《The Demon Lord will have his revenge!》Chapter 11: The Ancient One


Part 1

A thousand years before the Demon Lord was slain.

Located in a lush green forest, which covered several mountains. Currently, the valley is echoing with these sounds….

“Ahhnnn! Ahnnnn! Ahnnn! Yes! More!! More!! Yes!! Yess!!! Yes!!”

Currently those were the sounds coming from the lair of the Ancient almighty dragon.

However, just before the climax was reached….The wind began howling violently throughout the cave. The clear sky disappeared and lightening flashed continuously, a storm brewed up in an instant, and the waves of the ocean began crashing against the shores incessantly.

The dragon, who was currently in his humanoid form – ceased all sexual activities. He could sense an uninvited being had broken through his barrier and was now in his lair.

“Who is there?” The dragon shouted out, while still on top of a female elf.

Suddenly the dragon went flying off the woman and hit the walls of the cave.

“EEEEEEEkkkkkh!!” The female elf screamed – in fright and in pain. The speed at which ‘it’ was pulled out was too much for the elf.

“Perverted Moron! At least have the decency to ask the question after getting off (and out) the woman.” An icy voice rang throughout the cave.

The ancient almighty dragon appeared to be frightened as he heard those words. He recognized that voice. Has she finally come for me?

“Still perverted as ever – as I can see. Which one is she? Your thousandth or ten thousandth concubine?” The woman asked. “I can’t believe I ever fell for someone as stupid as you.”

A woman appeared in the dragon lair. Her skin was pale as white jade, and long purple wavy hair ran down her back. She was extremely beautiful but gave off an extremely icy and cold feeling. If she were to look at any man, they would instantly turn into ice. Her voice was extremely rich and ancient. The woman looked like a human but not a human – for how could such a perfect human ever exist?

The almighty ancient dragon slowly stood up. His rib bones were broken.

“What do you want from me?” He angrily asked.

The woman flicked her finger and the dragon fell crouching in pain – he was grabbing his groin as though someone had stomped on it.

“Ero-dragon! Why is that damned thing still standing! At least have the decency to cover it!”

There were tears in the almighty dragon’s eyes. The most powerful creature of this relam was reduced to such a miserable state.

The elf woman seeing all this is shocked – but quickly recovers and while in bed shouts out, “Leave him alone! Don’t bully Ai-chan!”

The woman glared at the elf with an enormous killing intent as though she would devour the woman up entirely.

“EEEEkkh!” The elf screams and hides under the blanket. This elf was the current crown princess of the elf race.

“Why are you here.” The ancient dragon asks in an angry tone – as he finally recovers from the pain.

The woman moves her finger and the ancient dragon went flying through the air, till he slammed against another wall of his lair. Upon impact, the entire mountain began to tremble. The dragon’s nose began to bleed; had it not been for his pride – he would have been howling in pain a long time ago.

“Manners! You dare speak to me like that!”

The dragon somehow managed to pull himself out of the wall – there was an impression of him left in the wall.


“Honey, my sweet lovely cutsie pie, why have youuuuu……”

The dragon smashed against the floor this time.

“You baka-dragon! You have the brains of a lizard! When I say don’t speak to me like that – you become a perverted lizard. Is that the only other way of speaking you know? Seriously, what did I see in you that night!!

“Is this revenge for cheating on you?” The dragon meekly asked as he was being pressed against the ground by an invisible pressure.

“You really are a stupid lizard. I can’t believe we even did it and then you went and cheated on me with a measly human…..a human….” As she recalled, her heart was stirred once again by various emotions and she then grew angrier – thus increasing the pressure on the dragon. The crater in which the dragon lay, increased in depth.

The dragon groaned in pain. He could barely sit up, let alone stand up. “I am sorry. Please just let me get up.” The invisible pressure which had been steadily increasing, withdrew slightly. However, the dragon was still kissing the ground.

“Please, tell me why you have come here.” The ancient dragon asked.

After a thoughtful pause, the extremely arrogant (and powerful) woman finally lets the ancient dragon get up. The woman had been holding something in her arms. Her angry rigid face softened as she tenderly stared at what she was holding. It was a baby enveloped in a crystal.

“Baby sitting duties” She said. “I am going to a spa in the celestial world with my friends and needed someone to look after him. Unfortunately, due to various circumstances all my servants are on leave. Other than you, I couldn’t think of anyone else to watch over him….It is only for a day that you need to look after him.”

“A spa in the celestial world? …a single celestial day? Isn’t that nearly a thousand years in this realm?” The Ancient dragon angrily spoke out at the maiden’s unreasonable request. In effect, she was asking him to look after the baby for a thousand years! “Why should I look after him? Ask his father too look after him!!” The Ancient dragon began complaining in dread. If he had to look after a baby – then what about all his past time activities?

“Useless trash!” The woman shouted and whacked the Ancient almighty dragon to one side. “You are the father!”

The Ancient dragon was stupefied. His eye soften for a second then his face becomes rigid. “My child? My child??? Wait…this isn’t……this can’t be!” Dragon spoke as though he were too horrified to admit the truth.

The woman looked at the like she is going to erupt. “You stupid lizard. It is our child. This is the result of that stupid thousand year meteor shower night….”

“this is….the result of that night?” He meekly asked in shock.

The princess elf was also shocked as well when she heard the news. “You cheat!!” The elf princess cried out. “Wasn’t, the thousand year meteor shower night our first date!!! To think you were doing it with another woman that night!”

Without waiting for an explanation the elf princess rushed out of the Dragon’s lair. Before the Dragon could call out to the elven princess and give an explanation, he was flung aside by a powerful force. The Ancient Dragon winced in pain. The woman with purple hair, wore an extremely satisfied smile.

“Hmph! Serves you right! You cheat!” She said with a smirk. The woman was only being sarcastic – she knew the truth. Being an ancient dragon, he had existed in this realm for countless years and the reference was to a night thousands of years before her met elven princess. However, the elven princess did not know the true age of her lover…which led to her misunderstanding of the situation.


“Now hold your son” The woman ordered the ancient dragon. She kissed the crystal enclosing the baby and then flew into the stormy clouds. “Remember one celestial day. If I come back and don’t find him alive – you are dead.”

The Ancient dragon stared stupidly at the woman ascending into the heavens and then at his son.

I swear upon my name as the Ancient One, I will never make love with another divine being again – the Ancient Dragon swore to himself whilst filled with regret.

Part 2

Towering deep blue mountains peered down on the vast expanse below. Where the mountains ended, a great yellow savannah plain began. Beneath the azure blue skies, the lush gold savannah spread out, like a majestic carpet, across the lands. However, the problem with this picturesque landscape was the freshness of the air. To be more precise, the air had stagnated and dark foreboding clouds began to gather above the savannah.

War was upon on this land, at the opposite ends of the savannah were two great armies.

One army which originated from the desolate plains consisted of all sorts of monsters, ranging from Orcs to goblins to Trolls to Ogres to Dark Elves. These were the readily identifiable monsters – there were many more which no one had seen before – a sabretooth tiger the size of an elephant. A six tusked, four ears and 3 eye elephant like monster which was as big as a mini-hill, a lizard longer than the longest snake of this world…..where did such monsters come from? And these monsters which could be seen at the front line were just ordinary foot soldiers of the Demon Empire.

The other army which originated from the lush green plains and boundless flowing rivers were armies of the living and ‘goodness’.

The humans made up for the largest of the living races. The humans, with their attire ranging from simple mage clothing to white knight armour. Some humans were on foot and some on horses. The humans easily made up for the majority of the forces. Amidst all the humans, there were pockets of proud elves that could be seen (those who swore allegiance to the humans), adorned in gold armour, riding their white stallions. There were also pockets of short muscular dwarves, clad in thick steel battle armour, riding warthogs. Lastly, the scant number of beastmen could be seen; they wore nothing more than fur clothing. However, it suited them just fine given their wild nature. The beastmen had the highest physical endurance amongst all the races and it would hurt their pride to ride a ‘fellow’ animal. There were many other minority races present in this united army. However, they are too insignificant to describe.

This was a war between the Demons and the Humans. Many of the other races cared too little to help in the war, which is why few of the other races appeared in this war. In these matter, the other races believed it would be best if the humans perished – not everyone thought like this. However, such people were few and hence their representation in the entire scale of war was tiny.

The armies met with a bang, the sound of sword’s clashing rang throughout the valley and plains. The armies hit each other with unimaginable force. The ground trembled with the intensity of the battle. Carrions dared the rain of arrows and hovered close by, waiting for the battle to end. It was to be a feast for them; corpses of the soldiers.

The battlefield was consumed in chaos. The sky was lit with hundreds of flaming fireballs and arrows only to be extinguished by the magical rains right before they reached their destination. The obnoxious and intoxicating gases settled in, the fumes of anger, hatred, despair meddled with the minds of the warriors. This was the raging Battle of the Plains – a battle that would go down in history. It was the finale between good and evil.

Part 3

Humanity had always been plagued by monsters such as ogres, trolls and orcs. However, this might be the last such war. Two hundred years ago, the human’s discovered the “Gate” – the rip in space and time through which monsters appeared. With great difficulty the human armies managed to reach the “Gate”. If mankind won the war here– humans would forever get rid off the endless waves of demons. The demonic army currently standing at the “Gate” was the last line of defense – if humans prevailed this would truly be the end of the monsters.

In the process of reaching the “Gate”, countless lives were lost and the final army which reached the gate was no more than a hundred thousand soldiers.

A ratio of 1:100 – against the enemy they were fighting. The humans were clearly disadvantaged. Yet, despite the overwhelming disadvantage, the war was proceeding in their favour. It wasn’t that the demonic monsters / warriors were weak but the humans were too powerful! Humanity brought out their most elite forces – an army consisting of only Heroes!

‘Heroes’ have continuously appeared across the lands and across the ages. They help humanity whenever it has been in dire straits; whether it was battle against monsters or tyrannical rulers. There have been unfathomable number of heroes.

The typical qualities a Hero must possess are kindness, compassion, justness etc. However, beyond those superficial reasons, anyone who fought for the sake of humanity and was overwhelmingly more powerful than a group of ten expert warriors would be considered as a Hero. Based on these criteria alone, hundreds of thousands of humans would qualify to be honoured with the title of that of a Hero.

However, even amongst Heroes, their strength varied. There were those who were just martial arts experts who reached the peak of their field through sheer hard work. They were awarded rank D. Then there were those talented individuals who without working hard could triumph against rank D without any effort. They were rank C. But neither of these heroes could use magic. Those which can use magic – even if it is only a one-circle spell would be considered above them. The rankings from C to A were based on innate magic power and raw strength. However, this was not the end of the rankings. Those blessed by the Gods, would stand above them – the lowest of them were ranked S, then SS, then SSS. Even the weakest of the blessed could wipe out a thousand soldiers with a flick of their finger.

However, this was also not at the top of the pyramid, above these all, stood yet another level - monsters of humanity, freaks of nature– four individuals which were given the title K,Q,J & X (They were also known as Generals). The gap in strength between a blessed human and them was enormous. These weren’t merely a title but also their names and their identity. These four positions weren’t always occupied, only a title which was handed out when there was someone who met the strength requirements and could defeat the former title holder.

The Generals were considered as the pillars of humanity and no one reigned above them….that is till ‘he’ appeared …..a person who appeared out nowhere five years ago, a true Hero worth writing fables and legends about…

He was only twenty years old when he made his debut as a Hero, he was treated as anomaly.

A being, considered not from this realm but from another, a being blessed by all Gods and Goddesses that presided in heaven, a human that carried the burden of all of humanity, an individual, who made it possible for humanity to rapidly progress this far in the war against demons. There had never been a monster like him and there may never be one. Even the four Generals looked up to this individual, as their strength paled in comparison to his….

He went by many titles and many names; however someone of the well-known titles were the Grand Hero, Supreme Commander of the Human Armies and War God.


Author's Notes:

Alright! Let's start volume 2!

Slight change in the order of things!

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