《Endless Expanse Online》Chapter 14- Friends in the Dark
IRN Riptide- Bridge
As the Riptide and Raven dropped out of warp on the edge of the Thorin system, the captain noted that not much had changed just what ships were in orbit. Warships and trade vessels still orbited the station and the fourth planet. Shuttles and cargo carriers darted here and there between the station and orbiting ships. This time though John wasn't here alone, this time he had another ship that was obviously damaged and in need of repairs. Before they could signal the station the stations docking master had already contacted them "Welcome back Riptide, we are surprised to see you again so soon. How can we be of assistance today?"
Captain Port smiled at the dock masters tone, "I am sorry you won't be seeing much business from us, I need to schedule an emergency meeting with the Xaranx Ambassador if at all possible though and I will personally be spending some time on the station to reconnect with some old acquaintances." John replied promptly.
Over the last five days, the Riptide and Raven had been in warp, John had been making discreet inquiries on the Beta forums trying to find old friends that had made it into the Beta. He had found about thirty that had made it, but most were to wrapped up in storylines or too far away to assist him. Enough though had responded that they could make an Alliance with promises from the others to signup as soon as they could. "Understood Captain Port. We will transmit some coordinates to your ship where the Raven and Riptide may keep station while you are here."
As the ships made their way to their parking spot a half dozen system frigates, ships that were not much bigger then gunships took up station around them and a destroyer moved within three light minutes of their location. Standard safety measures John assumed when multiple alien military vessels showed up. If it turned into a fight though, he had left standing orders for Rebecca to turn and run while the Riptide covered her escape. As John walked out on the launch bay he saw Smitt talking to the Sergeant that would be leading his escort team while he was on the station.
All the Marines were armed with side-arms and knives, John had his personal weapon and a hold-out knife in case things went bad. All the Marines were living weapons with Augmentations and anyone who discounted them in a fight was in for a rude awakening. John hadn't had the time yet to check out possible augmentations that he qualified for or that he could get. All of John's senior staff had more duties now so everyone was becoming stressed out, although he wanted to give the crews some shore leave he could not afford to incase the Imperium came looking for them.
'Jeeves as soon as we get on the station, slip into the local network and find out where we are supposed to meet our friends. You know what to look for.' John's comm piece beeping in his ear was his only acknowledgment. All the Marines were on edge, between the combat with the Raven and not having a home they were very stressed out. He was working on finding the second, but hopefully, they would find a temporary home soon. In all honesty, seeking sanctuary with the Xaranx was a long shot, but they needed a ship dock where they could repair the Raven and safe harbor until John found the permanent home. Jeeves had been working non stop on the old data cores they had found in UNK527 and the data from UNK521 to try and find the new home they desperately needed. It was another long shot, he didn't even know if the station was intact, if it had ever been finished, or the state of the current system was.
Trade Station- Landing Bay
John was brought out of his thoughts by the jarring of the shuttle landing in the launch bay and the pilot clearing us for disembarking from the shuttle. Waiting for him was a Xaranx administrator with two guards, the guards eyeballed the marines but ignored John. "Sir, the Ambassador was told by the stations' administration that you needed an emergency meeting if you will follow me I will lead you to his office and he will see you as soon as he can." After waiting for nearly thirty minutes, enjoying the locals equivalent of tea, fruit, and cookies he was finally admitted into the Ambassadors office.
"It is good to see you again Captain. I honestly thought it would be months before I saw you again, yet it has been only a couple weeks and you requested an emergency meeting no less. How can the Xaranx help you today?" the friendly alien asked.
John considered his words with care before speaking them "I am sure the station told you that one of the ships that came with me had been heavily damaged. To point it bluntly Sir, we are on the run from our government and we are seeking a safe harbor to effect repairs and maybe even political asylum if I cannot find a new home for my people soon."
The Ambassador sat back in his chair and looked at the captain in quiet consideration "I am going to need to know why Captain before I forward your request to my superiors. Sanctuary would require a very good reason for us to go against the strongest power in this region of space and might even cause my people into a war they don't want."
John nodded his head at the Ambassador's request "If you do not know, the Imperium is run by the Admirals Board with the Senate in support of them. Twenty years ago that was not the case, the Senate ran the civilian side and the Board ran the military and answered to them. That changed when a terrorist blew up a well-loved and respected Senator, some his closest allies, and all their families. The reason for the attack was a lie, the attack was perpetrated by the Admirals board. Then when word got out in the fleet about what they did, they slaughtered seventeen ships and their crews over five thousand sailers and marines died to cover up what they did.' John explained before continuing. 'Recently my ship found one of the wrecks of the destroyed ships and the Captain left a very detailed log of what happened. My Senior Staff and I were going to let what happened lie and just sit on the evidence and keep it in case anything happened to us. The Admirals Board didn't give us an option though, within thirty minutes of us filing the report of finding the ship they sent a message back that had an imbedded virus that would have vented my ship, then they sent another vessel to make sure we were dead. We got in a fight and won, but the other vessel is relatively intact and the majority of the crew had no idea what the senior staff had been ordered to do and when they found out they sided with us. I am not asking you to go to war, just safety for my crews and ships while we repair the Raven." John pleaded with the Ambassador.
"I will forward your request Captain, but I am sure they will not offer asylum and they might not offer a safe harbor for very long. I am going to send you some coordinates for a shipyard my government has had dealings with in the past. They are neutral with everyone and have friends in very high places with every major power in this sector except the Imperial Government. I would suggest you go there. It will be expensive but they are very discreet. I wish it was within my power to grant you Sanctuary captain but I cannot. I hope you will not judge my people too harshly and that we are still your friends. You will have your response within 24 standard hours." With that John was dismissed from the Ambassadors office, his next stop was to go the Stations Admin offices to pick up an Application for an Alliance. He wouldn't have to pay anything until he officially registered it.
Trade Station- Down Below
After John got the application, he dismissed his escort and told them to go get some food and one drink on his dime. The Sgt started to object, but John told him where he was going and that his meeting required discretion and that a squad of marines would scare them off. He also told him that if the meeting went sideways to come running with guns blazing. John went to the nearest elevator and went down ten levels. 'Sir, I highly protest meeting your friends in this area of the station. It is the...roughest part of the station and I predict that you have a forty percent chance at getting shot even before the meeting starts after it starts the chances rise.' Jeeves called out over John's comm unit.
'Jeeves my friend a discussion that will include forming an Alliance on the sole purpose of gaining enough strength to bring down the Admirals Board requires discretion. All the common areas above us are being watched and recorded 24/7. The Pit, the bar I am going to, is well known for being out of the way and a place where people can discuss topics that might cause problems with various authorities. Now if you do not mind I am trying to concentrate on my surroundings so I do not get shot.' John responded to the worried AI.
As John walked into the Pit, more than one face turned and noted his entrance. Those people John didn't worry about, it was the ones that ignored him and tried to blend with the background that he watched. Imperials (Humans in general) were not well-liked in this part of the galaxy, most if not all the patrons should have looked at him. After the Fall the Imperial government stepped on a lot of necks and corpses to consolidate power in this sector and a lot of people remembered that. So he noted those people and walked up to the bar and placed twenty-five Universal credits down. "I am here for the meeting. I want a drink and shot." the Bartender got the shot and drink made and placed them in front of the bar before telling him where to go
"To my left is a door with security in front of it. He will let you through. If a fight breaks out, whoever starts it, pays for the damages. A dampening field is in place so no one can record or send transmissions out. You are the first to arrive, enjoy your stay." with that the bartender replied before ignored him. John took the shot and grabbed the drink and headed for the bouncer who nodded him and let him through.
The room was large, with a dampening field generator on the center of the table so everyone could see that it was active and working. The table could easily seat twelve people and have a spare room. One entire wall was one-way glass looking out onto the main bar so people in the room could monitor who was going in and out. A fully stocked bar sat in one corner and another door leading away from the bar and probably back alley in case the people in the room needed to leave quickly. Before he had left, he had gotten an injection of nanites that would filter out any alcohol and poisons that hit his blood system.
Five minutes later the first pair entered the bar, it was a Cyborg/Human. He was six feet five inches tall and probably weighed about two hundred and fifty to three hundred pounds of muscle and metal. Jimmy Carmichael, he was a former gun runner and Merc, but a solid individual that had saved his ass on more than one occasion. The slight slip of a girl that was next to him, Natalie, was an expert assassin and spy. Those that underestimated her usually died very quickly. A married couple that had been playing video games for over twenty years together. Pro gamers that had three kids and five grandkids, good people to have your back. Sam Hayen, a Merc pilot that was good enough to even give John problems. They had competed against each other more times then they could count, but they respected each other and had warned each other whenever bounties had gone out on the other and where. Daniel Pride-He went Imperial like John, but he was a fighter jock with experiences running cargo vessels as well. Jamie Cunningham, another Cyborg Human, that could find precious metals in an Ion Storm and a former member of the Rock Breakers Alliance. More and more kept coming until twelve other people filtered into the room. All of them old friends and people he trusted with his life.
"Ok people, we can catch up later. I do not know how much time we have before this little meeting goes to shit. So let's get settled down so I can throw you my pitch.' John called out. They all chuckled and started taking seats. 'Now, before I say anything else if you DO NOT want to ruin your reputation with the Imperial Government and Navy leave now otherwise stay seated."
Only Sam stood up 'Hey people this is my surprised face that John has only been playing the for a little bit but already has the most powerful faction in the Beta up his ass wanting to kill him....just like old times"
Catcalls and cheers were his only response while John blushed in embarrassment. "Thank you for the admiration and praise, Sam. By staying you all agree to listen....ok let's get started. My AI is forwarding information about the Imperial Government and about something that happened twenty years ago and what happened recently. As far as the Imperials are concerned the Riptide and Raven are rogue ships, to those who are mercs I am sure you will receive an alert about us within the next twenty-four hours if not sooner. The Admirals Board staged a coup that got a lot of people killed and took power. Now you are probably wondering what I can do about that alone. So far, I got two ships backing me and their crews. I am hoping that you guys will sign on and join us as well. I want to found an Alliance that will stand up against these people and unite this sector before it gets opened up to the rest of the Galaxy when the Beta ends. I know I am asking a lot out of all of you, but if I didn't think we could win I wouldn't stand and fight. I would just be running. So please consider joining me in this fight."
Grumbling and whispers were his only response, not the response John was hoping for. Then of all the people to stand, it was Natalie who did. "What is the catch. You always have some ace up your sleeve that turns the tide, a trump card that completely turns the game around. So what is it this time John?" She asked before sitting down again.
John tried to look innocent before his signature shit-eating grin broke out on his face. One that hundreds of enemies had seen right before John won a conflict and a grin every single at this table knew too well. Sam started laughing so hard he cried "I missed that smile. The Admirals Board is going to regret ever fucking with you. Seriously how in the short time that you have been playing did you find a trump card that would allow you to stand against the biggest power in this sector of space...."
John just smiled "Sheer dumb luck, and yes I have a trump card. I just need some time which is why I came here asking for a safe harbor with the Xaranx. The Ambassador does not think highly of my chances of gaining it though. He gave me an alternative port to make repairs though that is neutral to the region and has no ties to the Imperial Government."
Jimmy winced "If you are going where I think you are going DO NOT expect a warm welcome. They hate Imperials and humans in general. Its called Black Hole station, no secrets get in or out. Think of it as a mix of Mos Eisley from Star Wars and Nowhere from Guardians of the Galaxy and you are close to the feel of the place. Nat and I spawned there and almost didn't get out. Since you are Rogues running from the rest of the Imperial Remnant Navy, they might help you or blow you up. You won't know until you show up. We would go with you but both of us still have open bounties on us there."
Jamie stood and talked "I have some contacts there. I can send a message as soon as we are done here and see if they are willing to harbor you and repair your ship. As far as signing up for an Alliance, if you want me you got me." with that she sat down.
With that, the Heirs of the Imperium had the second signature. "What type of hierarchy are we looking at?" Daniel asked.
"Good question, I want a council representing every branch including Marines, C&C, R&D, Miners..etc but no more than nine members. It's all in the charter. Jeeves should have sent you a copy of it with the information dump." John responded. Over the next ten minutes, every person there signed the charter and the meeting broke up and people started talking about old times.
'Alert Captain, the bartender just told the Mercenary that you and several of your friends are back here. He has locked down the external route and I am trying to hack his system. Prepare for conflict!!' the AI stated in his ear...SHIT!!! John smashed the dampening field generator, hit the comm unit on his wrist that would send an Omega signal to the squad of Marines. Hopefully, they were not drunk and would come running.
Natalie immediately noticed what John did and shoved two people out of the way so John had a clear field of fire on the Bartender. That bastard took two shots out of three to the face before John switched to a Merc that was carried a pulse cannon, how he was carrying that around the station without having station security up his ass John wondered but then he got shot in the groin and it really didn't matter.
Screaming and pandemonium ensued which worked real well cause it gave time for all his friends to find cover and draw weapons. John decided he loved Cyborgs at that moment because one of Jimmy's arms transformed into an energy shield and the other became a shotgun that promptly blasted a merc that tried to jump through the opening John had made.
Jamie called out quickly "Frag Out" and fired a grenade through one of the windows. Now you might be thinking detonating a fragmentation grenade in an enclosed space is a bad idea. You are correct but we had covered and they didn't. Three mercs were blown to gory bits and another two were left screaming, crying and bleeding on the ground.
That's when Natalie joined the fight. Did I ever tell you that she was an Assassin and that she had real-world combat experience and training. Combine that with full immersive game and you got one scary mother fucker, she easily finished the remaining mercs and slit the throats of the dying ones. "Looks like we have worn out our welcome people. I am going to make sure the Charter gets processed then I am going to get the hell off this station. As soon as I got a base of operations set up I will send you guys coordinates to meet up. I would suggest you all get off the station while you can. Jamie, please let me know what your contacts say from Blackhole Station, my AI just sent you comm channel you can use to contact me. Everyone else, I will see you when I get our new home set up." With that, John darted off to meet the incoming Marines before they did something stupid like blow up the station to get to him or start a war with people he was really trying to be friends with. He left the looting to his friends.
Your relationship with...Reaper Company...has deteriorated to Hated.
Continued assaults on their personnel can start a conflict between their faction and you.
Well if you guys don't like dying don't send your people after me or my friends. Idiots.
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