《Path of Damnation》Day 15: Part 1 of 2 'Lets Sneak'


Day 15:

I opened my eyes thanks to the ever so annoying sun.

The annoying beams of light attempted to pierce my eye lids and they succeeded so I had no choice but to wake up.

With my consciousness returned to me, I realized that yesterday I had ordered camp under the shade of some large trees, so why the hell was I hit by sunlight?

I was now in that state where you are awake but your eyes hurt, so you end up being blind.

After my vision returned to me, I realized why I was hit by the sun when I shouldn’t have been.

In my tired state yesterday, after we had set up camp I fell asleep a short distance away from the group.

Just far enough that I was within arm’s reach of them yet I was not covered with shade.

Yeah every single one of them were asleep with the shade covering them.

Except Ayanna who slept right next to me.

But she was facing my stomach so her eyes weren’t bombarded with sunlight like mine were.

I sighed with irritation.

Well it’s not like I could blame myself from yesterday.

We did after all march for over five hours straight.

With me at the front of the group and Kaiser at the very back.

All I knew about our destination is that we were heading north and I could thank my [Living Compass] skill for that.

We decided to head north because I believe that the best possible neighbours would be humans.

I didn’t know enough about Dwarves and Elves.

I would learn more about them sooner or later.

Five hours of marching was quite taxing on the body and I could only imagine the pain the children went through, but nonetheless the faster they gained a home, the better.

Even my human body was tired.

But even so I would have continued marching if not for the continuous complaints from everyone in the group.

‘I’m tired’ x 500, ‘My feet hurt’ x 1000, ‘I’m hungry’ x Infinity, ‘Are we there yet?’ x Infinity, etc.

Anyways I glanced at the sleeping group and saw that Kaiser was not among them.

I looked around for him and saw him running across the plains that were right next to us.

We had exited the forest and were now resting before the last of the trees.

Anyways Kaiser was chasing a….

I think it’s a bear.

Yeah Kaiser was running after a fleeing bear.

I had to hold back my laughter as it was such a comedic scene.

But what Kaiser did next was unfathomably funny.

He reached the bear and was literally looking the bear in its eyes before he tackled it.


I cried then and there.

It was such a hilarious sight.

I watched as Kaiser beat the bear into submission before pulling out a knife and ending it.

Poor beast, at least it can ascend into Animal heaving knowing it will become a god class dish.

Kaiser picked up the bear and brought it back to camp where he began to skin it.

I watched Kaiser all while patting Ayanna who slept adorably on my chest.

I felt like an evil villain.

The type that pets their cat while they watch the hero get attacked.

Not that Ayanna was a cat, its just that sometimes I swear I can hear her purr.

Anyways, I thought about what type of dish I would make from that bear.

Maybe I nice Bear Burger or some Bear Meatballs.

As I began thinking about what breakfast today would be my thoughts were interrupted and I began thinking about irrelevant things.

I attempted to get my mind back on track by thinking about how I was supposed to find a home for this group.

And then I realized something.

How the hell were we supposed to build houses?

I know nothing about construction, Orcs live in giant huts so scratch out Kaiser, I doubt the girls would know and the kids are too young to know about construction.

Well now I had a proper idea of what to do once we headed north.

We will stop at a large human village or a small town.

The reason I don’t want to go to a city or a large town is because I don’t exactly trust Humans.

Because if someone is willing to sell their children and their government doesn’t stop them then that is an untrustworthy government.

Plus if we get into a fight than we can easily win since I am sure Kaiser could take on at least one hundred humans.

So if a small town has five hundred people in it, I am almost sure that after subduing ten or twenty grown men the rest of the humans should leave us alone.

But look at me talking like we are going to get in trouble.

It’s only ‘in case’ we get in trouble.

Anyways once we reach a town I plan on finding some men who know Carpentry and construction so that once I find a nice place I can build a village.

Know with a proper plan on what I was supposed to do I glanced at Kaiser and saw that he had finished skinning the bear.

I smiled towards him and gently lifted Ayanna off the ground and placed her near Natasha who was right next to us.

Ayanna cuddled up to Natasha and I stared at the bundle of adorableness for a few moments before walking towards Kaiser.


Kaiser had also prepared a fire place and was looking at me with expectant eyes.

If I could look at myself, I would probably look at myself with expectant eyes.

My new cooking skill was just that godly.

MC: “Kaiser would you mind scouting out ahead for us while I prepare breakfast?” I asked Kaiser who nodded.

Kaiser: “Shall I look for anything in particular my god?” Kaiser replied back with a question.

MC: “If you can, please look out for human settlements” I asked him answering his question which caused him to smile.

Kaiser got up and turned away from me and broke into a slow jog which then turned into a run before evolving into a sprint.

And what a fast sprint that was as Kaiser had disappeared out of my sphere of vision within a few seconds.

I then concentrated on cooking.

After close to an hour everyone had woken up and surrounded me.

From far away this would look like a group of mad fanatical cult members staring at their sacrifice.

The thought made chuckle.

Long story short, after two hours of cooking Kaiser had returned.

But instead of conversing with him, I began to hand out the god tier item ‘Bear Chops’ to everyone in the group who had sparkly eyes as they dug into the dish.

Close to an hour later, after our eyes had dried and we as a group were content with life I got up and gestured for Kaiser to follow.

Once we were away from the group and walking at a slow pace I began to talk.

MC: “So Kaiser, tell me now that we are content, what did you find?” I glanced towards Kaiser as I asked this. Kaiser thought for a while before answering me.

Kaiser: “My god I have found three things worth mentioning while I was out scouting” Kaiser told me. He had an excited look about him so I simply nodded gesturing for him to continue “I found the Black Tooth legion camping opposite the Drago Horde my god and we were wrong about the numbers the orcs possessed. Well we were not wrong but Lablitz was, my god” when Kaiser said this I had an ominous feeling. I hoped that the numbers wouldn’t be that different but how wrong I was. “The Black Tooth Legion has over 10,000 troops my god along with a giant statue of you while the Dragon Horde had over 20,000”.

MC: “What?” I asked incredulously. 10,000 orcs was a much higher number than I wished. Considering the fact the Black Tooth is only one of the medium sized clans.

But 20,000 orcs…..

Dear God bless us.

Also on that note, why the hell were they carrying a statue of me?

Kaiser: “Ah forgive me my god, I gave you some false information” Kaiser told me. Please let it be the orc’s numbers I thought “There is no Black Tooth Clan anymore, that entire horde of orcs was called the ‘Legion of the Damned’” and with that I facepalmed. Kaiser simply smirked before continuing “The second thing I found was that if we take the path along the foot of the mountain, we can bypass the orc horde as well as the Human Fortress and head right past it” Kaiser told me.

Wait a second I thought to myself, what Fortress, what Mountain and how god damn far did you travel Kaiser?

MC: “Before we talk more about the path tell me about the Human Fortress” I asked Kaiser who simply smiled at me.

Kaiser: “It is a giant structure that appears to house several hundred my god, I should also mention that there are close to two thousand armoured men on horses standing right in front of it” I knowingly nodded to Kaiser.

So the humans had a giant castle with two thousand knights, how nice I thought to myself.

If I could get the Legion to attack Drago while dragging the humans into it, I should be able to bypass with little to no chance of being discovered at all.

I patted myself on the back, I am such a genius.

I then remembered that Kaiser said he had found three things, but he had only told me two.

MC: “And what is the third thing Kaiser?” I asked him curiously.

Kaiser: “I discovered a Hobbit Cave” when I heard those words I froze.

Could it possibly be true?

Could I possibly gain revenge for what had happened soon after my birth?

Could I show the bastard named Jiatya the same amount of love I showed Black Tooth?

I doubted it.

I hoped it was true, but I seriously doubted that Hargran could run so far and back to simply dump me in the lake.

It was most likely some other hobbit cave, but I would still be checking it out later on.

You never know, maybe the gods will favour me on this one particular topic.

I smiled to myself and then looked at Kaiser.

MC: “Well we best be sneaking past all of this, no?”



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