《Lucian》The new years eve


It was a sunny day. The sun was in the sky and shining brightly. It would be a good weather, If you wouldn't consider the fact that it's the end of December and there hasn't still been any snow. Like no snow at all. Not a single fucking snowflake.

And as for Lucian he was currently back in the town. He didn't come back here, because he came back home, but because he had to finish the business. He had found out who was the asshole, who had hired the gang to go after him. It was pretty obvious one too. He beat up Justin and some time later the gang comes after him. The answer was so simple. It was Justins father, who runs the biggest business in this town and now the business will go bankrupt suddenly without anyone knowing how. It will be a big mystery to others, except for Lucian.

Right now Luciana is standing on top of the twenty story building in his black robes and is hacking his way in with his phone. Like in the video game that he played few years ago. Once he got in, the roof door opened he got into the building. With quiet steps, he goes down a floor and sneaks pass the cameras and the security guards. And so he slowly gets into the server room. Once there he plugs his phone into the computer and starts to steal all the cash on all of his and his sons accounts. Seriously how stupid can they be to store it in their own servers. Like the electronic cash was the dumbest idea to ever be made into a reality. Like what were they thinking'Lets make a way to pay electronically without the banks. What could possibly go wrong.'


He finishes fucking up the company and gets out of the building quietly. He takes out his phone, while sitting on the edge of the building and swinging his legs slowly. He watches as the companies stocks slowly fall to the ground. He then looks at his bank account and sees the 50 million on his bank account.

"Aaah. It's good to destroy a company."he says to himself and disappears into the darkness.

Later that night, he is laying on top of building that hasn't been finished yet. There are a lot of building materials and equipment near the house. He is going through the news and the local news already have reported the sudden bankruptcy. They don't know much detail how and at the end they said that they are going to try find out more.

When he reads that, he smiles and puts the phone away.

"The fireworks should start soon."he continues"huuuh. I wish to be with Yami already."he mutters while looking at the cloudless sky.

He keeps staring at the sky and after a while, colourful fireworks start to decorate the sky. From where he is, he can't hear the explosion or anything. He just sees the fireworks thanks to his good eyes.

While he is watching the fireworks, memories come to his mind. Memories with his twin sister Lucy.


"Lucio Lucio! Hurry up already! I want to see the fireworks."says the gray-haired blue-eyes girl, while pulling his brother.

"Seriously. Where's the hurry Lucy. You won't miss anything."says her brother to her.

"I still want to be first to see it. Now hurry up!"she says and start running, white her brother running behind her, while being pulled.

"Don't go too far kids!"yells a white haired woman, who is holding a four year old girl in her arms. Next to her are silver and a blue haired girls. They are of course Luerci and Lulu.


"Lucy seems pretty excited unlike Lucio."say Lulu and Luerci replies to that"Lucio doesn't seem to be interested in anything beside his sister."

"Well that's natural."Lulu continues"They are twins. You know how close twins are."


"Okay girls. Lets go find them now, because Lucy has already out of our sight."says their mother Lilith. So they fasten their pace and starts looking for the twins, who thanks to Lucy, have gotten lost again.

After a minute, Lulu finds them and tells the others about it. They all get there and see the two sitting on top of a tree branch, swinging their legs and holding onto each other. They have a warm smile, when they see that.

Soon the fireworks start and Lucy looks at it with an amazed face. Her brother doesn't seem to care about it, but fakes his amazement so he wouldn't upset his sister.

*End of the flashback*

Lucian gets up from where he was lying and leaves the place.

As for Yami, she is standing outside, with some of her relatives. They are all watching the fireworks in the sky with an excited face but not Yami. She doesn't want to be here and she has never liked the fireworks. She would rather be with Lucian currently and would rather do anything else, then watching fireworks.

She just stares at the sky with a bored face and looks at the fireworks. Her mother, seeing her daughters expression, gets closer to her and whispers"Don't worry. You'll see your Lucian soon."

"Hmh."she just replies.

As for Sam, she was following Hunter currently, who themselves were following a demon. The Hunters seeing that no one was around, went in for the kill. With a quick strike, the low level demon was killed and they were talking with each other about how easy it was.

But with a quick spear throw, all of the Hunters were killed when the force, made by the spears impact with the ground, sent all of them flying and smashing into walls.

"Too easy. I need a challenge. I need to find that demon."she says to herself, as he calls back her spear and flies away from the spot.

Few hours later over in Japan, a white haired woman with a stunningly beautiful face is looking at the sky. She has a pale skin, white hair and eyes. She is wearing a snow white kimono. She is resting her hands on the balconies metal railing.

Behind her two girl walk next to her. They are twins with a cute face. They are shorter by a head than the woman. One them has black hair and red eyes. She is wearing a black kimono with white flower patterns on it. The other girl has white hair and blue eyes. They go next to the woman and hug her. She raises her body and pats their heads.

"You're missing Lucian too huh?"asks the woman

""Yes.""they answer at the same time.

"Me too. But don't worry. He will be here soon."she continues"Until then. I will comfort you two."

When they hear that, a pair of fox ears pop up on their head and their fox tail starts to swing around.

"So you're already excited. Lets go then."she says and grabs the two girls and goes to the bedroom.

This is how everyone spend their new year.

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