《Path of Damnation》Day 16: Taste of War
Day 16:
I slept their surrounded by my beautiful group of women and adorable children, with Ayanna cuddling up to me.
Kaiser simply stood there watching the sun slowly rise.
As we were becoming surrounded in the orange hue of dawn, Kaiser realized I was awake.
I gestured for him to wait a moment and picked Ayanna up and gently put her down next to Natasha who was immediately cuddled by Ayanna.
I simply smiled at the site before quickly moving towards Kaiser.
MC: “Kaiser, how do you think all of this will go?” I asked him once I had reached him.
Kaiser simply paused and then looked at me and smiled.
Kaiser: “My god, this can only end in two ways. Our Victory or our Death, but we both know which option we shall claim” Kaiser replied to me beaming.
I smiled at him and then turned back to the group.
MC: “Kaiser go and tell my legion to prepare, by then I should have spoken with the group” I grinned at him “We have a war to win”.
With that Kaiser nodded towards me and left my field of vision with his deathly silent and fast run.
I then silently manoeuvred my way between the group and came up to Natasha and Ayanna.
Once I stood right before them, I gently nudged Natasha’s shoulder waking her up.
She slowly opened her eyes, before focusing on me. She looked at me for a moment, before gently smiling.
My heart melted like butter over fire but I managed to stop myself from looking like a love struck idiot by gently smiling back.
MC: “Natasha, I didn’t want to wake everyone up, so I simply decided to wake you up since I trust you the most” I looked at her as she quizzically looked at me “Soon Kaiser shall return and he and I will be off” I paused thinking about how I should phrase the next part “We may be gone for several hours and you may hear some very disturbing and scary things but I want you to make sure that no one leaves this area until either I or Kaiser return. Okay?” I told her this slowly and gently and she simply looked at me before nodding.
Natasha: “My lord, I shall do my best to uphold your trust in me so please don’t worry about us and do your best in whatever you shall” and with that she gave me another bright smile.
I simply thanked her, patted Ayanna and then got up and moved towards the edge of the group and waited for Kaiser to return.
I didn’t have to wait long as soon Kaiser was back.
Kaiser: “My god, your horde is preparing to march. Shall we go join them?” Kaiser asked me as he began walking towards me.
I looked at him and simply nodded before walking a small distance away from the groups hiding location and activating my painful transformation.
Once I had donned my tribal form, I got on Kaisers back and we began heading towards the soon to be battlefield.
Once I was on Kaiser’s back I began thinking about what Kaiser had found out yesterday.
Once my horde had been ordered I had walked towards Kaiser who was looking through the files on the war table and he showed me several dozen interesting pieces of information, but what had caught my eye was the fact that there was another two beast man village further up north in the human’s territory.
These beast man were Wolf Beast men and this made me excited, I mean who wouldn’t be excited to meet a fluffy wolf person.
That is assuming they were ‘Fluffy’ and not ‘Savage’.
On that note the wolf man village was just north of the hobbit dwelling.
The other interesting fact was that there was a village of Lizard Men near a small lake north east of the hobbit dwelling.
I was interested in these because I wondered exactly what Lizard men would look like.
Would they look Half Human, Half Reptile?
Or maybe Full Reptile in a humanoid shape
Maybe they were just humans with claws and tails.
I would find out soon enough as my priority once this war was over was to create a town and then go find these two villages.
As I thought of all this I realized that we had reached the Legion of the Damned.
Oh great, now I was beginning to think of it like that.
Nonetheless the legion was a hive of activity, higher tier orcs were barking orders and the orcs were scrambling to please their commanders orders.
Huge Black Banners were lifted high into the air, I assume these banners were meant to represent me and Damnation.
But seriously, just a plain Black Flag?
As Kaiser and I walk towards the command tent we saw two small armies leave, one twice as large as the other.
The smaller one heads east towards the mountains where they would lure the hobbits into a death trap, while the larger one would head North West and would trick the Drago Horde and the humans into fighting.
As I watched the groups leave, I sighed in relief as I saw them wearing a different orc faction's armour, presumably the Drago hordes.
Thank god they were at least that smart.
MC: “They will die for us, sad isn’t it?” I asked Kaiser while still upon him glancing towards the departing forces. Kaiser simply chuckles at my question.
Kaiser: “My god, it is not sad that they will die in combat, in fact it is the opposite as these orcs will die with a grin plastered upon their faces” Kaiser stopped so I assumed he was finished but before I could talk he continued “Orcs live less than a decade so the opportunity to die in war for a god they believe in is something they will gladly do” and with that we watched as the two small forces disappeared from our view.
Once the forces had disappeared, Kaiser resumed walking to the command tent.
Once we entered it I saw Ghum’bil with the rest of Orcish Elite who still wore their far too lavish armour.
Once they saw us, they practically ran over to us.
Ghum’bil: “My god, the horde is ready and we can march whenever you wish” he told me this while glowing with pride.
MC: “Well done Ghum’bil, Well done. Continue to please me as you do and I shall reward you” and with that I left the command tent and saw that like Ghum’bil said the horde was actually ready.
Even though there were orcs running left and right you could see that these were orcs doing menial tasks such as packing up things and carrying food, water and weapons.
I had Kaiser march to front of the horde and then I lifted my staff up as high as I could and being upon Kaiser’s back, it was quite high.
I activated my ‘Titans’ Voice and began to speak.
MC: “MARCH MY LEGION!” I roared “WE HAVE A WAR TO WIN!” and with that I could hear my horde erupt into an earth shattering roar as they began to march.
As we began to move I felt the earth shudder with our movement and when I looked behind us I saw the large make shift statue of me was being dragged with the horde.
I simply facepalmed then broke into laughter.
I now believe the fact that religious fanaticism is not just bullshit that people use to advance their power but a very real thing.
Anyways, Kaiser and I walked a bit infront of the horde for a few minutes until in the distance I could see the enemy.
The Drago Horde appeared to be very tense while the Human fort with its knights were chasing a force of orcs which were fleeing in the direction of the Drago Horde.
I smiled again as I watched my orc force crash into the Drago Horde, who was then in turned rammed by the knights.
I smiled fiercely and projected my Voice once again.
I wasn’t sure how far my voice would go but we would soon find.
And it went incredibly far.
This set my orc horde to cheering with their earth shattering roar once again.
It appeared that the humans and the Drago Orcs just realized my horde and its presence.
And upon realizing my horde existed they appeared to very, very uncomfortable.
My force which was marching had realized that the enemy was uncomfortable began cheering louder and louder until we were a moving mass of Orcish Laughter.
It was ridiculously scary to put it bluntly.
I continued to project my voice over their laughter.
It was a brilliant sight, I was at the Head of an Orc Horde who was marching.
As we marched I wondered why exactly I was as calm as all of this was happening.
I mean I reincarnated into this world 15 days ago, and now look at me.
Fate sure does working in interesting ways.
Nonetheless I assumed that I was calm for one of two reasons.
I was either so scared that my emotions were fried and I would experience the backlash of abusing my emotions after things had settled down.
Or I am a barbaric war loving Viking who had reincarnated in the 21st century where things were calm so I never knew I was war loving, who then reincarnated into this world as a deformed hobbit.
I really don’t know which was it was so I decided that it was just a mixture of both.
Now that we had gotten closer I could see the Drago Horde engage the Human Knights while my orcs hilariously began to fight from both sides only to get crushed very fast.
I laughed and continued to roar.
“AVENGE OUR BROTHERS AND DAMN OUR ENEMIES!” and the orcs began to chant that as they marched this time.
As we marched I heard a war cry from the east and saw a small Orcish force running for their lives.
I saw my small orcish force running for their dear lives while being chased by hobbits.
And then I froze.
There he was.
There was the asshole who had nearly killed me while I was a child.
A deformed child who became a adult in one day.
I screamed In Anger as I saw Jiatya leading his hobbits.
My scream was thrown across the battlefield as my titanic voice was still active.
This set my orcs to screaming as well.
Ignoring all of this I began to plan how I was going to deal with Jiatya.
I was going to make sure he enjoyed my torture fully.
I was going to make him regret being born.
I saw that my small orc force decided to die in a very suicidal manner as they rammed into the Drago Horde.
The hobbit force was beginning to close in on the remnants of my small force and the Drago Horde.
The funny part was that I had directed my horde to block off the Hobbits escape route, so when they realized that we were now behind them leaving them with no escape they began to panic.
A few of the hobbits decided to charge at us.
But what will 100 hobbits do against a force that numbered over 9000.
The hobbits that split off from the main hobbit force realized halfway through their charge that they were hopelessly outnumbered.
So idiotically they turned around and began running in the opposite direction.
My legion at this point is practically running to keep up with Kaiser’s fast walking pace.
The Hobbits had crashed into the Drago Horde, The Knights were also clashing with the Drago Horde and now my Horde was nearing the bloody Drago Horde.
I glanced towards Kaiser.
MC: “Prepare to head back to the group soon after we make contact with the enemy” and with that I signalled Ghum’bil over to me. Once he neared me I whispered to him “Sometime after the battle I will leave. Your objective is to win the battle here and take the fortress is that understood?” I asked him and I was met with Ghum’bils feverishly fast nod all while his eyes sparkled.
Ghum’bil was very taken with me.
MC: “If you can complete this task successfully I shall make you the ‘First High Priest of Damnation’ and I shall give you this entire region to administer” and with that Ghum’bil looked like he was about to faint.
Ghum’bil: “My god, I swear in your name that either we shall win this battle so that we may honour and please you or we shall all die here” and with that I simply smile at him.
I then move my hands and place one on his forehead and act as if I am blessing him.
I have gotten far too used to all this or I have gotten way too good at bullshitting.
I wonder which it is.
Again I assume it is a mixture of both.
With that I look at Ghum’bil one final time before turning to look back in front of us.
It appears that we have gotten very close to the battleground.
MC: “Do not die on me Ghum’bil, you are very valuable to me” and with that I put my hand up in the air.
Kaiser looks up at me and I nod to him.
MC: “THE POWER OF DAMNATION IS WITH YOU! CRUSH THEM!” and with that Kaiser and my running Horde collided with the Drago Horde.
*Note to readers, I could make the war last 10 or 20 pages, but that would be boring, so it's not that long.
Because I love you, I kept it just long enough that it'll cover the subject and short enough that you enjoy it*
Kaiser ripped through the lesser orcs with his hulking frame.
His fists swung left and right and everything they connected with separated from what they used to be connected with.
Heads, organs and limbs went flying in every direction as Kaiser made a mess of the Drago Orcs.
Kaiser would occasionally grab an orc or two and fling them at other orcs, toppling over a several orcs each time.
Kaiser’s hands and body was covered in blood as he moved through the enemy horde, but he appeared to have gotten sick of using his hands so he withdrew the large great sword on his back and began to use it to cleave through the enemy.
A terrifying sight is what Kaiser was and once I looked behind me, I realized that Kaiser was not the only one who appeared to be ridiculously terrifying.
Right behind Kaiser followed twelve orcs who appeared to mimicking Kaiser.
They were all covered in blood and the path behind them was a mix of bodies and body parts.
I look towards Kaiser and it appears he was enjoying himself greatly as the enemy orcs scrambled to get out of Kaiser and these twelves way.
MC: “Kaiser move towards the hobbits, I have something to take care of” and he simply grunted in response but he did change his direction.
Kaiser began to move through the orcs only to encounter armoured knights once he had moved (Slaughtered) through the orcs.
Kaiser instead of stopping to change his way of fighting continued to fight in the same way he did with the orcs, but his muscles began to bulge as he changed slightly.
He got bigger, faster, stronger and much more terrifying.
I wondered whether the power was created because of me or Kaiser's class?
Who cares, its a good ability to have on your side.
He cleaved through the human knights and soon we had moved through the humans and encountered more enemy orcs fighting hobbits.
The twelve orcs and Kaiser made short work of the orcs and hobbits until they reached Jiatya and his elite.
MC: "Spare him" I said in a cold voice while pointing towards Jiatya, and I was met with 13 grunts in response.
Within a few seconds of encountering Jiatya, I was surrounded by brutally mutilated hobbit and orc, with Jiatya being the only survivor.
I had Kaiser put me down but he appeared to be in a very primal state so he again responded with a grunt, at least he put me down.
I glanced at Jiatya and smiled.
MC: “Sever his limbs but don’t kill him” and within a split second Jiatya’s face became a mix of horror as he attempted to turn around and run only to be stopped half turn.
What happened in the next few seconds was very brutal but satisfying.
I thought to myself, that 15 days ago I wouldn’t have even thought that I was capable of committing such atrocious acts, so why was I able to do it so easily now?
Maybe it’s because I am no longer human?
Maybe it was because revenge is sweet?
Who knows, but I was happy with the fact that Jiatya was now limbless.
Kaiser looks towards me once he finished the task I had given him and I nod to him and tell him to go enjoy himself so Kaiser roars and disappears in a mix of enemies and limbs.
The twelve orcs come and setup a circle around Jiatya and me and begin murdering everything that was nearing us.
I sat down next to Jiatya and moved the Wolf head off of my face and look at him.
His emotions went haywire as he realized who I was.
It went from shock to disgust then to fear followed by anger before ending in fear.
Shock was most likely from the fact that I was alive, than disgust at what I was, than fear over the fact that I commanded the monster who crippled him, than anger over who knows what, than fear over the fact that his life was in my hands.
MC: “Hello Jiatya, how are you?” I asked him while smiling but before he could answer I continued “No need to answer, I know already. Painful, no?” and I asked him a question once more.
He simply coughed up blood and then spat towards my direction.
I simply clapped in admiration, this guy has balls of steel.
MC: “Well than I guess, you don’t value your clan very much do you now? I wonder whether or not orcs would like hobbits? Maybe they taste good?” I asked both him and myself several questions and his face distorted into fear and anger.
Jiatya: “You are disgusting!” Jiatya coughed out. I assumed he was trying to scream it out but his voice was very scraggy. “How could you do this to your own people!” this time his scream came out properly.
When he had said that I broke into laughter. My own people?
MC: “My people, eh? My people who thought I was disgusting enough to be killed at birth? Oh such wonderful people! My patriotism is simply so high that I can gloss over that fact!” I told him with as much sarcasm as I could.
He looked at me and then began to scowl at me, before breaking into laughter.
Before I could get angry at him he coughed up large amounts of blood.
I could tell he wouldn’t live long so I got up and moved towards him so that I could end his life personally.
I lifted my foot and placed it above his face and then began moving it down as fast and hard as I could.
But apparently it wasn’t as fast as I thought as his next words would bother me for a very long time.
Jiatya: “You are as disgusting as your father, ‘TRASH’” he screamed out coupled with laughter before my foot connected with his head and resulted in a sickening crunch.
I paused with my foot still imbedded into his head and decided that I couldn’t delve into deep thought in the middle of a battlefield.
As I was about to leave, I was smacked with several pop ups;
[Damnation +1]
[Cunning +20]
[Leadership +50]
[Brutality +20]
[Mercy -100]
[Thoughtful Murderer' title Unlocked +5 to all Stats]
[Lord of the Legion' title unlocked +5 to all Stats]
[Mortal God of the Damned' Official Title unlocked +20 to all stats]
I simply stared at it for a second before dismissing it with the thought, 'I have a lot of thinking to do later' and feeling for Kaiser to come back to me.
He did so promptly covered in blood from head to toe.
I simply smiled at him before having him pick me up.
I looked towards the twelve orcs surrounding me and I beamed at them.
MC: “If you survive this battle, find Ghum’bil and tell him that you are to become the ‘High Guards of Damnation’” and with that Kaiser movedout, carving a way through the combined enemy horde which appears to be losing to my legion.
With a final gift to my legion I leave.
MC: “NO GODS WILL SAVE OUR ENEMIES FROM OUR DAMNATION! DESTROY THEM!” and with that my men begin cheering and roaring.
Their already high morale becomes higher and our enemies’ low morale becomes lower.
As Kaiser reached the edge of the enemy horde we were stopped by a single man.
A human.
But he had this glowing aura around him and my mind immediately understood what he was.
This was a hero.
???: “In the name of the Church of Light and the Goddess Amiya I must kill you and end the rise of this evil god of Damnation!” he shouted at us.
But Kaiser instead gets angry and charges at him.
Kaiser swings his great sword down and the hero back flips dodging the slash.
Once he lands on his feet the hero immediately sprints towards Kaiser and-
*A Badass Fight later.... Look I know... But I am not so good at writing fight scenes so Imagine this fight however you want.
I may later on release the fight as a side story...... Once I spend a long time getting some help on my fighting scene writing*
-the hero attempts to stab Kaisers heart.
The hero’s sword doesn’t connect with Kaiser’s heart but instead with a great sword which shatters his sword.
The hero who was sweating profusely after the both long and short battle appears shocked that he could be beaten in speed by an orc.
But before he could move or voice a complaint he is grabbed by Kaiser who lifts him into the air.
I smile as the hero is now face to face with me, but I am the only one standing on something solid.
MC: “Hello young hero, it’s not every day that one gets to meet a hero you know” I told the hero who appears to be having trouble breathing from how tight Kaiser is holding his throat. “Kaiser relax your grip slightly, I want to talk with the young hero” and with at that Kaiser relaxed his grip and hero began coughing.
???: “You bastard *cough* Do you think that an Evil God can survive in a land blessed by the Goddess Amiya *cough*” the hero half shouted at me.
I simply laughed at him.
MC: “Well young one, I am sure your goddess would love to meet her oh so faithful champion, no?” I asked him.
I then realized that I was a naturally talented evil boss type character.
God damn it.
Nonetheless the hero paled at my words.
It appears that he still has a large amount of attachment to this world.
He then shouts something that sounds suspiciously like magic to me.
???: “Goddess of light, grant me your champion the power of light that only you may bequeth, Holy Spe-“ but before he could complete Kaiser crushes his throat completely separating the heroes head from his body.
I sighed as Kaiser roared in anger.
For the first time I realized that we were surrounded by knights and orcs, both ours and Drago’s and they all appeared to be shaking.
Kaiser grunts in anger and begins to leave the area at slow pace, his body slowly becoming smaller and smaller.
It appears that his ability has finished and he is returning to his normal form.
The ability is alot like a big green smashing machine from the comics back on Earth.
I looked at Kaiser and whispered to him.
MC: “We have done enough. The battle is over Kaiser and we have won” as I say this Kaiser responds properly.
Kaiser: “It was to be expected my god but I think the war has just begun”.
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