《Lucian》The fight


In the middle of a night, Lucian was standing on top of a building, trying to find Hunters to hunt. His job was made harder thanks to the rain, which ruins his sensing ability.

He suddenly sensed something approaching at a fast pace and so he dodged it with a side step. He looked at the res spear which passed his face. He grabbed the spear turned it around and threw it back. No sound of it hitting something, but instead someone talked

"You were able to catch and return my spear. Not bad. Not bad at all."is said by a female voice and she appears from the shadows. She is wearing a black cloak and a red mask on her face.

"A Fallen spear user. Hmm. Are you perhaps a True Fallen?"Lucian asks her and she replies"False Fallen." She replies and dashes at him. Lucian manages to materilaze his red katana with red grip. He parries her attack attack and hits her in the face with a elbow.


When his elbow hits, his bones break, instead of hers. "Shit."he says and is punched into an another building's wall and he falls down onto the ground. Leave a hole both into the wall and the ground.

He gets up from the ground while coughing. While he is getting up, his bones are cracking everywhere, showing that his injuries have healed.

Meanwhile the woman has moved behind him and is looking at him, who is getting up, completely fine. Lucian turns around with his katana on his left hand supporting his body.

"You heal fast, but this doesn't matter if your dead."she says and throws her spear so fast, that Lucian could only see it a moment before it pierced through his heart and launched him through the wall. His flight is stopped when he hits the wall.


She walks over to his dead body and pulls out her spear. The body falls on the ground with a huge hole in it. She looks at the body for a minute, to make sure that it doesn't start healing. Once she makes sure that he is dead, she brings out her three pairs of black feather wings and flies away from the spot.

Some time later, his wound heals and he wakes up with a loud breath. He looks around while breathing heavily and then drops his body back on the ground.

"Fucking hell. Dying hurts like a bitch."he says and gets up from the ground. He sees his sword on the ground and picks it up, while saying"My sword is still here, which means that she was either Hercis or Lazay. Only these two teach these kinds of spear fighting tactics and not to take enemies weapon."

He spits out blood from his mouth and starts moving."I need to visit them. I need info."he says while slowly walking back home. Before exiting the alleyway, he dematerializes the sword and turns back to his regular clothes.

While he is walking, he thinks'Her speed, strength and durability were too ridiculous to be from training. Must be from her unique power. But what could it be exactly....I need more info. A lot more.'

After a hour of painful walking, he gets home and goes to bathroom while taking off his clothes. He looks at himself in the mirror and sees that he didn't receive any permanent injury. He then looks at his left arm and sees that one of the magic circles looks fainter than the others."Great. The demon seal was weakened."he says as touches the seal.

He slowly goes to bath and stays on the got water for a while.


Next morning, he gets up ten o'clock and makes himself a breakfast. While he is eating his cereal he thinks'Huuh. I need to take care of the gang whos members attacked me and then take care of the Fallen. So much searching must be done. So little time I have.'

After he finishes his cereal, he washes the dishes and goes behind his computer in his room.

Before he notices it's already noon. He found out some of the gangs club house location and few other things. Right now he was hungry, so she called Yami over.

When she arrived, she asks"What did you want?"which he replies"Could you make something for me. Haven't eat for a few hours."

"Why don't you make something yourself? I'm not your cook."

"My cooking skills are shit and I like the food you make."he replies. To that she rolls her eyes and starts looking for the ingredients.

"Thanks Yami."he says and kisses her cheek.

Once finishes cooking, he eats it and thanks her for the delicious food. After that, he says"Wanna watch TV?"

"Why not."she replies. And so they sit down on his sofa and watch the movie. As their watching the movie, that she picked out, a sex scene started in the movie and Lucian got into the mood from that. So with a quick move, she pushed her on her back on the sofa and is restraining her arms with his.

"L-Lucian. What are you doing?"she asks with a surprised tone and he replies"Take a guess."and kisses her. He lets go off her arms and she puts them on his back.

On the next morning, Lucian wakes up with Yamis breast on his face. So he snuggles IP to her chest and to that Yami, who woke up before him, says"What are you doing so early in the morning, you pervert?"

"Enjoying your lovely body."he answers and closes his eyes. She looks at him and just sighs.

She doesn't hate it when he does that, but because she isn't use to it, she acts like that.

Somewhere else in the city, the female who killed Lucian, is back where she did that, only to see no body there. First she thought that the Hunters cleaned the place, but they haven't been here. Neither has police or there would be news about it and barricade tape would be here.

Second thought was that his acquaintance or some one else picked up his body, but that couldn't have happened.

So the last thought was that he lived somehow and left on his own. That thought is further supported, because she sees few bloody footprints on the ground, going toward the road. There are also small holes next to the footprints.

"Must have used the sword as a support."she mutters to herself.

She looks around and thinks'But how did he survive? I made sure that he was dead and I saw that his wound wasn't healing. So he's immortal or his healing is stronger that I thought.'

She looks around once again and says"Good. Good. He seems to be perfect candidate."

She takes off her hood and the mask, to reveal black hair with purple ends and a beautiful face with purple eyes. A big smile forms on her face and she says"Finally a challenge."

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