《Lucian》The gang


Later that day, when the sun had set and the moon was raising into the cloudless sky, Lucian was wearing his black clothes and was observing a three story apartment building. Why he was doing that was simple: he was observing one of the safehouses of the gang that had attacked him on the christmas eve.

After observing everything around the apartment building, he jumped off the building he was standing on and landed quietly on the fire exit of the safehouse. Because he wasn't someone to go with the stealth way, he just smashed the window in and climbed through it.

The glass pieces under his feet were cracking as he was walking on them. He could also hear people running up the stairs and yelling something in russian.

"Cyka blyat."said Lucian and kicked the door down with a sword in his hands. On his right, he saw five men with AK-s in their hands and aiming at him. They were yelling something in russian, which Lucian didn't understand. So he just dashed at them and kicked one away with knee kick and sliced the other four with a few quick swings with his black blade.

He heard a person on his left closing in and without looking he threw the sword at him, killing him. He dematerialized that sword and materialized a silver decorated dagger into his hand.

He jumped down the stairs and killed the other three members there.

"Two should be left."he said to himself and tried to sense the two. He found the two quickly and so started to move down to the cellar, where the two were hiding. The access to the cellar was blocked by a metal door, which he easily kicked in and the door brought the frame with it. He slowly walked downstairs and saw two guys there.

One of them pushed the other and told something to him. Probably to kill Lucian or something like that. The one who was pushed was completely scared and his gun in his hands was shaking crazy. So he tried to aim at Lucian, but was killed with the dagger. He fell down on the floor, with a dagger sticking out of his forehead. Blood was slowly flowing out of his wound and the other guy, seeing this, started to say something. Probably begging for his life. Because Lucian didn't understand shit that he said, he yelled."Shut the fuck up. I don't speak russian you fucking faggot."


When the guy heard that, he started begging in english"Please don't kill me. I give you whatever you want. So please let me live."

"Where's your boss?"he asked and he quickly replied"His in xxxx."

"Good answer."Lucian said and killed him with a pistol, he took from the table, which he now threw away. He took the dagger out of the guys head, cleaned the blade on the bodies clothes and dematerialized it. He took out his phone, because he got a call from Yami.

"Yes Yami."he answered the phone

"Im good. I'll be back after the new year."

"Yeah. Thanks.

"Okay see you then. Bye."he says and ends the call. He looks around for a few seconds and then leaves the area. From the distance he can already hear sirens coming from police cars and ambulance.

As for Yami, after she ended the call with her Lucian, had a slightly sad face. Her mother, who saw that, asked"What's wrong? Did something happened to your Lucian?"

"Not with Lucian, but with her sister. He just left yesterday without saying much. So I'm worried that something very serious might have happened, but it doesn't seem so."she replies to her mother.

"Well If it seems fine, then why the sad face?"she asked her daughter and she replied"Well he seems to avoid talking about his family. It seems to be a sensitive topic and so I'm afraid to ask him about his family."

"Then don't ask and let him talk to you about it on his own will. Everyone has a sensitive topic, that they rather not talk about and in his case it will be his family. So don't ask about it."she says and her daughter replies"I guess I'll do that then."

"Good."she continues"Now tell me how far is your relationship. You have stayed over at his place on some nights."

Yami tries to leave without answering, but her mother is holding onto her arm and says"I won't let you go before you tell me."

"Mooom."she cries out.

Back to Lucian. He was currently at the location he was told. It was a big strip club in the town.


Lucian was staring at the building and said to himself"Seriously?! A strip club?"

He couldn't get in the front door, because you know...he wasn't eighteen. So he went to the alleyway and went through the back door by breaking the lock. He walked into the place and moved slowly, because he shouldn't be here and right now he would prefer the stealth way. So he moved after making sure that no one was around and so he made his way to the V.I.P room. He walked in there and was immediately aimed at by guns. The fat guy wearing a suit, who had a stripper giving him a lap dance, said something in russian.

"I don't speak fucking russian."said Lucian.

"I asked what are you doing here brat? How dumb can you be to come right at the enemies base."he said.

"Well how dumb can you be to dare to threaten me. Next time do your research on who you are trying to fuck with."

"Haha. This kid is funny. So tell me: who am I fucking with?"

"Ever heard the name: The Shinigami."

"You mean the man who took over the entire Yakuza in a year. Yeah I have hear about him. Who hasn't."he said with an arrogant voice.

"Well then. You also should know what he will do with the people who fuck with him?"

"Yeah.....Wait! Don't tell me?!"

"Yep."says Lucian and throws two knives, that he had materialized in his hands and kills the two guard, behind him, pointing their guns at him.

The stripper seeing this, immediately runs away screaming, leaving their boss alone. He is sitting in his chair, covered in sweat and is shaking from fear. 'I'm so fucking dumb. My dumbass targeted him- the deadliest person in the underworld. Why did it have to be him.'he thought as he watched the Shinigami slowly walking towards him with a smile on his face. The smile that made it even more scarier.

Lucian slowly walks towards him, while materializing a black scythe in his hand.

"That's right. I'm the Shinigami."he says and slices the man with his scythe. Red blood bursts out of his body, cut cleanly in half. The body half falls down on the floor, with his organs coming out of the body. Truly a disgusting sight.

He turns around and dematerializes his weapon while walking away. He casually leaves the place, as no one dares to attack him. All of the members look at him in fear and everyone is hoping that he is in a good mood today, or else they would all die. They didn't believe the stripper first, when she came down here, telling that he is here, but when they saw him and felt his presence, they knew that he was the real deal.

They didn't dare to move, until he had left the club. The moment the door closed behind Lucian, they all let out a breath and were clad to be alive.

Lucian takes out his phone, once he is out of the club and makes a call. He starts speaking in Japanese.

"Yeah. It's me."

"Mhm. Organize the meeting."

"In march."

"Okay. See you then."

"Love you too, Yuki. Tell the twins I love them too."

He ends the call and slowly walks away from the place.

On the other side, a white haired beauty has a smile on her face. She can finally meet with his lover again soon, after not seeing each other for four months.

"I must tell the twins."she says to herself in Japanese and walks off from her balcony.

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