《Endless Expanse Online》Chapter 16- Remnant of the Past, Hope of the Future
UNCLAIMED SPACE- Edge of the Manhym System
IRN Riptide- Bridge
John sat and watched as the Raven ran through a series of maneuvers at full speed testing out her new engines at full power. This was going to be the last test of the new components before they left the Manhym System. Jeeves and Kate had gotten lucky and had finally broken the code on the old Archives and Databases. They now knew where the Stalwart Station was located at. Based on the coordinates, it would take them a little over five days to get there.
To safeguard the location John had planned a three-part jump that included dropping the two ships out of warp in deep space. Between the two A.I.s, O'Hansen, and John they had planned it out. The two ships would be slaved together so they would not be lost in deep space without knowing where the other was. Their finale jump would drop them right on the edge of the Atlantis System due to the fact they did not know what defenses had been put in place. The old Imperium had been almost insane in defending the location of this base, both Jeeves and Kate agreed if they had not had multiple sources that they would probable taken years to decode the data and figure out the coordinates.
John had sent a message that he had the finale location to Natalie and that he would have scouted the location within the week. His fellow Alliance members had slowly recruited several new members that they trusted that would become active as soon as the Alliance had a base of operations and the Alliance Registration had been filed. Jimmy and his wife already had a plan to exfil several members from Imperial space as soon as the Registration was filed for the members that could not make it to the meeting on Blackrock Station (Trade/Fleet Station run by the Xaranx).
It was a mixed crew of fighter pilots, engineers, a couple of R&D eggheads, Command personnel, and one Intel Officer (He wanted to be James Bond). The Intel guy had not been able to dig up much on what they had on the Riptide and Raven, it was to highly classified under the Codename: Judas. Jimmie stated that they would run six different teams of mercs throughout Imperial space and all would grab the people at the same time. Everyone knew that the Manhym System was the rally point for the Alliance.
Aran'Sul was aware that other members of Johns Alliance would be making their way to the Manhym system due to security. The Governor had fulfilled his promise on giving him a recording of his statement about the human attack on his former home and copies of any evidence that he had as well. He also promised that he would reach out to other survivors to see if they would be willing to go on the record as well.
Over the next five days, John would spend most of that time doing any research he could on what the capabilities of the station and anything he could find on the Atlantis System. From but very little Intel was known about the system in-game, nothing had been in the historic Imperial databases. So either the information had been scrubbed or the system had been scouted and settled for the express reason to construct the Stalwart Station and its existence had been classified from the beginning. Both Jeeves and Kate believed that the second reason was more plausible. 'Captain, Captain Stein as requesting you on the comm line, shall I patch her through?' Kate alerted him.
'Go ahead Kate'..."Captain Stein, How is the Raven running. From out here, it looks pretty good." John responded.
"The Raven is running dam near perfect Sir. I am happy, Chief Johnson is happy, and the yard Engineers are happy and wanting to go home." Rebecca Stein replied.
"Ok, get back to the dock and unload the extra bodies. I will pay the bill and we can get out of here. Meet the Riptide at the rondevu point Alpha and before we go I need to see you face to face on the Riptide." John commanded the junior Captain.
"Understood Sir, I will see you at point Alpha in about an hour." with that Captain Stein cut the channel.
'Kate signal Beta shift to get us underway and to point Alpha. Then get Aran'Sul on the comm line please' John requested.
Thirty seconds later the Governor appeared before him "So my friend, did my Engineers do everything that you expected?" Aran'Sul asked.
"From what my people tell me that they did a very good job. I just wanted to thank you one more time for your assistance and for your continued help in the endeavor to bring down the Admirals Board. I won't forget it. You should be seeing more Human Travelers coming to your system within the next couple weeks that are Allies of mine. The Imperium should not show up, we covered our tracks well coming here. After I get done talking to you I will authorize the rest of your payment. Do you need anything before we leave the system?" John told the Governor who quickly responded.
"Thank you for the payment. The only request I have is for you to stay alive and fulfill the promise you gave. Safe journey and until I see you again. Stay as safe as you can." With that Aran'Sul cut the line.
'Kate, authorize the finale payment for repairs please and notify me as soon as Rebecca gets on board or we have an emergency. Otherwise, I would like to not be disturbed.' the chirp of his comm was the only response as John continued to stare at the void and planned and hoped.
UNCLAIMED SPACE- Edge of the Manhym System
IRN Riptide
Sometime Later...
"Reporting as ordered Sir." John was pulled from his thoughts as Rebecca Stein stood in front of him.
"Oh, I apologize Rebecca I was lost in my own thoughts and worries. At ease, this is a completely informal meeting to inform you of some things and make sure you are aware of others." John responded.
"Well since we are being informal John, you look like shit. You need a shower, shave and food. You cannot keep going like this otherwise the crew is going to start losing faith in you and you are going to make mistakes that are going to kill people. Now, what did you need to tell me? After that, you need to get some food, sleep, shower, and shave. In that order. You hear me Kate and Jeeves." Rebecca quickly had the two AIs on her side.
"Alright, alright. I understand and you are right. Now before we go on, you are aware that I am a Traveler correct?' Rebecca quickly nodded her head 'Good, well I have created an Alliance of Travelers to assist in bringing down the Admirals Board and to assist in creating a real Imperial Government, not the mockery that stands today. Once we have a base of operations the Alliance will be ratified and currently has only thirteen signed members with about another forty waiting to sign as soon as the ratification is complete. Now the base I am hoping to find was a highly classified station that was being constructed during the war. I do not know if the station is intact, or if it was even finished. If it is there and intact it will give us a real chance at not only surviving but winning the coming war. So now you know almost everything. Kate, Jeeves, O'Hansen and I planned the Jumps out to our new safe haven. The Raven and Riptide will be slaved together and the duration of the trip will be about five days long give or take a couple of hours. So unless we have some unforeseen emergency I need you to make sure your crew gets as much rest as they can because I feel once we get there we will have to hit the ground running and it will be some time until we have any downtime. Any questions?" Rebecca was stunned silent for the first time in a long time
"Do you mind me asking what kind of station we are looking for?" Rebeccas asked after gathering herself.
John was reluctant but she had followed him into rebellion so a little faith in her was needed as well "Keep in mind I do not know if it is intact or ever finished. The station we are looking for is a Stalwart Class station and I think its the only way we can bring down the Admirals Board.' John had thought he had stunned her before, this time she sank to her knees in disbelief. 'Breath Rebecca, breath. It's ok. This is a good thing. Even if the station is not there we have a large system that no one in the Imperium knows about that has a large number of untapped resources. Either way, we win." Rebecca shook herself and responded.
"You are right John and I will talk to my officers about resting our crew. Thank you for showing faith in me by giving me command of the Raven and telling me about what you found I will not forget it. If you have nothing else I would like to get back to my ship so we can get out of here John and find our new home." John laughed stood up and shook her hand and dismissed the stunned officer. Thirty minutes later they were on the way to parts unknown.
UNCLAIMED SPACE- Edge of the Atlantis System
IRN Riptide- Bridge
Five and a half days later...
The Raven and Riptide approached a long-forgotten system. "Remember people, this is a combat insertion. We do it by the book and assume we might take fire as soon as we drop out of warp. We go into stealth mode as soon as our systems are stable and standby on both weapons and shields. Tactical, that means I want every PDC manned and ready. Hold off on launching Sensor and Combat drones until we got the all-clear from Ensign Sties. Ensign Sties, remember passive sensors only, if we get in the system without being noticed I do not want to give our position away by using the active sensors."
The Raven did not have the Riptide stealth suite so the only thing she could do was have as many systems as she could to cut down on emissions. Thirty seconds later both ships came to a jarring halt on the edge of the system, John waited thirty seconds after insertion before barking at the command deck "Talk to me people what do we got?" the officers shook themselves into action.
"Tactical is clear, all stations stand manned and ready...Sensors, we are clear out to five light minutes, not picking up any EM or heat signatures besides the Raven. We are not getting pinged and I am detecting no Comm traffic within thirty light minutes." the bridge officers sounded off.
John smiled "Ok, good work people. Keep us in stealth, launch all sensor drones I want a three hundred and sixty degree net at five light minutes out. Have missiles and pulse cannons stand down but keep the PDCs manned and ready. Kate cut the slave software between the Raven and Riptide and let Captain Stein know that we are moving out on our scouting mission. Good work people, all of you."
Thirty seconds later the Riptide started spiraling inward toward the system. Based on the information on the other Stalwart stations, it should have been built in orbit of one of the habitable planets. From what Jeeves and Kate had recovered planets one and two were barren rocks only fit for low-grade mining operations, planets three through five were in the green zone and had both atmospheres and the right gravities to support organic life, planet six was a gas giant, planet seven and eight were again barren rocks. As the Riptide got closer to her goal, the tactical display constantly updated and John hoped that his gut feeling was right. It would take the Riptide about twenty hours to get close enough to the inner system to scan the Green Zone planets for anything.
UNCLAIMED SPACE- Inner Atlantis System
IRN Riptide- Bridge
Nineteen Hours later...
John was back on the bridge again, he had come on early and relieve O'Hansen of Command but not his station. He had asked the navigator to stay on for the next couple hours so he could have a full staff on the bridge in case anything happened. The long-distance scan of planet five was already underway, so far no radio, electronic, or man-made heat signatures had been detected. Plenty of land, forests, and natural resources though. Plenty of wildlife but they had not detected anything fully sentient. For the next half hour, John watched the tactical display fill up with information on the inner system including confirmation of the two asteroid belts. That's when he noticed Ensign Sties face twitching "Ensign Sties, what's the matter? You got something for us?" John asked the man.
"Sir, I think I am picking up a long-range communications array around orbit around planet four, but it's not giving off any signals, I think I am also picking up satellites in orbit that might be a part of a sensor net. Until we get closer I will not know for sure but if it is a sensor net, it will probably pick us up." Ensign Sties reported but does not look up from his station or the readings that are appearing there.
John nodded his head, "Navigation keep it low and slow. Let's stay frosty people."
Five minutes later it all changed, "Captain that is a sensor net, and it is actively scanning now. It doesn't have a lock on us yet though. I am also picking up incoming, I count twenty-four fast-moving object vectoring in our general area. My best guess is either Fighters or Bombers. They will be able to pick us up in five minutes. Backtracking launch point." Ensign Sties called out quickly.
John nodded his head as the tactical plot updated. "Tactical, have the pulse cannons and missile tubes put on standby but DO NOT power them up yet and drop the cloak. Sensors go active and light them up. Push the sensor drones out to fifteen light minutes."
The two officers acknowledged his orders ant the tactical display lit up as new information flooded in. "Sir, you are not going to believe it but we got Arrow class Interceptors and Dragon class Bombers both of those designs were phased out after the Fall. HOLY SHIT..." Ensign Sties reported surprised.
John leaned forward, "Talk to me Ensign, what is out there?"
The ensign was stunned speechless but quickly got ahold of himself "Sir, I am confirming it but I THINK I am seeing a Stalwart class station out there. It's running on minimum power though. So we will have to get closer."
John smiled "Navigation plot a course toward that station, I want a communications channel opened up ASAP."
The Ensign quickly worked his controls "All channels are open sir, if anyone is over there they will be able to hear us."
John thanked him before talking into the open Comm lines "Attention, this is the Imperial Scout ship Riptide calling anyone on the station please acknowledge. I repeat this is the Imperial vessel Riptide."
Within seconds a response was heard, "A beacon is being activated and navigation data is being sent. Follow the instructions or we will destroy your vessel. Confirm receipt."
Both Lt O'Hansen and Ensign Sties immediately responded that they had the data. "We acknowledge we have the information."
Again they responded within moments "Once your vessel has docked, the Captain and only the Captain at this time will come aboard the station." with that, the comm line was closed.
"Sir, the Stalwart Stations' main power is coming online. Weapons are powering up but they are not targeting us...yet." Ensign Sties called out...
"Like I said before people, stay frosty." While the crew had been resting as much as possible over the transit time, John had been looking up everything he could on the station. Including initial contact protocols. The station was probably being run on automated systems by the AI, it would follow the old Pre-Fall Imperial protocols. Initial contact with previously unknown Imperial vessels was included and they demanded face to face meetings. With that, it had allowed Jeeves and Kate to get the second most important information from the old databases and computer cores. The command code that would allow him access to the station and hopefully control of the station.
UNCLAIMED SPACE- Inner Atlantis System
Stalwart Station
To say that Smitt was pissed, would be an understatement. John had to order some of his fellow marined to restrain him to prevent him from going with the Captain. He hated it, but John did not have a choice. The protocol did not give him a choice. Five minutes later the airlock cycled and he was aboard a long-dormant station, something that had been lost to time. Waiting for him were four squads of Mechs, each squad was made up of four lightweight, one medium, and one heavy. Anyone of them could have killed him, he was unarmed and didn't have his armor on either, just the basic uniform.
Walking toward him was at first John thought was a human, but the gait was to smooth and he noticed that his eyes glowed as well. It was an Android, a male modal. The Android stopped and stared, he studied John for a few moments before he started talking. "Your uniform is very similar to ours. You MIGHT be Imperial, but if so what has taken you so long to come back? We have been waiting over five centuries.' suddenly he cocked his head as if he was listening to something before he continued 'My sister is right, I am being rude. Follow me, we are going to the command deck. You must have the command code otherwise we must kill you and destroy your ship. My name is Douglas by the way, May I have your name Captain?" the Android asked.
John smiled as he started to follow the AI "Yes, my name is John Port and yes I have the command code. The original one for this station and you have not seen anyone from the Imperium because..well it's a very long story. If you really want to know it I will tell you and your sister after the command code has been verified and the safety of my crew insured. If you don't mind telling me. but what is your sister's name?"
As they got on the elevator and started to descend further into the station Douglas responded "My sister's name is Kara, she is the other AI that runs the station with me. I sense an A.I. with you, is it your ship's A.I.?" Douglas asked
"No, its a personal AI, that I have worked with for a while named Jeeves. If he is willing to talk to you and you want to talk to him I am sure he will have no problem communicating with you. Are their anyone other than your sister, you, and the mechs on the station?" John asked the Android.
"No, we have no one else on board. No organics have been alive on this station in over five hundred years when the last of scientists and engineers left. It has been only her and me for so long we appreciate having someone to talk to even if we might have to kill you." with that they arrived at the commander center. More mechs, both combat and support this time appeared running around and another android. A large HALO display with dozens of consoles around it being manned by MECHs. The HALO displayed the system with the Riptide highlighted as orange. At least they didn't color her Red, which usually meant hostile, orange meant that it was a clear threat that was neutralized.
As Douglas and John approached Kara she turned and smiled, "My brother was not lying Captain we have enjoyed being able to talk to someone else. Even for AIs, after five hundred years we enjoy contact with other beings. Now that you are here we do not have a choice we have to follow the regulations. We need a formal declaration of the Command Code and Confirmation of your ID please." This was it, either he was dead or the station would be his.
"Command Code is Alpha, Omega, Delta, 3, Foxtrot, 4, 5, 8, 7. Identity Traveler John Port, Captain of the Riptide, and Founding Member of the Heirs of the Imperium." As soon as he had started the command code every single MECH froze and both Android's eyes started to glow brighter and as he finished they flashed from orange to blue.
The siblings responded in unison, "Command Code detected, Command Code: AUTHORIZED, Identity Confirmed, Alliance...Recognized, Riptide...Recognized and coded as Allied Force. Traveler John Port do you wish to take control of the Stalwart Station, codename Atlantis?" well fuck me sideways it actually worked John thought before he responded.
"Yes, I wish to take control of Atlantis." John quickly said.
Again the Androids responded in unison "Confirmed. Transfer of Ownership of Station Atlantis, Transfer of all Atlantis assets, Transfer of the Atlantis system has been confirmed and is now owned by John Port. It has been confirmed that the being John Port has a personal AI, please stand ready for download." wait, what....oh shit this is going to hurt John thought.....then the biggest headache he had ever had hit him...
UNCLAIMED SPACE- Inner Atlantis System
Atlantis Station- Command Deck
'Boss, hey boss, JOHN WAKE UP!!!!'Jeeves screamed at John.
"Hold your horses, it feels like I drank a whole bottle of Jack. My head is killing me." John responded to the AI. That is when he noticed he had a halo graphic projection of the old man again, both Douglas and Kara leaned against the main HALO in apparent exhaustion.
'You think that hurt John. You just got the aftereffects of what I filtered out. If I hadn't you would be dead. They dumped a crap ton of information on me, no wonder when they built this place they installed two AIs, good thing I am better than them otherwise your brain would have melted. It is going to take me a while to filter through it all. Congrats though John you succeded far beyond what you thought.' Jeeves replied happily.
John looked around everything was slowly starting to come back online as the station AIs recovered. "Care to explain what you mean Jeeves, cause I have no idea what you are talking about." That's when he noticed Jeeves smiling at him...wow Jeeves smiling and if it looked anything like his, no wonder his enemies hated it. It projected complete confidence and smugness at the same time
"Here are the highlights, you can tear into the menus later. One, this station is fully operational. Two, because they were finishing it toward the end of the war when the Imperium was racking up a lot of casualties they decided to modify their plans and automated a lot of the systems by adding the MECH forces run by the A.I.s of the station. That filtered down into other designs as well, in other words, you will not have to recruit as many locals and travelers as you thought to run this station and fleets. Three, they have a crapload of raw resources ready to use to build almost anything you could need or want. Four, think of this as the cherry on top before the scientists and engineers left they set a queue up for an entire Fleet to be built, it took them a better part of fifty years but they did it and once they finished Douglas and Kara moved the Fleet into standby mode and they are waiting out there just for you." After John heard what his A.I. said, Jeeves wasn't the only one with a shit-eating grin.
Description: For gaining command of one of Endless Space Online legendary Space Stations without support from fellow travelers or locals you have unlocked this Achievement. Everyone will eventually hear about this dead, some will hate you for it, some will love you for it, but everyone will respect you for doing it alone. (+20 to Diplomacy)
Title Unlocked: King of the Hill (This Title, due to the Uniqueness, cannot be hidden)
Well, that is interesting. He had more alerts but he was tired and drained. Both Androids were alert and aware of their surroundings again. "Ok, Jeeves can you send an all-clear message to the Riptide to make sure they know that they are safe and so am I. Make sure they relay it to the Raven as well. Douglas and Kara, we have another ship in the system with the name Raven. It should be moving to our way sooner rather than later, can you make sure they are flagged as friends so they do not get blown up. Roll up your sleeves people we have a ton of work to do." John told the A.I.s
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