Blood Creed Fantasy Action Adventure Drama School Life Supernatural Martial Arts Slice of Life
In a world where orphans are deemed beneath the dirt, a lone boy lived his life, working day by day. in hope to better his destiny. The day of his coming of age marks the birth of his potential, where everyone unleashes their magic, in hope that he receives a powerful ability, the boy held hope that that might change his fate, hoping to be groomed to a noble's house. however what he ended up with was nothing but a strange book. a book he deemed uselses, however a simple book it was not. and simplicity was far from fair to describe it.
follow Basara as he uncovers the secret of the book that is only worthy of the Servants of Death to carry...
1. Prologue
2. Chapter 1 A Damned book
3. Chapter 2 (The just lord)
4. Chapter 3 (Nocturne)
5. Chapter 4 (A butler's responsibility)
6. CHapter 5 (Shen the sword master)
7. Chapter 6 (struggling with daily life)
8. Chapter 7 (Prodigious disciple)
9. chapter 8 (Honing)
10. Chapter 9 (A Bloody Supper)
11. Chapter 10 (loss of control)
12. Chapter 11 (Assimilation)
13. Chapter 12 (Breakthrough)
14. Chapter 13 (Merger)
15. Chapter 14 (Creation, and Death)
16. Chapter 15 (Inspiration)
17. Chapter 16 (Learning magic)
18. Chapter 17 (Deathly Spar)
19. Chapter 18 (Moving out)
20. Chapter 19 (Entrance day)
21. Chapter 20 (Undying Forest)
22. Chapter 21 Challenge
23. Chapter 22 (Lion hunting rabbits)
24. Chapter 23 (Rabbits hunting Lions)
25. Chapter 24 (Party invite, and a date with a princess?)
26. Chapter 25 (Treasure hunting in the undying forest.)
27. Chapter 26 (Death strolling within the undying forest)
28. Chapter 27 (Blood creed!)
StarPath Online
StarPath Online is a Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online game created by Ventrical Studios. It's been live for over a month and has had record-breaking sales thanks to its mixture of Science Fiction and Fantasy elements. The players can wield magic, use massive weapons that border on artillery, wear power armor, pilot giant robots, and even buy their own ships and fly through uncharted space just to explore the unknown. It has something for everyone and with a focus on game-play, creativity, and exploration over leveling it offers a new and unique experience not offered in many games. However, the main thing keeping Darren from purchasing the game has been a distinct lack of information on the crafting system in the game. Still, with some convincing from Jeff, Darren has decided to purchase the game and give it a try, he has little else to do in his free time. Join Darren as he ventures into a completely different galaxy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Release Schedule - Fridays at 8 PM EST.
8 84Monsters and Terrariums
Sylas Terrarium, a Half-Dryad, has spent his life as one of the unlucky few in the Age of Wells with no ability whatsoever to manipulate mana. But in a moment seemingly like any other, he suddenly, and inconveniently, became a plant.In a universe destined for a second cataclysm, Sylas must claw, rip, and cast his way to greatness before the monsters bring humanity to the brink of extinction once more.
8 205Truck, Firearms, and A New World
What would you do if you woke up in a new world with a truck full of camping gear, and a little bit of emotional truama? Well you can find out what this guy would do. I don't own the cover, that privelage goes to JessyRuiz who probably doesn't want me using it.
8 118Alter's Aburd Escapades!
After waking up on some beach, Alter, with no memory is thrust into battle with only the voice in his head to guide him. Lets see where this goes!
8 73Unlucky | Doppio Male Reader X MHA [DELAYED]
Follow the bizzare journey that is Vinegar Y/n's story
8 89The Truth Untold (Poems)
When you can't explain what you feel turn the unsaid words into art. ~ Poetry inspired by artists such as bts, jhene aiko, keshi.. etc, nature, pictures, etc. #10 in Freewrite /1000+SO HAPPY I'VE BEEN GOING UP IN THE POETRY RANKING#362 in Poetry /1000+twitter; @any1seenyoongi
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