《Blood Creed》Chapter 24 (Party invite, and a date with a princess?)


Chapter 24

Going back to my room I saw Melinda at the door with a smile beaming with pride. She was happy. It seems that my victory today gave them a lot of pride, and some leverage.

A double negative that managed to defeat an S classed. How often does that happen? Never.

“lady Akari is very glad that you managed to defeat Lady Lissandra, though it might get a bit troublesome in the future I like to assure you that you have done well in defending our House’s motto. Never back down from a challenge, from whomever it is.” She said

“Thank you for your kind words,” I said with a smile. “I only did what I could, I never thought I would win though, it was more luck than skill, I still have much to learn”

“There is no such thing as luck, even if many think that your weapon was unorthodox and not a weapon sued by a swordsman, it still brought you victory, it is your opponent’s fault for not being able to adapt, not yours for winning the match.” She said as she entered.

“I have brought you a new set of clothes. Yours have been damaged and we don’t want to appear like beggars.” She said as she handed me a newer butler suit.”

“Thank you, By the way, the house Dantess has invited Lady Akari to a Party that will be held tonight I hope that you would inform her,” I said

Melinda gave an acknowledging nod and moved away.

I took the new set of clothes and entered my room. After closing the door I heard Nocturne saying.

‘Don’t get arrogant, that was just one win, if you were to fight with that woman again I believe that you will face defeat. You have still much to learn, and many things to improve.”

‘You don’t have to act like that, I won, and that is that I won’t act arrogant and I know my limits if it truly was not for that weapon that match would have ended differently that I know. Furthermore, I know that many would now be wanting to take me down, I have one week to get stronger then challengers will come knocking on my door”

‘At least you know what is good for you. Then we shall resume, I have many complains about how you dealt with that game and where you could improve many, many things’ said Nocturne as I took the lotus position and began assimilating.

Entering my sea of consciousness I thought that Nocturne will attack as soon as I stepped in, but luckily he didn’t

“Relax,” he said “Look” he added as he waved his hand replaying the game of this day.

“Your movements are sluggish, you never properly held your sword correctly, your grip was too firm but without balance or confidence behind it. You moved based on instinct and not on skill. The woman you fought was rather accurate, organized and knew what she was doing, while you were passive, and only acted based on the outcome of her attacks. Never in the whole game have you taken the initiative. Only counter attacking which places you in a feeble position against people that have strong and continuous attack patterns.” He said fully analyzing my combat.

“You are too lax. I should probably step up our spars by a notch.” Said Nocturne as he grinned a bit

“What do you mean?” I asked.

Then there were two Nocturnes before me.



They both grinned at each other and looked towards me saying

“This should be just about enough to bring you to your limit Basara.” They both said as they dived me.

And so the hellish training began.

Within the slowed time a dodge practice started.

Nocturne wanted for me to see an opportunity to turn the tables, to be the one that initiates an attack and not remain passive while waiting for a counter. However, I was barely able to remain standing with just one Nocturne, now that they are two… I could barely survive for five breaths before I die a gruesome and horrible way.

The giant black orb that floated inside my sea of consciousness was gradually growing in size. Bit by bit consuming the natural Qi and evolving.

Every time I would exert myself I would feel the specks of Qi invading my body, refining it, and removing the various impurities within it.

My body would grow stronger the longer I am assimilating, while also training with Nocturne my Mind will grow sharper.

After few hours of constant agony and without visible progress on how to deal with the duo Nocturne I was wakened up by Melinda.

“It is time Basara, we should start preparing for the Party at the Dantess’s lodging,” said Melinda.

“Ugh! You stink!” she then added, “Hurry up and take a shower, you are becoming an assimilation maniac.” She said before she left.

Looking at my body it was indeed filled with sweat. A greasy kind of it. Once Qi enters the body it refines it from the base. Doing so the bloodstreams cause the impurities to be exerted through the body’s pores as a form of sweat.

‘Your body is almost ready for a breakthrough. Once you reach the fifth level you will have fully refined your flesh, then you will begin with refining your bones and marrow, after that, you will have to open your meridians and unlock your Dantian so that you can circulate Qi within your body” said Nocturne.

“Meridians? Dantian? What are those?” I said as I heard these terms for the first time in my life.

“Sigh, your world knows not about the secrets of Cultivation, even naming it assimilation is an offense to its name. in order to empower your body, you must know of its secrets. You will understand what I am talking about once you reach the sixth level. Your master Shen is unable to breakthrough due to his lack of understanding regarding the matter.”

“No need to hurry then,” I said “all will be known in due time,” I said as I went to the showers.

Once done I wore my clothes and dried my hair. I met Melinda who was wearing her usual maid clothes, she was elegant. I wonder how a dress would look on her.

“Finally you are done. Hurry up, Lady Aakarii has been waiting for a time now” she said as she moved forward.

Outside the room Lady Akari was waiting for us, she was wearing a sleeveless red dress patterned with a golden style, and on the back, there was a coining red dragon that washes roaring defying the heavens.

“We should not delay any longer,” Said Lady Akari.

“Sorry for taking your time My lady”I answered apologizing.

“No matter lets go,” she said as she moved forward. The two of us followed behind”

It was night time and the weather was rather chilly, but that didn’t seem to bother Lady Akari.

The Dorm room of the Hosue Dantess was on the other building. So we had to cross the large school entrance to reach it.


Once our identities have been approved by the operators within the building we were granted access.

Going all the way to the seventh floor via a strange platform that would carry people up and down. We reached the designated room.

It was of the same size as ours, however, it had much more decoration than where we were lodging.

It seems that the room owner had spent a huge amount of points into modifying their room purchasing luxurious furniture and different items to make themselves more comfortable.

Victor was there to receive us as he bowed before Lady Akari saying

“Welcome to our humble stay Lady of the House Ling.” He said then looked at Melinda and I giving the both of us an acknowledging nod.

Once inside we saw a huge table that was filled with luxurious looking food and on one side of it a woman of almost the same age as I was sitting.

“This is the first daughter of the Hosue Dantess, Lady Selena Dantess. I present to you the first Daughter of the House Ling Lady Akari Ling” said Victor in a polite manner

“I am glad to make your acquaintances,” said Lady Akari as she gave an elegant bow.

“The pleasure is mine, please have a seat Lady Akari,” she said

Once lady Akari sat, the both of us, me and Melinda stood behind her as Melinda was first to move and helping Lady Akari by moving her chair for her.

Once seated the both of them began by asking about family and stuff.

While the food was being served by another servant, he, however, wore a mask on his face and didn’t utter a word.

“This is Drogo, this is of rare words don’t be bothered by his mask he is a caring person,” said Lady Selena

“No problem,” said Lady Akari as they continued with their small talk.

This was the number one rule of the noble etiquettes, where people ask about miscellaneous stuff in order to prove another’s mind, hoping to find anything to use as a leverage, though this was a simple conversation, the both of them were trying to grasp something of one another. It was also a battle, however, this one was without sword or magic, but with words. A deadly battle…

“So, today’s invitation was due to something I need from you Lady Akari.” Said Selena.

Then she looked at me.

“Would you be willing to sell me that servant of yours?” she asked.


‘It seems that you became some sort of livestock to be bought and sold’ said Nocturne as he laughed.

“I Have to refuse, my Lady,” said Lady Akari

With those words, I felt relieved but didn’t show anything.

“I know what you are thinking, Indeed Basara showed a remarkable talent and incredible power, defeating Lady Lissandra and managing to bring back honor to our house, however, we don’t treat our servants as merchandise to be bought and sold at our whims.” She said with a serious look on her face.

“Relax, relax,” said Lady Selena as she laughed “I was only wanting to see your reaction. Even I don’t consider my servants as tools, they are like my family and I treat them right. Thus I wanted to see how you are treating yours, I am amazed though, as I understand… Basara is an orphaned child, who was groomed by your house only a few months ago. And now he is the most talked about within the royal School Visania. I believe the king will also come to know the name of the person that had defeated his prized daughter.” She said with a grin.

Easily bringing about the fact that I am of an unknown background…

“What do you intend to say with words like these?” said lady Akari while raising a brow.

“I just want you to know, that once the secret is known you will face heat from the rest of the students, I am here to elevate that heat. I am willing to do a business relationship with you.” She said.

“As you know, the House Dantess is the one responsible for intelligence and acts as a safeguard to the kingdom’s intelligence. We know everything about everyone. The current events have proven to be problematic. The fact that a servant reached the Higher class is enough to cause problems for everyone here in the school. What I ask is that Basara would accept a challenge from one of my servants and would lose the match. Thus demoting him back to the S class. In doing so my servant will challenge Lady Lissandra and lose to her giving back her seat.” She said

Yet before lady Akari would speak Lady Selena said

“I know this is rather selfish, however, you will be compensated for this. I am willing to give you 50 000 points in exchange for this. There is no need for Basara to remain in the S class, though I am being a bit discriminative, however a noble will be much of use if they receive the teachings of the S class. On the other hand, I am ready to prepare for Basara to study in a B class without him being forced out of it or looked down upon by others.” She said

Melinda looked a bit angry but didn’t speak.

Even I didn’t understand why she would be asking something like this…

“Lady Selena, I would have to decline. Basara had earned his class due to his hard work, and I will not be the one to force him out of that class, he has gained it and it is his responsibility to keep it. No matter who, our house will not tolerate pressure and will stand firm against other trying to leverage us with pressure. As for lady Lissandra, I am sure someone with her talent can climb back easily to the S class.” Said Lady Akari

“it seems that you failed to understand the reason behind my words Lady Akari, Basara will sooner or later be demoted from his class, I am just saying that we should take advantage of that certain fact before it is too late. If we give back lady Lissandra her seat then she will be indebted towards us and we can use that dept in the future.” She said trying to convince Lady Akari.

“I don’t think I am willing to listen to this anymore. I have said this and will say it again, We in the house Ling will not tolerate being bullied. If Lady Lissandra had lost her seat she better work hard to reclaim it. As for Basara, he earned it with his hard work and I will not be the one to take that away from him, no matter the reward.” Said Lady Akari as she stood up and left.

I gave a bow towards everyone and followed by Melinda Lady Akari.

‘That is a good mistress you have there, Basara’ said Nocturne

Indeed. I never thought that she would think so highly of me… I have to work hard to make her not feel that she made a mistake in not taking this chance.

“Thank you lady Akari for everything,” I said.

“What are you talking about, this is rather normal, I was expecting someone to do this anyway. She tried to take a place of power mentioning the background of her house and how she knows about your background, then tried to give an easy solution which will benefit her more. I don’t really like people like that. And you should better stay away from them, Points? Favors? Those are but sweet words that have no weight. I will not tolerate people trying to take what is rightfully mine, and you too Basara don’t let anyone take what is yours unjustly.” She said as she moved forward.

Once we reached our dorm room, it seems that there were two people waiting outside the door to our room.

They were two servants with the emblem of the lion on their back… servants of the royal family…

They turned around exuding an authoritative aura. One of them was a tall man who was probably in his early twenties. While the other was a short looking buy probably around 14-15 years old.

“I presume you are Basara,” said the short servant without giving a glance towards Lady Akari.

“Lady Lissandra wishes to speak with you.” He said and gave me an envelope.

“Thank you for your time,” he said and left the perimeter.

The tall looking man gave us a probing look and left.

Lady Akari looked at me and said

“Remember, Never let anyone take what is yours without your consent.” She said without Asking what was inside the envelope.

Once Lady Akari entered the room I looked at Melinda who was a bit interested in the contents of the letter but didn’t want to say it.


I opened the letter and saw something written inside it.

“Come meet me at the gates of the undying forest at Midnight, come alone” Lissandra Visania.


“It seems that you have a night date with a royal princess,” said Melinda with a smirk.


this letter smells of trouble…

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