《The Demon Lord will have his revenge!》Volume 1: Intermission 2


Part 1

I have steadily become accustomed to the human language and have begun understanding bits of it. There is much that I don’t understand but I am certain once I receive formal education, I will be able to converse fluently. Previously, my tongue didn’t move as I wanted it to and I also lacked teeth, this made it difficult to speak. However, now I am able to say the most basic of words….

“Shin-chan, meet Momo-chan.” Tomo introduced his ‘friend’.

There is a big frown spreading across my face as I stare at Tomo’s friend. I am staring at the empty space to which Tomo is pointing to. I cannot see anyone. A shadow assassin? This is truly difficult for me to accept, am I so untalented that I cannot see a single friend of Tomo’s? Tomo brings over many invisible ‘friends’ to meet me. I understand that I am in need of strong allies….however how is it that Tomo can see them but I cannot? This is frustrating, how am I supposed to greet this, Momo, if he stays invisible? I get it he is a strong creature but to stay invisible when being introduced is just rude.

“Shin-chan!” Tomo looked at me disdainfully. “You are being rude to our guest.”

It is now or never, even if I can’t see Momochan, I cannot offend the sixth shadow assassin that Tomo has brought over. I need more powerful servants at my command.

“Kon… ni… chi… wa” I unsteadily greet the invisible guest that my servant has brought back today. I even bowed slightly – last time I didn’t bow and apparently Tomo’s friend left in anger. However, I can’t afford to offend Tomo’s friends. Like I said before I need powerful allies. That said, I can’t believe I, the Demon Lord, have been reduced to this lowly state….to be bowing to a creature of lower status than me…

For some reason Tomo is astounded and begins clapping.

“Momo-chan, says he is pleased to me you.”

Eh? How come I didn’t hear anything? Did he whisper it?

I continue staring at the thin air – I don’t feel any variation in air currents – a creature which has mastered the art of invisibility. It is almost as if there is nothing beside Tomo. If Tomo didn’t tell me where Momochan was I would have never guessed that there was a third person in the room.

“Okay Shin, Momo and I are going to school. Bye!”

Wait! Is that it? What kind of stupid introduction is this? What about Momochan swearing his allegiance to me?

Part 2

Hmm….today there are a lot of men, wearing blue uniform, in our house. Otusan for once is acting like the head servant and ordering other humans around. Normally, Otusan is so meek and timid, it almost makes me want to puke thinking such a weak human is my servant.

These men, new servants, have brought along with them a lot of brown boxes. They are packing and taking away all the furniture in our castle. Tomo seems to be happily helping them out but I am sure he is adding to their work. Someone stop that stupid child servant of mine from creating such a ruckus. It is slightly frustrating that everything I am familiar too is being removed without explanation.

“Out-san” I call out to my servant.


Otusan looks at Shin fondly. “What is it Shin-chan.”

I point to the boxes, as I don’t know what the human word for them is.

Otusan smiles at me as he sees me point to the boxes. Really, why are you smiling? Are you an idiot? Do you understand me or not?

“Does Shin-chan, want to know what these boxes are for?” Otu san asks with a stupid voice.

I simply nod my head.

“We are moving! Aren’t you excited.” Otu-san asks me excitedly.

I stare back silently at this stupid man unsure how to reply.

“Why?” I ask.

For a moment I see a hint of sadness flash across Otusan’s face. However, it was only for a brief moment. Otusan looks at me and says, “I was thinking this house was getting too small. Doesn’t Shin-chan want to move to a bigger house?”

A bigger castle? Now that you say it, bigger is always better? Sure why not….but why do I get the feeling I am being lied to? I decide not to pursue this line of questioning. I don’t care much about how my servants handle domestic affairs. If we are moving I am sure there is a reason.

“It will be delivered in three days. I need you to sign here.” The man in blue uniform said. “Here is your receipt.” The man said as he tore a piece of paper and handed it to Otusan.

The core of the castle looks a lot bigger now that everything has been removed. It also feels empty…what is this emotion I am feeling. Ah! Forget it.

About an hour later or so, I see Otusan searching for something all over the house.

“Shin-chan, have you seen your brother?” Otusan asks me.

“Tomochan?” I shook my head sideways – the human way to say ‘no’ as taught by Tomo.

Otusan’s smile disappears as he begins to panic.

“Tomo?” Otusan calls out. “TOMO!!!”

“Tomo!” I call out as well. Stupid servant come out, Otusan is looking for you.

Where could he be hiding? There isn’t any place to hide, there is no furniture. Just empty rooms…

Otusan has a worried expression across his face. Otusan begins murmuring something about Okasan finding out. I am not surprised Otusan is afraid of Okasan – she can be very fierce at times – sometimes as the Demon Lord, I too feel frightened.

Calm down, old fool. I am sure he has just gone outside. When I was ten years old, I used to lead armies into battlefields….




The magic communication begins to ring.

Otusan hurriedly answers it. “WHAT! Packed away in a box? I will be there right away.”

Otusan grabs me and rushes out the castle…Hey put me down!!! Is this any way to carry the Demon Lord!!!

Eventually, we did find Tomochan. He had tagged a ride with the men wearing blue uniform. Otusan was really relieved to find Tomochan. I don’t know why these adult servants worry so much about the young ones. In the nether realm, all young beings have to look after themselves.

See, what did I tell, you stupid fool….everything is alright….no need to worry.

Otusan, then bought us this magically cooled food which humans call ‘ice cream’, as a way to appease us. He then begged us not to make mention of today’s episode to Okasan.


I stare at this ‘ice cream’ suspiciously. There are many things I am still not allowed to eat – mostly I am restricted to soft food – I guess that is because I am a baby? I steal a glance at Tomo who was demolishing his ice cream. Is it something that delicious?

I take a small bite….



This creamy texture, yet so milky….

Fufufufufufu, this ice cream is a true delicacy. It is cold and sweet – very refreshing on a hot sunny day. I am surprised with the advancement humans have made in the culinary world. It surpasses the taste of food in the nether realm by leagues! What’s more this ice cream is soft! Perfect for the baby me!

Otusan, you have done well to introduce me to this culinary masterpiece. I will no longer consider you as a stupid old fool. Just fool.

Okasan returned home later in the evening and she began preparing some yuck soft food. However, after tasting heaven who would want to go back to that sh*t.

“Ice-cream!” I declared. I will eat nothing but ice cream for dinner!!

Okasan stared at me suspiciously. She then began asking all sorts of questions like where I ate ice cream. Why did Otusan buy Tomo and me ice cream. Remember, I said Okasan can get very scary when she is angry. That night, Okasan transformed into a terrifying demon. I didn’t know humans could transform. When faced with such a frightful demon, I caved in. I didn’t hide much from her.

Sorry, Otusan, I told her nearly everything in my broken Japanese….but this isn’t my fault! Okasan is just too scary!! Just to make it clear that I am not a snitch, it was Tomo who told her the finesse details. Technically, I did not break the promise.

Scary, Okasan has an overwhelming aura and power. It is something that can be compared to my former aura as the Demon Lord. Okasan is too scary!! Thankfully, the one face her ire was not me but Otusan. To be on the safe side, I stopped making demands for ice cream and happily ate the disgusting baby food.

That night, for some reason, Otusan slept on the floor.

Part 3

Today, we are moving to the new castle and right now, we are riding the magical transportation vehicle.

As I look outside the window, I am continuously being shocked by the progress humans have made. I have seen this all before but never paid attention to it. The humans have built countless tower like castles which pierce into the sky. And there are so many magical transportation vehicles of varying sizes.

And there are so many humans clustered in this one city. Just seeing so many new things is making my head spin….it may also be spinning because of the stupid song Tomo is singing.

Seriously, stop singing! That song is driving me nuts!!!

“This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because...

This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because...

This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because...”

I don’t understand the song, but is there no end to his singing?

I try my best to ignore Tomo, by focusing on the changing scenery….we are leaving the city behind and moving through farmlands, and lush green open spaces. Normally, long journeys are dangerous and humans travel in caravans….at least that is how I remember it. However, we have only come across domesticated animals but no monsters. I wonder if the humans have purged along the path to make the journey safe.

The more I understand humans of this age, the more astonished I become. How far have they advanced since my death? Magical communication devices which can communicate over vast distances, culinary dishes that will make my mouth drool uncontrollably, magical vehicles which travel at the same speed as white eagles and building towers which pierce into the sky. Just thinking about these facts makes me realize that my conquest to destroy humanity may not progress as quickly as I had hoped.

Part 4

“This is our new home.” Otusan said as he hugged Okasan.

Everyone is all in smiles, I don’t understand why.

I am staring at the castle with a bit of disappointment. Isn’t this too small?

It is only two storeys tall – our last castle was so many storeys high that it nearly touched the sky.

Compared to our last castle this seems to be much smaller.

Also this castle is located in the countryside, not in the city.

It is almost as though we have downgraded.

In the nether realm, to be living in the country side or city was an indication of one’s wealth and affluence. Only the wealthy stayed in the city. Don’t tell me we are financially broke and could no longer afford to live in the city. If I think about it like this, it all makes sense why everyone is smiling. At least we are not living on the streets. Things could have been much worse.

I guess this place is not so bad.

The air smells fresher than it did in the city – as expected.

The countryside also looks cleaner…and greener.

I guess it isn’t so bad….


Huh? Immortal Phoenix? You are here?


A pigeon descended from the skies and perched itself on Shin’s shoulder. It then began rubbing its head against Shin’s cheek. The pigeon was covered in grime and missing feathers in various places. Shin’s parents were shocked at the sight. At first they thought the bird was attacking Shin. However, seeing it act like this – neither parent was certain what the weird bird was doing. Thankfully, Tomo was running wild, exploring the new house. If he had seen the pigeon on Shin, he would have died of envy.

This loyal servant of yours has been looking everywhere where for you!!


You have no idea what all this loyal servant of yours has gone through!!


The birds in the human realm have no manners, Massssttteerr!!

Ugh, this guy….I was wondering where he went…to think I would find him here. Isn’t this really far from the city? How did he even end up here?

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