TV shows.

“Doreamon?” The old man muttered. “Radcliff, next time remember to get doraemon action figure.”

Radcliff simply nodded.

“Sensei! Don’t! You will spoil them!” Otusan argued back.

“No. No. This is only a small way for me to apologise. I haven’t come to meet you or Sui for so many years….this is only a small gift.”

Hmmm, only now when the old man called out to his retainer, did I notice the servant. Too scary! Now that is what I call a servant! Look at him standing silently in the background. It is almost like he isn’t there. Just from a single glance, I can tell that this retainer of the ‘fake Hero’, is nothing like Otusan. He has a thick visible muscles bulging from everywhere. He must be a warrior. However, his aura cannot compare to the ‘fake Hero’s’.

If I had to describe the fake Hero’s aura, in one word, I would say ‘stifling’. It is so over bearing that it is almost suffocating. Although, I call this Hero fake, I can openly say he is the strongest human I have come across in this life.

Before, I knew it, it was time for the old man to leave.

“Shin will be joining school this year?” The old man asked Saijo as he started to leave.

“Aye! He is finally old enough to join school.” Saijo smiled.

“Though Ojisan, I am worried about him.” Sui spoke up. “He hasn’t attended play school…we taught him at home…so he might find it difficult to make friends…”

“Hohohoho….such motherly worries….” The old man replied. “Don’t worry, he will be going to the same school as my granddaughter, Rina-chan. I will make sure to tell her to get along with Shin-kun.”

“Thank you, Ojisan!” Sui beamed back a smile as though all her worries had been taken care off - with regards to her youngest one she had many worries only explaining them would be too much of a problem.

Part 5

I have no idea why Okasan is so worried about me going to school. What kind of hellish training awaits me there? The real danger was this old man!! I am not too certain if he is or is not the Hero….but I am happy he is finally going! My cover as a human remains intact.


DIE HERO!!! The Immortal Phoenix cries out as it swoops down on the old man who stepped out of the house.

Argh!!! Stupid bird!!! I can feel my heart drop from my chest into my stomach! What is that stupid bird doing!!! Do you want to blow away our cover!!!

However, before I could mentally order the Immortal Phoenix away, the old man moved swiftly and grabbed the Immortal Phoenix from mid-air. His speed was so fast, that all I saw was a blur. What the heck kind of movements were those? Can humans even move that fast???

“Hohohoho…” The old man laughed. “What a strong killing intent for a pigeon.”

Let me go!! I am going to kill you, Hero!!! This is revenge for the Demon Lord!!!

I smack my forehead with my palm – it’s over. My cover is blown. Thankfully, Okasan and Otusan begin apologizing for Immortal Phoenix’s rage attack saying something along the lines that he is a crazy bird whom we have adopted. For once, I completely agree with Okasan and Otusan. What kind of stupid creature tries to blatantly attack an opponent several times stronger than itself?

Stupid bird cease your attacks!

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