《Lucian》The presents


"Christmas-the time of giving. A time of the year, where the family gets together at the dinner table and enjoy each others company. At least this it's like this for humans. Non-humans don't give a fuck about it."says Lucian to himself, as he looks at the giant-ass christmas tree at the town square.

'I wonder how many brats are getting Iphone 13 today from mommy and daddy.'he thinks and continues his walk.

While walking, he thinks'Who the fuck are following me? Not Hunters nor nun-human. So normal human?'

He has to deal with them, before he goes home and so he decides to lure them in an alleyway. While walking, he turns into an alleyway and disappears into the darkness. Soon five guys come into the alleyway too.

"Where the fuck did he disappear?"

"Don't know. Look around!" And so they start looking around.

'They seem to be gang members.'he thinks and then reappears from the darkness with a knife in a reverse grip in his right hand. He quietly walks behind on and stabs him in the back. The man lets out a scream, which makes the other four look at him.

"There he is! Kill him!" Yells one of them out.

'His the boss. He last.'Lucian thinks and cuts the incoming bullet in half.

"I brought a knife into a gunfight."he says and then throws the knife into one of the guys head and dashes at him. He pulls the knife out and grabs his gun, shooting the other two quickly in the head. He shoots the boss in both of his knees and walks over to him.

"Who hired you?"he says.

"F-fuck you!"


"Mother fucker!"


"Blow me."

"Okay."he says and shoots his brains out. He throws the gun away and leaves the scene, because he heard footsteps getting closer.

After some time, he gets home and goes to bathroom, to take a bath. He removes his clothes and washes the bloody one. He then submerged into the bath and thinks'Hmm. I need to wait for few days and then I can look up who were they working for.'

Time passes and now it's evening. Yami had come to his place and was making foot, because Lucians cooking skills are shit. Lucian is looking at the TV, while waiting for her to finish cooking the food.


After a while, she comes behind him and tells him that the food is ready. So he gets up and sits down at the table. They both eat their food and after he finishes, he thanks her for the delicious food she made.

Later that night, they are both sitting on the couch, watching TV. His hand is on her shoulder. While watching, she says"Lucian." "Hm." "I noticed that you don't have a christmas tree or any decoration in you apartment. Why's that?"

"My family didn't celebrate holidays and because I got used to it, I don't either."he answers and she says"Okay."

"Oh yeah. I got you a gift."he says and gets up."Wait for a moment."

He opens the guest room door and few seconds later he comes out with the one meter tall brown Teddy bear in his hands. When she sees that, she has a surprised look on her face, because of the teddy bear. He hands it to her and she receives it. She looks at it and says"Thank you Lucian! I like it."

"That's good to hear. I couldn't ask what you to like without making it obvious, so I went with the teddy bear."

"Can't go wrong with the teddy bear."she puts it on the couch and says"It's pretty big too."

'Don't say "That what she said" don't say it.'he thinks when he heard her.

She looks at Lucian and says"I also have something for you, but you'll get it later."

"I'll be waiting for it."he says and kisses her cheek. They sit down at the couch again and continue watching the TV.

Few hours later, Lucian is sitting on his bed, waiting for Yami, who told him to wait there. And so he is waiting here. He decided to lay down and look at the ceiling while waiting for her.

The door is opened and Yami enters the room. So he lifts his body up and sees that Yami has taken off her pants and socks and is now wearing only her shirt. He now knows what she was going to give him. She was going to give him...her.

With her tomato red face, she sits down next to him and he moves behind her. He wraps his hands around her waist and whispers into her ear"So this is what you're giving....I like it."


Yami can't get words out of her mouth because she is so embarrassed currently and doesn't know what to do.

Lucian pushes her hair off her shoulder and kisses her neck. He keeps going up her neck and when he is near her lips, he turns her head and kisses her on her lips. During their passionate kiss, she turns around to face him and during the kissing, he moved her to lay on the bed. They depart their lips and with a smile on his face, he takes off her shirt.

She covers her underwear with her hands and says"It's embarrassing to be only one naked."

Lucian doesn't respond and instead takes off his clothes, which he throws on the floor. When she sees his penis, she says"Is that going to fit."but Lucian doesn't give her chance to think about that. He already took off her black underwear and now was sucking on one of her boobs, while playing with the other. She felt good from that and she didn't know what to do. She trusted herself to Lucian, who clearly knew a lot about sex.

He slowly moved his hand down to her vagina and said"It's pretty wet here." He moved his face down there and while he did that, she said"Wait wait. What are you goin-nnnnn."

She let out a moan as he is eating her pussy and she grabs his head. After she cums, he kisses her on the lips and says"Now for the main part."she pulls her into a deep kiss and inserts his penis into her. He keeps going deeper and breaks her hymen. This causes her to naturally feel pain, which soon turns into a pleasure, as he starts moving. Her hands are scratching his back, but he doesn't let that bother him and continues.

Soon he lets out his load inside of her.

"That. That felt good."she says and he replies"I've only started."

Next morning, Yami is the first to wake up and she looks around the room while still being sleepy. She stops her sight at the naked Lucian, on who's hand she is sleeping on. She then remembers what they did yesterday and she goes red again. They did for hours and only then he stopped, when she collapsed from exhaustion.

She tries to slowly get up, but can't because she doesn't have strength in her lower body to do that. She looks at him and says to herself"Brute."

Because she started to move around, Lucian woke up too. He felt her head on her right arm and with a quick move, he moved it down to her back and grabbed her breast.

"What. What are you doing so early in the morning? You pervert."

"Nothing."he answers to her question and keeps playing with her breast.

"Stop it. You pervert, brute."she cries out and starts punching him. He just laughs it off and says"If you keep acting so cute, I'll enjoy you as my breakfast."

She stops and says"I don't want it now. I can't even move because of you."

"Sorry about that. I may have lost control."he apologizes.

"Lost control?!"

"Nothing."he says and still keeps playing with her breast.

"But it did felt good."she says with a quiet voice and he replies"Then it's good."

They stay in the bed like this for an hour, until he decides to get up and makes breakfast for her. He brings the food in bed and she starts eating it.

After she finishes, she says that she needs to go to the toilet with a red face. So he picks her into a princess carry and takes her there. While she is doing her stuff, Lucian fills the bath.

"Lets take the bath together."

"N-no you pervert."she yells back, but he doesn't listen to her and carries her into the bath and gets in himself too. He lifts her onto his lap and wraps his arms around her waist. She tries to get away from her pervert, put his grip on her is impossible to break for her.

"Why are you so mean?"she cries out and he replies"Because I love you and you're not honest with this kind of stuff."and he kisses her.

And from now on, Yami has fully become his for life.

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