《The Demon Lord will have his revenge!》Chapter 15 - No dinner for Shin


Part 1

Immortal Phoenix come here. I called out to my faithful servant telepathically. The pigeon looked up at me and without any reservations flew into my hands.

Tell me great lord, why have you summoned me?

I carefully held on to the bird and turned around to face someone standing next to me, Tomo.

“Here, Tomo.” I said, as I handed the Immortal Phoenix to my servant. When the Immortal Phoenix realized what was happening, he tried to escape from my grip. Unfortunately, I held him firmly.

Why Master??? The Immortal phoenix cried out in agony as Tomo clutched him tightly and began rubbing the immortal phoenix against his face – saying ‘soft soft birdie’

This is punishment for nearly getting us killed.

“Coooo” Master forgive me!! “Coooo” The pigeon cooed frantically as if tried to vigorously escape from Tomo’s death like grip – ‘soft soft birdie nice nice birdie’. It hasn’t been even two seconds, but seeing Tomo behave this way is already making me sympathize with the Immortal Phoenix. Maybe this punishment is too hard? Also what is up with Tomo’s song? ‘Soft soft birdie. Nice nice birdie’

“Tomo, put that crazy bird away and go wash your hands, it is dinner time.” Sui instructed as she walked by the two children carrying a dish of hot food. Instantly the room was filled with various rich aromas of different dishes. The fragrances was overwhelming and stomachs began grumbling – Tomo’s, Shin’s and the pigeon’s. Tomo unconsciously wiped his drool and threw the pigeon out of the house. He then rushed to wash his hands.

The Immortal Phoenix tries to rush back into the house but smacks against the window pane and slips down slowly. Otusan could be heard mumbling – when will that bird learn.

The Immortal Phoenix could be heard crying as he slipped down the window – why am I the only one (servant) who doesn’t get to eat with Master!!!

I am sure his intentions are more straightforward, he really wants to eat Okasan’s cooked food and not have a meal with me. Maybe, I will save some table scraps for him later.

Part 2

The human realm is filled with all sorts of curiosities and when I say this I am not referring to their magical tools but to their cuisine. As a Demon Lord, I could eat as I pleased. However, this did not mean that eating itself was a pleasure. Since I spent a considerable time in my previous life training, part of my training involved hunting and cooking for my own food. Compared to my human life, it may sound harsh. But that was the way of life for everyone who lived in the Nether Realm.

I was never taught how to cook my food nor was I taught that different ingredients could be mixed together to bring about different richer flavours. As the Demon Lord, I would scavenge nuts and exotic berries where game was scarce. If there was plenty to hunt then I would kill and eat raw. The very concept of cooking with fire is non-existent in the nether realm. I am sure some creatures like dragons always eat roasted meals but that may have more to do with how they kill their prey.


Even when I became a Demon Lord, the most exotic and savoured food could be described nothing more than a concoction of disgusting monsters brewed or boiled together. They never garnished it, they never roasted it, and they never salted it! I am not sure if those exotic delicacies could even be considered cooked meals.

Although Okasan has no combat abilities, her powers as a chef are unrivalled. I am sure if she were to make her debut in the nether realm, she would easily be ranked as the number one chef. I am certain to a degree, that prefectural overlords would be willing to wage war for her.

The meals that Okasan cooks are on another level. Okasan doesn’t cook food but art – my favourite are the bunny apples. Not only are they delicious and sweet but also it gives me immense pleasure when I bite of the bunny apple’s ear; one ear at a time. Sometimes I bite the entire head off.

Beyond the atheistically pleasing looks of the meal, Okasan’s cooked food is rich with a hundred thousand flavours. No it would be right to say that each flavour is distinct yet complements with the other very well. Each bite, floods my mouth with exquisite tastes which make my tongue tingle with excitement. I am happy to have graduated from human baby food to normal human food. The difference is between the two is too great to imagine.

There is an endless pleasure I derive when I watch Okasan cook meals for me. She ties her hair up in a knot and then puts on a faded white apron. Once she is ready, she puts on a magical show worth marvelling. Pots and pans land on the ‘magical’ stove with amazing accuracy, vegetables and meat are cut into fine pieces within seconds, and there are all sorts of sizzling and grilling sounds that follow thereafter.

When I destroy humanity, I will make sure to grant Okasan a big kitchen – so that she can cook meals for me all day.


Sui smacked her youngest son with a rolled up magazine whilst he wore a devious smile on his face – what could this child possibly be thinking this time? “Go wash your hands!”

Shin kept rubbing his head as he got off his chair and headed to wash his hands. He could be heard muttering – ‘How does she always know that I haven’t washed my hands…’

Part 3

“Itadakimasu!” Everyone joyfully called out before digging into their served bowls.

“Muahahahahaha!!” Shin-kun began laughing as he filled his bowl to the brim with meat from the hot pot.

“Shin dear, please don’t laugh like that during dinner.” Sui reminded her son about table manners. “Also, put some vegetables in there. Don’t only fill your bowl with meat.”

“Muahahahaha…who will eat vegetables when there is such tender meat. Meat!! Meat!! More meat for Maou-sama….”

“Vegetables will make you stronger dear…” Sui interjected Shin.


Shin stopped laughing like a crazed evil scientist and began to frown.

Grow stronger = Achieve Goal quicker = Wipe out humanity sooner = Get world’s biggest kitchen for Okasan = Can eat more meat later.

Slowly and grudgingly, put back some meat pieces and took some vegetable. Shin could be heard mumbling, “Only to grow stronger…no matter which realm you live in only the disgusting tasting stuff makes you stronger…”

Sui smiled as she watched her obedient son, “As a reward for listening to Okasan, Shin-kun can have my share of pudding.”

Upon hearing this, Tomo could be seen sneakily loading his bowl with extra veggies.

However the biggest reaction was from Shin. He was all smiles from ear to ear. “MUAHAHAHAhahahahaha!! Your actions have pleased Maou-sama ….”


Shin-kun groaned as he began to rub his head – his mom just delivered a fist to his head.

“Rude” Sui reprimanded him. “Be humble and modest. Say thank you when someone is kind to you. You are no longer a little baby. Tomorrow is your first day of school, so remember to be kind and polite to your classmates….”

“You….foolish woman!!” Shin-kun shouted out as continued to rub his head. “I am Maou-sama! Humility is for the weak….”


Shin-kun groaned for the second time loudly as he placed his hand on his head to stop the throbbing pain. This time, his father delivered the fist blow to the head.

“Don’t be rude to your mother and don’t interrupt her when she is talking.” His father reprimanded him.

“You….you…” Shin struggled with words, he had been humiliated. The Demon Lord being hit by his servants? Unheard off! “You Baka!!!” Shin-kun shouted out loudly with tears welling in his eyes. “I am Maou-sama! I will do as I plea…”


A resounding slap greeted Shin’s cheek, which immediately assumed a dark shade of red. Tomo stopped eating and silently looked up. Tears began to slowly drip down Shin’s eyes, his breathing was laboured and his face was red like a tomato.

Okasan, was partially standing from her seat, her hand was trembling. Slowly, Okasan sat down. “No dinner for Shin-chan.” She spoke in a quiet voice as she stared down at her dinner plate – avoiding letting others see her face. “Reflect on your actions.”

Shin pushed away his dinner plate and silently stood up. With only tears streaming down his face and a little sniffling, he left the dining room. A loud door banging could be heard a short while later.

Part 4

Saijo placed his arm across the dining table and grabbed Sui’s arm. “Hey…are you okay?” Saijo asked with worry.

Sui timidly nodded her head, while her face still faced the table. Tears began to drop on the table little by little. “Why is he so difficult.” she asked. “He is going to go to school…*hic*….if he keeps talking like…*hic*….like this how will he make any ….*hic*….friends….”

Saijo got up and went and embraced Sui, while rubbing her shoulders. “It will be okay….” He assured her in a soft voice.

“…*hic*…they will all make fun of him….*hic*…”

Tomo quietly got up and left. He returned back from the kitchen with something in his hand. “Okasan?” He called out while pushing what he held towards her. “Okasan can have Tomo’s pudding. So don’t be angry with Shin-kun. Tomo doesn’t want Shin to go away too.”

Tomo who was previously gorging down the food did not pay attention to the contents of the argument. He only heard bits of Okasan’s and Shin’s conversation – ‘pudding’ and ‘can have mine’. He naturally concluded this argument was over the pudding. The last time, the two words ‘pudding’ and ‘argument’ happened together, was just before Tatsuya ‘left for a better place’. So Tomo now associated the occurrence of the two events together as an ominous sign. Thus, in his natural understanding of the world, he offered his pudding to make peace and prevent Shin from going to a better place.

Tomo’s words had an electric effect on Sui.


Sui hit her hands on the table as she suddenly stood up. Since she stood up so quickly, the chair toppled over. However, Sui paid no heed to the chair and rushed towards Shin’s (& Tomo’s) room.

Sui could never forgive herself for having an argument with Tatsuya. She never had a chance to make amends with her late son. Thus, she had to live with the bitter regret. However, there was no reason for her to have an argument with Shin.

Shin was an aloof child that stayed in his own little world. He was diligent and sincere, maybe a bit weird with his Maou-sama obsession but nothing that warranted such bitterness on part of Sui.

Also, wasn’t he just a six year old child? It was because he never did childlike things that Sui and Saijo praised him for his maturity…but he was just a six year old child. And every six year old child has their imaginary friend (Tomo still has one) or idol. So what if Shin’s idol was a Maou-sama?

He was only six years old! He had plenty of time to grow accustomed to people and the world around him. His natural disposition was a likeable child (with a weird interest) but on the whole it didn’t mean he couldn’t be friends with other children. Wasn’t Sui just being overly anxious?

Sui opened the children’s room. “I am sorry….” However, Sui stopped speaking and her eyes widened in fright – Shin was not in his room.

The window lay open as the night’s cool breeze blew through; making the curtains dance to their tunes.

"SHINNNNNN!!!!!" Sui screamed out.

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