《Lucian》The little sister


"What will you do on the New Years eve?"asks Yami, who is sitting on the couch.

"Stay home probably. You?"says Lucian who is using her lap as a pillow. She replies"I have to go to relatives house then, because mom told so."

"Do you want to go there?"he asks and she replies"No. His family parties are always boring and go on toooo long. I would've loved to stay here and be with you."

"I also would rather have you here."he says and rubs her thigh.

"You're thinking about something perverted again."she and he replies while still rubbing her thigh"You're correct. I'm thinking what to do to you tonight."

"Pervert."she says and he just laughs.

She starts to play with his hair and while doing that, she asks"Why are you keeping your hair tied all the time?"

"If I leave it untied, than I will attract too much attention."he answers and she asks"What do you mean?"

He gets up from her lap and takes off her hair tie. He shakes his head a little to get his hair around and then he stops and he shows her why he keeps his hair tied: Lucian looks even prettier with his hair down. He lays his head down to her lap again and says"That's why I keep it tied."and falls asleep.

"Sleeping again."she says and just pats his head. While she is doing that, she thinks"His hair is pretty soft and smooth."

Some time later, the door bell rings and so she slowly gets up from the couch, while being careful not to wake him up. She goes to the door and sees a beautiful girl with short blue hair and gray eyes. She was about twenty and looked mature.

They both look at each other and then Yami says"How can I help you?"

"Is Lucio..I mean Lucian here. I need to speak with him."says the woman.

"He is, but who are you?"she asks and when she is about to answer, she catches a throwing knife coming at her, which she easily catches.


"What are you doing here, Lulu?"asks Lucian who is walking towards her and she throws the knife back, which he catches and puts on the table.

"Came to visit my little brother and talk about some other stuff."she says and he replies in demon language"So what is this other stuff?"

"It's about Luciana. Her powers have gotten out of control."she answers in demon language.

"And you need me to seal it." "Yes."

He thinks for a minute and says"Fine. Lets go. I'll tell her and then join you."she nods and leaves.

Yami, who has been quiet up to now, says"What were you talking about and why did you throw a knife at her?"

"Little sister has troubles and so I need to go. As for the knife, that's how we greet."he says and kisses her. He gives her the keys and leaves his apartment, leaving her there, confused.

Because she has no business here, she turns off the TV and locks the apartment, after leaving. She takes the keys with her. She goes back home and still wondering what could've happened, that he was in such a hurry and what language were they talking. Because she had never heard any language that even sounded closely to that language. And the knife too. Who the fuck greets somebody like that? There must be something between them definitely And so she went to her room, to wander.

As for Lucian and his sister Lulu, they were moving with her car, which she drove. It was a blue sport car.

"So what exactly happened?"asks Lucian and Lulu answers"Luciana lost control after the Hunters attacked her."when he hears that, he looks at her and she continues"Don't worry. The Hunters are dead and she came out only with few scratches. Anyway going back to the story. Few days after the Hunters attacked, she was using her powers, when suddenly it went berserk and destroyed her room. After that all of her powers go berserk, when she uses them."

He processes the story and then says"So you want me to seal all of her powers. You do know that this would make her basically a regular human only with a longer life span."


"I know what will happen, but it's only for some time, until we find a way to get rid of whatever it is causing her powers to.go berserk. I don't like it either, but it's better that way."

"Fucking hell."he says and turns his head around to look out of the window.

Few minutes later, she asks"Was the girl with the black hair your lover?"

"Yep and you stay away from her!"he says and she replies"Don't worry. I won't steal my little brothers lover. Even though I would totally vang her."

"Lulu."he says with a slightly angry voice.

After driving six hours, they finally stop in front of the huge mansion. The mansion is three stories tall and the white walls are decorated with green vines.

"Not glad to be back here."he says and gets out of the car.

"Just show me where Luciana is and I'll get it done, before She shows up."he tells Lulu, who then says"I'll take you to her."

And so she starts to walk with him following her. They enter the mansion through the giant brown doorway and go up to the second floor by walking up the white stairs. They walk through the long corridor with white walls decorated with paintings.

While they are walking, a door few meters away from them blows off from the hinges and seeing that, he rushes there. Once he gets into the room, she sees her ashen haired little sister on the bed, holding her head and sobbing.

He walks over her and says"It's me Luciana. Calm down. I'll help you." She doesn't seem to hear him, so he continues walking

He walks near her and touches her hands. This causes a white glowing and when the glow has fainted, a black magic circle has appeared on her wrist.

He puts his arms around her body and says"It's okay now Luciana. It's okay. No need to be afraid anymore. When she hears her brothers voice, he looks at him with her bright blue eyes and with tears in her eyes, she hugs him and says"Brother. Brother. You're finally back. I missed you."she keeps repeating the last part for a while.

He doesn't say anything and just keep patting her head. As for Lulu, she stands behind the two and says"That was fast sealing."

"Unique power. Of course it would be fast."he replies while patting her sisters head.

When she finally separates from his brother, she says"Will you stay here now, brother."

"No Luciana. I won't stay here even for the night. I don't want to meet with Lilith."he says with a sad tone. He wants to be with his little sister, but he hates to be even hundred meter radius of her mother. So there is no way for him to stay here, without getting an urge to kill her on the spot.

"No brother. Please don't leave. I want to be with brother."she cries out and with a sad tone, he whispers"Sleep."

This causes her to fall asleep and he puts the blanket over her body, after putting her down. He looks at her face for a few seconds and then gets up and leaves the room. While he passes Lulu, he says"Look after her."and so he leaves the mansion.

Few hours later, the sun is slowly raising from the horizon and Lucian is on the edge of a hill and looking at the stone tombstone on the ground. On it there is written

(Here lies beloved daughter and sister.

Lucy Naszrax

06.06.2006-08.03.2017. )

Lucian looks at the tombstone with tears in his eyes and puts one blue flower in front of the grave. While he is crouching, he holds the stone and says"I'm sorry Lucy. I'm sorry that I was too weak to save you. It's my fault that you died."

He gets up, wipes his tears and disappears into the darkness while walking away from the grave of his twin sister.

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