《Blood Creed》Chapter 2 (The just lord)


Chapter 2

“Who is that boy?” said an old man that just got into the establishment.

“Master Yo-ling we believed he is a corrupted soul however after inspection it turned out that he is but a mere child.” Replied the investigator that was responsible for the situation of Basara.

“Why did such beliefe come in first place?” said the old man

“It is due to this book.” Said the investigator as he handed it to the lord of the city.

The man looked at the book and began turning its pages. He stopped to take a better look at the strange symbols and unreadable content within it before he said

“In all my life I have never seen a language such as this. does it mean anything?”

“I know not my lord. However, the boy claims it means something as he is able to read it. I doubted it to be true at first however his words made me give him some credibility.”

“What did he say that the book contained?”

“Something about focus I don’t remember the exact words, but they seemed meaningless to me.”

Focus, thought the old man

“For one of those beasts to focus is a strange notion, they thrive in murder and in carnage forwarding their desires over their senses, to focus is an impossibility to them. Let the boy out, there is no need to keep him here, he is free of guilt.

Guilt? Thought the investigator but did not want to disobey the Lord's orders.

“And what about the book?”

“Give it back to him, that is not our property.”

“The boy believes it is a Grimoire, shouldn’t we keep it with us? I mean he is but an abandoned orphan, and he does not need nor does he deserves such a treasure.”

“That is not yours to decide, that thing belongs to that kid, and unless it proves to be harmful to others, he has all right to keep it. If we take what we want from orphans who barely have anything, then we are worse than bandits. Also, give the child a compensation for the treatment, none deserves to suffer through that for a mere suspicion.”

“Yes my lord.” Said the investigator and left the place.

The lord of the city, Yo ling the dragon amongst men wielder of the true flame and the right hand of the King. Considered a hero and a fair judge, who would never hesitate to show his power against oppressors and injustice, for that alone he earned the king’s favor as for his deeds, many of them resulted in his current position as lord over one of the greatest city in the current world.

The old man who was barely fifty years old walked out of the room and headed back to his mansion. He wanted to check up on his daughter that just came of age and now is going through a stage of great difficulty. The house of Ling is a house that is hosting a dragon’s flame as their ancestors were blessed by one. From generation to another this flame would strengthen itself more and more, and for that reason this old man is worried. His transition phase almost made him lose his life. However, he managed to breakthrough resulting in the strength he holds now. If his daughter suffers from the same thing while he is away, then she will certainly die as the flame within her is much stronger than his.

He could not afford to waste time these days with normal people’s matters however the deal with ‘one of them’ made it an urgency that he needed to investigate.


Now that his job is done he will head back to his daughter’s place and make sure she is well guided; for the flame to take root within her body without damaging her. However, he still went towards the nearby market to check up on his people, what kind of a lord would he be if he does not at least that?

Though he was a man of great power, once he walked the street none cared to look at him. It was his attitude and his walk, he was able to blend in with people without being noticed by any. He was just a face in the crowd that one would forget once they pass them by… And so the man of the highest standing within the city walked the streets of commoners like if he was one of them.

“You can leave this place kid.”

“What are you for real? Nice! But can I ask you something?”

“What is it?” said the investigator

“You see, I work for Ludic’s syndicate, I need a leave of absence because honestly I don’t know how much time I spent here and I would really appreciate you guys helping me out…”

“We don’t offer such things here, but don’t worry about that, here you go.” He said as he threw a pouch towards me. I grabbed it and was baffled to see the contents.

“Those are a hundred Gold coins given by the government for the inconveniences.”

“Holy shit I have never seen so much money in my life, this is enough to feed me for three lifetimes!”

The investigator looked at me with a strange face,

“You are happy with such a small amount of money?” he said

“Small amount? I work for two bronze a day this equal to one million coins divided by two this means 500 000 days of food and that is 1369 years of food! Holy shit, I can now afford to eat something better than a stew and have money to spare…”

“I- don’t know what to say, I am both amazed by your ability to work with such a meager salary and your ability to calculate… You said you loved to read? I would suggest that you get some books with that money, though I don’t know if there is a school that would take you in considering your background I think if you continue with self-study you might not need one. Another thing, you need to better your filthy looks your hair is covering most of your face that no one can even take a good look at you, and that body of yours sure needs a good bath… take care of yourself and don’t overspend what you have been given. Oh yeah and don’t tell anyone from where did you get that.”

“Yes yes, that is a good idea, it's been months since I last took a bath…” I said not paying attention to his last words.

It was not my fault. Actually, there was a close river from my hut where I used to bath. But now it became someone else' property, and I could not go there anymore. I can't even afford the money to go to a public bath, so I just didn’t go, I would wash with rainwater whenever it fell through, but that is a far cry from a real bath.

“Thank you for your great hospitality,” I said as I walked away taking the money and my old book that was given to me.

Though I was roughed up and was treated like shit, the end result was much better than I expected. Now I can leave to enjoy some ‘well-earned money.’


I walked outside the establishment and went towards the syndicate, I needed to make sure that I resigned properly else I get in more trouble.

Once I was walking down the street, someone bumped into me, making me drop the pouch while a few gold coins fell on the ground. I hurriedly grabbed them and placed them back on the pouch before I looked up.

People looked at me with strange eyes, and even some said

“He must have stolen them from someone.”

And shit… here goes my shitty luck again

“These are mine!” I protested and began walking away

A man then grabbed me by the shoulder with enough strength I felt it about to rip flesh from bone

“There is no way you can fool us ‘Theif!’”

“let me go!” I shouted at the man while many others

“Where did you get that? Which noble did you steal?” said another man, these were, but commoners and I knew their intentions, it was if they revealed me to have ‘stolen’ this from some noble they will earn their favor.

“I didn’t steal anyone, this money is mine, and I earned it!”

“What is going on here?”

Said a man of about 18 to 20 years old that just got in, looking at him he seemed to be a nobleman with great backing as he was wearing clothes that showed it.

He had a tall and well-built body frame, he had a small goatee and well-combed hair, all in all, he was a handsome young man.

“Young lord Fernand.!” Said one of the men and everyone gave way to the man

Whispers were heard here and there, and I knew who this person was…

He was the son of one of the second strongest families in the city. The Videls ranked second after the Ling family in power and wealth.

“Sir, we caught this thief who stole someone’s money, and we were going to present him to justice. However, he didn’t want to admit his wrongs and is insisting that this money is his.”

The man named Fernand looked at me with eyes filled with disgust and said

“Is this true?”

“No! that money is mine!”

“Then where did you get it from?” asked the man

“I cannot say,”

“then you have stolen it,” he said

“I said I didn’t!” I answered with a higher tone, refusing to be labeled a thief after having learned my lesson years ago.

“You dare raise your voice in my presence!” said the man as he slapped me with his backhand making me feel as if I was hit by a pole of metal

My lower lip was cut, and my mouth was bleeding as I feel on the ground

“Disgusting thing…” said the man as he wiped his hand with a handkerchief

“You dare steal and not admit your wronging you should be punished.”

“Why?!” I cried out “Why are you doing this to me? I didn't harm, anyone I didn’t hurt anyone, this is mine, and none of you have the right to take it away with me! just because I look like this doesn’t mean I illegally received this!”

“Grab him,” said the man and so they did

Holding me from my hands and forcing me to kneel before him.

The man took the pouch and opened it.

“This is much to be given as charity to one such as you, this further proves your lies… A hundred lashes. Fifty for the theft and another fifty for lying to me.”

The crowd went silent, though thieves were treated with strictness, a hundred lashes to a kid are way too much.

“B-But sir,” said the man that was responsible for my ‘capture.’

“He needs to learn his lesson, and for the others to learn from. I will not allow such things if I see them those that commit crimes need to be punished, and I will personally do it.

With that twisted concept of justice id rather lives in injustice you fucking asshole, you just want a reason to beat other up, you sadistic fuck! I thought to myself.

The ones holding me didn’t dare release me else they feared that my escape will cause them trouble, but I could still see in their eyes that they didn’t want me to suffer through this…

Some of them are good men with good hearts, I don't blame them for suspecting me to have stolen them, I mean what kind of a beggar would hold this much fortune within their hands…

One of them men removed my shirt, by just pulling on it. The thing was so fragile and overwashed that it was but an old piece of cloth on my back

“Huh?” said one of the men…

“You were whipped before?” he said

People then took an interest.

Another man then showed up

“What is going on here? Basara what the hell have you done?!” said a man I knew well

“You know this kid?” said The young lord.

“Y-Yes young lord…he ‘used’ to work for me… let me guess he was caught for theft?” said Ludic

“How would you know?” said the young Lord

“I knew since he applied to work for me, I gave him a chance to repent and look at him now, he went back to stealing even after being punished once, he never learned his lessons… no wonder he didn’t show up for work even after a week…”

A week had passed? It felt like a day?

But what the fuck are you saying! Are you trying to get me killed here you rotten old stingy bastard! I cried within myself

“So you stole before, and did it again… a hundred and fifty lashes!” he said

Once ludic heard the number his face turned pale, even more than mine

“Sir-“ yet before he could speak the Lord himself stood up and summoned a thorny vein with his right hand and struck at my exposed back with all his strength.

The vein looked exactly like the one that old lady used when I was in front of her office, but I didn’t have enough time to ‘admire the magic’ as I felt my back was about to break from the strength of the hit.

Before I could even gasp for air another hit struck at me forcing skin to open and flesh to show

He kept on striking as I kept on screaming from pain

I lost consciousness at one point, but another hit would wake me back up feeling more pain.

This kept on for a lot of time,

Though what felt like few minutes were like an eternity of pain to me. Another hit forced the book I had on my waist to drop to the ground.

“What is this? said the lord but I couldn’t answer as I was gasping for air and going in and out of consciousness

He grabbed the book and opened it after finding nothing of interest he threw it like if it was garbage.

“You must have stolen this too, thinking that it was worth something,” he said

And he continued on hitting me

People began to feel pity for sorry old me as with every hit they winced from the intensity of the strikes

Why did I have to suffer this injustice? I would have not taken that gold at all if I knew this would happen…

The crowd began to thin out as most felt disgusted by the merciless treatment I was receiving.

Even the lord began to feel tired as sweat began to drip from his forehead.

I hoped that he would stop, but I knew he wouldn’t.

“What is happening here?” said a man

Another intervention, I wonder if this one will add more fuel to the fire…

They all turned at first looking at the strange man, but they didn’t recognize him at first

“Lord Yo ling!” said the young lord

Everyone then gasped from just hearing the name, even I was shocked to know that the lord of the city is actually here…

I couldn’t feel more shame now that even the Lord will know of this, I will probably be killed today…

“Greetings my lord!” said the man as he bowed a bit

“That is a rather harsh treatment for a boy, why is this happening?”

“This kid has stolen someone else' property, he even lied to me after having given a chance to come clean, also he had been proven a thief that didn’t repent after being proven guilty… he stole before, and he stole again.”

“Those are serious crimes, however who is this one whose property was stolen? Can I meet them?” he said

Everyone then looked at each other in bewilderment. It is actually true if he had stolen something, where is the victim?

“They probably have yet to report the theft, my lord,” said the young lord

“Then you are giving punishment to one before you have all the facts, that is not justice, one must face their crimes and their victims before they are punished, you are acting as a judge before you know the whole truth…”

“You are right my lord, but all evidence is against this kid.”

“Kid,” said the lord, “did you truly steal someone else’s property?”

“I did no such thing,” I said gasping for air

“You dare lie in the presence of his lordship!” said the man as he held the whip high trying to strike me again with more fervor, strength, and rage

“Enough!” said the Lord

“What is this property that you are accused of stealing.”

“A hundred pieces of gold…” I said

“A hundred gold? if you say, you didn’t steal it how did you get it?”

“It was given to me by someone.”

“That is no small amount of money to be given as a charity, who gave it to you?”

“I cannot say, I promised to keep it a secret,” I said

“That is no valid reason, if you do not tell me who gave it to you, then I cannot help you.”

“I cannot say, that is not my right to say.”

“Even if it means suffering more pain?” said the lord

“Even if, I promised, no matter how people see me, a beggar, a thief, a dirty orphaned brat I will still keep my word, my word is all I have, and if I was to resign it then I have nothing else…”

“What a dilemma…” said the Lord

“He must be saying this just to get away from trouble, I am sure that the one that is the owner of this money will show up soon.” Said the young lord Fernand.

“Look, he even stole this book, I am sure we can track its ‘real’ owner.”

“A book?” said the City lord

“Yes, this book.”

Once the lord saw the book, his eyes opened wide.

He began releasing murderous intent the moment he placed his hand on it. He flipped the pages a bit and said in a calm yet domineering voice

“Kid… I will ask you a question and depending on how you answer your fate will change…”

Everyone gulped hard after hearing the rage within the man’s voice

“Did you steal this book?”

“No sir… that book is mine.”

“You dare lie again! You must be courting death!”

The city lord didn't even want to answer as the kid’s words made sense to him more than they did to anyone else.

Then just to make sure that his doubts are true

“Can you tell me what it says then?” said the lord

“Those words might be unreadable to you my lord, but it says; Focus, for one to hold such a book one needs to focus, for one to hold such power one needs to be in the balance, for one to seek more knowledge, one must give blood “

“What a bunch of lies, he must have made those words up-“ yet before he could finish his sentence a powerful slap was heard.

Fernand, the son of the second strongest family in the city, was struck by the city lord.

“You stupid! Ignorant! Idiot!” said the city lord with rage

“W-What what did I do?”

“This kid is telling the truth. The money belongs to him, it was given to him for his troubles by my order, I just didn’t know his real face. He was asked not to reveal the source of the money… good god, what would you have done if I was not here, not only did you treat him with injustice you didn’t even check if his words were true, you are a disgrace to your family name! go back to where you come from!”

The man felt shocked at the city lord’s words and left in a hurry, unable to understand what happened.

“I knew you were innocent kid,” said Ludic

You fucking liar… to gain the favor of the Videls you threw me into the fire, and now you wanted to gain the city lord’s favor by siding with me.

“Enough with this farce. You and you” said the city lord to the men that were holding me down

“Release the kid!” he ordered, and they did without hesitation afraid of what he might do, no one wants to cross the hero of flames.

“Kid, what is your name?” he asked me

“My, My name is Basara.”

“Good, Basara, can you walk?” he asked me

I then stood up but felt light-headed, and instantly dropped to my knees

“God damn it… He went to these lengths… I am going to make sure he pays for this!” said the Lord

“You two,” he addressed the same guys that were holding me down and said

“Carry this child and follow me.”

And so they did

“Ouch!” is aid

“Gently!” said the old man caring for my injuries…

I wonder where I might be going now… I hope that nothing serious is going to happen from now on… at least I got out of this situation alive, and I just hope that it remains the case…

However, this shitty luck of mine is a mystery to me. At one point it is going to get me killed, and the second it gets the Lord of the city to save my ass…

I can’t understand what is going on, nor do I feel like it right now. Though I was In pain, I had to close my eyes as fatigue hit me and my mind faded into darkness.

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