《Endless Expanse Online》Chapter 15- Deals and the Road to War
IRN Riptide
John looked out at the planet below, the Xaranx had agreed to give the Human ships Safe Harbor for forty-eight hours but had denied them political asylum. Forty of those hours had already passed. John had authorized passes for the enlisted to the planet in eight-hour increments. He was taking a huge risk but his people needed to get their minds off the stress they had endured. The Raven was undergoing some finale repairs to her engines before they left. Both vessels had moved into orbit around the planet and stayed on station on the sunward side of the planet and were hooked into the sensor net that Thorin Station used. If any Imperial vessels showed up they would have about an hour warning and they would need every minute to get everyone off the surface and back on the ships.
It also allowed John to reorganize his command staff. Lieutenant Birge was moved up from Command of Third Shift to acting XO of the Riptide, Lieutenant Jim O'Hansen was promoted to acting Commander of Third Shift, Ensign Sties from Third Shift was moved to First Shift, and Ensign Daniels was moved to Third Shift from First so O'Hansen would not work with a complete green crew. Lieutenant Borden was placed in command of Second Shift based off of his former XOs recommendation. The only officer that had complained at all had been the former navigation officer O'Hansen, who thought he would make a horrible commander. John told him to suck it up. All the crew would be back aboard the Riptide and Raven within the next seven hours.
They already had the coordinates for Black Hole Station, although Jamie had reached out to her contacts there they had not been able to get the Governer to agree to repair the Raven, they had only managed to get a peaceful face-to-face meeting between John and the being who ran the Shipyard. O'Hansen had already plotted the jump in the navigation computer. It would take the two ships a little over three days to get there. Jeeves and Kate had made some headway with decoding the coordinates of where the system with the Stalwart-class station was. John had at first not wanted to overburden the ship's A.I., but with more and more depending on them finding the system he had not had a choice but to divulge one of his secrets. She had been mad originally because she thought he didn't trust her but when she learned that he hadn't wanted to burden her further she had forgiven him.
IRN Riptide- Bridge
A little over 80 hours later...
As the Riptide and Raven punched into normal space in what the locals called the Manhym system, both ships were scanned by the Orbital defenses and mobile defenses. Although most of the locals disliked the fact that Imperial ships had arrived since the Governor and Owner of Black Hole Station allowed it they did not have a choice but to leave them alone. "Sir, we have been scanned and Docking control has given us some coordinates on where we can take station. I am sending them to you now. They also said to take the proscribed route and if we did not they would not be held liable for any mishaps." the sensor/comm officer called out as both the coordinates and route popped up on the helm display.
John also noted that six destroyers had taken up station around the two Imperial vessels as they moved deeper into the system. The Riptide matched the best speed the Raven could make and at their current speed they would arrive on station with forty-five minutes. "Well people we got here safe and sound and no one has gotten hurt. Remember people this is the best bet we have of getting the Raven into combat shape. We need them, they do not need us. Comms, make sure the Raven is aware of the Dock Masters instructions and follow our lead." John called out as he worked the controls on the navigation console. What no one was aware of is that only John would be going to Black Hole Station. He wasn't going to put any of the crew in more danger than they already were. Kate and Jeeves were the only ones aware and he had ordered both not to tell anyone until after he had left.
"I am here to relieve you, Captain." Lt. O'Hansen cheerfully called out to the bridge.
John looked at him sternly "Lieutenant you are here to relieve me of the Navigation and Command responsibilities, act like it. Do no cause problems and for god's sake do not fire first." John called out as he left the bridge.
'Captain, is there anything I can say or do to convince you to at least take a squad of marines with you?' Kate asked.
'Relax Kate, you have plenty to worry about without adding more to your plate. If you have time to worry about me you are not spending enough time decrypting those old databases and our best chance to fight the Admirals Board. Now I know you are worried about me but I want you to concentrate on our crew and family. Please.' John called as the AI went silent.
IRN Riptide- Launch Bay
For the next ten minutes, John finished prepping the shuttle for launch as the Riptide finally reached the coordinates of her station. As he pulled away from the ship Smitt suddenly called from the passenger cabin "So Captain, where we going on this fine day??" Son-of-a-Bitch!!!!....
"Which AI told you I was leaving the ship?" John asked without turning around.
Smitt let out a deep chuckle "Neither one told me. Do you remember when we boarded the pirate ship and you almost got yourself killed...well I do. After that, I low-jacked your sidearm so if it ever left your quarters I would know. When I noticed that it was in the launch bay I knew you were going to do something stupid so I decided to come along just in case you needed backup."
John considered what the Marine had said "If we were still in the military I would write you up for insubordination. Your lucky we are both considered rogue officers....and Jacob, Thanks."
John smiled as he flew closer to the station "Attention shuttle, this is docking control. Follow beacon 3598.1257 into docking bay Alpha five. You will be met by station security." the comm buzzed
"Roger that docking control following 3598.1275 to bay Alpha five," John responded.
As the shuttle settled and the airlock cycled. John and Jacob checked their weapons. John only had a visible sidearm and knife, he also had a holdout knife and a hidden sonic grenade. Jacob had similar armaments, just more of both the apparent and hidden. When the door opened six guards were waiting, the lead guard simply stated. "Follow me and don't cause any trouble."
John turned to Jacob "Blunt and simple, I like it." he quipped as he followed the guards. Within fifteen minutes they had reached the office of the 'Governor' where of course they were relieved of all weapons with the promise of their return when they left.
Blackhole Station
As John entered the office he was surprised, it was an Aquatic-Thalonian of all species that were running this place. They had been well-known allies of the Imperium. What had happened to garner such dislike from them he wondered. "Welcome Captain to my home. I am Aran'Sul, can I get you a drink or snack before we proceed?" the Thalonian asked.
"Thank you for the warm welcome Aran'Sul, I am John Port, and this is Jacob Smitt. I am would appreciate some water for my friend and myself, if it's not too much of a bother. Then I would like to get down to business." John responded as he tried to remember everything he could about Thalonians.
While the Thrax had been the backbone of the military, the brightest minds of the Thalonian species served the Imperium. They developed the most cutting edge tech in the whole galaxy and had been the oldest supporters of humanity before the Fall. "Now from what I understand you wish to replace four engines on the IRN Raven. I would recommend that you replace all six engines captain so that the system isn't in any sort of imbalance. It might add some time to the retrofit, but in the long run, it would be better for you and your crew."
As the Governor talked a halo display lit up to display the Raven and highlighted the section that was damaged and needed to be replaced. "Based on the costs of components, materials, and work crews it will cost you two million Galactic Credits and will be done within four weeks." John nearly spat out the water in his mouth when he heard the price, he knew this guy had an axe to grind but damn...
"Sir, I understand only two of those engines are operational but you will get components and raw materials from all of them. All of them have fifty pounds of Platinum and other precious metals in them. You could easily get seven hundred and fifty thousand Galactic Credits on the open market from the metals in the wrecked engines. On the Black Market, you will even get more. All together you will net one and a half million in profits from those engines and I will pay you six hundred thousand and the work will be done in three days." John countered.
The Governor smiled "Nothing less than one million and two weeks time."
John was getting mad, he had made more then a reasonable offer "What happened? Why do you hate humans so much?" John was done with being nice, he was cut to the heart of the matter and find out why this guy was so pissed and screwing them over.
"You humans, so arrogant. You act as the Imperium is perfect without flaws when its the most corrupt and brutal governments in this sector. Unless you are a human, they treat everyone around them like animals and insects to be crushed at a whim. My people had colonized a world forty years ago, then eighteen years ago the Imperium showed up and demanded we pay taxes and obey their laws or to leave. They Annexed our world because they could and thought they had a right to it. If they would have asked we might have joined of our own free will. When we told them no, they bombed our settlements and slaughtered my people. Then the survivors were driven from the world. That is the Imperium I know and that is why I hate humans." John was stunned silent. To say he was surprised would be an understatement. He understood that aliens were treated as second class citizens within the Imperium but he never thought they treated their neighbors.
"You are right, that is brutal and wrong. You are right the current Imperium is corrupt and brutal in the way it treats non-humans but the way I was brought up was that the Idea of the Imperium is to bring together the best and brightest for the betterment of all. That the Imperium serves and protects all of its people, human and non-human alike. That those who wish to join us can, but we do not force others to join us. If I had been me there I would have refused such an order. I would have never let your people get slaughtered like that. Do you know why I need the Raven repaired? It has to be repaired because that ship had orders to make sure the Riptide and everyone on it was dead. The Admirals Board ordered our death because we found out a coup had succeeded and then covered up. They slaughtered over five thousand humans to gain power and then covered up their secret. I am trying to protect my people. Please help us and I promise you I will tear down that institute that is corrupt and that the people that slaughtered yours will be held accountable." John finished his rant.
Aran'Su stood and walked away from the two humans. The human John had given him much to consider and from the dealings that he had been a part of over the years with their species, he had learned to judge them. From what he could tell, John was not lying, but if he was...."Say I believe you, Captain. If I found out you are lying, I will make sure you find no safe harbor anywhere and that every government in this sector will hate and hunt you. Do you understand me, John??"
John considered Aran'Su, the alien had a deep pain and had earned his hatred but he could not hate all humans for the actions of a few. "I understand Arun'Su and standby my story."
The Governor nodded before responding and offering his hand "Then we have an agreement 600 thousand and the work will be done in 3 days."
John considered his next words, words that would force him and his people down the road of war that he didn't want. He had not started the fight, but he would finish it. "I want to amend the agreement, I will pay you 1 million credits for the repairs and two favors. One you use your contacts to spread the proof of what I have with every government that will listen, it will prove that the Admirals Board is an illegitimate government. Second, I want you to give me a recording of your testimony about what happened to your colony and copies of any hard evidence for our official records please."
The Thalonian was surprised but he quickly agreed with the new arrangement. "We have a kiosk for the Galactic bank that you can access outside, as soon as 50% of the payment has been received we will give your ship a docking slip and will start work immediately. You will have what you want before you leave and in the next couple of weeks, I will pass on your proof to every government I know. Include a way to contact you, I am sure some of them will want to talk to you directly."
(Secret) Mission Complete: Message in a Bottle (Stage 2)
Description: Instead of ignoring or covering up what your people have done, you have shared the information with someone of importance that will send shockwaves throughout the sector. You have also founded an Alliance on the premise of standing against your current government. The flames of war always start with just one spark.
Rewards: 1000 Experience, Black Hole Station (Faction) now considers you in a favorable light (this will affect prices for work you bring them), other unknown consequences will be revealed with time
(Secret) Mission Issued: Road of Rebellion (Stage 1)
Description: You have taken the first steps to establish an Open Rebellion against the Imperial Government, specifically the Admirals Board. To overthrow them you will need Allies, a base of operations, spies, financing, weapons, and fleets. Above all else, you will have to have an unbreakable will if you have any hope at succeeding.
Establish an Alliance: Heirs of the Imperium (Incomplete)
Have a base of Operations: Incomplete
Have three legitimate governments recognize and support your rebellion: 0/3
Rewards: 1000 Experience, Unknown, Road of Rebellion (Stage 2)
Diplomacy Stat: Unlocked
Description: Not everything can be solved by fists or weapons. Sometimes you have no choice but to sit down and talk about your problems. You have unlocked the subtle art of diplomacy. (To increase this stat, form trade deals, diplomatic agreements, alliances with foreign powers, in other words, use your words to change an opponents mind)
With an agreement made, John and Aran'Su shook hands and took the first steps toward an unknown future.
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Dungeon Core? Nah, I Think I'll Just Get Super-Wealthy Instead
The cycle is simple enough. A Dungeon Core is born from a wayward soul. It seeks power and agency, and works to accumulate wealth to fuel its power, in turn using this power to accumulate further wealth. Inevitably, the mind is lost as desperation and ambition drive it to commit darker and darker acts. Shortly thereafter, the adventurers arrive to quell the core. This is a tale that has repeated itself countless times throughout history: all cores desire power. And yet, this core seems to have it backwards. It doesn't want to rule the world. It has no desire to enslave or conquer. No, this core doesn't want to be a warlord, a villain, or a tyrant. It wants to start a core-poration. After all, when money is power, what greater weapon is there than capitalism? Join a dungeon core that wastes an absurd amount of time and effort trying not to be evil on his journey to earn fat stacks against all odds. -This is a 'Dungeon Core' type fiction with LitRPG elements in it. The start may be fairly slow compared to the average. Expect roughly 2.5k per chapter. -I'm only a hobbyist writer. As such, there may be the occasional error and pacing may be poorly-handled. Constructive criticism is alway welcome. I'm just here to write stuff that makes my brain release the g o o d c h e m i c a l s. -I am trashy and I like monsterpeople so you can expect an awful lot of those as we get further in. Thank you for reading this far, and I hope you enjoy.
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