《Endless Expanse Online》Intermission Part 2
UNCLAIMED SPACE- Atlantis System
Planet IV- High Orbit
Atlantis Station
John watched as Kara and Douglas work as they flagged the Raven in their systems as friendly and forwarded them navigation data toward the station. John turned away from the HALO display and looked out of the observation window. He could see the fourth planet below as the station slowly orbited it. He could also see the Riptide docked in the distance. Both ships had eager crew members waiting to get off the ships and wanting to explore. Until that station had been explored and deemed secure by the Marines and Engineers, they would stay where they were. Already Chief Letts and a team of engineers were on the way down with Commander Smitt and a squad of Marines. Douglas had already agreed to lead the Chief Engineer to the stations' power plants to make sure everything was ok.
"Are you ok John?" Jeeves asked the Captain.
"Yes, I am alright, just a little bit overwhelmed by it all. I hoped that we would be able to find this here, but I wasn't sure we would. Now that we did find it, its overwhelming what we have to do with it. It feels a lot like the calm before the storm if you know what I mean.' John told the AI. 'The feeling you get when you are at the top of the hill on a roller coaster ride, and you can see the drop and your stomach feels like it's about to crawl out of your mouth, that is what I am feeling right now and once those elevator doors open, I have to bury those feelings because my people need Captain John Port and not a scared old man that is dying." Jeeves nodded his head in understanding.
"Enough sob story, you said this station is operational, what do you mean by that Jeeves? What is it capable of and what can it support?" Jeeves just looked at John for a moment before he responded
"I mean that this station can do everything it was designed to do. It can produce everything from fighters to titan level ships. With the weapons they have in the armories you can outfit four divisions of marines before you have to make more equipment. They have a ready R&D lab for both Technological and Biological development. We just need staff, the beings to run these things. It took the station to produce the Fleet out there fifty years because this station wasn't designed to be completely automatic. Based on what I can find, if this station had been fully staffed it would have taken them five years to produce those ships. Now all these facilities are at the bare basic, no specializations or extra amenities.' Jeeves explained. 'The basic skeleton crew for this place is two thousand people, travelers or locals it does not matter. Fully staffed is twenty thousand and the station can support up to one hundred thousand beings at a time. Currently, the station has four Arrow Squadrons, four Corsair Squadrons, and four Dragon Squadrons, all of them are fully automated and operational. Now they have three times that amount boxed up that are not automated, those need pilots. Now we can modify those fighters to be automated as well, but it will take some time."
John shook his head no, "I do not mind automated units, it will cut down on our casualties but I am not completely turning everything over to be automated. I am thinking of a three to one ratio as far as squadrons go. One pilot for every three automated ones. I am assuming we can also do this for our ground units?' Jeeves nodded his head, 'Then each squad of MECH units will be lead by an organic being. This has nothing to do with trust, it has to do with the locals fighting for their civilization and the Travelers came here to fight for a cause, or to support a cause. So we cannot take that away from any of them. What else can you tell me about this station?"
Jeeves considered his response before he continued "The station can support up to three whole fleet groups at a time, it has both deep space scanning technology and communication technology as well. So let's say you wanted to talk to the Governor of Black Hole station, you could but that place is at the extream end without any comm boosters. Now the sensors can detect any ships moving through warp up to one hundred light-years out, so we will know if a ship is coming here up to four days before it actually gets here. Now you are wondering why they didn't detect us, well they had all secondary systems powered down and all primary systems running on standby mode. If you are looking for combat specs on the station I can list those also but it will take a while and we are about to have company. Also, the Raven should dock in thirty minutes." with that, the A.I. disappeared.
"I am going to ask Kara and Douglas to build you a body so you cannot disappear like that in the future" John called after the AI, but he only had his comm unit chirp in response. Kara and Douglas had been listening in and both laughed at what John had said and what Jeeves had done in return.
UNCLAIMED SPACE- Atlantis System
Planet IV- High Orbit
Atlantis Station- Command Deck
As the doors opened, Commander Smitt and a squad of Marines entered the Command Deck. The Marines swept the deck for possible hostiles while Smitt just walked up to John and hit him. Immediately every Marine had at least two MECHs targeting them and Smitt had the full attention of the two Androids and four MECH units. "Enough, stand down. everyone. Everyone is a friend here. Kara and Douglas, stand down I owed him that. I broke a promise not to do anything stupid and I did. So I owed him that punch. Are we good Commander?" Smitt was still angry, but he had it under control.
John was sure he would yell at him later behind closed doors, but for now, they were good. "Things must have changed a lot of its ok for subordinate officers to strike a superior officer," Kara stated.
"No it's not ok, but I am not just his superior I am also his friend and I put myself in danger when I should not have by coming on this station alone with no backup," John told the Android.
"Yes, then Commander Smitt is correct, you should have had an escort but if you would have, we would have destroyed the Riptide and killed everyone who came on that station," Douglas responded.
"Right.....Anyway, Smitt detail two Marines to go with Douglas and two Engineers toward the Power Core to check it out and make sure it's running ok. Chief Letts, I want the other two members of your team to stay up here and start going through everything. Figure out what we need to upgrade their systems." John commanded.
Chief Letts signaled the two junior members of the team to get off on the Command Deck while he and his last team member waited on the lift. Smitt headed to the elevator to go with Letts but not before telling the squads Sergeant to keep his eyes on the Captain at all times. Douglas followed quickly followed the Commander. "Kara, I would like a moment of your time while these Engineers get to work.' She nodded her head and moved away from the consoles and led John toward one of the conference rooms nearby. The Sergeant and one other Marine followed close behind. 'Jeeves, I want you out here for this discussion." John called out as he took a seat Kara took the one directly across from John and Jeeves appeared next to her.
John was considering his words very carefully. He had to tell the two A.I.s about how the Imperium no longer existed and what remained was a mockery of what was. "What can you tell me about the war from your perspective Kara?"
Jeeves nodded in support of what John said. "I am sure you will know from the Histories, but I will start at the beginning of what we know. It originated with the Thrax, no one knows exactly why they came to hate humans and the Imperium so much but it started with them. At first, it was small isolated groups of their species, they destroyed isolated Imperial ships and bases. Eventually, the whole species joined in the rebels and the continued with these small raids while they built up their forces. Patience was their greatest strength in the beginning. In our arrogance, we never thought that the species that supported the Imperium military so much would turn on the Imperium itself. When they did though, we paid a high price.' Kara stated as the others listened. 'Whole fleet groups were sabotaged and destroyed, six fleet bases and their ships were captured within a month, and this incited other species to follow their example. Species we had thought pacified long ago and had integrated within the Imperium. We were fools, within a century the Imperium had been fragmented our fleets scattered fighting a guerrilla war. Slowly our forces were ground to dust and the Thrax strength they had carefully built and stolen was slowly ground into dust as well."
Kara looked out the nearby window before continuing, "As far as the local Imperial units, it was three months before this station basic systems became operational, then they left. None of the scientists or engineers knew why or where they went. Once they completed their work, they left as well on the remaining ships that could leave the system with the last order to build a whole fleet group and then we were to place ourselves on standby mode to wait for the return of the Imperium. No one ever came for us though. Not the scientists and engineers, nor the Imperial warships that guarded this system for so long. We were forgotten I assume. Douglas didn't want to think so but it was the only thing that made sense."
John nodded saddened by the tell "Yes you were forgotten, but you have been found again and you two will never be alone again I promise. What you will learn will probably shock and anger you and I am sorry about that, Jeeves is going to give you two data points. One will be the historical records from our point of view from the Fall and everything that has happened since. The second data point will have information about the more sensitive nature and the main reason why we are here. If you have any questions about either I will do my best to answer them I promise. Jeeves give her everything on the Historical database first and then everything from the encounters from the Guilded Claw, Raven, and the testimony that Aran'Sul provided with the proof of the attack on his Colony." John commanded.
Over the next several minutes all sorts of emotions flowed across Kara's face, but the predominant ones were loss, sadness, and anger. "I am so sorry about what has happened to you and your people Captain. I have no idea how this Admirals Board could do such things. They are something selfish and evil. At the height of the Imperium, a military body like theirs existed but even in the darkest of those times, they would have never had done anything like this Admirals Board has done. Other then what my brother and I have already done. What more can we do to help you?"
John thought and dug deep in his soul "I am not asking the subordinate A.I., I am asking the fully sentient A.I. in front of me to stand with us. To stand with other beings like me who want to throw down this oppressive regime and show this Sector what the Imperium really stood for. That is represented all species not just humans, that we will not live in fear and they will not control us. I want you to stand for what is right and just, to show this galaxy that this station was built for a purpose, not just to make war, but to also protect. To be the Shield for those who cannot protect themselves and help me bring down the selfish bastards that call themselves our leaders and show this galaxy that they are not and they do not represent all humanity but just themselves." As he finished his impromptu speech he extended his hand toward the Android. He was sure that both Douglas and Kara had been listening by that time.
At first, Kara just stared at the hand then slowly nodded as she accepted his offer. He now had two more allies on his side. "The Raven has started docking procedures and will finish in five minutes. I expect your colleagues on board and here within seven minutes. Chief Letts and Commander Smitt are at the power core, Douglas believes the Chief is both impressed and scared by what is there."
John was baffled "Why is he scared?" he asked Kara.
"He is afraid of an overload that will cause an explosion and I quote 'That will not even leave one hair from his hairy ass laying around if it decides to blow up.'" Kara stated with a wry grin.
Oh, goddam you Chief for not watching your language....."Ummm, well, um.' Of course, Jeeves having interacted with most of his crew was laughing. 'Jeeves remind me to chem the Chief's ass out later." John requested as he stood and left the room. The last thing he heard before the doors close was Jeeves starting to talk about human biology. John was sure both Marines were laughing as well in their armor.
John headed over to the HALO display to download the technical specs of the station. He would review them later on his downtime. Then he moved back to the observation port to watch as the Raven was docked right next to the Riptide. A two-ship fleet with a whole lot of backup just waiting to be pulled out of mothballs and manned. The space next to him was quietly taken by Kara "That is a very odd saying your Chief said, but he is right. If he was standing in that room and if the power core blew up, not even one hair from his hairy ass would survive." This time both Marines laughed openly, unable to contain themselves. John was doing his best but he couldn't contain all his mirth.
Kara looked confused and hurt "It isn't you Kara, for the female of our species to say such things are unexpected and humorous to us as males. We are aware you are an Android, but you look and emulate a female human very well we forget at times. Now I am sure the Captain of the Raven will happily explain why you should not say things like that in mixed company. Ok?" John asked Kara while gaining control of himself. While the Marines laughed even harder when they realized John had just aimed a very embarrassing situation at the new Captain. While Kara just nodded her head and smiled.
When the elevator doors opened again Captain Stein and a burly Marine in power armor walked out with three more Marines and two more Engineers. "Captain Stein, I would like to introduce you to Kara. She is one of two A.I.s that run Atlantis station. Captain Stein, Chief Letts was colorful with one of his curses and I was wondering if you could explain why women usually do not say things like it."
At that point he broke off and headed over to the burly Marine he was sure was Commander Jones, leader of the Ravens Marine contingent. "Welcome to Atlantis Commander, I am Captain Jones."
The Marine was initially surprised but then shook the offered hand "Yes Sir, it is an amazing welcome. Commander Smitt spoke very highly of you Sir."
John smiled and returned the praise as he heard Rebecca Stein gasp at what he assumed was Kara once again quoting Chief Letts, then he heard her start cursing the man because she knew instantly where the innocent A.I. heard the phrase. She had gotten onto Chief Letts case more than once for not watching his tongue around the opposite sex. Stein regained control of herself and pulled Kara further away from prying ears and men in general. "What is that about, if you don't mind me asking Sir?" Commander Jones asked John.
"Commander, if I tell you I promise you will start laughing. Then Captain Stein will be mad at us both. So I am going to say this if you want to know, I am sure the Marines here will share the story over some alcohol." with that John walked away.
John called out to the A.I. "Kara, when you and Captain Stein are done discussing what you are talking about, please lead Captain Stein to the conference room you showed me earlier. I want to go over somethings with her, you and Jeeves.' the android nodded and smiled as Stein grabbed her attention again. 'Sergeant, once those two come in here, no one else will understand." John commanded the Marine. The Sergeant saluted and took up station at the door with the other Marine that had been following the Captain.
Within five minutes both Stein and Kara entered the room. Kara looked embarrassed while Stein looked a little frustrated, time to enlighten her a little bit "Kara, do you mind me asking how much direct interaction did you receive before you and your brother were abandoned here?" John asked Rebecca looked slightly confused about why he would ask that of all things.
"About two months Captain. Our interaction with the scientists and engineers were extremely limited once we came online. They expected us to constantly work with the only downtime for maintenance and recharging our physical units. Why do you ask?" Kara responded.
John shifted his gaze to Stein "Just making sure Rebecca here is aware that even though you inhabit an adult body and have been active for over five hundred years, you have had very little interaction with sentients other than your brother. That despite your physical age, you are still young. Now Jeeves can you start going over everything that you told me about this station with Rebecca and once she has been caught up I want to discuss those mobile units. Kara, if you wish to add anything to the briefing please do so. As far as the information about the mobile units, it's for us only right now. Ok, Kara?" John asked the Android.
"Yes sir, we will treat any information about the mobile units that Atlantis built in the system as classified currently and for Captain Stein and Captain Jones are the only ones that need to know." She responded.
For the next thirty minutes or so Jeeves went over everything that he had told John before. The holographic display lit up and highlighted the areas of the station as he talked about them. The old Imperium for all its flaws had done a really good job at constructing the station. Then Jeeves had the holo display show two images, one was a close up of the Asteroid Field and the other was of the Gas Giant. "These are the two locations that the fleet was stored. Anything larger then a light cruiser was moved into low orbit around the gas giant, planet six, or were hidden within the asteroid belts. The composition of the fleets follows the old Imperium doctrine with the fleet being able to support multiple paths of attack and/or defense at the same time. The fleet makeup is as follows, know this is when they finished the construction until we certify all the vessels are intact and operational these are just the number of vessels they produced about five hundred years ago.
3-Titan level ships
9-Dreadnought level ships
81-Heavy Cruisers
243-Light Cruisers
24-Assualt Carriers
48-Fleet Carriers
144-Light Carriers
"In support of all those line units were hundreds of freighters, troop transports, mobile shipyards, etc. Now I know what you are probably thinking that we have a lot of ships, and you are right, but the Admirals Board has several fleets at their command. They vastly outnumber us and even if we released everything that we know that they have done wrong, the majority of those ships and crews will stay with the Admirals Board and the Imperium they know. At this point in time, we cannot win a conventional war with the Imperium at this time. If you wish I can forward you the specs on the battle line vessels and carriers." Jones nodded his head, he would look at the specs of the vessels after he checked out the station specs later.
"Jeeves we already have a battle plan, the Thrax although they betrayed the Imperium, showed us how we can defeat them. Small isolated attacks against Imperial ships and garrisons. We are going to add to that by also have a fully-fledged war of propaganda. Let the Imperium military know exactly what type of people they are supporting, between the two campaigns we will slowly whittle away at their strength until we can bring them down to a more manageable size. Once we do that, we can begin our real campaign to bring them down. I am sorry Kara if you and your brother dislike these tactics, but they are our best bet to win at this time." John told everyone.
Kara shook her head "Captain, guerilla warfare is an acceptable tactic when facing a more powerful opponent and yes as much as I dislike the Thrax the battle plan they developed and implemented to take down the Imperium was nothing short of brilliant."
John took a long look at both Kara and Rebecca before he continued, "Ok well this is what I plan on doing. Over the next couple of days, the Alliance I am part of is going to smuggle the members that are within Imperial Remnant Space out. Then we are going to gather here and we are going to start war planning. The people that I am bringing here and the ones already here will be the heart and soul of taking down the Admirals Board. Kara, I want you and Douglas to prepare a briefing about the capabilities of this station and the mobile units in the system. Not all the technical stuff, just general knowledge so when we start planning we will know what we are working with. Are you guys good with that, or will you need Jeeves to help you two?"
Kara took a minute to consider and commune with her brother "If Jeeves would help us while you are here, it would be appreciated. We would prefer to avoid any more embarrassing situations."
Jeeves just smiled and nodded while John held in a laugh and the two ladies blushed. "Well then, let's get to work."
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