《Wait, You're Gay Too?! [BoyXBoy]》Our Trip to the Gym


[Vote if you want a mini Jake or Nathan to appear in your room :3 ]

~Chapter Fifteen~


Kellyn and I had gotten home around twelve or so after our "us" day. Kellyn was talking to me about diet and exercise to help me get fitter.

Oh god.

I've never really exercised because it cost money to go to an actual gym, and I never had someone to do it with me or support me.... Someone who ISN'T my mother. I listened, and everything she said seemed easy, but I know it's not easy... It's going to be hard.

"---And I'll talk to mom about getting more fruits and veggies for you, and I will get protein powder for you, too," Kellyn blabbed as we walked into my home. It was quiet, just like it always was. Kellyn set her stuff down and shut the door behind me. She kept talking to me as I went to change into shorts and a t-shirt like she had asked on the ride home. She was going to rent out the gym for a few hours so I could work out, and not feel like I'm being judged by the other skinny people around me.

I quickly changed, trying to hide all of my cuts. Kellyn only knew a bit on what I'd done to myself... And her knowing more, will make her worry more, and I don't want that since she's trying her hardest to get into a college.

"Will your boyfriend be here soon?" Kellyn called to me, picking out her workout clothes from her black duffel bag. I looked at her.

"He's still at school, Kellyn... School doesn't end for another three hours," I called back as I pulled on some sort of basketball shorts. I haven't worn these ever...


"Too bad," she pouted a bit. "I wanted to meet him!" I smiled a bit. She wanted to meet Jake... I put on deodorant again before grabbing my sneakers and going out to her. Of course, being so confident in her body, Kellyn was changing in the living room. She pulled on her tight capris type things before taking off her shirt. She smiled a bit at me. I smiled back.

"I'm sure he'll want to meet you too," I said happily. All of a sudden, I heard the revving of a car. And it was close. I went to go check out the window before the door burst open and Jake was standing there. He saw me and grinned.

"Natey!!!!" He yelled, running at me and picking me up easily before nuzzling me. "I missed you!" I couldn't help but giggle.

"Jake!" I squealed, hugging him back. "You're supposed to be in school!"

"I know, but I couldn’t wait any longer to see you..!" He pulled back to kiss me when he stiffened. He glanced back at Kellyn and blinked. "Oh... You have someone here..." My cheeks turned red as he sat me down. Kellyn squealed.

"Is that him?!" She asked excitedly. I glanced down and nodded. Kellyn grinned and pulled Jake close. "I'm going to warn you one time, and one time only. Hurt Nathan and I will shove my foot so far up your ass that people will call you Mitt. Am I clear?" She had a scary look in her eyes. Jake's eyes widened.

"Y-Yes, ma'am.." He murmured softly. Kellyn's smile instantly returned and she let Jake go.

"Good! By the way, I'm Kellyn, Nathan's older sister," she pulled out her shoes from her duffel as Jake looked at me and smiled a bit.


"Jake... Whatcha guys up to?" He asked us both. I glanced at Kellyn, signaling for her to tell. Kellyn stretched and looked at Jake.

"Nathan wants to become skinnier, and we're getting ready to go to the gym." Jake paused and glanced at Kellyn.

"Skinnier?" He swallowed and looked at me. He looked so hurt... "Is... Is this because of... School and Aaron?" He asked softly. I swallowed hard.

"Jake... This is for me..." I looked down. I couldn't look at him...

"But... Nathan, you're perfect right now.." I felt tears brim in my eyes. No, I'm not... All I could do is shake my head. I felt him get closer, and his hand gently took my chin, lifting it so he could see into my eyes. I watched his Adams apple bob as he swallowed again. "You are... Are you honestly doing this for you?" He whispered. I felt his breath on my lips, making a shiver run down my spine. I licked my bottom lip before nodding a bit.

"I-I am..." I whispered. Jake watched me before kissing my forehead.


"Boys, you ready?!" Kellyn came back in with no shirt on! Only a sports bra... Weird. Jake paused.

"Wait, I'm coming?" I swallowed and nodded a bit.

"I was hoping you would... To help support me..." I murmured. Jake smiled and nodded.

“Of course I’ll come.”

"Let's go!" She ran out the door to her car, and me and Jake followed behind.


Once at the gym, we instantly got to work. HARD work.

We started with jogging on a treadmill. She said I was going to run for a full fifteen minutes, then walk for five. I started pretty good, but at thirty minutes or so, my calves began to burn. It felt like I was on fire! I bit my tongue to keep from complaining and kept running. Jake stood by my side and kept cheering me on, making me want to keep going.

At forty minutes, Kellyn made me stop and smiled, giving me a drink of water. Jake handed me towel to wipe my face, then kissed my cheek.

"You're doing so good, babe," he whispered to me. I blushed and smiled a bit.

"Y-Yeah?" I panted, taking another sip of water. Jake nodded and rubbed my back. Kellyn smiled and brought us to the weights. Kellyn grabbed a fifteen pound weight and showed it to me


"Doing weights is easy once you have your technique down..." Kellyn started, giving me the weight. She helped me out, and after five minutes, my arm felt like jello.

This is going to be a LONG two hours...


Author's note:

*Please excuse any spelling/grammar errors*




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