《Bloodthirsty(KNJ)》21. I Trust You.
She should be on her honeymoon, right now. She had just married the love of her life and it still didn't feel real.
She was married.
It had already been five days and she still couldn't believe it. Well, the press didn't miss an opportunity to remind her or anybody else for that matter.
There were still news articles about their wedding every day. Everyone wanted an interview with them, everyone wanted them on their shows. She even received requested to appear in reality tv shows! wow!
And no later than this morning, she had received a modeling proposition.
So that was what it felt like to marry an idol... honesty, she was having mixed feelings about it now. Of course, she didn't have any regrets because she loved him so much. She just didn't like living an extravagant life under the spotlight.
And talking about living extravagantly, their house was huge! A two-story house with two swimming pools and a beautiful garden. They had ten bedrooms with bathrooms, two kitchens, and a movie theatre in the basement. Next to his studio.
Anyway, the house wasn't the issue right now because they had a more pressing one.
Their witness hadn't awakened yet and their serial killer was still on the loose. They had no idea where to begin. Besides the fact that all the victims were ARMYs and were probably abducted after an event related to Namjoon or their fan club, they didn't have any other lead.
She felt like they weren't making progress at all! How could a human being leave no trace behind him? It was as if he was invisible.
"She is awake! She is awake!"
Nari and her colleagues got into the room as fast as it was humanly possible. The young girl, whose name was Son Miso, looked shocked and scared. Nari sat next to her bed while Soha and Ji Ho stood behind her. They gave her reassuring smiles and Nari touched her arm gently.
"Hey, Miso. How are you doing?"
"I- I'm okay." She answered in a trembling voice.
Nari hesitated, before speaking again.
"I'm sorry about what happened to you, sweetie. We'll catch that psycho, I promise. But we'll need your help to do that. Do you mind telling us what happened?"
She closed her eyes and it was obvious that she was trying hard not to break down. Nari held her hand and squeezed it. Miso then opened her eyes.
"RM" she said before covering her mouth with her hands.
They all exchanged looks and Nari tried to ignore the feeling of panic that was rising in her.
Miso took a deep breath and started talking again.
"The fan sign had just ended and I was on my way home with my friends. At some point, we went our separate ways and that's when- That's when someone called my name. I turned around and there he was, smiling at me and looking at me like I was somehow perfect... At first, I was confused. What was a worldwide celebrity doing in such a dark alley? And how did he even know my name? But I was flattered. I had crushed on him since high school and my bedroom's walls were filled with his posters. And he knew my name?!? I couldn't wait to tell my friends."
She shook her head and her expression changed. She got paler and she looked horrified.
"But something was off, I didn't know what. He asked me to take a walk with him and of course, I said yes. From there, everything seemed... I don't know, weird. Then I noticed that he had purple hair. When I saw RM earlier, he had blond hair. And also, the way he talked was different. It was the same voice, but he just didn't sound like his usual self. When I asked about his hair, his smile disappeared abruptly and he got closer to me."
Her hands traveled to her neck and her eyes filled with tears.
"He strangled me until I lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was in a barn and there were other girls and- and I heard him talking to one of the girls. I don't remember clearly what she said, but he got mad and started screaming something... a name."
"What name?" Ji Ho pressed.
"I don't know, something along with Kim Hyun? I don't know."
Nari watched her, as millions of possibilities went through her mind. A masked man? A look-alike? Or a mere resemblance that had Miso confused?
"Miso, honey, where was it?" Soha asked with a soothing voice.
When she said the name of the neighborhood, Nari snapped out of her reverie.
"When was it? Can you give us a time frame at least?
"On the 22nd and it was after the fan sign, so it was after 7 p.m."
Nari let out a breath she hadn't even realized she was holding.
"Do you remember anything else?"
She thought about it, then looked up abruptly.
"There was a scent. It constantly floated in the air... it smelled like camellias. I used to work at a flower shop, so I know a lot about flowers."
Nari smiled at the young woman.
"Thank you, Miso. You should rest now."
They bowed and were leaving the hospital room when Miso spoke again.
"I know it's not him. It just can't be. I have been a fan since his debut and I feel like I know him very well. He wouldn't hurt anyone. Please, detectives, find the real culprit so that our Namjoon doesn't suffer."
Nari just nodded and looked away, so that no one would see her tears.
They got out of the room and walked a short distance in silence before Ji Ho stopped suddenly and turned to Nari.
"It's not him, we all know it."
She didn't say anything and just watched him. Then she nodded with a forced smile. That's all she could do. Nod.
She didn't even know how to feel anymore. She knew Namjoon didn't do anything wrong, but she couldn't help this fear that was creeping inside... She had a bad feeling about this whole situation.
A killer who looked like Namjoon was targeting women from his fandom. But why?
The worst part was that they didn't even have proof that he was the serial killer they were looking for. It's true that Miso was his type and that she was an ARMY, but it could all be a coincidence.
Although... Now they had the answer to the question of how he approached his victims without them freaking out. They thought he was their favorite idol.
"I know it's not him. That night- the night Miso was abducted, we were together." She murmured to no one in particular, but the other two might have heard.
"Really? Like all night?"
Nari looked Ji Ho in the eye at that moment.
You just said, a few seconds earlier, that you know Namjoon is innocent. Now you're doubting?
"Yes, all night. I would know because that was the night I lost my virginity to him and we didn't get any sleep until early in the morning."
Soha and Ji Ho looked at her with huge eyes and mouths wide open. But she didn't care. She just kept walking not knowing where she was going. She needed to be alone for a while.
She walked outside of the ward and sat on the first bench she found. She let out a big sigh and looked straight ahead at the hospital's courtyard.
Nothing made sense at this point. A serial killer who looked like Namjoon? How was that even possible? Was he really an impostor wearing a mask to look like him? Was he doing this on purpose? Was he trying to pin his crimes on him? If so... why? What did Namjoon ever do to him?
If it wasn't a mask, then was it just a coincidence? Or... were they related? No one had ever heard of Namjoon having a twin brother though. Was it a family secret? Every family had secrets. Hers probably did even though she wasn't particularly thrilled about it. She had heard rumors... Was it the same with Namjoon's family? Was that man their family secret?
She was going crazy trying to figure out everything by herself, but she couldn't help it. With the witness's testimony, it would be easy to pin everything on Namjoon!
Unless he had an alibi for every disappearance? Right, they should start with that first. She took her phone out as she was running back in.
"What did you say?!" Yoongi exclaimed as he stood up abruptly.
"We're still not sure, though. Even she said so. And she had trouble remembering some things."
"That's not reassuring, especially since everyone in the police force already sees him as a suspect. We might have to arrest him soon."
"What? No! We don't have any proof-"
"They need a suspect because they want the public opinion to change."
"Let's just wait until we come back to the precinct, okay? We need to figure this out first."
Yoongi sighed as his mind started racing. This was bad. Namjoon couldn't be a suspect. He didn't believe it either. The young man was so sweet and charming... Also, how would he have been murdering for so long without anyone noticing anything?
"Yoongi? Babe, you're still there?"
"Yes, I'm here. But baby we might have a problem with your plan."
"What do you mean?"
"I have to keep the prosecution informed of everything..."
"Well, shit."
There was a short silence.
"It'll all work out, don't worry. How is Nari holding up?"
"She is in shock, of course. She is convinced that he is innocent and being framed."
"I think so too. And proving it is going to be a nightmare."
"Tell me about it. We're leaving now, I'll see you in a few. I love you."
"I love you too, sweet bean. See ya."
After he hung up, Yoongi started pacing in his office. His thoughts were all over the place and he didn't even know how to feel. He hadn't known the idol for that long, but he trusted him. He knew he wouldn't hurt a fly. He just knew it. But why would the witness be so specific about the identity of her aggressor? She even went as far as saying his name!
At that moment, he heard a knock on the door and before he could answer, it opened on Jin.
What perfect timing.
"Hyung? What are y-"
"Do you have something for me? I heard your witness woke up." Jin said with a smile as he walked towards his younger friend. He took a seat on one of the chairs and stretched his long legs in front of him.
"How did you know? Wait don't answer that."
Jin laughed and settled more comfortably in his chair.
"I have nothing."
"I'll let you know by tonight, okay?"
"So you know something..."
Yoongi watched his friend smirk and frowned. Jin knew something, didn't he? But he wasn't sure and that's why he was here. How would he stall him to buy them some time?
"I really don't. I haven't talked to my detectives yet."
"Call them?"
"I can't."
"Why not?"
"Soha and I are fighting since this morning and I don't want to upset her."
He slapped himself internally after saying that, but it was the first lie he could think of.
"Are you in a fight with Nari as well?"
"Hyung, what are you really doing here?"
"I told you, I came to get information. So, what do you have for me, superintendent Min?"
That smirk again. Yoongi sighed and sat back down.
"I don't have anything."
Jin didn't seem to believe him, but he wasn't saying anything. Which made Yoongi nervous. Why did he have the feeling that it was Jin who was trying to buy time? And he looked more confident than usual. That was definitely suspicious.
"Hyung, what is it? Tell me."
Jin shrugged.
"I didn't know you guys were close, to the point of you protecting him like this."
Yoongi paled instantly. Did he really know everything? Who told him? How? When? The witness had just given her statement! Or... was it a trap?
"Who are you talking about?"
He gave him a look.
"You know, getting a warrant will be quick. The higher-ups have been trying to close this case for months by any means possible. Covering for him won't get you anywhere."
Yoongi sighed again and closed his eyes. He couldn't believe this. The information was out. And he couldn't do anything about it, especially since Jin was the prosecutor on the case. And for some reason, he really wanted Namjoon to be the culprit. He couldn't say if it was because of Nari or not. They'd known each other for years and Yoongi had never seen him act like this.
He really hated Namjoon. He'd never seen Jin hate anyone that much. Yoongi thought about what Soha told him the other day. Would he go too far just because he was jealous?
No, the Jin he knew would never do that.
"Hyung, listen we don't-"
He was interrupted by the door opening abruptly and Soha came in, followed by Nari and Ji Ho. Their expressions weren't very reassuring.
And Nari paled when she saw Jin. Soha looked worried and Ji Ho... well, he was Ji Ho.
"Boss, can we talk? In private?" Nari said with an emphasis on the "in private" part.
Jin stood up from his seat and looked at her, then at Yoongi.
"I don't know why you're trying to hide things from me. You're wasting my precious time right now."
"Please leave." Nari Interjected.
This time, jin's expression changed and he became very serious. Actually, he looked angry.
"Treating me this way won't change the fact that your dear husband is going to rot in jail."
Nari got really close to him and she looked like she was going to punch him. She was fuming.
"He didn't do anything worth going to jail for." She hissed.
"We'll see about that, detective Park." He retorted with an evil smirk before leaving the office.
Soha turned to Yoongi with an expression that seemed to say "I told you so." And Nari looked like she would lose it at any moment. Yoongi swore and ran his fingers through his hair.
"I'm sorry, Nari. I don't know how-"
"Namjoon isn't the killer. It's not him." Nari said.
Yoongi gave her a look and stroked his temples. He nodded, then regained his seat.
"I know, we all know he wouldn't do that."
"Yes, Namjoon is one of the sweetest persons I know. He wouldn't do this."
There was a short silence and Soha looked at Ji Ho. She frowned at him but he shrugged. She rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to her friend. She held her hand and led her to the seat in front of Yoongi's desk.
"It's going to be okay, Nari. We have a plan, remember?"
"A plan?" Yoongi asked curiously.
Soha nodded and turned to Nari, encouraging her to speak.
Nari looked up at her superior.
"I was thinking, if we check his alibi on the days the girls went missing, then maybe... he is a public person, finding out his schedule should be easy. The hard part would be-"
"To know the exact time of the kidnappings." Yoongi finished.
She nodded.
"We don't have much time, we'll have to hurry. Especially since Jin hyung is on our case. We'll have to tell him about the witness statement sooner or later. Though he might know everything already."
"I know, but give me until the end of this day at least. Please."
"You don't have to beg, detective Park. Now let's get to work, shall we?"
Namjoon had just finished a scene and he was preparing for the next one. It would be in a while, so he had some time to spare. He read the script over and started practicing on his own because the actor he usually did it with was busy.
But he couldn't focus because he was thinking about Nari. When was he not? But right now, he was rather worried about her. She had looked sick this morning but she had refused to listen to him when he had suggested they went to the hospital. She was so stubborn, it got to the point when he left the house feeling frustrated.
And he missed her now. He also wanted to make sure she was okay.
He put the script down and went looking for his phone. When he found it, he ignored his multiple notifications and went straight to his messages.
Namjoon: hey babe! You okay?
It took 5 long minutes for her to finally answer.
Myhoney💞: hey sweetie, I'm okay. How are you?
Namjoon: I'm fine... I miss you. Where are you?
Myhoney💞: at work, duh.
Namjoon: I wish I could come to you, but I still have some scenes left... 😭
Myhoney💞: awww so sorry. But I'll do something special for you tonight 😉
Namjoon: yeah? What's that? 😏
Myhoney💞: you'll see. 😏
Namjoon: can't wait 😋
Myhoney💞: I have to go now. I'll see you tonight. I love you! 😘
Namjoon: wait! Are you sure you're okay?
Myhoney💞: yeah? 😕
Namjoon: you really didn't look that well this morning...
Myhoney💞: stop 🙄 I'm fine, I love you sweetie. Bye.
Namjoon: I love you too baby. See you tonight😘
With a smile on his face, he put his phone back in his bag and left the dressing room, his script in his hands. The other actor must have been done by now. He was walking his way towards the set while whistling when he saw someone he was not expecting at such a place.
Prosecutor Kim?
He was accompanied by two police officers and was talking to one of the technicians. The man suddenly turned around and when he saw Namjoon, he pointed at him. Jin then followed his stare and smirked as their eyes met. Namjoon frowned.
What the hell?
And everything went fast from there. Before he knew it, he was getting handcuffed and one of the officers was reading him his rights. He was so confused, he couldn't say a word. He was just watching the scene unfold as if he was just a bystander.
Everyone looked shocked on the set. The directors tried to stop them and his manager was furious. He was even threatening Jin, but the latter couldn't care less. The police officers pushed him towards their car.
Namjoon was still too shocked to react. He let it all happen and did what they asked without resistance. his mind was blank, he couldn't focus on anything.
When they arrived at the precinct, he was indifferent to all the looks and murmurs, but when he heard her voice, he came out of his numbness. He looked up at her as she was running towards him. She crashed onto him and hugged him very tightly. He bent his head and kissed her hair. He breathed her in and took the time to appreciate her scent, her warmth.
Then it hit him.
He was being arrested for something he didn't do. How many charges was it again? He remembered hearing Jin mentioning murder and kidnapping... He also added something else, but he couldn't remember.
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In the wake of All Might's rejection, Izuku goes with Sensei. The League gained a new member, and the future shifted.As Kurogiri knows, Sensei has many quirks and many plans, embodied in those he chooses to invite into the League. As someone near the centre of the League, Kurogiri knows more about their aspects than anyone except Sensei. He knows how the ancient man covers every angle of the situation, even the ones no one else saw coming. Sensei was always prepared to play the long game.Tomura Shigaraki was one plan. The obvious plan. The one everyone focuses on.Izuku Midoriya was an unexpected plan, a hidden plan, one that bides its time before striking when you least expect it.Both men have power and purpose, but only one needs to succeed. Kurogiri watches both plans unfold, from their joined beginnings, through their diversion, until they meet again, in a world they changed.Spanish Translation https://www.wattpad.com/story/232714891-another-form-of-power
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