《Path of Damnation》Day 15.2: Part 2 of 2 'Lets start a battle'
Day 15.2:
Kaiser: “My god I shall go out and scout the passage while you go check up on the group, if that is alright?” Kaiser asked me. I simply looked towards him and nodded my approval at his plan which made him move off in his unearthly sprint.
As I watched Kaiser run off I turned around and headed for the group. Once I neared them all I called them all to me.
When I did so, their faces all donned a sad look.
I laughed at this as it appeared that they had assumed I was going to have them all march once again.
They were close, but not correct.
I looked at them all and then simply told them.
MC: “We shall March” and with this their faces became solemn “but” I continued and their faces all regain the light they previously possessed “We shall not march now. For now I want you to all hide within the forest. Do not go and play around in the forest, but just stay near the edge and out of sight, until either I or Kaiser come to pick you all up. Alright?” I asked them all and the females nodded while the children appeared confused.
Good I thought as I watched them enter the forest we were right next to and slowly disappear.
As the last of them began to enter the forest Kaiser returned and his face now had a somewhat dissatisfied look.
I looked towards him and sighed, I wonder what new problem we were about to be faced with.
Kaiser: “my god, my apologies for being the bearer of bad news but the hobbits whose cave lies on the mountain pathway have all come out, completely armed. I estimate them to have over five hundred but less than a thousand men” when Kaiser told me this, I sighed.
What a brilliant little annoyance I thought to myself, but on the bright side, I would be able to find out if they were Jiatya’s hobbits.
I hoped they were.
MC: “Kaiser, if these are a particular group of hobbits, I must tell you now that I will want them completely and utterly destroyed” as I told this to Kaiser, he simply nodded and smiled.
It appears that he is also angry at the hobbits for obstructing us.
I glance towards the group to make sure they are all hidden before I activate my painful transformation.
After a few seconds of stomach churning pain I had donned my Tribal form.
I look at Kaiser and tell him to pick me up which he does so.
Now upon his shoulder I tell him what we are going to do.
MC: “We head to the legion. To my ‘Legion of the Damned’” and with that Kaiser headed off.
As Kaiser runs at his titanic speed I watch as the Legion appears before our eyes only to slowly become bigger and bigger.
Once we actually reached the camp, all one could see for a long distance was orcs.
Sprawled across an entire patch of land were thousands of orcs who were doing all kinds of things.
Their activities varied from resting, to gorging themselves, to practising combat and to…
And to praying towards my humongous statue.
At least a few dozen orcs were praying to me via a statue, in a state of what I assumed to be religious fervour.
As I was checking out the Orc camp, I heard a very loud scream.
As I turned to check out where it came from, I saw a Orc standing and pointing towards me before screaming ‘OUR GOD HAS BRACED US WITH HIS PRESENCE!’ followed by kneeling before me.
I was slightly irritated by this but not much compared to what happened next.
Thousands of Orcs screamed, mainly something which included ‘God’ or ‘Damn’, followed by kneeling before.
I was incredibly irritated at this.
I did not die and reincarnate simply so I could become the leader of an Orcish Cult.
Well at least that was not my goal upon reincarnation.
Nonetheless while I was Irritated, Kaiser was grinning from ear to ear at this development while muttering ‘As Expected of my god’.
I simply sighed, before directing Kaiser to enter the camp.
But before I got very far Ghum’bil appeared with several shamans following him with several berserkers following them.
It appears that the entire ‘High Command’ of my Legion has come to greet me.
MC: “Take me to the war room. Soon we shall head to war and the faster we do this the better it is for all of us” and with that I gestured for them to lead.
Ghum’bil immediately replied ‘Right this way, my god’ and began walking while the rest of his entourage followed behind me.
As I imagined what an orcish war room would look like, I tried to keep my expectation low, but I couldn’t help but imagine a nice and beautiful place.
But alas life is cruel and the war room for my great legion, was a tent.
A very, very large tent.
Probably the largest tent I have ever seen as it stretched on for dozens of metres.
I simply facepalmed before sighing.
At least it was ‘Grand’ in scale.
The interior to my surprise was far better than the exterior.
As inside I was greeted by all manners of incredible furnishing.
Large beautiful wooden objects donned the interior, all clearly far too beautiful and delicate to have been crafted by orcish hands.
But the most beautiful piece of furnishing was a spectacular wooden table which covered the centre of the war room.
It was the most beautiful object I had seen in this world.
Intricate symbols dotted the table and beautiful patterns lay across it.
I smiled at the table which had to have been either Human or Elven make.
Orcs were generally a very stupid race and I doubted their craftsmen could create this master piece.
I also doubted it was Dwarven since the dwarves in every single fantasy I know have generally been a people that were great at creating armour and weapons as well as gems and the like but horrible at creating detailed pieces of work.
I could be wrong but who cares, I have a beautiful table.
I wanted to thank the orcs for stealing this table from whomever they did so as it added style to the war room.
I walked over to it only to see that its top was clattered full with documents.
These papers seemed far too properly written to have been done by the orcs I have met.
Kaiser could write like this I hope and probably Ghum’bil as well, but I conclude that these documents must have also been stolen.
I randomly grabbed one file and checked what was inside and I was shocked to see that this was a document of different orc types.
Garghaz is the only recorded orc of his kind.
He is also the second most dangerous known orc to ever roam the Thacillian Landscape.
His Greatest feats include:
-Unifying the Orc Clans
-Killing Elven Lord Hughnan
-Destroying one of the three Dwarven Holds
His Minor feats include:
Big red appeared to have an incredible dossier.
But seriously the second most?
Anyways I didn’t have the time to read everything here so I skipped him and continued to read about the rest of the Orc Types.
Blood Berserker
An Orc evolutionary path that is usually taken by orcs with anger management issues.
I laughed at that but continued on.
Voodoo Shaman
An Orc Evolutionary path taken by orcs who covet after Dark Powers
Well that at least explained the adoration I received from Ghum’bil.
Most orcs are born as orclings which will then almost 99.99% of the time evolve into Orcs.
So orcs were not born as Orcs but as orclings.
Fair enough.
The most common and numerous type of orcs.
Less than 1% of Orcs will ever evolve pass this form.
Made sense considering the fact that I had several thousand orcs but less than a few dozen commanders.
I did make Black Tooth execute a lot of them though.
And with that I put the document down.
Then I picked up another dossier and this one had information about the Humans who lived in the Elvona Region in Thacillia.
I concluded that Thacillia was the name of the country or whatever the place we were in was called, at least by the humans.
It appears that I am currently in the Elvona region and the fortress a distance away from us is the only fortress the humans had in this region.
Also the name Elvona stems from Elves.
The document possessed information about the humans at this fortress in particular.
The most concerning factor being that there 7 Heroes at this fortress.
I paused when I read this, fear slowly creeping up on me but I shouldered through and read it.
And once I had finished reading it, I breathed a sigh of relief.
Apparently these Heroes were of low class.
With there being 6 E Class and only 1 D class.
But how strong were these classes of heroes?
Well G class is the lowest class for heroes, and to reach that level one must be a minimum of fives times stronger than average man.
To reach F class one must be a minimum of twice stronger than an G Class.
To reach E class one must be as strong as nearly 2 F class Heroes.
To reach D Class one must be 2 Times as strong as an E Class Hero.
And the heroes just got more terrifying as they ranked up.
With a C class hero being 4 times as strong as a D class, and a B Class 5 Times that.
A Class was 2 Times as strong as a B Class.
And S Class was terrifying.
A single S class was a minimum of 3 times stronger than that of an A Class.
AK: To make understanding the power ranking simpler, tada!
So to sum it up, on a power scale;
G = 5
F = 10
E = 25
D = 50
C = 100
B = 500
A = 1000
S = 3000
Kaiser is currently around 75 or so.
AK is against Super Op Characters who gain their powers 20 chapters in In!
Either Start OP or gain your OPness over time!
It also stated that ranking up after attaining C class was very rare and that the higher you went the less people you would find per class.
Apparently classes also went higher than that of S class but these documents possessed nothing about these so called Higher Tier classes.
I was relieved that D class was the strongest Hero class at this fortress.
Just imagining an S Class hero made me pale.
I assume that Kaiser would be around a High-level D class of a low level C Class.
So maybe his power equals that of an hundred men.
Maybe a bit more or maybe a bit less.
As I contemplated this I just realized how weak we were truly when compared with the wider world.
I was beginning to get cocky after the Black Tooth incident.
And now I was put back in my place after learning about the level of Humanities heroes.
As I thought about all of this I had put the file back down and picked up another with the image of ouroboros donning its cover.
I opened it to find a file discussing Monster Evolution.
What I learnt was shocking indeed.
Apparently the humans of this world based on very vaguely written ancient documents have determined that innumerable millennia ago two beings battled for supremacy but as they were equal in every aspect they decided to battle in a different manner.
They destroyed themselves and in the process created our realm and the sides.
Sounds like something out of the Bible to me, anyways.
Light Neutral and Dark Neutral.
The neutral aspect intrigued me but I kept reading.
The light races were of course the Elves, Dwarves, Humans and etc.
The dark races even more obviously were the Orcs, Vampirs (Not Vampire, Vampir!), Tartars, Ogre’s and Giants and the rest.
I wondered what a Tartar was, but I would probably find out sooner or later.
Of course things were not as linear as to be simply defined as Light or Dark but this was a basic view.
As there were Orcs who belonged to the Light as much as there were Elves who belonged to the Dark.
Light Orcs would be something akin to Kobolds while Dark Elves, would be ironically Dark Elves.
The evolution aspect came from the fact that the beings who were marked by the Dark evolved to become stronger.
Such as Orcling > Orc > etc.
While the beings who were marked by the light evolved through rankings.
An example would be that a human who becomes a ‘Warrior’ or ‘Soldier’ will continue to rank up in ‘Warrior’ or ‘Soldier’ until he reaches the Classes max level at which point he will rank up into a ‘Barbarian’ or ‘Knight’ while a ‘Barbarian’ or ‘Knight’ would rank up into a ‘War Lord’ or ‘Great Knight’ and so on.
Of course not everyone could become a Hero as it was apparently a very hard class to unlock.
While an Evil human would rank up from ‘Warrior’ to a ‘Villain’.
At this point he becomes like us monsters and goes through evolutions such as from ‘Villain’ into ‘Demon’.
The same could be said about monsters as a monster who treads the path of light will upon several evolutions become unable to evolve any longer and only be able to rank up.
But humans were not limited in the amount of different things one could rank up on.
A human could be a Soldier, Baker and Black smith, while all of them had different ranks.
There wasn’t much information here about humans so I made do with what I had.
Anyways continuing on in the document it talks about the Gods.
Apparently, both much to my surprise and excitement, Gods were beings who broke beyond their mortal or immortal chains and reached the Higher Plane.
This of course meant that I could one day raise myself up to that level.
Once I had that thought I slowly put the document back down upon the table and broke into laughter.
This surprised everyone in the tent but they appeared to have hidden their curiosity and surprise well as nobody came to bother me with questions.
How could I raise myself to god hood when I was currently barely equal to one average human?
I sighed and then looked towards Kaiser, thinking that he had a higher chance than I did.
Anyways I looked for the documents detailing the knights and the fortress and I only found basic information such as the Lord of the Fortresses name was Bertrand L’voilde, the son of the Marquis of Elvona.
I who was now content with the information I possessed put the papers I had in my hand down and turned around to address my subordinates.
MC: “Tell me, where did you get this much information from?” I asked them and Ghum’bil immediately stepped forward shining with pride.
Ghum’bil: “My god, it was I who found this information” he said in a cocky manner “I looted all of this information from a Human town which was being besieged by the disgusting Drago Clan. I got it after killing the remaining Drago forces” he was effectively now glowing with pride (so much that I shielded my eyes from him).
I simply face palmed, I mean exactly what were these guys good for if they didn’t do anything themselves.
MC: “Good job nonetheless Ghum’bil, Good job” I told the Voodoo shaman who began to once more radiate with happiness before gesturing for Kaiser to come near me “Kaiser could you check out the table and see if you can find anything else, I have found some basic information but I would like you to spend more time on it” I asked Kaiser who simply nodded in compliance and went to accomplish his new task.
I watched as Kaiser began sorting through the files before turning back to Ghum’bil and telling him to call every single commander to this tent.
Ghum’bil nodded and began to immediately bark orders at his men who scrambled to adhere to his tasks.
Within a few minutes of his orders being shouted a collection of over thirty high tier orcs stood before me.
High Tier being everyone would have become higher than a orc.
I looked at them all very slowly, carefully appraising them.
They all had armour that would have been better suited for an elven or human royal guard, as they all wore the same armour which was silver with red streaks, which I am not sure was red paint or blood.
It looked to, how should put it?
Out of place on Orcs, yeah, out of place.
Nonetheless, they stood before me all of them at attention waiting for me to give my orders.
MC: “Tell me how you plan on fighting this battle” I asked them all, which launched them into hurried whispers with one another before.
This lasted quite some time before they decided upon the idea which they thought was the best.
One of the orcs, whose name was Lablar stepped forward and gave me their collective answer.
Lablar: “We shall win because we are the weapons of you, the great god of damnation and we have your blessing!” with that all the orcs began to nod with approval at his words mumbling ‘correct, correct’.
I simply facepalmed once again.
How stupid are orcs, I mean seriously.
I looked at them, well I wasn’t exactly looking since I was glaring daggers into them while they sweated profusely.
MC: “I am not in the mood to admonish your extravagant belief in me, so I shall tell you nicely.” I stopped and glanced at Kaiser who was still looking through the papers on the table before looking back to the group of stupid orc commanders “You. Need. A. Plan. OKAY?” and to highlight my meaning I said each word slowly and carefully.
All of them except for a single individual, who was named Raghit nodded, while Raghit moved through his companions and came to the front of the group and began to speak.
Raghit: “Forget planning, be Strong Man and Fight. FIGHT LIKE MAN!” and with that he smashed his fist into his plate armour in a war like manner, resulting in a loud bang.
Everyone in the room became dead silent and with a glance behind me I saw Kaiser was looking at Raghit like he was looking upon trash.
Trash you wanted to murder. Brutally.
I looked back to Raghit and smiled at him before I broke into a scream using my extravagant Titan’s voice.
MC: “Is that so?” I asked Raghit who looked like he was about to respond before I silenced him with a roar “WELL THEN HOW ABOUT YOU GO FUCK OFF AND FIGHT WITHOUT A PLAN! I will enjoy picking up your dead body at the end of the war” and with that he paled before attempting to speak at which point he was pulled back and silenced by his companions who covered his mouth.
I looked at them all and asked “Is there anyone who wants to object?” and I was met with silence.
So with my new found silent acceptance I began to detail my plan to my subordinates.
The legion would be split into three forces.
The scout force, the larger scout force and the Horde.
The scout force would consist of 200 soldiers and their objective would be to draw the attention of the hobbit army which was camped outside of their dwelling and draw them towards the Drago Horde.
The larger scout force which consisted of 500 soldiers would hard march to the Knights and only have a brief skirmish with them before immediately retreating and heading to the Drago Horde so that the two different races may clash.
Once the Knights and the Drago horde clash, my men who would be stuck between them shall fight knowing they furthered my plans, at the same time the small scout force should have led the hobbits over to them as well adding a second attack upon the Drago Horde.
Then finally the remainder of our horde would come and charge into the middle of the battle and end the three pathetic enemy forces giving the legion victory.
My so called commanders all nod and loudly say ‘excellent’, ‘Incredibly’ and the like out loud but they also appear to be whispering amongst themselves.
Finally after a few minutes of sucking up to me and whispering Lablar stepped forward and nervously asked me.
Lablar: “My god after whispering amongst ourselves, we had some questions. May we ask them?” Lablar looked towards me his expression filled with reverence and fear. I simply nodded to him which made him and all of his compatriots breathe a sigh of relief. “We wanted to ask, but will this plan definitely succeed? We mean no offense my lord, but our men are not really smart” this caused me to chuckle before I simply nodded to his question which prompted him into asking me his second question “What will happen to the orcs who lead the scout forces?” and to that question I simply smiled.
MC: “In war sacrifices must be made and they shall be the sacrifice we make” to my statement the orcs across me had a puzzled look which in turn puzzled me.
Lablar who was still standing in front of the group asked me a question.
Lablar: “What is a ‘sacrifice’ my god?”
I simply spent most of my energy attempting to withstand laughing.
MC: “You will find out soon enough” I grinned to my officers.
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Omaros City lays near one of several Yggdrasil trees that are scattered around the world. Each tree holds an entire labyrinthine ecosystem within or beneath it, yet the mysteries of their origins and what lays in their depths are only ever unraveled by the most skilled and courageous of explorers. Exploration of Omaros' Yggdrasil labyrinth is still in its fledgling stages, drawing in many with the allure of fame and glory that has yet to be claimed. Enter the harbinger Dubhan—cheerful, determined, and not terribly skilled at thinking ahead—and warlock Allouet— intelligent and resourceful, but desperately in over his head. Together, the two of them have half an idea of what they're doing at best, but that's not going to stop them from aiming for the labyrinth's unknown depths. MeiQ is, at its core, a fanfiction inspired by the Etrian Odyssey franchise, alternatively known as Sekaiju no Meikyuu in Japan. Despite that, it is written with the intent to be enjoyable by those unfamiliar with the series as well. The characters and the city of Omaros are original, while the story draws upon lore and recurring concepts from the game series. However, Etrian Odyssey is known for its lore being sparse and open to speculation, so much of the details provided in this story are exactly that—a fan’s speculation and personal expansion of the lore. This story was also inspired by and written as part of HereBeTreasure's Fast Food Frontpage Competition, enjoy some simple dungeon exploration plot and whatever else pops up from this.
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