《The Demon Lord will have his revenge!》Chapter 12: The Hero's version of the story (Part 1)


Part 1

“Die demons!” A young man’s voice cried out. The man wore a white flat mask over his face, concealing his identity. The only visible facial feature was that he had light brown hair. He wore simple leather armour and carrier a staff. As he cried out his will, his staff grew brighter and brighter, till he unleashed a magical spell. In an instant, several hundred soldiers of the Demon Empire fell to the ground.

“This is going to be an easy battle!” the young man cried out. His cry was accompanied by the cheering of several hundred soldiers who stood beside him. This man had the charisma to lead men into battle in high spirits even though they were numbered 1:100.

“Don’t get too cocky, General ‘K’.” A voice cut through all the cheering of the soldiers, silencing them immediately.

“’X?’” The man in the white mask spoke as he turned around to address the individual who poured cold water over his soldier’s morale.

This individual ‘X’ wore a similar attire to that of ‘K’, except his mask was red.

“What are you doing here?” K asked indignantly. “I thought you were at the eastern ridge….is everything okay? Is there any trouble on the eastern ridge? Do you need my assistance?”

Individual, X, was indeed a colleague of K. However, the aura that he carried around him was malicious and filled with killing intent. The soldiers stared at X warily. He just suddenly appeared beside their General K. Did he fly down? Or walk past them? Which even it was – it happened too quickly for them to even realize that there was someone standing next to their General.

At first the soldiers drew out their weapons ready to kill the mysterious figure, however seeing their General talk to the mysterious man in such a friendly manner stupefied them. Could this be another General? Most of the Heroes had never seen another General in person – unless they belonged to that General’s regiment.

X shook his head, “Trouble?” X began laughing. “Why would I need the assistance of a stupid human!”

K sighed as he realized that X had probably finished his end of the siege and came here to brag.

“Then stop, wasting my time.” K said as he began to prepare another spell.

Just as K was about to release another spell, X appeared in front of him and with a single word annihilated the army in front of them – meteors fell from the sky. Immediately, wiping off the demonic army from the face of the continent.

The scene left too big of an impression on the minds of the soldiers. Till now, all soldiers believed that their General was the strongest creature on the continent – however that silly thinking was swept aside by the scene of destruction that unfolded before them. This ‘General X’, who normally never made an appearance before the masses, unleashed a level ten circle spell with a single word – effortlessly.


To the average Heroes – these Generals were just monsters, far more frightening than the demon armies.

K frowned at the sight of the meteor shower. “We must conserve are strength!” He complained.

“We have to wait till the Demon Lord appears.”

“This is the matter, which I came for.” X replied. “The Demon Lord has appeared.”

“What!” K shouted out in shock; his hand trembled slightly. This was the moment he had been waiting for. Once the Demon Lord is defeated, peace would return to this world. “Are you telling me the truth?”

There was mistrust between these two individuals.

“Heh? Believe what you want. You should also know, Q and J are battling him right now.” X casually spoke – while his hands gestured he didn’t give a damn.

K swore under his breath. “You should have told me sooner.”

In a single jump, K was several meters up in the air. He quickly surveyed the surroundings and landed back down. “He appeared by the valley…” K muttered.

“Quickly! We must support the right flank! We will intercept the demonic armies and begin our counter from there!” K shouted out as he began to run towards the location of the Demon Lord.

The soldiers hurriedly followed after their ‘General’.

Only X stayed behind and watching the hurriedly marching troops – “Ara, ara….Is there any point of us even being present. As long as ‘He’ is present, our presence is not even required.”

“Come on!” K shouted back to X as he rushed forth towards the valley.

Part 2

The sun was setting, painting the entire sky in a tinge of blood crimson. As the winds blew, they picked up the stench of death along with them, for the ground was littered with mountains of corpses. As far as the eye could see, there were corpses of footsoldiers littered across the vast expanse. A thousand? No, maybe a 100,000 corpses? It was closer to ten million demon corpses.

Was this the work of two armies battling? No.

This was the work of a single individual, the Grand Hero, annihilating an entire army. From the moment the Demon Lord appeared to now, barely ten minutes had passed – however in those ten minutes, the entire demonic army had been massacred.

Those low levelled soldiers who were witness to this massacre stared at the ‘Grand Hero’ in awe and fright. Even the Generals Q and J, who were struggling to hold the defense lines after the appearance of the Demon Lord, stood silently with their jaws wide open in shock.

Even General K, who just arrived at the battlefield stood in shock as he witnesses the mountains of corpses. Although, the Generals knew the Grand Hero was strong – they never expected him to be so OP.


Is this guy, even human? Don’t tell me, he had been hiding his strength all along! X thought to himself bitterly. He knew that he was not needed for the battle against the Demon Lord – but finishing the entire battle in less than ten minutes? Isn’t that too ridiculous? How am I to carry out the Emperor’s mission now?

Everyone, present and witness, was intimated by the Grand Hero. An ultimate expert in the art of killing. The Grand Hero’s strength surpassed the other four General’s strength combined. His magic power rivalled that of a hundred dragons. A few minutes after the Demon Lord appeared, the Grand Hero executed a hundred meteor shower spells, several unclassified and never seen before spells and hundreds of mini tornadoes at the demonic army – all at the same time. If that wasn’t impressive enough, he used a spell which had the power of a nuclear bomb. A bright light flashed throughout the savannahs and the war was over.

Instant K.O.

The only creature left alive was the Demon Lord – alive if you would count that he was barely breathing, his body was burnt and his skin was peeling off. He was even missing his lower half of the body.

The Grand Hero silently walked over to the dying Demon Lord.

“What are you?” The Demon Lord cried out using every ounce of strength he had. The Demon Lord’s voice expressed his fear of this ‘monster’.

His opponent stood quietly watching the dying Demon Lord. He then silently placed his hand on the Demon Lord’s skull and picked him up.

“Me? I am a battle loving maniac.” The Grand Hero replied.

“Hehehe..” The Demon Lord began laughing softly as blood his throat. “You are the same as Master….” The Demon Lord spoke softly.

“Master?” The Hero asked in surprise.

“Did you think I am the real Demon Lord? My master would never take a step in this pathetic world…Aaarghhhh” A blood curling scream filled the skies and the demon lord fell to the ground – lifelessly. His skull had been crushed into pulp.

Nobody heard the conversation between the Hero and the fake demon lord. Nobody spoke a word – everyone was too scared to say anything.

“Too weak”, the Grand Hero muttered.

The soldiers who stood behind him felt their jaws hitting the ground – the Demon Lord was too weak? Mankind’s worst enemy was too weak for him? The Demon Lord had successfully killed three of the four previous Generals and this was when the four former Generals were working together.

“Tch….” The Grand Hero was frustrated; even the strongest enemy of this realm was too weak for him. The Grand Hero did not fight for humanity – he fought because he enjoyed it. There was an excitement in fighting the strong. An indescribable feeling of ecstasy which he could no longer feel – because he stood at the peak of this world.

“Take care of things here…” The Grand Hero ordered the four Generalsas he began walking towards the “Gate”.

“Where are you going?” Q asked while still in a daze. She had strong feelings for the God of War however because they had always been battling at the front lines she had never spoken them. She held back – promising herself to speak her true emotions when the war ended. However, the way the war ended left too big of an impression on everyone’s mind. And so at that moment she was too stunned to speak.

The Grand Hero turned around and looked at Q. He was a bit thick-headed when it came to things like emotions and love. Without thinking about it a second time, he thoughtlessly replied, “I am going to the other side of the Gate….”

After saying that much the Grand Hero, walked right through the rip in space and time.

The battle maiden, fell to the ground seeing her love disappear into the Gate.

Everyone was too stunned by the scene – except for X. The moment the Grand Hero disappeared, he unleashed multiple spells destroying the Gate.

“What are you doing?” J asked, as he threw a punch at X.

X dodged the punch and continued destroying the Gate. “Carrying out his Majesty’s wish! We must destroy the Gate! If the Grand Hero wants to go to the other side that is not our problem! We have are orders! Now destroy the Gate!”

Hesitantly, General K and General J joined X and launched spells to destroy the Gate as well.

The stunned, General Q could only cry bitterly as she watched the “Gate Collapse”


Author's notes:

Slight change in the order of things! Gomenasai!

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