《BREATHE》*twenty one*


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Indigo laid her head on the table. School started back a few weeks ago and the one thing on Indigo's mind was to graduate and go to college.

Today was not her day, she had a bad headache and her period came this morning so her cramps were killing her. On top of that she didn't take her meds today because she forgot.

Looking around the class Indigo rolled her eyes. She was currently in English which was the only class she had without any of her friends. The kids in this class were loud and disrespectful.

She watched in silence as the teacher tried to gain control of the class. It took a few tries but the class was silent and in their seats.

The teacher walked to Indigo's seat placing a pile of papers on her desk asking, "Can you please pass these out". With a small smile Indigo started to walk around the room passing the papers around.

Looking at the row she had next she rolled her eyes, it was Mia and her little friends. Indigo was honestly not in the mood for their antics. Placing the papers on each of their desks she felt herself trip a little before she caught herself.

Taking a deep breath in her nostrils she turned around tilting her eyes at a laughing Mia, "Bitch you so fucking childish", as she threw the rest of the papers at her. Continuing to rant she goes, "Ion even speak to you or your hoe ass friends. The fuck you feel the need to bother me every dam day".

With that she started to walk away from her before she heard Mia speak again, "That's exactly why I fucked your nigga".

If you looked closer at Indigo you can see her eyes water a little before a mug came over her face again. Indigo had strong trust issues but she gave Sev all her trust and he just broke it.

Indigo was not about to fight over a nigga. Niggas can be found anywhere besides Sev was not all that to be fighting someone over. Indigo continued to walk away but what she heard next made her blood run cold.

"Ya daddy and mommy is dead and now I took your nigga. Go kill yourself bitch".

The class fell silent as they all looked towards Indigo. Clenching her hands together her eyes flashed a darker shade of black before she muttered, "What did you just say". The people in the room had to lean in to hear what the visibly upset girl said.


Indigo felt herself black out. Before Mia could repeat the sentence Indigo flew across the room slamming the light complexion girl's head into the desk with a laugh. Spending time with Violet allowed his personality to rub off on him, the good and bad parts of it.

"Get your ass the fuck up", Indigo said allowing the taller girl can get up as she crossed her arms over her chest with her left foot poking out.

The minute the girl got out of her seat Indigo ran at her throwing two punches at her. Mia in response grabbed Indigo's hair pulling her to the ground.

In one swift movement Indigo flipped them over causing her legs to wrap around the girl's waist. Indigo held back nothing as she punched the girl in her face several times. Mia was clearly out of it as blood leaked from both her nose and lip.

Mia glared at Indigo before spitting a mixture of blood and saliva on her face. Indigo sat there shocked for a second before grabbing the girls head slamming it on the hard floor several times.

"You one nasty ass bitch". She told her before getting up to use her foot to kick the girl several times in the head. "I'm sorry please", Mia begged as a mixture of blood and mucus covered her face.

Letting out a laugh Indigo pulled the girl up by her hair before kicking her in the head again several times. At that moment she didn't want to stop till Mia was dead.

Seeing that Indigo was not going to let go of the girl the other students tried to pull the girl off Mia. That didn't end up well seeing that it resulted in them also getting hit.

Suddenly Indigo came to. Looking around she saw the terrified look everyone was giving her, like they were scared. Making an attempt to wipe her face she felt a sticky material all over her face.

Looking at her hands in shock she saw them covered in blood, blood that clearly didn't belong to her. Hearing a moan she looked at the ground in shock to see a blood cover Mia.

Tears started falling down her face as she realized what she did.


Indigo sat in the principal's office with her aunt next to her. "So you telling me that my niece beat that girl up and your suspending her".


Clearing his throat the principal says, "Yes we are. We have a no fighting rule in this school. The parents of the child are threatening to press charges on you".

Ameena looked at the man like he had three heads, "I complain to yall every week about what that girl does to my niece and yall dont do nothing. Now she sticks up for herself and its a problem".

Before the man can say anything she gets up grabbing her bag before saying, "And tell that bitch if she sue imma sue her ass the fuck back".

With that she turns to her niece saying, "Come on NiNi baby".

An awkward silence surrounds them as they walk to the car. "Are you mad at me TT", Indigo questions her demeanor resembling a child. "Of course not baby", her aunt said, sending her a smile.

"I was so scared TT. I almost killed that girl", Indigo mumbled. Grabbing her chin her aunt pulled her closer, "Look at me. It's okay, she deserves it".

Indigo cracked a smile before turning to the window as her smile slowly faded off her face.

Ten minutes later they pulled up to Kenji's shop. "I have to go back to work, but I already told him what happened". Pulling out her purse she passed her niece a hundred dollars before driving off.

Indigo dragged her feet as she opened the door, the bell dinging which caused everyone to turn and look at her. "Muhammad Ali", Black yelled smirking at her.

Rolling her eyes she walked over to him giving him a small hug. "You beating bitches up now", Jordan told her as she also gave him a hug.

"Hey niece", Kenji said as he cut some kids' hair. Walking to his station she gave him a side hug before greeting everyone else in the room. Taking her shoes off she laid on the couch feeling herself fall asleep.


Sliding her slippers on Indigo grabbed a small sweater before she stepped out her house quietly closing the door behind her. It was the day after her fight late in the night.

She had not spoken to Sev since the day before. So of course he felt the need to pull up on her. Seeing his car she opened the door taking a seat in the car.

A silence covered the car before Sev grabbed her face looking at her small cuts as a result of her fight. "Why you out here fighting?", he asked her.

"Ask your lil girlfriend", she snapped back at him. A confused look flashed over his face, "You my girl the fuck", he said.

"Then why you fucking other bitches", She questioned tilting her head to the side. His eyes widened in realization.

He quickly responded saying, "That was before we started dating". Still mugging him she goes on asking, "How long before". Sev shifted nervously muttering something under his breath.

"What was that? Say it with your chest nigga".

Clearing his throat he goes, "The day before I asked you". At that Indigo froze as she felt her eyes glaze up with tears.

Blinking back her tears she took of the necklace he gave her. The necklace she had not taken off in the past month. Quietly she placed it in his lap.

Grabbing her arm he goes, "Please. We weren't dating then". They were not but it was the simple sentiment that he put his lips on another bitch hours before he asked her out. Not just any regular bitch too but the same bitch that insisted on bothering Indigo everyday.

She didn't like the fact that she had to hear it from someone else's mouth. Their relationship was supposed to be built off trust. She put her trust in his hand and he broke it. There is no coming back from that.

Indigo's eyes flashed with anger before slapping his arm off her, "But if I did that it would be a whole different story".

Her eyes softened before she placed a soft kiss on his lip before opening the door walking out. A tear slowly fell down her face as she walked towards her house. She knew she would spend this night in tears.


Well that was interesting 😗

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