《The Demon Lord will have his revenge!》Volume 1: Intermission 1


Part 1

“Say aaaaa! Time to eat!!” Tatsuya said as he held up a bunch of crayons.

Like hell I will eat those! Are you an idiot! Why are you trying to make the demon lord eat wax!!

“It is delicious, say aaaaah! Shin-kun” Tomo –chan repeated after this elder brother.

Stop trying to stuff that into my mouth!! Okasan save me!!

“Boys! I hope you aren’t bullying, Shin.” Sui spoke from the kitchen, hearing Shin wail.

“No Okasan!” Both brothers gleefully replied back in unison.

“Okasan, Shin, doesn’t like to eat crayons.” Tomo then spoke.

“WHAT!?” Sui screamed from the kitchen.

Tatsuya could be seen sneaking away from the vicinity.

“WHY would you try feeding a baby crayons!!!”

“Ni-san said babies like crayons.”

“TATSUYA!!!!” Sui’s voiced roared in the house like a lion.

Part 2

“Come on now, Shin-chan. Say Papa. Please make Otusan proud. Say papa…”





“I must be hearing things….”

“Baka baka baka…”

“SUI!! Come here!!! Our little Shin spoke his first word!!!”

Sui excitedly rushed into the room. Saijo was kneeling in front of Shin.

“Shin-chan spoke!!” Saijo trembled with excitement as he stared at his youngest son fondly. However, Sui was very skeptical this was the second time, someone said they heard Shin speak. Her left eyebrow was raised as she asked, “Spoke?”

“Yes!! He spoke his first word!” Saijo continued. “Come on Shin, say baka. Say baka again”

Sui’s face turned ugly when he heard what Saijo was trying to get Shin to say. “What are you teaching my Shin!!” Sui roared angrily at her husband.

Saijo immediately turned pale. “I didn’t teach him!! He said it!!! He said baka baka baka!!”

Sui sighed as she looked at her husband who was currently cajoling a one year old to say baka. “Honey, how is the stress at work?”


“#@!$!#%” Saijo cursed under his breath. “I am telling you he said baka.”

“Otusan, his first word was Baka?” Tomo asked as he quietly slid into the room.

“Of course…..” Saijo replied without hesitation.

“Ni-san!!! It worked!!! Shin said baka!!!” Tomo cried out as he ran in search for Tatsuya – who went into hiding.

Both parents stared at the distant running figure of Tomo and then stared at each other.

“TATSUYA!!!” Both parents angrily called out in unison.

Part 3

“Niii-san!!” Tomo rushed into the room wailing. “Niii-san!!”

“Tomo! What happened?”

“Niii-san!! The other children took my Choso!!!”

“Choso?” Tatsuya asked as he tried to recollect who or what was Choso.

“Niii-san!!!” Tomo cried out angrily. “Choso!! The golden beetle you showed me!! The one in Okasan’s jewelry box!!” Tomo tried to help Tatsuya remember.

Tatsuya’s face turned pale. “Choso…” As he remembered the gold trinket.

“hahaha…Tomo…one day you will be the cause of your Ni-san’s death.”

“Ni-san why are you climbing out of the window?” Tomo asked curiously.

“Tomo, remember, you did not see my climb out of the window.”

“Huh?” Tomo wondered what his brother meant by that.

“TOMO!!! TATSUYA!!!!” Sui’s voice ripped through the house. “WHY IS MY JEWELRY BOX LYING OPEN ON MY BED!!”

Part 4

“Ni-san….” Tomo looked at this elder brother with concern, as he held the first aid box in his hands. “Ni-san, will it really be okay not to tell Otusan and Okasan?”

Tatsuya simply nodded. “It will be okay. “ He answered as he took out anti-septic from the first aid box and began applying them on his cut knees. Tatsuya was covered in small cuts and bruises, dirt and grime – clear evidence of fighting.



“It burns!!” Tatsuya grumbled.

Tomo looked at his brother worryingly. “Should I call Okasan?” Tomo asked with worry.

Tatsuya mustered his courage. “See it doesn’t hurt anymore.”

“Thank you, Ni-san.” Tomo spoke after examining his brother’s disinfected wound.

“Eh? What are you saying thank you for? Weren’t those children bullying you?” Tatsuya asked as he roughed up his younger brother’s head. “It is a big brother’s job to protect his younger brother.”

Tomo silently nodded as tears welled up in his eyes .

“Don’t cry, Tomo.” Tatsuya said as he hugged his brother. “Big brother is here to protect you."

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