《Wait, You're Gay Too?! [BoyXBoy]》The (Seemingly) Perfect Date


~Chapter Sixteen~


I drove home as quickly as I could as soon as school was over. I needed to choose my pretty outfit, redo my make up and do something with my hair. My first date with Cayden... I couldn't stop squealing giddily.

I ran inside my home and gave my dad a quick hug before running into my room. I tore off my clothes, down to my bra and panties, and got my straightener plugged in and on. I set up my makeup set before opening the doors of my walk in closet.

Cayden seemed to be the kind of guy to like darker colors, so purple or blue or black would be good. I quickly grabbed my good pair of skinny jeans and pulled them on. I rapidly looked over all my shirts.

I needed to be classy to impress Cayden...

I chose a cute and light purple shirt that hung on my shoulders. So cute! I hung it up as I sat at my little mirror desk thing and started on my makeup. Black Smokey eye shadow seemed perfect.

I went slow while doing my eyes to make them perfect. I gently sharpened my waterproof eyeliner before coloring my bottom waterline. I gazed at my face and smiled a bit. My hazel eyes looked even more pretty than usual...

I sprayed some heat protectant on my hair before trying to straighten it to perfection. A knock sounded at my door.

"Come in," I called. My mom peeked her head in and smiled a bit.

"Adi... What's all this?" She came in, shutting the door behind her. I glanced at her.

"I have.. A date."

"Really?!" My mom giggled. "Please let me help!" I smiled a bit.

"I wouldn't mind some help on my hair..." I said, holding out my straightener. My mom instantly started straightening my blonde-brunette hair.

"Your hair is so beautiful.." She whispered all happy. "Just like your father's." I smiled.


We went on talking as I kept on getting ready. I slipped into black flats and pulled on my baby ring that my daddy got me and my twin, Ayden, when we were born. Once done, my mom helped spray on perfume before walking with me to the living room. She was so excited.

"You know your father will have a cow if you arrive after your curfew, so... Try to be home by ten, at least," she rubbed my back gently. I leaned into her and nodded.

"Of course, Mom.."

And as if on cue, Cayden pulled up in his black MOTORCYCLE. I squealed and half skipped half walked out the door. Cayden greeted me with a gentle kiss on my cheek.

"You look gorgeous, as always," his addictive voice whispered. I felt my face get hot. I giggled nervously. Stupid me.

He gave me a helmet and smirked. "Hope you don't mind going fast," he chuckled. My heart raced as I put it on and buckled it up. I've never been on a motorcycle before... But Cayden refused to get another car after Jessica's death..

The revving of the motorcycle made me jump a bit. He chuckled and took my hand. "I won't let anything happen to you," he smiled and helped me on. He glanced back at me and kissed my hand. "Wrap your arms around me, and hold on," his voice was so seductive, all I could do was nod and wrap my arms around his muscular midsection. It almost made me melt...

"Where are we going?" I called out, trying to be louder than the motor. Cayden pulled on his own helmet.

"A surprise." He said simply before taking off. I rested myself against him, and felt like I was flying.

I felt my racing heart speed faster when he rested a hand on mine...

And for once, I truly felt loved.



Once at the restaurant, he parked and stopped the motorcycle. He helped me off before getting off himself. He gently fixed my hair when I pulled off the helmet. He smiled.

"Still gorgeous," he took off his helmet before leading me in. He got us a table and seated me. He sat across from me and smiled. "I'm so happy you accepted my date," he chuckled softly. "I was nervous that you would reject me." I blinked.

"You thought I would reject you?" I asked softly. Was he for real? Only Jake would reject him! But, Cayden isn't gay.

"Yeah, I mean.. You're so beautiful and me.." He paused. "I'm just another boy." I blinked again.

"N-No!" I felt my face get hot again as I swallowed. "I-I mean, you're not just some boy..." I smiled lightly, but nervously. I was making a fool out of myself! Cayden laughed and smiled at me.

"Okay.. If you say so," he handed me a menu and looked over his own. "You get whatever you want. I'm buying," he winked at me, and I swear I felt my ovaries explode. Could he be any hotter?! I bit my lip and looked over the menu. If I got anything fried, I'd seem like a fat cow. But if I got a salad, I'd seem like a conservative, skinny bitch. I had no clue!!!

"I think... Imma get a bacon burger with fries," he smiled to himself, then looked at me. "What about you?" A burger seemed right in the middle... I smiled.

"A bacon burger sounds amazing, actually..." I said softly. "I think I'm just going to get the same thing," I felt myself blush more. What the hell?! WHY AM I BLUSHING SO MUCH?! Cayden chuckled and set his menu down.

"Perfect," he smiled. I smiled back and set my menu down. My heart was racing. I can't believe I'm actually with Cayden... Alone...

After getting our food, Cayden got into a lot of conversation. I cut my burger in half to eat it better. Cayden smirked at me.

"You must be really clean," he laughed. I looked at him, and smiled.

"How can you tell?

"You cut up your hamburger." I paused.

"Yeah?" I glanced down. Did that mean I was clean? He chuckled.

"You're a lot more lady like than any other girl I've been around," he smiled. "And I like it." I blushed more as I took a small bite. The taste was amazing. "I'm guessing it's could judging by your face," Cayden smirked. I swallowed it and laughed nervously.

"Y-Yeah.. It's yummy..."

"Yummy? Oh my god! You're so adorable," he laughed. I smiled more confidently. He was an amazing person.

After he paid for our meal and led me back to his motorcycle, it was dark outside. The air was cold, but refreshing. Cayden wrapped an arm around my waist.

"You cold?" He asked quietly.

I looked up at him and smiled a bit. His hand gently gripped my hip as he pulled me against him. I felt my heart skip a beat, then race 90 miles an hour. I looked up at him and swallowed nervously.

"I'll warm you up," he whispered and his hands gripped my thighs, pulling me up. I felt myself stiffen as he pressed his hot lips to mine. I felt electricity as I dared to kiss him back.

I had the best kiss with the person I want to be with the most.


Author's note:




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