《Lucian》The shopping spree


A week has passed since the incident and some stuff has happened. Justin is currently in the hospital and recovering from his wound. He tried to sue Lucian, but the police marked the incident as a self defense after certain someone pressured the police officer. Justins father wanted Lucian at least kicked out, but that didn't happen either, because again certain someone pressured his boss.

As for Sasha, she and the teacher were thrown out of the school, after the video was found on the internet. The man was the french language teacher. A real asshole according to some. Crystal is still on the student list, put no one has seen her for a week. Most think that she is preparing to leave school or something. No one exactly knows.

As for Yami, she has become a hot topic too. Now because of her beautiful face. Now everyone is friendly with her and stuff. And this, Yami doesn't like at all. She finds annoying how they ignored her first, but now want to be friendly. She doesn't hate them, but doesn't like either.

And as for Lucian, he got a school ban for two weeks and so he can go back to school after the winter break. Because of that, he has a lot of time on his hands and so he spend his days laying around the house or going around the town.

"I'm so booooooreed."he says, while his head is hanging in the air, while he is laying on his back on top of his bed and looking at the wall. He looks at the calendar and see that the christmas is next week. Christmas, a holiday that he hasn't celebrated for the past four years.

"I guess I can go buy Yami a present and finally get some fucking winter clothes too."he says and looks at his closet with no winter clothes in it.

He rolls onto his stomach and gets up from the bed. He puts his clothes on and leaves the apartment. While walking towards the shopping center, he starts to smoke, but immediately spits it out and says"Fucking hell. That was disgusting."he says and throws the back away too. He hasn't smoke since he and Yami started dating and now when he tried to smoke, it tasted disgusting.


"Whatever."he mutters and keeps walking.

Once he gets to the shopping center, he starts his shopping by going to the clothes store. There he looks around for a while, when he finally finds the one he is looking for: a dark gray parka with light gray fur on the hood. He searches his size and tries it on and it fits him perfectly. So he takes it to the register and buys it with 300€ in cash.

Next he goes to the shoe store, to get a pair of winter boots. Going around the store, he finds a pair of black boots and after searching for some time, he finds his size, but it squeezes him a little, so he tries one number bigger. That one feels comfortable and so he buys it for 100€.

After that, he goes around other stores and buys some other clothes and shit.

When the giant-ass clock hanging from the ceiling shows one o'clock, he decides to have a lunch at one of the pizza places in the mall. When he gets to the place, he looks at the menu and orders a spicy pizza with chicken. He puts his bags down, near the table and sits down on the chair, waiting for his pizza.

He looks at his bags and says to himself"I look like a fucking woman on a shopping trip with all those fucking bags. Damn."

While waiting, he gets a message from Yami, asking what he is doing. He replies

(Waiting for my food at the Shopping center. You?)

She types back

(Sitting in french class. The replacement teacher is pretty good compared to that muscled asshole.)

(That's nice. Coming to my place later?)


(Nice. See you then)


He puts his phone away and just stares around, until his food arrives. A hot pizza on a white plate is placed on front of him on the tables and the pizza looks delicious. He takes off his gloves and puts them in his hoodie pockets. He takes a slice and takes a bite out of it. The food is spice and pretty good. And so he finishes the entire thing in few minutes.

He puts his gloves back on and starts moving with all of his shit. Only one thing is needed to buy and that is Yamis present. So he goes to the toy store and searches the stuffed animal aisle. Once he finds it, he looks around and decides to buy the teddy bear after hard thinking.


"You can't go wrong with the teddy bear."he says to himself and takes the one meter tall bear. This cost him 50€.

After that, he was sitting on the fountain edge and thinking, when he heard a familiar voice behind him"Aaah. Lucian. Doing some shopping." He turned around to see Sakura, Yami's mother there.

"Hi."he replied. She sat down next to him and when she saw the teddy bear, she asked"For Yami?"and pointed at the bear.

"For Yami."he replied.

"Not a bad choice. Can't go wrong with the teddy bear."she says

"That's what I think too."he replies.

"So why aren't you at school?"she asks and he asks back"Why aren't you at work?"

"Never mind."she replies."Do you need a lift? I can drop you off at the apartment complex."

"Yeah. That would be nice."he replies and so they leave the place.

Once she dropped him off, he thanked her. He got into his apartment and quickly hid the teddy bear in the guest room and locked the door. After that, he started to unpack stuff and putting them away. Soon after he finished the doorbell ringed and so he let Yami in.

They greeted at each other and she asked"So what did you buy?"

"Clothes and shit."he replies and guides her into his bedroom. She sits down on the chair on his room and he starts to teach her math again. She really isn't good at it and so he teaches her often.

After their little study session, she asks"By the way Luc. What are you doing on christmas?"

"Nothing."he replies to her and she says"Can I come over then and celebrate together?"

"Sure you can, but don't expect anything big. Also. Don't you want to be with your mother on that day?"

"She's going to a relatives place. An annoying one. So I really don't want to go there."

"Then it's decided. You'll come here."he says and pulls her from the chair, onto his lap.

"Again."she cries out.

"Do you hate it?"he asks and she answers"no."and kisses him. She puts her hands over his shoulder and he wraps his hands around her waist. They keep kissing for a while and when they depart their lips, they start talking about random stuff.

"Aah yeah. Today this girl with purple ends on her hair from the second year asked where you were, from me? Do you know her?"

"Hmm. Nope."

"Good."she replies.

"Why good? Do you think that she is interested in me and you're jealous now?"

"N-no I'm not. I'm not jealous over some random woman."she half-yells out.

"So you are."he continues"So cute."he teases her.

"So If I am. So what."She continues"Of course I would be, because a girl is asking about my boyfriend. And you seem to be that kind of man, who definitely would take her, If she asked. You're a pervert after all and would definitely want many women.

"Polygamy is legal here, so If there would be a chance, I probably would."he continues"But I won't, unless you won't allow. I don't want to lose you."he says and kisses her. He can't really say now that he has three lovers in japan already. He has to wait for the right moment.

Once their lips depart, she says"Maybe I'll let you because I don't want to lose you."she says and leaves on a hurry. She ran from him, because she got so embarrassed after she said that line, that she couldn't face him right now.

"So cute."he said as he heard the door being closed.

Once she gets home, she goes to her room with her tomato red face, still couldn't believe what she said. She truly meant it what she said. She didn't want to lose him to another woman and so she was ready to allow another woman, if she loved him. She grew up here, so she always knew there was a chance of her being part of a harem and so she has slightly mentally prepared herself.

"As long as he loves me, I'm fine with it."

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