《the human (r.h)》five; teeth


"What did them freaks want with you earlier?"

Delilah and Maya were stood in the food line together, one of the only times they actually hung out at school together was in this line. Delilah normally enjoyed the catch up, but today she wished they could of just skipped it.

"What freaks?"

Maya turned around, pointing her finger to the table that held all of the Cullen siblings. Delilah also turned around, quickly pulling Maya's arm down once she saw who she was pointing at.

"They aren't freaks Maya."

She had heard what people say about the Cullens, but she knew that most of the talk was just from people who envied them, like Jessica Stanley. However she didn't realise her sister was one of those people.

"They are freaks Delilah, look at them."

Delilah turned back around, smiling at the dinner lady who handed her her usual tray of food.

"No they aren't, they're just..... different."

"No, we're different, they are freaks."

It was now that the brunette had grown bored of her sisters words, even though Delilah wasn't the nicest person going, she wasn't going to stand here and talk bad about the Cullens. Especially because she quite liked them.

So instead she walked off and not to her usual table.

Isabella Swan sat with her new friendship group and once she saw Delilah start making her way to them, she almost had a heart attack.

"Room for one more?"

Mike Newton couldn't believe his ears, the most beautiful human he'd ever laid his eyes on was stood next to him, asking if she could sit down. He almost had to pinch himself.

"Course there is." It was Angela that finally replied to Delilah.

Jessica Stanley would have but she wasn't the most happy with Delilah sitting with them. It wasn't that she hated her, it was that she disliked her. Delilah was the IT girl, which is exactly what Jess wanted to be, and she probably would be if it wasn't for her.


"Isabella Swan, how has your day been?"

Bella thought over her words, her eyes flicking over to the Cullen table before turning to speak to the girl next to her. "It's been okay."

"Better now I'm here?" The smirk on Delilah's lips meant that Bella didn't know if she was joking or not.


"That didn't sound very sure." Delilah moved her eyes from Bella to the Cullen table, using her brain to figure out that they had to be the cause of Bella's mood. "Any more developments on your stench burning Edward Cullens nose?"

She knew that it was a joke, but it wasn't doing anything to cheer her up. "No....he's literally gone missing today."

Delilah burst out laughing, she just couldn't help it. "Stop it, tell me you're lying."

"Why would I lie about that? Look, can you see him at the table?"

So Delilah did look, and Bella was right, he wasn't sat in his usual seat. "No way Bells, you smelt that bad that he had to take the day off."

The now embarrassed brunette sank down in her seat, very aware that most of the people in the room had their eyes on her very red face. "Shut up."

"You should totally ask them."

It was now that a chocking noise was heard. "What?"

"Ask them."

Bella couldn't help but stumble over her words. "W-what? I-I can't ask them."

Delilah just rolled her eyes in return. "Why not?"

Still Bella stumbled over her words. "B-Because it's embarrassing!"

The blue eyed brunette shrugged her shoulders, a smile appearing on her face. "Fine. I'll ask them then."

Before Bella could even protest, Delilah was out of her seat and strutting over to the Cullen table, very aware that every eye in the room was on her.

Once she reached the table, she just stood with her arms folded and smiling for a few seconds before starting to speak. "Hi."


"Hi Delilah." It was Alice that replied, the only one with a smile on her face.

Rosalie on the other hand couldn't help but scowl slightly. "Come to threaten us again, George?"

At the blondes words Delilah only smiled larger. "On a second name basis now? That hurts Rose."

"Maybe if you weren't such a bitch it'd be first name."

Unfortunately for Rosalie, Delilah always had a knack for getting under people's skin. So she placed her hands on the table, leaning down so Rosalie could see straight down her top while pulling her a smirk. "Oh, you'd like to be on more than first name basis with me though, wouldn't you?"

It was very clear that the vampire was flustered, who wouldn't be? The most lusted after girl at the whole high school was here flirting with her. After a few seconds and a quick clear of her throat, Rosalie managed to reply. "Shut up, George." A rather pathetic reply.

Delilah just smirked even larger before straightening up. "Edward not well today?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Even though Rosalie was being rude to Delilah, Alice couldn't help the small smile on her face, it was better than nothing.

"I would actually Rosie, that's why I'm asking."

She was so infuriating, she got on Rosalie's last nerve. All because she had some effect on her that no one else did.

"How about a deal?" Delilah had never heard Olivia Cullen speak before, it was strange. Although thinking about it, she'd never really heard any of them speak.

The brunette only rolled her eyes. "Haven't I made you enough deals?" Referencing her one with them on the topic of befriending Isabella Swan.

"Clearly not." She liked Olivia, while she wed giving Delilah a slight attitude, it was almost friendly.

Delilah hummed. "You see, the thing is, the only reason I'm asking is for that girl over there." She pointed at Isabella, not bothered that the girl was looking. "And why am I asking for her? Because you told me to befriend her, so really, this is part of my original deal."

She did have a point, although it was a point that Rosalie wanted to argue with. "Why don't you ask mommy and daddy, didn't you make the same deal with them?"

Something about Delilah was that when you mentioned her family, she had a very short fuse. She didn't take well to anyone criticising them, even if they deserved it.

So the brunette slammed her hands down on the table in front of her, fire burning in her eyes. "You don't know shit about that."

The blonde only matched her anger, pushing her chair backwards as she too stood up slamming her hands against the table. "Oh yeah? Enlighten me then."

Unknowingly the two were leaning closer to each other across the table, if it wasn't for the anger on their faces you'd think they were about to kiss. "Fuck you."

"I'm sure you'd like to."

The argument had barely even started before it finished, Delilah could feel herself being manipulated and she wouldn't allow it. She could feel Rosalie getting under her skin when it should be the other way around.

So the girl spun around, her hair flying out around her as she stormed out of the canteen, knowing that every pair of eyes were on her shaken figure.

She couldn't believe Rosalie had said that in front of everyone, she was positive everyone heard. She'd never been as embarrassed in her life.

She was mainly embarrassed because she knew it was true.

It seemed the biggest mistake Delilah had made so far was getting so close to Rosalie Hale.

unbelievable how long it took me to update this:( also idk if this is gonna be a slow burner or not yet, also i'm gonna include a lot of sexual tension:)

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