《Blood Creed》Chapter 21 Challenge


Chapter 21

“Is there a problem here?” said the old man.

“Yes, there is, this boy here stole my prey, I was hunting in the Undying forest until I found a golden stag, and he took the chance once the deer managed to escape from my grasp t take his horns as a trophy. Those horns are mine!” she said as she approached menacingly.

Before I could speak the old man said

“These horns belong to the school right now, they have been exchanged. Furthermore, you lost your chance once you let that Stag escape. Nothing belongs to anyone within that forest, failing to kill that beast was your mistake, and not this boy’s problem, he found a treasure and took it.”

“But that is absurd! The beast was clearly wounded. He could have waited for someone else to come and claim having done the damage to it, this is just thievery!” she said while raising her voice even more.

“Miss, I assure you, I had not the slightest intention of stealing from anyone, I thought that it was just a wounded wandering deer and decided to take the trophy for myself,” I said in an apologetic voice hoping that she would calm down.

“Stop with your nonsense, Hang on, aren’t you that Double negative servant? What the hell were you even doing in that forest in the first place? Does the school not follow regulations? Why let an incompetent wander off into the forest?”

Ah shit, this is getting more and more complicated…

“You should have stopped this boy from entering the forest, he could have gotten himself killed. Or at least not have taken what is rightfully mine, I wonder what would Royal father think about this.” She said

Bringing her father into the conversation is clearly a way for her to put pressure on the old man.

“Your father has no dealing with the way this school runs, no matter if you are of royal lineage or just a simple servant all rights are kept, that boy slew the beast and the rewards are his, it was due to your own lack of attention that it escaped in the first place.”

The girl had an aggravated look on her face as her strongest bargaining chip turned useless.

“You,” said the girl pointing at me “Give me back the compensation for those horns, you know well it is mine.” She said

I felt hesitant at first before I conceded.

“There is no need to aggravate things. Here,” I said as I approached her and wanted to give her the points back, I can always get more points by going back to the forest, there was no need to aggravate things and make it more difficult for me, and lady Akari.

“I am sorry sir, I know you wanted for me to keep the points but it will be absurd to keep them right now. I don’t want any fallouts with the Royal family especially I would not want my mistress to have any problems with them.” I said

“I understand, what is yours is yours and what you do with it is your choice.” He said

Once I approached and wanted to exchange the 500 points back to her the old man smirked and said

“You know that with the golden root of Yggdrasil and the ten petaled clovers you have you can gain more than what you just gave away, you can still exchange them for points if you want.”

“Golden root of Yggdrasil? You have one of them?”


I squinted my eyes at the old man who just blew away the thing I didn’t want to keep secret but didn’t want other people to come sniffing around for it.

“Yes, I managed to find one in the forest,” I said

The woman the pulled back her card before the exchange could be done and said

“Then give that to me in exchange for the humiliation you caused me.” She said while an air of haughtiness was oozing out of her.


The old man’s smile grew wider.

“Why? You should know well that the root has twenty times the value of the horns and you want it for yourself aren’t you being a bit too greedy?”

“I needed the Hornes of that Stage, not the points I have many of them, now the root has more value than the points, give it to me so that all our differences can be resolved peacefully.”

I looked at the old man who was smiling mischievously and thought

That man knew that this was going to happen if he were to divulge that I have the root. But why do so? Was it just in spite? Because I didn’t give him the root?

“I am sorry Lady Lissandra, but I cannot do that, I am in need of that element.”

“Ae you trying to challenge the royal family,” she said angrily.

Holy shit this girl is blowing things out of proportions.

“No my lady, but I Of the house Ling shall not tolerate being bullied. I would gladly give you the compensation for the stag’s horns but I will not be guilted into exchanging the root for it.” I said

“You are courting death.” She said “Though the Ling family are close friends with father, I am sure that he will not tolerate if a servant refuses my order, even if he is from another family, I guess the demise of the Ling family shall be caused by your incompetence and foolishness,” she said as she strode off

“Hey wait! Everything here is due to your greed, The Ling house has nothing to do with it!” I said shouting at her back.

“Greed you say?” she said as she turned back “While of course, it is greed, I am the daughter of the king, all I need I should have and all I want I should get, and you are standing between me and what I want, so why would you think that you have the right to complain? You of a lower class, a servant daring to oppose a member of the royal family? Do you know what a deep problem you just caused your family?” she said.

“The only one who is causing problems is you!” I said “Excuse me for the following words, but you are selfish and arrogant, and want to take other people’s belongings with unjustified actions, indeed I happened to stumble upon that stag but once I knew it was yours I tried to give you back its worth, now you want to take what is mine without even a proper compensation or me ever having a choice to refuse.”

“Arrogant? Selfish? You sure are courting death boy” she said as she brought a golden shafted long sword from thin air.

“Hold up!” said the old man as he appeared between us.

“There shall be no fighting within this school if you want to resolve your differences do it in the arena.” Said the old man

“I refuse to even fight this lady,” I said as I strode back.”


“I evoke the rite of a challenge! Said Lady Lissandra as she threw a black coin at the old man”

“This one accepts, the Rite of challenge shall be evoked. Lady lissandra of The Visania Royal linage Vs Basara of the house Ling” Said the old man

“What is this? I said I don’t want to accept the challenge.” I said

“You have no right to refuse this challenge,” said the woman. “Using the rite of challenge I get to challenge anyone from any class forcefully or refuse a challenge from anyone of any class forcefully, this is only due to me being a student of an S class. Unlike you”

‘This is just plain old bullying where even the school permits!’ I said to myself.

“What will be the stakes?” said the old man.

“I want the golden root of Yggdrasil, in exchange for my class status,” she said with a smile

“Very well, this old man believes that the stakes are proper. Winner takes all.” He said as he smiled.

“Don’t I get to choose not to fight?!” I said

“If you have one of those black coins then you could, but due to you being a double negative, you cannot escape. Don't worry, there can only be one coin per person, and once used they cannot use it again, this serves to avoid complexities where S class students might go on a rampage taking everyone’s belongings. However, I am quite surprised that this Lady here used this coin so early on.”

“I don’t care, I just don’t like it when I am being made fool of. This way you shall know the difference between us, how a servant should act this one shall teach you properly!” she said as she strode off.

“The fight shall begin tomorrow morning, before noon.” Make sure that you are there at the time, failing to arrive in time is equal to a loss.” Said the old man then he turned toward me with a smirk on his face

“Good luck tomorrow, a disciple of Shen,” he said when he walked off.

‘I have been played…’ I said

‘Indeed,” replied Nocturne ‘That man is no ordinary man… to test your mettle he made sure that you confront one of strongest in this school even on your first day. To make matters worse, I am sure that by tomorrow many will have known of this and many shall attend. Make sure not to disappoint me, Basara.’

‘Hey! Why did you remain silent all that time? I mean you could have suggested a way for me out of this mess! Pay your rent!’

‘Kekekekeke!” laughed nocturne in a creepy manner, “Am I already not? I have been training you day and night, you should prove yourself, Ah, by the way, don’t use that scythe tomorrow, you cannot yet control it, and you may end up killing that woman. I don’t think that killing someone of the royal family is a wise idea.” He said as he kept on laughing in the background.

God damn it…

I went back to the dorm room and was met with Lady Akari at the door. She had a strange look on her face.

“What were you thinking about directly challenging the royal house?” she said

“Eyh. I am sorry my lady, I know I stepped out of line, but she wanted to take what was not hers.”

“What do you mean? All I do know is that you took her trophy, that is what she said, I know that father trusted you, however, you stealing someone else is putting that trust to question.” She said

“My lady, you must have been misinformed,” I said as I told my part of the story, on how all of that happened and how I was tricked into challenging her by that old man.

“So that is the case… she didn’t accept the points for the horns and wanted to take your trophy instead… however, what are you going to do with that root? Are you going to exchange it for the school?” she asked

“No, I will be making a concoction of it, I happened to know of a strong potion that can help the body and its main ingredient is that root,” I said

“So you know alchemy?” she said

“Just the basics,” I said

‘I wonder if anyone would believe you saying just the basics, the root of Yggdrasil is used in some of the most potent potions to ever be made.’

“No matter, I don’t think that you could defeat that woman alone, I should probably just publicise that she is bullying the weak to get their belongings, this way the heat of this matter will lessen the fact that the challenge had issued, and our house would receive less pressure.” She said”

“I am sorry for causing trouble,” I said apologetically

“There is no need to apologize, she sought to take what was yours. Father never liked being bullied into submission, in fact, I think he will feel rather pleased that you, as a servant challenged a royal for what was rightfully yours.” She said as she waved her had.

“Melinda, can you take the place of Basara tomorrow? I guess he is still inexperienced and will have trouble fighting against a much higher classed person” she said

“I would have loved too, but I looked around and understood that unlike normal challenges where one can ask for another to take part in their challenge, a rite of challenge forces the original two to duke it out without interference. He has to fight…” she said apologetically.

“Don’t worry Basara, it is indeed a huge loss if you lose the root. However, the fact that you are able to challenge one of royal lineage is a good opportunity to grow stronger. Try to remain standing as much as you can, that is enough to deal a blow to her in the matches tomorrow.” Said Lady Akari

“I will do my best,” I said as I retreated back to my room.”

‘What are the chances of me winning that fight tomorrow?’ I asked

‘If she uses her full potential I think you would be taken down in an instant.’ Said Nocturne

‘She is that strong?’ I asked

‘Her muscles, the Qi around her, even her stage of cultivation is one stage higher than yours.’ Said Nocturne.

‘ the fifth stage?’ I said

‘Yes, though she is young reaching that stage is praiseworthy. However do remember that you just began cultivating three months ago, where she must have spent much longer training. However, I don’t intend on letting you lose that root that easily… remember about dual casting and speed casting?’ he said


“Its time to show you how it is done.” He said with a laugh.

Then I entered my sea of consciousness where Nocturne was patiently waiting.

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