《Wait, You're Gay Too?! [BoyXBoy]》Confronting the Danger Himself


~Chapter Seventeen~


I stayed with Nathan throughout his workout, and he honestly did better than I thought.

Although there were some tears, he got through it. Once we got home, he was out like a light. I only stayed for a bit since I had to get home. Tomorrow was where my father was training us, meaning we got to skip school. It was Friday, therefore I got to miss test day!

However, I don't get to see Nathan until night, but tomorrow would be where I confront Cayden about him going after Addison. He knew she had a crush on him, and he was using her love against her... Just like with Jessica...

In the morning, my mom came in and explained to me what my father was looking for. Of course I would be practicing against my Beta, Liam. He was strong, but over time I had gotten stronger. A little bit later, father came in with Liam and wished us luck.


"Boys and girls!" My father yelled, making all of us shut up. We all glanced at him, and listened. "You all know what today is. Whoever wins in this small battle will be put into the front line of our defenses against the Rogue's." Still silence was among us. My father looked over us all. "As you may know, Rogue wolves have been on the edge of our land, and it doesn't seem like they want to pay us a pleasant visit." I swallowed hard.

Rogue wolves. Vicious beings that no one really understood... We had put a fence around our territory, but that wouldn't stop them. It was more of protection of the children that resided here with us. They knew to never go outside the territory, or else we could no longer help them...


"As a result, I wish to see some vigorous fighting, and no mercy. We will stop you individually when it seems as if you or your partner has won," my father continued. "I wish you the best of luck, my children, and I will see you all at noon." He nodded at Liam's father, Matt, to start us.

"You all heard your Alpha!" He yelled out. "Begin when the bell sounds at the third ring, and we will stop you individually. Change at the first ring." He glanced at two guard wolves, and nodded. They pulled a rope, and the bell rang once.

I smiled at Liam and changed, watching him. 'I wish you luck, my friend,' I said through our minds. Liam changed as well and smirked at me.

'You too, brother,' he chuckled. All the others changed by the second ring. I took a breath, awaiting the third ring. By the third bell sound, we went at it. Snarls and bites and teeth were all over. The point wasn't really to draw blood, but to hold them defenseless. I didn't feel much pain as I fought Liam, but I could tell he was in pain. I didn't mean to, but I had to keep my title as future alpha!

Soon after we started, Matt stopped pairs as they defeated one another. After they finished, they watched the rest. I glanced over to see Cayden winning... Shit. As I was distracted, Liam jumped at me, forcing me to the ground. People gasped, and even I was taken by surprise.

'Dammit, Liam!' I growled and kicked him off, quickly getting up and getting on him and pinning him down. He struggled before Matt blew a whistle, stopping us. Panting, we both stood, looking at Matt. He smiled at us.


"Jake, Liam?" He said. "I'm sure we know who has won, haven't we?" I glanced at Liam and breathed out. Liam nodded a bit. I nodded too and looked up at Matt. Matt patted my head. "I congratulate you, Jake," he smiled and turned to everyone. "You all may go to get freshened up for lunch. You're all dismissed."

'Hell yeah, I'm starved!!!!' Liam howled happily and ran off. I chuckled and started walking towards the Pack house when I felt another person with me. I stiffened and turned around. Cayden. He scoffed a bit at me and watched me.

'I though future alphas were supposed to be strong, and not taken down by their Beta's, Jake,' his voice was like venom.. A growl erupted from my chest.

'What do you know about strength, Cayden? You hurt women. That's not strength,' I shot back. Cayden laughed, coming closer.

'I'm not hurting Addison, Jake. I'm letting her love me, just like she's wanted for a long time now. Once I give her that, she'll have to let me do what I want.'

'And that's abusing her!!!!' I yelled. 'She has no idea what you'll do to her! Just like how you did this to my sister, you bastard!' Cayden seemed too calm, which pissed me off even more.

'Jessica thought I imprinted on her, but that's what I wanted her to think.' He started laughing. 'I played the vulnerable role and got what I wanted, and she never left. She never once asked why she never imprinted back, and I got what I wanted.' He smirked. 'People need to learn to respect me too, not just you.'

'So killing is the way?! You haven't even told everyone that you've killed Jessica!'

'They think it was an accident, and that's how it'll stay.' Cayden chuckled. 'No one will listen to you. They know how much you hate me, and they won't believe you.' He started walking by. 'Addison is in good hands,' he laughed and walked off. I swallowed hard.

He felt nothing for murdering my sister...



Jake called me around four pm, telling me that Liam wanted me and Jake to come over.

It would be my first sleepover at someone's home other than Adi's.

I was nervous as I was packing up, but my mom talked to me throughout, helping me pack. She smiled and kissed my forehead.

"It'll be okay, sweetie," she smiled and ruffled my hair. "I know Jake would never put you in a position to be uncomfortable or hurt." I nodded and zipped up my backpack. She was right. Jake would protect me..

After a while, Jake pulled up and knocked on the door. He spoke with my mom as I placed my things in Jake's car. My nerves started relaxing as Jake came and got into the car with me. He smiled.

"I'm glad you could come," he leaned over and kissed me. I couldn't help but giggle.

"Me too, although I'm kind of nervous.." I admitted, laughing nervously. Jake smiled and rubbed my shoulder.

"I love you, Natey."

"I love you, too."


Author's note:

Hoped you enjoyed it and don't forget to vote , fan, share and comment!



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